Posts for petrie911

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Are you going for ingame time or real time? Because if it's the latter, you can skip the elevator activation cutscene by exiting the room right as the scan finishes.
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The soft reset code is X-B-Start last I checked. Is there any need for A and Y? Also, I do like the idea of doing them in chronological order. That would mean going up to Radical Highway before starting City Escape, I believe.
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It could still be done. Just take the current encode, remove the cutscenes, and splice in the English cutscenes. Those who want to see text in English can watch that, those who don't can watch the normal or cutsceneless encode.
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Assuming we want such a run published at all.
Hophoolio wrote:
Also I think it's pretty obvious that Spider-Waffle is just trolling.
Oh, I think it's pretty obvious he's not.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
which is what EVERYONE wants the run to published under
That's rather presumptuous.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
Okay, so we could add a texture swap to Mupen keep that accurate.
Have fun coding that one up.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
ShadowWraith wrote:
Spider-Waffle wrote:
Mupen being an N64 emulator is not a semantic. It's a fact.
It's semantics that it can't also be a different emulator which emulates N64 roms.
No. It's a fact. It's not semantics that a car is not a bike. It's not semantics that a shirt is not a pair of trousers. It's not semantics that a keyboard is not a mouse. Why would it be semantics that Mupen is an N64 emulator and not a VC emulator?
Because Mupen can successfully emulate the N64 component of the VC. If a Car could function as a bike just as well as a certain bike then it's only semantics that you can't use the car as a bike and call it a bike.
Fun fact: Mupen doesn't emulate the N64 component of the VC in a very visible way. The N64 component of the VC replaces the moon symbols with the gerudo symbol on the fly. The ROM itself is unchanged, unlike the Gamecube version.
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upthorn wrote:
petrie911 wrote:
Finally got around to watching this. Yes vote. Not much I can say that hasn't already been said. Good work, SL. Also, I'd like to thank the community for making this the most entertaining submission topic we've had yet. Seriously, you've outdone yourselves.
Spoken like someone who hasn't paid any attention to any Super Metroid submission in the past 5 years, or several of the SM64s.
Oh, no, I paid attention to those. "Objectively more entertaining" was a classic, but I think this has managed to top it.
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Finally got around to watching this. Yes vote. Not much I can say that hasn't already been said. Good work, SL. Also, I'd like to thank the community for making this the most entertaining submission topic we've had yet. Seriously, you've outdone yourselves.
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Toothache wrote:
I can always do a separate HNM run to unlock HHM, not a hugely difficult thing to manage. The main thing is that in order to really do a HHM ranked run, you'd need to get Nils to L7 in Lyn Mode. In order to S-rank Lyn Mode and achieve this exp requirement for Nils in time, he needs to take some turns dodging enemy hits, as well as dancing every turn. He ends up about 50 exp short otherwise, if he dances every turn possible to reach A Tactics. Annoying to watch, but this can be spread across multiple chapters so it wouldn't be that obnoxious.
Why would you want to take 19xx? I was under the impression that that was a bad idea in ranked runs.
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The 64 bit version throws me an exception when I try to use it.
Unhandled Exception
  Code: 0xC0000005
Call stack info: 
     tasinputdlg.cpp(591) : TASInputDlg::UpdateFromText
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Unless I'm very much mistaken, you use the Light Arrow cutscene to do BA, not RBA.
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Translating the m64 into a dtm is a non-trivial task. The emulator used on the other versions transforms the analog stick values in a way that hasn't been worked out entirely. And just to open a new can of worms, does this mean Master Quest has to be TASed through Dolphin, should anyone have the urge to do so?
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Or you could do the run on Master Quest. There's no version of that where the Deku Stick on B doesn't work.
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So, once you post the video with the trick, how long do you think it'll take sonicguitar to beat it in real time?
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you have to open Dolphin in debugging mode. Use the -d option when running it from the command line. The memory watch will be displayed. Bizarrely, MHS doesn't get along with Dolphin, and I can't figure out why. Which is a shame, because MHS has much better features than most built-in memory watch/search features.
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Nisto wrote:
Huh, is there a built-in RAM watcher in Mupen64? Or did you mean that these are still for MHS, but specifically for the Mupen64 v2 process? Also, here's a RAM address which counts down to 0 when you're unable to use the Blast Mask: 00CED3A2 (another address I needed for my project) It starts counting from 54 (this is probably a counter for when the bomb particles disappears), goes down to 0, bumps to 255, and then down to 0 again, where it stops.
Yeah, these are MHS addresses. The real N64 RAM addresses would be much lower, around 002xxxxx. Anyways, the address you have is actually a short (16-bit) integer which gets set to 0x0136 (310) and then counts down by 1 each frame. That's why it resets to 255--it's just borrowing from the higher address.
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The standard hydrogen fuel is a 50/50 mixture of Deuterium and Tritium, since D-T fusion has the highest cross section of any hydrogen fusion. Also, for the purposes of bombs, D-T fusion has the important property of producing copious fast neutrons. These neutrons cause fissions in the material surrounding the hydrogen. It's actually these fissions which create the energy of the bomb, and not the fusion reaction. Fusion reactors would greatly prefer to use D-He3 fusion, since it produces protons which can be easily captured in the magnetic field, preventing energy loss. Also He3 is easier to store and easier to find than T. Unfortunately, that extra proton in He3 makes the electrical repulsion that much harder to overcome.
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The following are for Mupen64 rerecording v2. X position 00CEC864 Y position 00CEC868 Z position 00CEC86C X velocity 00CEC8A4 Y velocity 00CEC8A8 Z velocity 00CEC8AC Gravity 00CEC8B4 Terminal velocity 00CEC8B8 Forward velocity 00CEC310
Nisto wrote:
Anyone seen this video before?
Hmm, I've never seen the redead thing before. The rest is already known, I believe.
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[URL=]Super Metroid:Golden Dawn[/url] is my favorite Super Metroid hack. It's got a lot of very neat stuff in it, and the layout is vastly different from the original. Also, it has probably the best escape sequence of any hack I've played. [URL=]Super Metroid Cliffhanger[/url] is another great SM hack. It's made by the same guy that made Eris. It adds a bit of story to the game and uses the tilesets in ways I'm sure the creators never imagined. It's also fiendishly difficult, requiring extremely precise walljumps, midair morphs, speedballs, and IBJs in several segments of the game. The [URL=]unnamed[/url] hack I'm making of Ocarina of Time. Unfortunately, progress has stalled a bit due to real life taking up more of my time, but I'd be willing to share the two dungeons I have completed with those who are interested. </selfpromotion>
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How are you making those videos? It really doesn't look like it's being played back from a dtm.
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Metroid Prime is a rather odd case. The Wii can read data off the disc much faster than the Gamecube can, but there's no time advantage to running Prime on the Wii instead of the Gamecube. I'm really curious why this is, and whether this would shed light on the loading time issue at hand.
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I take it by "people", you mean me. I'll look into it. I'm getting pretty good at this, so it shouldn't be too bad. Hell, it'll probably take me longer to procure a Melee ISO.
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He didn't die. He was cast into void.
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andypanther wrote:
A very important thing for a TAS would be to get all the Items from Kafeis Quest in one day. Is this currently possible?
That would be pretty awesome, but it seems the event flags for that quest are actually programmed correctly. Eg, Kafei only spawns in Sakon's Hideout if you stopped Sakon's robbery. The other thing we'd need is to be able to use the Priority Mail twice. You can *almost* duplicate the Priority Mail in a similar manner to bottle duplication, but the game doesn't let you pause until 1 frame after the letter is deleted from your inventory. So, I don't think this will work. That's not to say there's no way for it to work, but I've looked into it a lot.