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Dooty wrote:
Oh, I was thinking about the shaman on Ninja Training Grounds, but that's great!
Hmm, about ninja grounds: There is check by only X, so no matter how high your jump. But there is some bug: If you stay there, spinning not happens. So, you can: 1) Double jump at platform over head at start, then need to spend almost all 900 2) Double jump right at that place 3) You freezed 3) Enemy hit you -> you gain control 4) Wait until all projectiles created and deleted Profit?!?! I don't know how it's long, but you can test. I think it caused by removing offscreen sprites. But I'm not sure. Main task to skip animation - avoid somehow "spin" projectiles. When they hit you, you'll start spin and lost control. Edit: here is sample: EDIT2: I was totally right! it is offscreen removal.
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Great zip in Mansion 2. I didn't try it because I saw vertical collision. But with push from top vertical collision, you can fall through floor. Great!
Dooty wrote:
as Ninja Maui, jump as soon as your ying yang is about to run out, you will change to Donald in mid air, and you can jump again.
Great! I need to check all maps again...
Dooty wrote:
and I think we can skip the shaman's animation completely!
Yes we can. (tested) Double jump and pass two walls. You need only big rect to pass.
Dooty wrote:
But did you noticed how close the "Pau!" sign is on stage 2? And there is my shortcut that I mentioned before
Dooty wrote:
but I can't check the programs; my Windows 8 is blocking it :(
If you trust me, then: More info, Run anyways.
Dooty wrote:
Yes! The double jump can be used to skip almost the entire first part of stage 2;
Argh, a bit too late :D
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Dooty wrote:
it's not the final version yet, I just want to have something to compare.
Dooty wrote:
Also, the double jump is a powerful trick and I want to test something on stage 2!
Double jump? O_o
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Ah, I should say it before... but 1) I have found new shortcuts
  • Realm of Dead 1
  • Ninja grounds 2
  • Duckhood 2
  • Duckhood 1
2) Changed route in Flying Duckman 1 3) Update script: 4) Wrote two programs that allows to optimize jumpingSorry that It's late. And, I want to mention: 1) Use different ammo to kill enemies, you don't need to keep whole ammo to boss. So, I would like to see more monsters killed. I think, it needed for entertainment purposes. You will need only 20,1,21 (white,red,yellow) for first boss. 2) Do crazy stuff when you not busy. 3) You can jump up backwards and turn forward to have 1+ speed instead of 0.125. So it will be: 0.000, 1.125, 1.250. Instead of: 0.000, 0.125, 0.250. You can use it to jump in end of Mansion 2. 4) Maybe you'll manipulate jump height in Mansion 3? When your hitbox collides with tube hitbox you have -8.000 y speed. So, manipulating with your Y when it happens - gives different jump height. It's how our tube trick works with shooting up. Please wait me a little, before making Ninja Grounds 3. I want to learn how to manipulate moving platforms. Links to programs will be in this post. Sorry. My bad :S EDIT: programs added. EDIT2: script updated. Now you can manipulate platforms in Ninja grounds 2. It depends on frame counter, so game is not hex friendly :) Also, If you didn't see, there is ninja hits boxes added. And, did you try v+hit straw guys in ninja grounds? It's just another way to kill them. Also, I would like to see WIP, because I beware some mistakes in middle section :(.
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Problem is that I don't know how many times I need to press and release Left and Right buttons. Nevermind, it will brute for centuries.
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TASK: you stay in position X. You have jump, and walk. Both has different accelerations by X. Time in jump differs by C time pressed after jump. Needs to set X at range[a,b]. After this, I can make zip through wall. (Or want to test).
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Is this script able to make right positioning? I want X to be in range [0,2] as fast as possible, and keys: C,Left,Right press/release in any time. Something like that... I don't see how to configure it out. EDIT: you always run whole input from start. You can make savestates (in memory) at events.
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Ok. Break.
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Dooty wrote:
If you jump long enough before you activate the shaman's animation, he will be facing the wrong way.
Great! It works. You can hit hook right from jump in air :). As I see, jump in air works only if he stop your transform animation. But I don't want redo this stage again :(
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Dooty wrote:
Man, what was that after the shaman animation? I didn't know you could do that in the air!!!
You can't but! I get this idea from your jumping from doors in Mojo Mansion. You didn't notice? that you jump from air :D Same here. Only one frame you stay on ground in air. May be I'm confusing you, but that's true.
Dooty wrote:
In the first zip, I was thinking about doing it on a platform closer to the floor, but it's already amazing the way you did it!
I tried myself too, but it seems to be impossible. If you find way to fall more in wall than I did, then awesome! I can say max X position that I can reach in wall.
Dooty wrote:
We broke two stages so far; Mojo Mansion and Ninja Training Grounds, so I think we deserve a little break :)
Yes we do. I think Mojo Mansion can be improved on tubes and with boss. But, I'm not sure. I looked into bug with 12 DMG from (red+white) combo, and it is very strange. I don't know how exactly it happens, so I can't abuse it more than once for boss.
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I need to show you new second level strats... :S. It will be in this pos. Wait a little :) EDIT: Here it is. Enjoy :D First zip is very difficult, but even so, I have made it from hook. Second zip not so difficult, but It's cool that you can do wihout loosing any speed. Script little update: now it won't crush in cutscenes (not in game).
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Dooty wrote:
using the spikes to reach the door is 20 frames slower, but while I was trying;
20 frames - not bad, but additional white weapon! :) you can use it for boss. I know already about this zip. Here is zip, that I mentioned already before Also, updated main lua script. Now it's almost awesome. Need to show ropes, and other stuff. Some info about stuff showed: Two mini teal rects - lower - down restriction, upper - up restriction. Both works like point. But lower has some margin. I don't know exact value. I mean, it can push you up. (from underground :) Upper collision used horizontal collision boxes to check. And third (big one): horizontal restriction. It push you backwards. I know two zip methods: 1) For example. Wall from left side, you from right side. Fall in wall so you have a little smaller X than wall has. You must be faced right (backwards from wall). Then, when you have passed additional blocks of "horizontal" collisions, you can press left, and move left through wall. If there is no additional "horizontal collisions" then you can go left as soon as you passed floor height. It will work, if you have luck with "big" box. 2) Zip in water level. As I understand, You not pushed from wall if you stay on floor in many horizontal collision boxes. There is one interesting thing about collisions: speed applied to collision box. I have found one more zip type (1). But, movie will be later.
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Dooty wrote:
Sorry, but I can’t figure out which spikes you’re talking about (yeah, I’m that dumb), do you have a picture?
Something like that: [URL=][/URL]
Dooty wrote:
Can you change your script to show only those?
Yes, I can, but I don't realy want to show them on map. It is for us. We can do comentary stuff like subtitles, but I don't think it's needed. My script shows many stuff needed. Pink rect - character position. You can easy track when platform ends, also it helps to jump to dynamic platforms. If you don't like that input hides some text, you can move text, or move input position. There is showed almost all what you need even additional combo hits :S. Also it works as prediction system. You can see sprite changes one frame before. But you can do this by save load in same frame %).
Dooty wrote:
And I'm searching for walls like this;
Ok, I'll look into collision detection system.
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Location: Russia First boss: -39 frames. Need more experiments with ammo. I can describe idea of this tactic. 1) Do not stay close. Otherwise bullets will miss frequently. 2) You can gather 2+2+8 damage with (red+white) bugs combo. But it requires fine tuning. Red bug must hit by 8, and two white bugs must hit by 2. You can see two green splash if they hit. 3) All bullets must HIT! Collision triggers if invincible == 0. Summary: Boss: 90 HP Red+White: once (-1 both ammo) = 12 DMG White+Yellow: 19 (-1 both ammo) = 19*4 = 76 DMG Yellow: once = 2 DMG New observation: Two jumps in row (one right after another) - faster than "jump, walk, jump". Think about it. This can save few frames :). I don't know simple explanation why so.
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Dooty wrote:
Sorry, my bad. Here's the file with the fall through spikes;
O_o very good! I wanted to mention in start of second level to press A there. But, you already made it. Interesting trick with transformation before long animation :) I don't know where to use spikes trick. I have found one such bug in "the Flying Duckman" level first part. You can fall through floor in start of level. Ok, lets start with such script: and save this: as "donald_tas_notes.lua" and you can write notes right on map. 1) Move cursor at point where to write note 2) Remember coords 3) Add correspondent line in donald_tas_notes.lua Ah! I forgot to mention: DMG table: As you can see... May be you can beat first boss faster if you'll use combo: bombs & (white or yellow). I know, there will be lags... And, did you try in first level second part in last section between doors to run down , and there jump at spikes -> you will fly up into another spikes and go in door? EDIT: scripts updated, DMG table too. New tricks: 1) Fast kill boss in volcano. First state - ninja hits, after that, all bugs combo 2 times. So, I have changed route to pick 10 red bugs. 2) Red + blue bug kills boss in Muddrake Mayhem. I didn't know that. 3) O_o what I found in Muddrake Mayhem Part 2. It's save much time. You can skip "stopper remove". Just stay left side from rope, and make ninja run right. 4) o__O It's save much more time. Pick red bug near shaman with ninja hit using collision bug. Now you don't need to wait red bugs. That's why I have made directions for wasp in script. Because "door" triggers when enemies all dead. And I had plans to shoot them with white bugs. Meanwhile: Appended 2 levels. Also, keep in mind: 1) Bound boxes not always collision boxes. 2) Ninja stick collisions - curved. I don't know exact shape. Sometimes faster would be move by X axis away from hook, to hit him. Same with enemies. 3) Invincible timeout - it's just variable, in some states this variable igroned by game, or used for other purpose. For example you can hit ninjas with not null invincible timeout.
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Stop, I think we need more planning. I didn't think that routing there so difficult. Reason: HP. I thought that HP resets to MAXHP in next level. Nope, it's not. And we should take maxhp items into account. So, I think we should make this: 1) HP and MAXHP planning 2) Boss runs tests - to know how many hp you need to spend to kill them as fast as you can. 3) Various scripts: enemy & yours bound boxes, hp. Hooks marking system would be nice too. (mark state for jump) Hmm!! good Idea, we can draw marks in level :). 4) Investigate dmg of different hits. Scripts is very useful when you rerun from start, because it's realy difficult to remember whole things, and make them every time. I think (1) is very important. More info: there is +50 MAXHP items (bag with plus sign). It increase HP and MAXHP +50 at same time. And there is two restore HP items: punch (drink): +25 HP jug: HP = MAXHP So, for example if we reach 200 MAXHP, we can spend 200 -> 15 then pick up jug and spend almost whole life again. If you want restart run frequently then you can optimize first level :)
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Location: Russia My attempt to first level. It's worse, but you can think about other routes/tricks. And it shows new stuff. (elevator trick, and tubes jump) About tubes jump: you need to land on tube with such sprite If you do so, then you will jump higher. It can be usefull at least in two places. I think, you can select other sprites to reach different jump height.
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Dooty wrote:
here's my last progress, the rum will be restarted then;
Hmm, completely same file as previous. We need to choose version. And, what you need from me now?
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Dooty wrote:
* When you land from a jump your speed drops to zero
Added into list :) More about Brazil version. It's date November 1996. So it was one year after (E) [!] version. But there is info that Brazil version released in 1995. But, in ROM header marked version 00. Something strange. I have tested PC version: Donald starring in Cold Shadow. It's date 1996 year, and it is almost equal to Brazil version on genesis. (only PC graphics & music quality and changed password for Debug Mode). I interpret this as two version of Donald starring in Maui Mallard: 1995, and 1996 years :). And may be developers of SNES version lay hands on 1996 version.
Dooty wrote:
So, despite my excitement to TAS the Brazilian version, there’s no way to make it faster than the European one.
There is 60/50 speed multiplier in time, but in frames, there's no way definetely.
Dooty wrote:
Donald can fall through the elevator’s floor if he hits the edge of a platform one frame before he lands on it.
Great! I have found it too when I tied to test zero speed when you land. And I have found one interesting thing, if you shoot right after jump - you will jump higher than normaly. But, as I see it is not higher than high jump (holding C). This was found while autoshot C key was turned on.
Dooty wrote:
I think we could achieve better results working together. Please, think about it.
I can make it, but I think we need optimize all routes to achieve best results.
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Here we go. Differences list: by me. And, what I can say about it. Only 3 thing from list I like: 1) Hints 2) Frog camera move 3) Flying duckman boss animation All other - dislike. Here is some watches and script for brazil version
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I have made script to change side on hook, and here is test and watches Hope it helps. Hmmm interesting! I have found many differences in version you call "Brazilian". Most expensive difference, that RAM map not same. I don't want to write list of differences, but some of them realy expensive for romhacker. EDIT: script updated. One line commented, if it does not work, uncomment it.
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I just tried to make volcano level. not frame precise again :). Just test New observations: 1) When you stand and get hit, animation is long, so you can jump before someone hit you, then you get hit and land. control returned. 2) there is several states when you on hook. First - right after hit hook. You can see it by animation frames. To jump at some state, you need press jump before first frame with sprite in state needed. (at least in gens rerecording 11a) 3) in ninja mode you can skip full hit animation if you jump right after hit. (this I have use with boss) 4) you can fast change direction on hook: just jump in second state, and hit hook again from other side. 5) under certain circumstances you can run, just by A+> instead of A+>> (need more investigation) I think, it is somehow depends with input before landing. 6) v+B with ninja, may be faster if you stand up after hit, and sit down again - I don't know. 7) you can hold A to transform ninja while walk. Nothing special, but I didn't think about it 8) in muddrak city shaman resize animation can be skipped if you get hit. Useful in end of second part. I don't know how to beat boss fast. Ah! Assuming that you will have there 100 hp instead of 300, I tried to keep HP greater than 200. EDIT: another one replay in ninja mode A in air has some weird behavior. normally you can't jump on that platform from below. using this glitch, you can!
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I remembered one nice trick jump + shoot to make "wrap" no frame precise, just example. ROM: (E)[!] gens rerecording 11a used. gmv with save state. to watch, save files must be compatible. And, just to mention. In third part of volcano level, there is shortcut Hmm and, try to hit hooks from opposite side than you need to jump.
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It is simpler than NOT SKIP :S
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Great! Do you realy need last bottle before boss? It is kind of secret bottle. It's not easy to get it. So, did you try to jump from one tube right to another?
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