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Omega wrote:
Keep in mind that a lot of people might also already be speedrun fans. Since speedruns are generally longer than superplays, I think they won't really mind watching long movies. Afterall, they're probably INTERESTED in the game they're downloading a run of. There's nothing wrong with long movies.
Save that for when all the RPGs currently in production get finished. See if you still think so then. =P Though, true, there's nothing wrong with long movies, it's generally better to steer clear of them in general when providing suggestions for newcomers because we don't know what will interest them. If he's the patient sort who wants to plop himself in front of the computer screen with a bowl of popcorn and a couple of Cokes, then fine. He's also patient enough to find the right movie. If we're talking about some ADD kid who was directed here from somewhere completely arbitrary, then he's just going to click whatever catches his eye, and if it's of any great length he'll probably get up and leave before it gets to anything good..... and then never come back. Then again, those are the extremes, and most people don't fall into them. *shrug* Just sayin'....
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You mean a2 pawn. And I know I analyzed the line you're talking about, but I can't remember why I decided what you're describing doesn't work for Black. I'll have to break out my chessboard again, 'cause I can't look at the 2d version and really see the moves. Oh, and thank you for not pointing out the glaring error in my analysis of the 1... h5 line. That was me being braindead. So if I can't find a way for white to stop black from heading him off at the pawns, where's my error? At 1. Kf6 or 3. Ke4?
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Yeah, you're either going to hate or love doing Ankor Watt. After doing a quick pass through, you can spend most of your time running, but there are just enough places where you have to stop and kill something that it gets frustrating. I'd also like to know how whoever it was managed to get around getting Freedan's Quake smasher. Run looks great, I didn't even really notice that the sandworm fight took that long. I was more bored by the wait for the lilly pad at Watermia, actually. =P
Zurreco wrote:
I can not stress enough that Psycho Slider and Psycho Spin will inevitably make or break you in Ankor Wat and Babel.
Babel? Don't you have to do the whole tower as Shadow? Or do you mean the Pyramid?
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Ah, the endgame. My specialty. This's pretty simple, actually. 1. Kf6 There are two legal moves for black at this point, neither one seeming very good for White, but I'll go ahead and give you the follow-through of both venues, just to prove that this is, indeed, the only drawing move for White. 1.... Kxh7 (This is, in fact, the stronger move, as we'll see in a minute.) 2. Kf5 Kg7 3. Ke4 At this point, white has already acheived stalemate, it's simply a matter of time. 3... h5 leads to 4. gxh5 Kh6 5. Kf3, which is a stalemate position, and any other move lets White post his king next to the pawn, which is stalemate even if black marches him down the board because black can't reach the pawns on the left in time enough to hold White's king off from them. Any other venue for black eventually results in either h5 or accepting a draw from the 3rd incident of a board position. 1.... h5 2. Kf5 This is once again stalemate, and taking the pawn is, in fact, a mistake, because Black can run the other pawn and promote before the king can catch it. From this position, however, Black doesn't have any good moves. If he takes the pawn, White can take both pawns in response. If he tries to run the further pawn, white can run around the other two pawns and catch it before it can promote. The kings then reach the two remaining pawns in a more-or-less stalemate position. If he simply takes the pawn in the corner, white captures with his pawn and takes the other with his king.
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jxq2000 wrote:
So what I'm saying is that the *96 run is great, but just not ideal for a star, especially with the 13-goal run completed so well. And if we're going to take stars from BC cuz UK is similar, well then why should we have two runs of the same game on our star list?
Both Bionic Commando and Umihara Kawa Se have stars. Personally, I think the 96 exit run is just too long for a star to begin with, but it hasn't decreased in quality since its publication and the standards haven't risen, so I see no reason to take its star away. Since it plays through a vast array of levels that the 13 exit run does not and the fact that about 10 minutes in the Special area is cleared and all the graphics change, I don't feel that the 96 run is similar enough to the new 13 run to void the longer one based soley on that ground. If you're going to void this one for similarity, you should also void some of the other Mario movies (most specifically 1, and probably 3) and one of the Sonic movies. And Bisqwit has already decided that similarity alone isn't enough to remove stars from those movies, so I don't see the 96 exit run losing its star either.
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samurai goroh wrote:
Tafatt wrote:
The solution for the other problem is 1.Qb3 1...axb3 2.Kf5 b2 3.g4# If the black king tries to flee the queen can go to g8 and mate him.
What if: 1. Qb3 Kg6 , does 2. is Qg8+ is next? if so, what if black decides to play 2. ... Kh5 Can white still mate in 3? Edited: Hehe, yep it can, didn't saw it... 3. g4#
You can get it in four by moving the pawn first. Actually, you can still get it in three if black takes the pawn when you check with it, but you can't force him to do that and it takes four to get it any other way.
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Zurreco wrote:
quietkane wrote:
Who is it? Last I checked Walker Boh was the only person interested in doing a run of it, but he was working on Zombies Ate My Neighbors at the time.
Why, me of course! While I work with Aria, I'm tinkering with SGnG to ensure that I don't get sick of AoS.
Ah. I was wondering what you were doing while you were waiting for those coders to figure out the random-factor on dropped souls. How far along are you?
Saturn wrote:
SNES: - Terranigma
I think someone's already working on that. Or maybe someone's already said they'd work on it and then disappeared. No, I remember. Whoever's working on Secret of Evermore (why he's working on that, I don't know....) said he'd do a 100% run of Terranigma when he finished SoE. Hrmmm.... I guess that means I'll have to queue up a fastest time Terranigma run. Did anyone here ever actually play Terranigma on the actual console, though? 'Cause I've personally never laid eyes on an actual cartridge of it. (Beaten it three times with the rom, though.)
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Sketchie wrote:
What ROM do you use to view the speedrun correctly? I've tried using Final Fantasy V (J).smc ROM mentioned earlier in the thread, but it desyncs right at the beginning in the forest. I downloaded the ROM named "Final Fantasy V (J)" but when I unzipped it with WinRAR, it gave me the "Final Fantasy 5 (J).smc" ROM. Does that make much a difference? Or did I miss some set-up directions somewhere? I didn't have any problems viewing the other speedruns on this fourm on the SNES9X emulator. Help would be appericated. :)
A) Make sure you're using the latest version of the emulator found here. B) Let the emulator "warm up" after loading the rom for about 10 seconds before you play the movie. C) Mess with the recorder/sound setting, particularly muted sound and the fake mute de-synch workaround. D) If none of those work, you do, indeed have the wrong Rom. There are small discrepancies between versions, but usually the difference between "5" and "V" is that someone didn't want to put the title in roman numerals. =P
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Post subject: Re: Existing run improvements
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quietkane wrote:
Kyrsimys wrote:
The oldest runs (for example Solomon's Key and the NES Kirby) probably have much room for improvement, since I don't think they even use the 60fps patch.
The only real improvements to Kirby are fixing the bonus-jump-platform-thingies where he accidentally gets a higher ledge than he needs to and a couple of boss battles which are just imprecisely played. Beyond that it's a very good run for how old it is.
I take that back, after watching the movie again. There are a multitude of tiny errors (mostly just the ones where he misses the bonus platform) plus a handful of small ones (like climbing a ladder instead of flying up it), and a couple of judgement errors (where he mixes Wheel when Fireball or Tornado would've been more useful) and two places where he takes damage where it's not necessary and doesn't save time. All told, there's ~30 seconds of improvement, if not more. I guess that's still pretty good considering its age, but it's not as close to optimized as I'd thought.
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Post subject: Re: Existing run improvements
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Kyrsimys wrote:
The oldest runs (for example Solomon's Key and the NES Kirby) probably have much room for improvement, since I don't think they even use the 60fps patch.
The only real improvements to Kirby are fixing the bonus-jump-platform-thingies where he accidentally gets a higher ledge than he needs to and a couple of boss battles which are just imprecisely played. Beyond that it's a very good run for how old it is. I think I'd like to see a 100% run of that game, but given its length the movie might not be very entertaining. Ummm.... Megaman X2 has got to be improvable, but I haven't exactly studied it, so I don't know by how much. I'm also willing to bet that the Super Metroid 14% run is improvable. I haven't studied Castlevania 3's Alucard path, but when I watched it I didn't get the impression that it was all that optimized.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
*Omni hands quietkane a sarcasm detector, because his is broken.*
*blushes* Yeah, I'm gonna go crawl in that hole and die, now, thanks.
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Sleepz wrote:
-EVO -Anyone do a 2-player SoM yet? -Super Adventure Island -Super Ghouls n Ghosts -Yoshi’s Island
EVO is an incredibly strange game that can either be done in 2 minutes or would take multiple hours, depending on exactly how optimized you can get transformations. Super Adventure Island isn't worth speedrunning; it was great fun to play, but it's incredibly boring to watch, largely because you just can't speed it up that much outside of keeping the skateboard through parts of the level you're not supposed to. Yoshi's Island and Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts would be cool to see, though. (And I plan to take on Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts at some point in the future, as you can see in my sig.) 2-player Secret of Mana would take months. Surely it would be interesting, but still... I'm not sure it's worth the amount of time it would take.
Dan_ wrote:
I'd be interested in Civilization, Lemmings, Destiny of an Emporer, and Dragon Warrior 2. All tough games to plan and execute flawlessly :P
Dragon Warrior 4 would be more interesting, in my opinion. But then again, it's a bit longer, too. Lemmings 2 would probably be more interesting than the first lemmings, if for no other reason than that you can break the monotony by switching tribes more often than the first Lemmings switches backgrounds. Plus you have a wider variety of tools and whatnot. It'd be even more interesting to see someone save every single *censored* lemming, 'cause it's pretty hard to do in some levels.
Spriteless wrote:
Plok, Boogerman, and Earthworm Jim come to mind. I might just have a warped sence of 'classic' though.
Y'know, I was just wondering the other day why no one's done Earthworm Jim yet. I'd do it myself but I'm completely unfamiliar with Gens and the series in general. Though I would like to see runs of all of them.
Zurreco wrote:
Walker Boh wrote:
I'd vote for Super Ghouls n Ghosts. I know someone already did it but from what I've read it didn't get very popular. Maybe I should post this in an own thread but I got an idea for how to speed it up. There is a level select code for this game and one could start the game on the default difficult settings, beat the second last boss and then automatically start over in the search for the bracelet. The good thing now is that it's automatically on the hardest level and you sort of don't have to complete the game twice.
Someone is already doing this and they are already using the level select to jump to 7-2...
Who is it? Last I checked Walker Boh was the only person interested in doing a run of it, but he was working on Zombies Ate My Neighbors at the time.
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Test run's finished. (Links to the same file as the last link, by the way, I just updated the file.) There are two bits in the space station that I'm not happy with, the first is this part where I have to stop to kill one of the aliens. There's another mouse-ball right after the vertical corrider there, I'm just not sure whether it's worth the time it takes to take the hit, morph back to the blue ball, climb the ledges and then morph back to the mouse just in order to not have to stop to kill the alien. Nor do I really know how that would look aesthetically compared to what I have now (because it's not pretty), but I'm not gonna mess with it for the test run. The other part I'm unhappy with is this one zoom-pipe that spits me out next to a couple of things sticking out of the floor/ceiling, and I couldn't find a good way to not run into one of them. It just looks sloppy, but it's not really much worse than the best I could do. (I don't accelerate as quickly as possible.) I think beyond that it all looks pretty good. I'm not sure I actually have to take that hit at the end from the elecric shock thingie, but it doesn't change my time either way and I'm too lazy to work out the timing on not taking the hit. The side-scrolling-gradius-knock-off level has incredibly bad controls, and I recorded most of it at full-speed because I'm lazy like that. But the fight at the end is optimized to within about 10 frames, so it's not so bad. Besides, that level is all aesthetics, anyway. Final frame count: 57,100 Run-time: 15:52 Re-records: about 1300. Total time lost to inefficiency/laziness: 01:00~02:00. I have neither the desire nor the patience to re-record this whole movie right now, so I'll be going back to work on my Lufia run for a while. If anyone wants to do the actual run for this game, be my guest; I'll help as much as I can.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
quietkane wrote:
Sephiroth is incredibly overrated, but not nearly as overrated as Kefka. (Mein Gott, he's a gay clown! How can that be a good villain?!)
Kefka is a good villian simply because he's insane. Evil insane. And on fire. But cold fire. Uwehehehehehe!!!!! That and he has a good theme song and the best lines ever.
So was Kuja, if you think about it. Does that make Kuja incredibly awesome? Come to think of it, so're Sigma, Mithos, and every single villain in any Breath of Fire game. But nobody really thinks of them as cool villains, now do they? And I'll respectfully disagree with the "good theme song" bit, but I just outright disagree with the "best lines ever." I can't remember a single cool thing he said. In fact, all the dialogue right before the final battle is incredibly corny.
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Sephiroth is incredibly overrated, but not nearly as overrated as Kefka. (Mein Gott, he's a gay clown! How can that be a good villain?!) Golbez is one of my favorite video game characters ever, and it largely has to do with his involvement in the plot and the fact that he has no knowledge of who he is whatsoever. (And neither does Cecil, but I'm not as fond of Cecil, largely because he's a whiny pansy.) But another cool thing about Golbez is that once he comes to his senses and realizes who he is/what he's done, he tries to make up for it. (And not by joining your party or sacrificing himself for you, either, he just tries to fix things.) I also like Vivi and Steiner from FFIX, because they both start off very naive and then learn and grow during the course of the game. So I guess what does it for me is a character's development during the game, and not just introducing you to the character but actually showing you how they change. Then again, I also like Link a lot, and he has no character development whatsoever. =P
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Cazlab: Make sure you're letting the emulator warm up before you play the run. I forgot to do that for one of my latest recording sessions and the movie didn't even make it to the first level of Japan. Maybe you've been doing that anyway, but I just figured I'd mention it since I know it affects this game. Ummm.... I got the next level of Africa done plus its puzzle. I'll probably finish the next level tonight and post it tomorrow. Edit: Hold that thought......... Update! Bojo's dead. (Or whatever the crazy witch doctor's name is.) A couple notes about the latest two levels: Putty Pillars - Hitting that bird is exactly 4 frames faster than just landing and rolling by. I'm not sure it actually saves any time because of the weirdness of collecting gems, but I think it's more aesthetically pleasing. - I pass up an opportunity to grab the mouse because he just doesn't save enough time to make up for how out of the way he is. (takes ~400 frames to grab him, he only saves ~300, since most of the rest of the level is vertical movement, not horizontal.) - I grab that invincibility potion because I thought there was another boulder section after it. I was mistaken. Hence I don't need it, but I'm too lazy to cut it out of the run so I'll just remember not to grab it on the second pass. - No matter how I tried, I couldn't make the distance between that final pipe and the electro-blue-ball-ifier look clean. It's doable with the mouse, but I'm not wasting ~100 frames for an aestetic difference. - I'm proud of the work I did with that puzzle, as it's very hard to do quickly at normal speed. Muddy Moats - This level is cruel. It has long waits, it gives us the cat when we want the mouse, it forces the mouse on us once we get to a section where we'd rather have the cat, and it forces Goopy the Guppy upon us. I can sum up playing with Goopy in one word: "Ick." He handles like a VW Bus..... without power steering. - Sorry for the long waits. I couldn't find a good way to make them really entertaining, but then again I was pretty lazy with this level in general. (I've got maybe a second's worth of mistakes in it, if you care to look for them.) I think what I do looks better than just sitting there until the next platform is in view. - There is one section where I start to jump over a gem and then change my mind, which is because the next platform had just come into range and I didn't feel like re-recording the two previous seconds to save ~10 frames and the aesthetic difference. (This is a test run, after all.) - The last gem in the moats that I collect can't be avoided because of the top of that pink column over on the right. If I try to jump over the gem I run into that overhang and either fall on the gem or just straight into the moat. Hence no jumping over. Although it's theoretically doable with a jump that looks like one earlier which is really close to another (larger) overhang, I'm too lazy to work out how when I don't even think it changes my time at all. I'll at least give it a try on the second pass. - I'm not sure how, but that falling block passes right through me as the mouse. This makes me happy, so I'm not gonna question it, but it should have hit me. Instead, I take a hit from a native later because it's not worth the time it takes to avoid the hit (when I can afford it, that is,) especially since I have to switch to the fish very shortly afterwards. - The fight with Jobo, or Mojo, or Jomo, or whatever his name is, doesn't go as quickly as it can, for two reasons: first is that I realized very belatedly that I should either be recording frame-by-frame or that I should be using turbo. (Didn't re-record because of that laziness I was talking about earlier.) The second is that I neglected the hovering clay ball completely, whereas I'm pretty sure I could've gotten a couple more hits in if I'd been paying attention to it. - Puzzle's very slightly not optimized, primarily that I don't speed-up/slow-down the robots efficiently. It's not possible to get to that rock in the second section before the robot gets to it without letting the robot slow down, which I didn't even think about until 5 seconds ago. Hence I move the other things first and kill a couple seconds' time. It'll look better in the second pass, I promise. So we're at the space station, now. I'm not sure exactly which switches (plungers) I'm going to have to hit and which I can ignore, so that's going to involve some testing. (I'm pretty sure everything on the right path has to go, but I don't know what on the left path can be ignored.) The last level's just a set-speed side-scroller, so anything I do there is pure aesthetics. Anyway.... very close to the end, so I'll go ahead and finish up the test run before I start working on Lufia again. Expect an update by this weekend at the latest, more likely Wednesday. (Interestingly enough, most of the errors in the run as it stands are hexable. Still, the run in general is still very un-clean, so I'll be re-doing at least through the first level of Africa and possibly pasting the (hexed) rest of the run onto that. I might actually go ahead and finish this game before I get back to Lufia, it depends on how many people are eager to see the finished product.)
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Man, I can't believe what I had to go through to find this rom. And it's even legal for me to download because I own the damn cartridge! *takes a deep breath* *watches movie* *laughs out loud and gets a strange look from his sister.* That was worth every inch of aggravation. How can someone watch this and not vote yes?
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Are you actually trying to get the official policy of this site changed, or do you actually hope to change the minds and feelings of stubborn people? 'Cause if you're only looking for the first you should probably say that, but if you're trying to do the latter you're going to inevitably fail, and should probably give up the witch hunt before you get a real flame war going.
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Alright, I've been messing with your run through the great wall. I've found three different places where you can strike an enemy as you run by with a minimal loss of time (one loses only 14 frames, one loses 28, and one loses 32) and no desynchs once you've left the room. (Though for that 14-frame-loss one it might have actually been less work to just re-record the whole room.) None of those changes the sandworm's pattern significantly. After messing with the sandworm some I've come to the conclusion that it's largely dependant on what actions you take once you enter the pit. "Why should this boss depend on what I do when none of the others did?" you say? Simple. The Sandworm actually has an attack which depends directly upon where you're standing when it performs said attack. (When it leaps straight up and then back into the sand.) Whenever it does that move it picks whichever of several pre-determined spots is closest to where you're standing. Since that move depends on where Will's standing, I guess they just re-wrote the whole AI and it always runs the same set of numbers, or something. In any case, none of those three extra-hit-runs got the Sandworm to do anything but the left-to-right leaping move to start off, and after that it's largely dependant on user input, so there's no point in losing even the minimal amount of frames they lose. Summary: It's just going to take a lot of work to optimize the Sandworm fight, 'cause there's no real way to get it to behave. Sorry, man. =\
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Holy wow! That's the best thing since sliced bread, right there. (Though keep in mind I don't hold sliced bread in very high regards. =P) Definite yes-vote, though it doesn't matter at this point. (Heck, the movie hasn't even been published and you've already got a star. That says volumes more than I ever could.)
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I played around with some of these, and I've concluded that either he used a hacked rom, a hacked save-state, or the glitch has absolutely nothing to do with dying in that station. Because I tried using all sorts of key combinations when the time limit's up, (including up+down/left+right) I tried dying in several different positions (including actually walking/standing on the warp to the ship and in the middle of wall-jumping) and I even managed to die by Ridley's hands. Every single continue brought me back to the space station, and while I only continued on to clear the station once, it didn't end the game when I entered Samus' ship on Zebes. *shrug* Maybe I'm not approaching the problem from the right angle, though. I don't really know anything about finding glitches.
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Hunh. Wasn't aware there were four extra levels. The only one I noticed was in Egypt. I'll have to play through the SNES version again to see which other three were left out. And as to the superior sound, it's definitively true. The Genesis was a better graphics box, but the SNES had a better sound chip. So of course the same game looks and sounds different on each system. Personally the superior sounds quality makes a bigger difference to me than the superior graphics. But that's just a personal preference of mine. Meh. Anyway, thanks for answering the question. Oh, and I love this movie. One of the best ones on the site, in my opinion. *thumbs up*
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Question, though it may have been answered in the discussion of the first movie: why did you play this game on the Genesis? The SNES version doesn't have the loading screen between worlds (after using the time/space machine) and the quality of sound is much better. So is there some glitch/trick that only works in this version that makes it better to timeattack, or are you just more familiar with Gens?
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Y'know, I really think Sonic 3 doesn't need it's star. Now, make no mistake, the movie is well-done and of excellent quality, but the game is just too long. The first time I watched it, I lost interest after the snow levels (the rocket zone, or something....) which is about halfway through the movie. The second time I watched it, I lost interest at the carnival, which is even earlier. The game was great fun and the movie is of excellent quality, but I think it's just too long to hold the attention of newcomers. Particularly after the snowboarding, when the levels start feeling like they're just more of the same, just longer. Sonic 2 doesn't suffer from this nearly as badly because it's, primarily, half the length. Tails following you around also makes for a little diversity when monotony starts to rear its ugly head. I know it's already been discussed a little, but the Genesis Lost Vikings run was absolutely stunning in places. It's also unique in that it gets more ineteresting as you go along because the puzzles get more involved and therefore you don't have such long stretches where Olaf and Baelog walk somewhere together and then wait for Erik to catch up. (Instead you have opportunities to have all three moving at the same time, like when Baelog and Erik ride the top of Olaf's shield together. O.O) Then again, I played that game over and over on my SNES from ages 10-15, so it's a game very familiar to me. As such it's impossible for me to tell how the movie looks to someone who's never played the game. =\ So does anyone want to disagree with me on that?
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No, you'll just have to wait until I finish the test run and start on the actual run. =P Thanks for the interest in the run, though.
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