Posts for nico

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some of the worst sound effects in video game history. sounds like someone snorting coke everytime the guy jumps. i always liked playing nightcrawler. my friends were like "wolverine's awesome-- he's got claws," and i would be like "yeah, but nightcrawler can teleport." voting yes.
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I'm not considering doing any run at this point. Yeah, Kirby can do Metal Mario much faster, but look how long Yoshi Team takes, for instance. It's a trade with any character. Overall, I still think Fox would be the fastest.
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i know some of you wanted to see a high score run. this guy used an emulator and recorded it for high score:
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was thinking about doing one like this. might as well forfiet over these suggestions as i'm likely not to start on it for a while.
  • holding down does increase fall speed on 19 heart; therefore, use both rotation buttons to save frames.
  • as many garbage lines that can be cleared need to be cleared. it is quicker to get lines this way because it is less dependent on tetrominoes. likewise, always get tetrises because it combines 4 clears with one slowdown animation. when 4 aren't possible, get 3 ad infinitum.
voting no by the way, but good try.
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i'm guessing the general stream of play is something like this. first 5 minutes: "cool! wall jumps." next 5 minutes: "uh, i'm done."
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very nice. loved the single frame from drown part.
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["Coinless Stars" Collect as many Power Stars as you can without getting a single coin anywhere, not even outside the 15 main courses. Special caps and Cannons allowed. Whenever you accidentally collect a coin, reset the game!] taken from everyone there seems to think it tops out at 77. don't know if this helps or not.
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measuring them in terms of speed, terms of in-game decisions (challenge level for example), or game recorded achievement to name a few. there's other goals that can be measured objectively. it's those that drive its quality. edit: entertainment (or any other construct) as an indirect result, not as a meaning to initiate. a recording to be judged by objective measure is one that has meaning to its author and is one that is capable to compete over.
Post subject: Objectivism and Motivation
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Our primary goals are to create art and provide entertainment.
There is an issue. The quality of a work depends on the extent of motivation to improve that work, and motivation is primarily derived through competition. It is simple to see that the most contested games are best in quality. Using words like "art" and "entertainment" are difficult to place in competition because these are subjective judgments. Recordings need to be composed to objective ends, and their latent entertainment value follows from their quality. If the recording is not entertaining, then it may be said that it either needs more appropriate objectives for entertainment value or that it is not a good game to compete over.
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that's a good idea. that seems to be the only way for break the targets (btt) to be done. one fast as possible, one most bonuses (it shows the number of bonuses after the game), and one highest score (pacifist). then after, btt and btp.
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you're right. it can be improved by about 15 frames. the drop through slipped my mind. in any case, i've tried unsuccessfully to hex it, but i suppose that would be an appropriate reason to reject the movie.
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I'm not disagreeing at all about the break the targets thing. I think this should be done, but understand that right now there's really no way to do it. I was first and foremost a competitor of break the targets. At one point, the top three were malva (total around 2:22), myself (2:26), and mojo i think (sub 2:30). So when I found out about 64 tas, I naturally started doing perfect btt's (did wr pikachu [9.15] and wr mario [7.97]. It's just that there's no application for this on the site because there are no savestates allowed. Please do not vote no to this movie just because you would rather see a break the targets movie.
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i can say that because of the obvious manifest reference to the n64 console. really, what is the point in you posting that? it doesn't add to anything, nor it does say anything a reader wouldn't already understand. come on.
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that isn't true either. default diagonal allows for something like 45 left & 55 up for example. some diagonal inputs will never be able to go to 100 since the most the tilt trick will gain is 50% more, which would be 95%-- not 100%. 63 isn't arbitrary. it's pretty significant seeing how everyone up until now has been playing using that range. i'm not saying to put a restriction on it; i'm just being difficult.
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no one said there were 3rd party controllers that allow 100%. i've used one that had more than 63%, but that's not exactly the same thing.
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oh, i was thinking the other platform. my mistake. i'll need to hex that in later.
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Truncated wrote:
> >And I would prefer a player behind this run, that have discovered many of the tricks or that has proved his skills. Not someone who watched all possible videos and tries to do the same "pixel perfect". Well, it's not like anyone can stop FODA from doing a run. But he doesn't have exclusive rights to it either. You or anyone who has played the game a lot would like to make a run there's nothing stopping you. If you want to give tips and routes to FODA I'm pretty sure that would also be appreciated.
totally. you "would prefer"? you're lucky this is even happening. he's taking time out of his day to make an amazing speedrun, and you're going to be picky about it?
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you're completely right, but i think these two should be seperated into different speed runs. one for fastest 1 player, and another for fastest btt/btp with all characters. see i've done a few individuals already, and tinister is working on a full completion; however, there's a problem with getting all the characters in one speedrun since no save states are allowed.
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rolling takes way more frames than short hopping, and fox can't fall through that platform.
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taunts, yeah. nearly any other character and i would be able to do the super cool taunt canceling. it's a glitch that lets a player taunt like 3 times a second. as for variety, i think this is something that would be benifit more to the unfamiliar player of smash bros. i was trying to satisfy a more meaningful objective. and i can always take out the last bit. need more feedback on that, though. i tried throwing metal mario off, and i was even able to get him off within 2 seconds, but this is only that top platform. he wouldn't at all jump off the bottom platform and attack no matter what. i encourage anyone to try before using this against me.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Former player
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it minimizes recovery time in order to get to the next character faster. if i were to jump ahead of time, it would mean a large slow down waiting to fall to the ground after the attack.
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a lot of the stages will be slower than the last one-- either because the cpu tries to return or because the cpu has added weight that makes them take longer to KO in team matches. there were also a lot of other opening move options that were unavailable because the cpu would attack.
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yeah, okay. good point. just as long as the r+l+start argument is ruled out.
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no, that isn't my point. my point is that in a speed run on the console or on an emulator, realignment would never be an option because by simply pressing the start button, this would make an unbypassable pause-- slowing down the game. so by saying that it's the same thing as just allowing 100% isn't true because just allowing 100% doesn't account for the mid game pausing.