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I only found myself bored for four levels, and none of them were very long. (And that's a very low percentage of the game to be bored, anyway.) Yes vote.
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Nifty. I like the biohazard symbol. *evil grin*
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julianch wrote:
- most of the wepons are more useless than in X7.
Axl was completely useless in X7 once you had X's Glide Armor completed. (Except for that one reploid in Snipe Anteater's level that you have to use his copy ability to get.) In 8 Axl has his own weapon setup and there's actually a reason to use some of them over his standard attack. I'd say having a useless character is more detrimental to a game's "fun factor" than a few weapons which are only useful in one specific area. Not only that, but in X7 Crash Boarski's weapon is completely useless (as opposed to mostly useless) because there's no boss that's weak to it. There's no weapon in 8 which doesn't have a boss weak to it, so even if the weapon is mostly useless, it's not completely useless. And to whoever said that X8 is better than X5&6: 8 is cel-shaded; Megaman was not meant to be cel-shaded.
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But "one of the worst" implies that it isn't the worst. Y'see, English is a strange language in that if you use extra words to avoid an etreme (like "one of" or "almost") it implies that the extreme isn't true.
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So explain what sucks about 8 that doesn't suck about 7. Then explain how the lowest rating on that chart is "one of the worst."
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Ouzo's first Lost Vikings run is definitely worthy of nomination, at the very least. Since I've only watched three Genesis movies, that's all I have to contribute.
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Sonic 3, it's the best of the Sonic games. (Though I admit I've only watched that run, so I don't know if the run is the best run of a Sonic game.)
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I second both Umihara runs, though I'd vote for Bob Whoops'. And Viper's SMW run, but that's already been seconded.
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I'm gonna nominate Bob Whoops's Umihara Kawa Se run. If you've ever played that game, the tricks he does during the boss "fights" are just jaw-dropping. The other two movies worthy of mention have already been nominated and seconded.
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Phil Genisto Walker Boh Bob Whoops is also worth mention. His Umihara Kawa Se run is breathtaking, especially if you've played the game. (Its controls take days to get used to. And this from an SNES game.)
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I second the Lost Vikings. (The one that qualifies, that is.) But mostly just so FODA wins by vote, and not default. =p
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I second River City Ransom, and I also nominate Phil and Genisto's Battletoads run.
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I think Nostalgia and emotions may have an impact on an individual's opinion of a certain few games, but any real gamer (and my definition of that is too complex to go into without going seriously off-topic) can appreciate old games that they've never played, in some cases moreso than newer games. Super Mario Bros, for example, strikes a chord with a lot of people because it was their first video game. It was not mine, and therefore it doesn't intrigue me much. Super Mario Bros. 3, however, was simply an excellently done game and is therefore considered "the best" by a much larger group of people. (Myself included.) (And I do believe the GBA version is superior to the NES version. Same game, better graphics. Can't go wrong.) We've also seen technology inhibit some games/series, most notably the Castlevania series. Castlevania 64 sucked because it didn't follow the formula. It just wasn't a real platformer. Symphony of the Night was great, because it was basically a longer, prettier, slightly more complex version of Castlevania II. And all the GBA Castlevania games are considered good by fans of the series, whereas Lament of Innocence is just another PS2 game because it's too high-tech. People don't want to play 3D Castlevania games. (Megaman X7&8 have also suffered from this. Cell-shaded is just not right for Megaman, and the sales show it.) Will today's kids feel the same about Mario Sunshine as we do about SMB3? Absolutely not, but they will feel that way about Metal Gear Solid.
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Zurreco wrote:
New Game + is when you start a new game with all of the money, souls, equipment, and map you had from a previous game. The only souls you don't have are the ones that allow you access to new areas or ones that give you new moves.
Oh, that's what the bat thing above the save file is. Wow, I'm an idiot.
Zurreco wrote:
Werejaguars drop the Mach Punch. Weretigers drop the Whip Knuckle. Werejaguars are in the Underground Cemetary, which is not on my path in my glitch run and is barely on my path in the any% run (only stopping to by to get the Fire Demon soul). Weretigers are on my path to Balore in both movies. Whip Knuckle is also a hell of a lot stronger than the Mach Punch (a difference of +44 ATT). However, if you had read the thread, you would see that I plan to pass up the Whip Knuckle anyways in favor of the Laevatain.
I prefer the Mach Punch over anything less powerful than the Ascalon, simply because its rate of fire is insane. (About twice as fast as the Whip Knuckle's, if I'm not mistaken.) That makes its lack of power in comparison to the Whip Knuckle kind of irrelevant to me. Then again, I admit I hadn't thought of the fact that you'll be at really low levels for this run, so improved damage/swing is going to be more important than number of swings/second. In any case, it's far too far out of your way, so please excuse all that foolish gibbering.
Zurreco wrote:
And for reference, you don't need to get Galamoth (the soul that lets you get past Chronomage) from Legion in order to get to the Throne Room. It's just a very disposable boss fight that grants you the ability to add Legion, Chronomage, and Sky Fish to your soul list.
Really? *Checks* Oh, that's right, that wall's closed to begin with. My bad, I thought that was how you reached the Top Floor. Ok. Well, just chalk that up to the aforementioned stupidity. Out of curiosity, why would you force the Manticore to drop its soul? Is it really that much faster in terms of travel time? Or is the Claimh Solais (or however it's spelled) not as out of the way as I thought?
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Try messing with your video card settings. I was getting really glitched up graphics (and it was skipping, too, which is odd for an avi) from the new Zelda run, but then I changed the buffer cache (or the cache buffer, I don't remember what it's called) and it's working fine, now.
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Well, I had a paper due Wednesday and I've got another due Monday, and after that Finals start, so it looks like I'm not going to be making any progress on this for another two weeks or so. I was hoping to have time between papers, but sadly that was not to be, so I still haven't made any more progress. I've done some of the planning for the next two dungeons, but none of the actual run, so.... The good news is that I've figured out hex-editing, so I've eliminated the two stupid mistakes I made in the run. (The Alunze basement block that I push too far and the extra two steps in Tanbel.) There's two judgement errors I made which I think I can hex out, but I don't want to try just yet, because I don't know what kind of de-synchs it'll cause. Also, watching through the run, I think I've got a couple of one- or two-frame mistakes in a couple of the early battles, but you can't tell unless you're paying close attention and watching at a slower speed, so I'm not gonna bother with them, just yet. At some point I'm going to have to figure out whether it's possible to hex what I buy in shops without doing much re-recording. That would prevent me buying one-too-many boomerangs in the future. (Assuming I continue buying them. I'm not sure exactly how useful Ex-Boomers are against the top-notch enemies.) Anyway, the fixed run's here. There's no real difference between that and the last thing I posted, though, so don't feel compelled to watch it, or anything. :p
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Wait, what's this "New Game +" stuff? I didn't know Aria of Sorrow had a New Game + mode. Also, if you're looking for a good weapon to get for Balore/Chaos, try manipulating a Weretiger (or is it werepanther? I forget.) to drop the Mach Punch. I find it to be generally more useful than the Whip Knuckle, and if I'm not mistaken it's on your way to one of the souls you need to reach the Throne room. (The one that lets you pass the Chronomage? I think....)
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Boco wrote:
Note how he rates X7 higher than X5.. or rather, I should say, he rates X7 higher than other games on the list.
I think that invalidates his opinion of X8. Comparing it to original Megaman series and perhaps even the SNES Megaman X games isn't really a straight comparison, but comparing it to X8 and saying that X7 is better, you really have to have not played one of those games much. They're very similar, they just removed the most sucky parts of 7.
Julianch wrote:
1) yes, in my opinion MegaMan X7 is a great game.
Well, I'm glad that you're so easily amused, then. I will give it one thing: its Sigma fight is probably the hardest in the series if you don't bring Zero there. Beyond that it just didn't entertain me enough for a second run through the game. (Especially with the fact that one of the weapons you get is absolutely useless. Nothing is weak to it, and it's not even a particularly useful weapon to clear standard enemies with.) But, meh. You're entitled to your opinion.
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feitclub wrote:
quietkane wrote:
I have too much respect for Megaman to believe that he's that gullible. Maybe they've got a contract going. Wily keeps creating disorder and running amock and Megaman goes and "stops" him. After each wave, he gets reward money from the earth he just saved, splits it with Wily, and then arranges for his escape.
You'd rather think of him as a con artist than an honest but naïve boy-bot?
Does that look like a "naïve boy-bot" to you?
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I have too much respect for Megaman to believe that he's that gullible. Maybe they've got a contract going. Wily keeps creating disorder and running amock and Megaman goes and "stops" him. After each wave, he gets reward money from the earth he just saved, splits it with Wily, and then arranges for his escape. I suppose all the powerups go to Wily to use in creating the next batch of "threats," though I'm not sure what happens with Rush. Maybe he has to dismantle Rush's powerups in order to bust Wily out, or something. No, I've got it! He has to use Rush to bust Wily out, but Rush isn't kosher with the deal so he keeps attempting to rat out Megaman, who then has to break Rush. Dr. Light then fixes Rush, but can only do so much so Megaman has to find the appropriate parts before he can use the extra features again. Don't ask where Protoman, Bass, and Treble fit in, 'cause I don't know.
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Well, one answer is that there is, indeed, no continuity between the games and they all happen in a separate universe. But that can't possibly be the case for X, since there seems to be an ongoing plot between several of them. (3 directly follows 2, which directly follows 1; 6 happens like 2 weeks after 5.) Also, X needs to explain why he doesn't always keep the armor(s) from the previous game. (He keeps 4's armor for 5 and he keeps the Falcon armor for 6, and then there's the ultimate armor but you can't always get that straight off.) So... I'm going to say that every time he defeats Sigma he gives all the powerups to Douglas (their tech guy) who keeps taking them apart to figure them out (so he can replicate them and actually contribute something to the team for once) and breaking them whilst doing so. I know Douglas doesn't show up in the first three games, but they make it seem as if the team's always been that way so I'm going to also put forth the supposition that there's no continuity between the first 3 games and the next 5. (Especially since they say that X is going to kill Zero some day at the end of 3, which you know they're never going to do.) Yes, I just came up with a somewhat complex theory to explain why X isn't uber-powerful at the beginning of every game. So shoot me.
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How can you know what an IP address is and yet not know that can't be a non-local address? Oh my, but idiocy is funny. I especially enjoyed the retreat to 7-year-old insults, i.e: "Only my grandmother does that."
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One of them's a plant, I think. And they get really pathetic about naming them after the 3rd installment of the series, too. Then again, when the original blue bomber started fighting guys like "Tomahawk Man," I gave up on him.
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Doesn't ZSnes do re-records, now?
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*distinct lack of appropriate smiley* And I thought my 12 second time for Samus' target-test was good. *censored* That's insane.
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