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This may be just a rephrasing of what Bisqwit said, but here's the way I see it: If up+down/left+right makes the movie faster without detracting from the entertainment value then it should be accepted. Similarly, if it enhances the entertainment value without slowing the movie down it should also be accepted. Players should not be expected to use it and are under no obligation to even test it, but they do so with the knowledge that their runs may later be obsoleted simply because someone else was willing to use the glitch. People can still view the older movie (on their emulators) if they believe it to be the better movie. Keep in mind, here, that when you put "Aims for fastest time" in your movie's goals, that means that you have a responsibility to find every single way to speed up the movie you can. If you put that tag in your movie when you know the movie can actually be done 2.01 seconds faster by using an incredibly difficult manuver that you didn't feel like doing, then you've already conceded to the faster movie which will come along. The same applies to this glitch: if you don't use it even when you know it to be faster, then expect someone to use it and obsolete your movie. Of course, if someone submitted a movie with the tag "Doesn't abuse programming errors," then I suppose we could consider that a separate movie. But I think that's sort of bending over backwards to please someone who finds something distasteful.
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Hrmmmmm.... well, try this, then. It's a cleaner version of the hexing job, performed on a backup copy. If that doesn't work try these two things in this order: 1) Make sure your sound is on and not muted. 2) Turn on the fake mute desynch workaround. I always record with sound on at 22KHz, (and a 40ms buffer, if that matters) but I also have it set to mute on frame advance. Since I only record via frame advance for a few sections of the movie I don't think it should cause any desynchs, but ya never know. If none of those work the only thing I can tell you is to mess with some settings, but I wouldn't know which ones.
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Yeah, I noticed this, but I kinda had that to begin with. I am a perfectionist, after all. Although I should note that I'm actually trying to do actual speedruns which I'm hoping to eventually submit to SDA when I get them down right. Specifically I hope to beat the Symphony of the Night run currently up and I'm trying to get a good path for Megaman X6 which doesn't involve getting X to PA status.
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So what lost its star so we could have the Swastika-land game back? I don't notice anything in particular missing, and Sonic 2 got a star without retracting Sonic 3's star to boot. Did Bisqwit just decide that two more stars was ok, or what?
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WIP (zip file, just the warped run.) Rom used: Claymates (U).smc Ok. I've been messing with this game for about a week and I've come to the conclusion that there is no warp to the space station. (Or if there is, there's no ? box to tell you where it is, so I have no clue where it would be.) I've done a run through the first stage of Africa, which I'm not really satisfied with but am content to leave as-is for the test run. (I know, for example, that the mouse can climb that final hill faster than I do, but it takes far more work than I'm willing to do for the 1~2 second improvement it brings.) It's interesting to note that if you just let the first puzzle in Africa go, it'll eventually solve itself. I, however, went to great lengths and used a trick that involves frame-perfect timing to solve it about 10 seconds faster. :P I've messed around with the second stage some, but as you'll see in the run I haven't actually recorded anything that'll actually be part of the speedrun. (I recorded some of my efforts to find a route through the level that doesn't involve much start/stopping, but I don't think there is one so I run right by the teleporter that takes me to the next section.) A few things I've toyed with and discovered: (More-or-less in order of discovery.) A) The blue ball moves fastest if you keep it airborne. There's sometimes a 1~2 frame difference between jumping the full height and taking a shorter jump, but it's not consistant as to which is faster and I'm not going to test every single jump for a test run. B) The blue ball is the only form that loses speed when it attacks. Everything else can attack while it's running and not lose a single frame. C) Running into a wall is the absolute worst thing you can do, with the possible exception of taking an unnecessary hit that reverts you to the blue ball. (Given the choice between those two it's actually occasionally better to take the hit. There's a slightly slower route through the first stage of Africa for which there's just such an opportunity.) D) Avoiding gems can sometimes net you 4~5 frames at the end of the level, but sometimes it won't. Large (green) gems almost always cost you an extra 4~5 frames, but there's no way to tell with the little ones until you get to the end of the level. (Especially since you don't know how many more gems are unavoidable.) E) There's this interesting bug which lets me run through certain walls as the mouse, but it involves taking damage, which means I have to collect a second clay ball, and the only time I've been able to use it so far just doesn't save any time. (Though I admit I didn't check to see if it wasted time, either. I guess I'll mess with it on the re-run.) Ummm... as always, notes or advice is welcome. I think you'll notice a little bit more precision in this latest level, largely because I'm getting more used to the physics of the game. Also, since I plan on finishing my Lufia run before I get to the task of starting the actual run on this, anyone else is welcome to use my runs/notes to try their hand at it.
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Death does no good for Phil's strategy, since Death steals exp from the fighting unit by manner of fact. Magician/Judgement, on the other hand, can bring the enemies down to minimal HP levels for a Mage/Sorcerer/Lich to finish off, thus handing the exp. to the party, who can then make even shorter work of subsequent battles which are not deemed dire enough to merit Tarot cards. On the other hand, I can see definite merit to your strategy, especially if you wanted to involve the opinion leader's unit in some of the combat. (Since his unit deploys free and whatnot.) Though you'd have to keep in mind that Death never works on any soldiers in the boss units. (At least I think it doesn't. Maybe it's just at reduced effectiveness.)
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Ah, thank you. Apparently I wasn't as thorough in my search as I thought.
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I refuse to call it a test run because I'm stubborn that way. So there. :p And I am going to submit this run when I finish it, even though I doubt it'll be published. (Because it's going to be at least 1.5 months before I finish the second, and that's assuming I spend more time on it than I have on this one.) And it would just feel wrong to submit an official test run.
Enhasa wrote:
Oh and I'm pretty sure that an optimized run would include the Ancient Cave. You would manipulate to get awesome equipment from blue chests and Providence out ASAP. This equipment would then be able to last the rest of the game.
Yeah. I'm not looking forward to reaching the cave, 'cause it's going to involve a lot of testing. Worse still, testing I'll have to do frame-by-frame. I will have earned the "manipulates luck" tag. It's also going to be interesting to see how early I can get the Providence. There are reports of getting it as early as floor 10. I wonder if I can break that record.
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Post subject: "Header" info for .smv's
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This is actually a hex-editing question, but I didn't find any information on it in any of the faq's/guides, so here goes. In an .smv file, where in the "header" (the first 100~200 bytes, before the frame input begins) is the movie's length stored? It might be different for each movie file 'cause I know the size of the "header" changes dependant on the game, but if that is the case could someone explain to me how I can find it? (I'm asking because I recently discovered that when you record over an earlier part of a movie, the file isn't actually cropped to the point where you stop recording, the movie is simply designated to end at the frame you stopped recording. Since I can still use most of the rest of the run, it would help a lot if I can just hex in a later end frame.)
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The reason I'm getting the Dragon Eggs in this run is because it didn't occur to me until my second trip through Tanbel Tower that it would be faster to not grab the Egg Ring. This is largely because I hadn't yet witnessed just how much manipulation can affect boss fights. Since I've already gotten one Egg I figure it's better to go ahead and see that through to the bitter end rather than just have it be wasted time. Since I already know that the second run is going to be significantly faster than this one, I figure this one should do something differently anyway. So the short answer is basically because I feel like having a run with the Egg Ring and I figure it ought to be one that gets obsoleted anyway.
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Update time! WIP Save states The run's now just over an hour long. (1:10:43, I think.) We're just about 1/3 of the way through the game, so the completion time is looking to be ~3:30:**. Of course, I plan on spending some time in the Ancient Cave, and I don't know what that's actually going to do to the time. I'm also going to collect all five sets of Dragon Eggs, and it remains to be seen exactly how much time that'll take when optimized. ('Cause the random placement of the eggs is going to have to be pretty heavily manipulated.) Anyway, just letting you know that the finished run will be quite long. I've finished the Treasure Shrine. I don't need the Mind Ring, I've discovered, but it helps manipulate behaviors and it's going to be really important in Bound Kingdom's dungeon. Anyway, I'm fairly confident that all four fights in the Shrine are optimized. The last two definitely are, it's just a little up in the air as to whether I could've used IPs in the first two without costing time in the last two. The final battle (against Danielle) can actually be done in two rounds, but doing so involves letting Selan die. This would probably actually cost more time later than it saves now, because I'd have to revive her at some point, which means going to a church, which would be kinda out of the way. In any case, it's highly beneficial to keep her alive for this fight because the level she gains is godly. Speaking of level gains, I tested some of the ones for the Spider fight and I couldn't get any sets that really struck me as better than the one I have now, so I just stuck with it. Guy gets two really good levels, Maxim gets a good balance between the two levels and I think Tia's levels are pretty insignificant, since Selan is the better magic-user and Tia leaves the party eventually, anyway. I don't bother getting the Holy Wings because by the time I'd actually need them I could also have the Magic Bikini, which is preferred over the Holy Wings simply because it has a better Defense value. The Hookshot is exactly 3 frames slower than walking the exact same steps the Hook carries you over. For this reason, it's faster to use the Hookshot if it follows a straighter path which you can't take on foot. You see me do this once in Gordovan Tower, and I'll be looking for other opportunities. For whoever it was who wanted me to beat Gades and earn the Gades Blade: I admit, it would be damn impressive if I got the Gades Blade right now, and it is possible to beat Gades at my current level. (Guy can survive a standard attack from Gades if he's at full health, and I can manipulate Gades into hitting Guy every round.) However..... Gades has 7500 HP, and I can't deal more than 350 damage in a given round, and I can't deal that much every round. (Two out of every three rounds at best, but it's usually every other round.) So the fight itself would take a long ass time, and it's far more work than I'm willing to do right now. I might consider having the next run grab the Gades Blade, but not this one. You'll notice that I walk into Gades' room and then back out and then back in. That's to manipulate him into using Destructo Wave the first round, and it's the fastest way I found of doing so. (And it is faster than just waiting until round 2 to lose.) I don't grab the Scimitar or Block Shield (the items in the room behind Gades) because they don't do a single thing for me. The Fire Dagger is going to be Maxim's weapon of choice for the next two dungeons, and the Cold Rapier is just as good as the Scimitar for Selan. The Block Shield just doesn't have as useful an IP as what Tia and Selan are currently wearing. In retrospect, I should've visited Gordovan itself before I get to the tower so that I can warp back to it on my way to Merix village. I didn't, however, and it's not hexable. So that's going in my notes for the next run. The WIP doesn't contain this because I didn't think of it when I was recording, but I'm going to warp back to Elcid (or Sudeltan, depending on which is faster) to go back and grab the Dragon Egg in the Cave to Sudeltan before going back to Parcelyte. I think this is the only Egg I have to backtrack to get, so I might as well do so now. (And I have to get it, because I plan on getting the Egg Ring to make the last six dungeons or so ridiculously easy.) Ummmmm.... that's all the questions I can anticipate. If you've got any more, don't hesitate to ask. I know it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. Oh, and after I go and fetch that Dragon Egg I'm going to take a break from Lufia for a while and toy around with Claymates for a bit, and possibly see if I can help halamantriel with manipulating the Sandworm for his Illusion of Gaia run. Expect the next update on the first weekend of June, or so.
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Is it really necessary to go out of your way to fight the witch/octopus unit in the second stage? You shouldn't need the level, nor should you need the Merchant item it drops. Or are you thinking much further ahead than I am? Also, it seems like you sometimes manipulate units into dealing more damage/not missing and then don't concern yourself with other attacks that miss. I realize that that's to manipulate drops a few times, but I think it happens in the boss fights, too. Are those hits that wouldn't speed up the fight anyway, or do they work out favorably further on down the line?
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What was with the graphics going weird on the falling level in the tower? Was that 'cause you were falling faster than the game would scroll, or was it 'cause the 2nd player got caught in the top, or what? Beyond that I enjoyed it. The game in general looks cleaner than the NES version and the only thing I wasn't very entertained by was the early part of the bike race level, but you couldn't really help that. Yes vote.
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Assuming that all the runs are done in equal quality, the star ought to go to Aria of Sorrow. It's the most visually pleasing game, and it's also (so far as I know) the only run that's being done entirely on a lagless version of VBA. Not to mention the amount of luck manipulation you're doing with it. (Although the whole Giant Bone thing from CotM was entirely luck manipulation, that's not evident to people who haven't played the game. Whereas you're forcing good drops from some things and not others.) In any case: Why are all three SMB movies starred? I think either 2 or 3 should have it, and neither of the other two.
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Wow, that "evil" one's really good. I wish I could draw that well. :(
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No complaints here. I've never gotten through more than 5 rooms of the hard game, so the whole thing will be plenty impressive.
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But the stars are (mostly) for showing the movies to newcomers, in which case shorter = better. (Harder to lose their interest.) I should probably watch the Sonic 2 movie before I actually throw my lot in with it, though.
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Did you ever get the sandworm to behave for you?
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Nach wrote:
the SNES games don't have too many glitches...
Why do you suppose that is? Were programmers getting better about finding the weird loopholes, did they just not need to save the memory that most glitches save, or is it on our end of things? (I.e: people doing SNES runs don't spend as much time trying to find useful glitches as people running other games.) Edit: Out of This World was already nominated, so I'll second it. Jumping through walls is one of the niftiest glitches in existance, in my opinion, and it does a few other things, too.
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Yeah.. still lookin' good. A 30 second improvement on the last one gets the same "yes" vote it did. Hopefully it's mostly optimized this time. ;)
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Doesn't the Murder Beam glitch actually lose time because you have to pause and switch out the weapons?
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Shouldn't. Is it desynching for you? Edit: Hexed everything back into synch-ey land. The link in the above post should now direct you towards a file that beats the spider, then warps out of the cave and back to clamento and goes to Parcelyte. Just doing a quick test run through the Treasure Shrine at normal speed, it shouldn't take long to do. The only out-of-the-way treasure I might need is the Bat Rock, but I can beat Pierre and Danielle without it so I'm not going to grab it. I am going to grab the Anger Brace, Cold Rapier, and Mind Ring because they all make things go faster in the doubles rounds against the bosses. Also, up to this point I haven't much concerned myself with optimizing level up stats because I didn't think there was much variation. (And because getting the Catfish rock and Camu Jewel were far more important than getting a couple extra hit points.) I've since discovered that there is a good bit of variation because one of the fights I tested gave Guy 17 Hp, 5 Str, 4 Def, and 6 Mgr and the other gave him 10 HP and 1 Str... and that was it. So I'm gonna tinker around with the Spider boss a bit before I move onto the treasure shrine, but not a whole lot since I've already resigned myself to going through the game a second time at some point. (Maybe next year, but at some point.) In other news, my finals start this Monday, so don't expect anything big for a week or so.
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Only if you see bits in the movie where you think to yourself "that could be done better," and even then I think only if you're watching it for the first time. Although sometimes that doesn't actually make it any less entertaining. (and, in contrast, sometimes that completely kills a movie, like the first MMX3 run.)
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Post subject: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
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I'd take up a run of this game myself, but I've already got the Lufia run as an open project and Claymates in the queue. I've played around with it on the emulator and decided that this is perhaps the most easily manipulated game ever created. So long as the hit % displayed is not 0%, you can always get a critical hit out of it, and so long as the hit % isn't 100% you can always get it to miss. This means it's theoretically possible to do a 0 damage run of the game. Now, as much as I would normally appreciate the amount of work it takes to fully optimize a "damage saves time" run, in this particular case I think a no damage run would be far more impressive than a faster run. As for how much time it would take, I think a well done run (ab)using combos and (with the help of accomodating laws) the later summon thingies would be able to clear the game in about an hour and a half. Not exactly sure how long the later battles would take, though, so it could turn out to be worse than that. Anyone up to the task?
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I have an answer to the hexing what I buy in shops question: any/all desynchs caused are fixable via hex. I've done a run through the Ruby Cave and remembered that I hadn't purchased enough Escapes or any Warps back in Alunze. So I went and hexed the run at that point to buy an extra Escape and a Warp (and an Antidote, because I can't manage to keep the Spider from poisoning Maxim and it's faster to buy it in Alunze than to visit the shop in Clamento.) I have spent the time since trying to get the run to synch up. All the desynchs are very minor, but every time I get the run to synch up again something else down the line is 10 frames off, or something. As of right now I've gotten everything but the fight with the Spider to synch up, and that fight's desynching because I don't equip the Insect Crush on Maxim like I'm supposed to. (It's his best weapon for that fight, trust me.) I can't seem to convince the spider to drop the Spido Jewel in a timely manner, and it's not nearly as essential as the Catfish Rock or Camu Jewel are/have been so I'm not gonna bother. Yes, that means no Gades Blade. Sorry, but it wasn't looking like I'd be able to take Gades without levelling anyway. I'm also noticing that some enemies change their actions based on different things. The spider, for example, is totally dependant on the action that Tia takes. (Whether because she's Tia, the first character to act, or the last character to choose an option, I don't know. But what the spider does is completely independant of what Maxim and Guy do for the entire fight, with the exception that when it reaches a certain HP threshold it gains the ability to cast Stronger.) Whereas Camu mostly reacted to how much damage he'd taken at that point. This is kind of dismaying, 'cause it means that I'll have to figure out how to manipulate each boss independantly. *sigh* Oh, well. I knew this run was gonna be a lot of work when I started it. Feel free to leave advice, comments, or other input.
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