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That's awesome news, I never thought about trying the bad clone again after getting the name garbaged one. At this exact moment I'm forced to Linux and thus can't use vba-rr to even watch the file (insert-request-to-update-the-linux-branch-here). In the mean time, I think it's worth to try the VBA-M rerecording version to see if its emulation is accurate:
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marzojr wrote:
p4wn3r wrote:
and thus, there would be at least one notion of time assimmetry by looking at quantum states, no matter how someone may interpret this. Further, wouldn't an interpretation that has no causality assimmetry mean that every quantum event state(A)->state(B) could also happen as state(B)->state(A) and wouldn't this only hold together with the second law of thermodynamics if all of them didn't change entropy and so, are all reversible?
Unless there is a clear temporal asymmetry of the system (magnetic fields go here, unless you swap charge and parity too*), every quantum event state(A)->state(B) does happen as state(B)->state(A). Thermodynamics are for thermodynamic systems -- quantum systems generally don't apply -- hence talk of entropy is meaningless. * See CPT symmetry. In a more modern description, the emergence of the classical world comes about as a result of decoherence -- a shifting of wavefunction phases that causes the interference (quantum) effects to disappear; this, along with statistical mechanics, would lead to the second law of thermodynamics.
Yeah, I recalled reading something about symmetry of physical laws before, it must be CPT symmetry. Well, I just asked because the 2nd law of thermodynamics is the only time assymmetric law I'm aware of, and I also remembered an operator in quantum mechanics satisfied a condition to be consistent with it, probably it has nothing to do with entropy then, since you said it's undefined there. Thanks a lot.
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marzojr wrote:
What is more, there are many different interpretations of QM, some of them not even having a defined notion of history or past -- hence, no true way to talk about "randomness" (as "randomness" means that an event is causally disconnected from its past -- no past, no randomness).
May I ask for further clarifications on this? I mean psi(t) = exp(Ĥ i t / h) psi(0) clearly depends on time and the initial state and thus, there would be at least one notion of time assimmetry by looking at quantum states, no matter how someone may interpret this. Further, wouldn't an interpretation that has no causality assimmetry mean that every quantum event state(A)->state(B) could also happen as state(B)->state(A) and wouldn't this only hold together with the second law of thermodynamics if all of them didn't change entropy and so, are all reversible?
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Warp wrote:
p4wn3r wrote:
No scientific "evidence" or any finite amount of experiments is capable of proving natural laws, whether the scientific method crafted by humans can accurately predict the laws of the entire universe is ultimately tied to an individual's personal beliefs
No, it isn't. Either all natural laws governing this universe can be studied and determined from within this universe, or they can't. It's not a question of opinion. That's as silly as saying something like "whether energy exists is a question of belief". No, it isn't. It either exists or not, and beliefs and opinions don't change that fact.
Going back to logic 101, we have this: We also have a logic system that negates this too:
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While I do respect the opinion of previous posters using scientific arguments, I consider the existence of free will a philosophical question and its answer is outside the scope of science. No scientific "evidence" or any finite amount of experiments is capable of proving natural laws, whether the scientific method crafted by humans can accurately predict the laws of the entire universe is ultimately tied to an individual's personal beliefs, no matter how clear it may seem to the human mind. It doesn't matter if a scientific theory uses vector calculus, partial differential equations, tensors and other advanced mathematical concepts to explain nature, it's still based on strong assumptions and mathematics is true only if its axioms are. Because of this, despite its numerous applications and convincing arguments, science isn't philosophically any better than religion. So, I'd rather answer the question "Does God play dice?" with "Who are we to say what God plays?". That said, I'm a Roman Catholic, and I believe free will exists.
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I got pretty drunk at a party last week, so much that people are still laughing of what I did there, I had a nasty hangover the next day and now I'm short of money because alcoholic beverages are goddamn expensive! FWP
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That was an interesting read, Brandon. I especially liked your comparison between the 9/11 and the Reichstag fire, I'd never have thought of connecting them. Your other comparisons are also great and really interesting, but I can't stop thinking that the parallel between the current US and Nazi Germany is a little inaccurate, the main reason: intensity. In the 1930's the world was a much more complicated to live, politically wise. As they entered the 20th century, people were driven by the philosophy that democratic governments, the progress of science and the spread of the western ideologies to the rest of the world would ultimately lead to a better world. However, in their "noble" mission to transfer the "superior" culture to the less evolved peoples, the powers started an imperialism race, that led to conflicts between them and collapsed into WWI. After the war, Germany was taken by winner's logic as the country to be blamed for starting it, the future 1929 crisis made it go down even more and there was communism that survived the crisis fine and was spreading through Europe, that considered it a threat to their culture. In this scenario, it could at the very least be expected that a party like the Nazis would emerge. People lost their faith that a democratic world would be better. In response came a regime based on militarism, nationalism, anti-intellectualism, control of the media and totalitarism, I view the racial question as a way to get the majority of people to agree with the government, I don't know a better way to convince a group of countless different ideologies that to say that they're a superior race and should be united. And there was communism too, that was afaik the only reason Europe decided to let Hitler militarize Germany, thinking he would fight the Soviet Union. It makes sense when they declared war to him shortly after he signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin. Anyway, the scenario at that time was much more open to fascist governments. About the US taking off civil rights after 9/11, all governments do this, in fact many constitutions say that the government can do this when the country is threatened and even if it isn't there, they still do it. In moments of danger, civilians always turn to the military for help, the same applies when the country is threatened, they turn to the government and are willing to sacrifice some rights in order to be safe. During the cold war, the most popular excuse to put dictatorships in latin american countries was exactly that, having communists as the biggest threat. So, while I agree that after 9/11 a similar trend took place, I don't think it had the same intensity to be compared with Germany. The US's economy was stable and Islam isn't even close to the threat that the USSR was at that period. Also, the democracy in the US is probably the most well estabilished and organized in the entire world. It's been there for hundreds of years, many countries with large economies have democracies with little more than 20 years and have a lot of corrupt politicians, which are a much bigger issue than the influence the US president might have on the congress on a particular matter. About the foreign policy, it's the most controversial subject of the US when seen from the outside world. In fact, when people from other countries follow the elections there, they want this to be changed. It's undeniable that the US has significantly influenced politics in lots of countries, since Roosevelt with his "big stick" policy. This is by no means a modern trend. Also, the UN has subsequently failed to address even small conflicts in Africa, let alone the ones where the US is involved, its security council is completely useless. In short, it's needed much more than a terrorist attack and the Patriot Act to compare it with Nazi Germany or other hard dictatorships. By much more, I say a huge economic crisis, and not one where some investors go crazy because of some unemployment rates, I'm talking about hyperinflation, with inflation rates reaching 2000% a month, where you receive your paycheck today, and know that tomorrow this money will be worth much less, like when you go to the bank and find your account emptied because the government took it to contain inflation, or when they need to change the currency because they can no longer print the necessary amount of bills. And by more than the Patriot Act, I mean a situation where military are absolved from killing workers by saying "they were holding communist flags", where officers go to a professor's house and accuse him of being a communist because he had a math book by a russian author, when some students choose a professor with disagreeing ideas as their graduation ceremony paranymph and get expelled from the institution one month before graduation, and many years later after the regime is over and the rector of this institution (that's related to the air force btw) decides to give those students the diploma, this rector is thrown out of his position the very next day. Well, wall of text is over. I don't know much about social sciences and most of what I wrote was what I got from my own experience, and I had nothing to do, so... Anyway, I find it nice that you're interested in these subjects, they're pretty interesting.
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I know, I meant in VBA it's only on for GBA, looking at VBA's code though, both in GB and GBA the lines that implement it are commented out, so it seems they took the motion sensor off in both modes. It may be possible to make it use them again by uncommenting those lines and compiling again.
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Motion sensors are GBA only. Due to the striking differences of GB and GBA emulation, I don't think these issues are related.
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OK, now I've taken a shower, thought a lot about this and I'm much calmer now. I apologize for the incisive posts before, I'm extremely hot headed.
gia wrote:
What? You were the one supposed to frame war it, I congratulate you on pulling it off like this though, never expected you try and even less to succeed,
I couldn't tell that was your intention, you just uploaded your run to youtube and told me you'd done it. I'm also not sure if I understand what you're saying, you were expecting me to improve it but didn't think I'd match it? I did try to improve it after I made this movie some months ago, I started debugging it to find out what actually happened, I had many ideas, but after testing them out they didn't work. Seriously, I'm burnt out by this game, I don't think I'd be able to do that run at this moment.
gia wrote:
me not posting the vbm not was as a safeguard from you but from some random troll, but well it seems it also safeguarded me from you, if only for some months at least.
Well, Safeguard only lasts five turns First, about me submitting a run similar to yours: Do I think I did anything illegal or morally wrong by submitting this? No, I didn't look at your input or copied it, I just watched your video, tried some stuff in my computer, found out how it worked, debugged a little to get the meaning and did the input file. I think I'd be unethical if I submitted it few days after you posted it, in this case I doubt this submission would receive the same feedback that it got. I only submitted it this late because (1) I thought there was a remote possibility of you working to improve it (2) I didn't care really, I'd give this run a 5 on entertainment if I could rate it, I don't think it's a movie people would miss. Contrary to popular belief, I don't think the Yellow runs were my best work, I give this title to the pokédex run I coauthored with Mukki. Do I feel fine after submitting this? No, what motivated me to submit this was people requesting it, at first they wanted a vbm so I provided mine, then the community said it should be submitted, which I did. I do respect your position to not want a run using your strategy in this site, gia, but I take the desire of the community far higher into consideration, sorry. However, there can never be unanimity, and I'm sure that by doing this a considerable amount of people lost some respect for me, if they had any. Do I think this should be taken down? No, because I did nothing wrong with this submission, legally or ethically, in my ideal world you would submit your run, but you confirmed this won't happen several times and I see no need to hide it from the community. And don't keep vbm's private because of trolls, TASers are rare creatures, few people would bother to even download them, and trust me, 99% of youtube watchers don't even know what a TAS is. The only difference is that it'd be proof that your run was valid, and even with the vbm we still couldn't link to your video in the movies page because you didn't want it here. In the rare instances where people submitted the input of others claiming it was theirs, this was properly dealt with. Ironically, you posting the vbm would be a much better "safeguard" from me since it wouldn't be so clear that I didn't have it in possession.
gia wrote:
If I were to publish an improvement to this you would have won, and that won't happen. After adelikat's response which given the course of this thread is to be another negative I am quitting this hobby altogether.
I'm not sure if you're gonna reply to this after adelikat's post, but anyway, the gia that first beat Yellow in 1:09.63 is a great TASer who received three awards and, seeing from the submission of the very first Yellow run published, a skilled programmer, probably with a much better formation in this area than me and he'll always have my full respect... as a TASer. I'd never expect this person to quit TASing because of an event like this, and I regret being involved in it. I politely say now that I disapprove of your initial attitude towards me and that this discussion was totally unnecessary. If you get offended by anything that I do, you can discuss it with me without needing to resort to higher powers and I'll gladly try to reach an agreement or defend my reasons for not changing my position. Right now a lot of people are against you because you've failed to state clearly what you want and seem to have nothing to back up your complaints despite some vaguely defined morality and your strong personal convictions. I really don't want this to continue because I don't think you deserve to be bashed. If this might help the person who decides what to do with this submission, this post states my position about it clear enough, I hope.
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gia wrote:
p4wn3r, well, that adds to the disappointment, thanks for letting me know what you think though. You are meant to honor the will of others people when it doesn't truly affect you, and my will didn't.
I'm also disappointed. Being more open, I disagree with a lot of your "philosophies" (or whatever you call it) and that's the reason we don't talk much. Take a look at all my submissions, I mentioned everyone that helped in the making of it. What's it that you want? The publication to have "p4wn3r's (actually gia's) GBC Pokémon..." ? lol I'll be helpful enough to share my views on this. You say you initially thought this was a misunderstanding of mine, you had ample opportunities to contact me trying to clarify this, sending me a PM here or in YT, which you'd done in the past, so I assume you were aware of that possibility. Yet you post in the submission topic, wanting to talk to an admin requesting that the publication is taken down. Saying that you did this hoping it was a misunderstanding is ridiculous, you weren't born yesterday and neither was I. You were perfectly aware that I could have severe punishments if what you wanted happened, talking softly to me now is useless. To sum things up, you can't just turn up here after stating your disinterest for this site several times wanting to talk to the boss and say "yo bitch, take this down because I don't want it here and I also don't want to say why". Please revise your morality, it's a little off. You wanted credit to be given to you for finding it first and so it has, it's the first phrase in the submission. You didn't want to be listed as an author and indeed you weren't. You didn't want me to be listed as an author for it, you had the chance to stop this from happening through seven months and didn't, don't complain about it now. I was kind enough before, now you really pissed me off, if you don't want my name there, frame war it and submit it here.
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Dude, I don't understand why you like to make TASes of that game, keep them on your channel hidden from a potential audience that enjoys them so that you complain about people using your work, especially when you're a well known member here. I have expressed my will for you to submit it here shortly after you warned me that you'd done it. In seven months, you've been requested to submit it (even in this forum's topics), to which you vehemently refused. I explicitly wrote that you had done it before and have never tried to take it as my original idea, stop trying to get across the line of "I don't want to submit this" and "I don't want anyone to". My biggest concern about doing that was exactly you creating this thread, but I did it because people wanted that run here. You seem to consider that it's perfectly fine to reply "I don't care" when a lot of people come to you saying "Why won't you send this to TASvideos? We want it published." So, when I read that you were offended by me making that submission, I also reply "I don't care".
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Very outdated, but classics are eternal: Link to video
Post subject: GB accuracy tests on VBA-rr
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Recently, with the advent of console verification of TASes, there seems to be an increasing concern about the accuracy of emulators. In view of this, I ran some test ROMs with the GB emulators accepted for submission here. Anyone can do this, a similar test is available in GBdev for general purpose emulators, but I think this is unknown to most here. I'm posting the results here to show that there are some accuracy problems with these emulators, hoping that they'll be fixed if it's easy enough or to help people make decisions of which emulator version to choose if they want their runs to be more likely to sync on real hardware in case GB verification becomes a reality. The test ROMs are due to Blargg, except the last one for SGB (which I don't know what it tests) you can google them if you want to download and do this. The screenshot to the left is VBA-rr v23.5 and the one to the right is VBAM-rr v24. Notice that passing these tests doesn't mean the emulator is accurate, but failing them doesn't say anything good about it. cgb_sound (the answer is the same both in CGB and DMG mode, a real CGB would pass and a real DMG would fail 8,9,10,11,12 with the values 1,1,1,4,2 respectively) dmg_sound (v2) cpu_instructions instruction_timing memory_timing (v2) oam_bug (v2) SGB Pack
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[21:38] <Flygon> Famtasia sucks more cock than I ever could [21:38] <Flygon> That's how bad it is
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Brandon wrote:
Will you be encoding this yourself, p4wn3r, or would you like me to?
Go ahead.
bahamete wrote:
Anyway, I watched gia's run on Youtube, so no need to see this if it's "identical" as you say on IRC. So yes vote, as I found it thoroughly entertaining, though I'm still unsure how copying his input worked exactly. I think gia should be co-author but I'm not one to make that judgement. :p
I looked the item he changed, performed the same switches and this lead me to the memory address that ultimately warps to the end of the game. I compared it with the value that's there when the game is finishing, then I just needed to manipulate luck in the same amount of frames. First, I hacked the game with Lua to give me the values I needed and ended up 11 frames faster than that run, so I knew I had to do it in 11 frames, which I succeeded at. I'm currently trying to dig up more stuff to complete the submission text. I'm willing to include him, but I don't know his motives for refusing to submit.
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Drop it, ALAKTORN, I know how it feels like to vote No on a submission with many Yes. I'm certain that there are other people that dislike the extremely broken nature of this category, although this criticism didn't appear in previous submissions. EDIT: Toothache beat me to it.
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You should stop underestimating the intelligence of people here, I don't even need to be a mod to know this and the Killer Instinct submission were sent from the same IP address. You could at least make a more deceptive user name.
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
Killer Instinct 1 came first to ARCADES in 1994 with 3 powerful work forces involved (RARE, NINTENDO and MIDWAY). They utilized ULTRA64 technology aka nintendo64. It's powerful graphics, sound, music and movies were outstanding for its time With the success of this amazing fighter, it was soon ported to SNES in 1995, but the SNES version was no match for the arcade. The SNES version had weaker music, sounds and it lacked FMVs... In this KI run I used Spinal...because he morph in their opponents to finish a combo... and this provides me a great combos variety... I used some glitches in this morph into Glacius and keep morphed...Missed Ultra...Missed Ultimate and some Combo enders glitches...
And this part from here:
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Certainly a good piece of work and an obvious improvement to the existing run. Voting Yes.
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This movie is identical to the one in this submission, which was rejected a short time ago. Despite a message being sent to you in your original language requiring a minimum description of the run, the lack of information still persists. Don't contest a judge's decision by submitting a movie twice, this is abuse of the submission system and may cause the staff to have a more severe attitude towards you. O arquivo aqui é idêntico ao dessa submissão, que foi rejeitada pouco tempo atrás. Apesar de ter sido enviada uma mensagem pra você na sua língua nativa exigindo uma descrição mínima do vídeo, a falta de informação ainda persiste. Não conteste a decisão de um juiz submetendo um filme duas vezes, isso é um abuso do sistema de submissões e pode levar os funcionários do site a ter uma atitude mais severa contra você. EDIT: After I posted this, the author updated the submission with information.
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xPi wrote:
im in Victoria but nowhere near Melbourne. :(
How dare you stay on topic?
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Therealssjlink wrote:
arukAdo wasn't trying to tell you to vote yes, you just took it that way.
Did I? o_O I was just trying to justify my position better. Guess I must do it unconsciously then, oh well...
Therealssjlink wrote:
My point was that you were saying it wouldn't be a very good reason to publish this movie when many people like it despite personal taste. There is no problem with voting no if a reason is stated. The movie I linked to was one that clearly had improvement on it but was published on the grounds of having the first DS movie. That was a movie that clearly shouldn't have been published, barely had more than 50% yes votes, but was still published.
Therealssjlink wrote:
This has 100% yes votes at this moment, contains entertainment appeal to the vast majority of people, and has nothing really in there that needs improvement. Therefore, by this standard, it should be published.
Thanks for posting your reasons to favor the publication, this is sufficiently clear and I hope nobody annoys you to elaborate on it.
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