Posts for rythin

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Yes! Sorry, I guess I forgot to mention it anywhere but this TAS is indeed glitchless. I wanted to optimise the main category RTA runners care about, which appears to be glitchless. I also think the glitch used in the glitched runs is rather boring and wouldn't really do anything other than make this already really short run even shorter.
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Prince of Persia, and especially the sands trilogy, are always a treat to watch. From the fluid movement to the awesome glitches, these runs have something to offer for everyone in an RTA setting, and especially so in a TAS. Cutting out a lot of the time humans normally take to set up some of these skips, as well as really pushing the movement mechanics to their limits to save fractions of seconds, this run is nothing but eye candy. The category choice is good. While the zipping glitch is hilariously broken, as you mentioned in the submission text, it does get quite repetitive. I found the zipless restriction, along with the menu glitch not being available on console, made the run much more entertaining to watch than RTA runs. Yes vote, of course.
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Fun watch! Though, seeing the extra darts thrown away feels really unsatisfying, makes me wish this was a max score submission instead of aiming for fastest time.
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I am an avid enjoyer of anything teleporty in a TAS setting and of course love to see more pico rep. Yes vote!
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I love risk of rain by the same devs, but never played deadbolt. Was very fun noticing some similarities in design, most noticeably with the sounds used in the game. Of course, the TAS itself was great too, even though the run can be kind of hard to follow at times with the rapid camera movements, it was very enjoyable and looking at the RTA boards, it saved an absolute ton of time over the record, especially given how short the game is. Yes vote.
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Did you die at 2:55
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Great work, plenty of improvements compared to the any% TAS and with completing all the levels, the run finally has some *meat* to it. I especially loved some of the routes you came up with for the non-any% levels, precise walljumps that just barely don't bonk on the ceiling above. Very satisfying. Seems like you didn't struggle with the cycles much either? If you did, it's not very apparent except for the second to last level, assuming those jumps were required, looked really unfortunate. Easy yes vote.
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Last I checked it had issues getting textures to load but Mirror's Edge 2D has been on my eye for a while now. The Red Ball series would probably make for a good TAS showing too, I know at least the first game has a TAS already but it would be nice to have it done with tasvideos-approved tools :D
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Synchrony *runs* in libTAS, however is very prone to desyncing from my experience. As far as I know its because Synchrony will occasionally lag and drop inputs when loading in new sprites and the like, though I only tried TAS-ing Bard (the character who moves at his own pace, regardless of song) so the 1-frame inputs tended to desync fairly often, though a char who's bound to the song playing could probably have the direction button held down for longer to prevent desyncs like that? I've been meaning to look into it but been busy with other stuff lately. Technically the original game also has a Linux version that might work better, though I haven't been able to get it to run in my VM.
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Camwoodstock wrote:
truly an innovation in the pumkin feeding scene Jokes aside, this unironically might open doors to more Flash Game TASes, which is really neat. Would genuinely like to know the methodology employed, as it could be useful for TASes of more... standardly-TASable, Flash Games. (Does that make sense, hopefully it makes sense). As a joke, though, yeah it's Hungry Pumkin lmao
I am appalled and quite frankly offended at your disregard for the pumpkin feeding technology at display here. There have been a couple more serious Flash submissions in the last few days which outline how they are made a bit more:
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Always nice to see more Unity games work well in a TAS setting. Loved the cycle skips and the more wacky movement at times, yes vote!
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Fortranm wrote:
Any plan on doing this next? :D
Haha, I actually wanted to do tofu boy right after finishing the meat boy run but it seems to not be compatible with ruffle yet unfortunately
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Knowing the game from years ago I wasn't expecting anything special, and yet I was pleasantly surprised. All the fancy shots taking out multiple enemies at once make it a very entertaining watch!
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Would it be possible to just add a couple of frames of left arrow inputs there? Not an ideal solution but since the game has no RNG the rest of the movie should sync up anyway. Really strange, not sure why it'd desync there.
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First of all good job on submitting your first TAS! While I don't know this game, the TAS seems highly optimized.
Thank you!
The only place I saw an improvement is "Stage" 2:20. After throwing the box to the final platform, you seem to push it a bit too much to the end.
There isn't really a way to make it land closer without pushing it to the left on the previous platform, which would be much slower.
It consistently desyncs for me on the 12th screen (around the 52 second mark). Youmu doesn't quite reach the portal. I tried various settings, but without success. I'm using a Kubuntu 20.04 VM with the latest updates, and as such, I'm using the KDE desktop environment.
Not really sure what could be causing that, I'm no Linux expert unfortunately :/ I'm personally running Ubuntu 20.04 through WSL, if that's any help.
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Sorry! First time submitting on here and I wasn't sure how much info was necessary, and poking around a couple other PC submissions I didn't see any syncing info. I'm not sure about native Linux installs as I personally use WSL to run libTAS, but this game was a bit difficult to get running for me aswell, as it needed a full desktop environment rather than the usual method of having separate windows running Linux apps. Quoting instructions from R30hedron from the libTAS discord, who originally figured out how to get the game running:
If you are running libTAS within WSL and you have a game that is being stubborn about not having access to window sizes or the like, here's a potential set of steps to get that game running. 1) Setup a new XLaunch config that matches the WSL2 guide, but instead of "Multiple Windows", use "One large window". 2) Within a wsl bash terminal, run sudo apt-get install xfce4 or a different desktop environment of choice. (the install process will ask for what "flavor" of xfce4 you want. gdm3 is the one I picked.) 3) Run both the XLaunch config and run startxfce4 within a wsl bash terminal window. The game now will have a desktop environment from which to pull info about position and avoid the segfault.
I believe the command line option '--audio-driver ALSA' might be necessary for it to run aswell? Sorry, it's been a while since I set it up and am a bit fuzzy on the details. The libTAS interim build is used because encoding on the last stable build produces a video with no sound, but the game itself *should* run. Please let me know if I should edit the submission in any way to include this information or if this post is enough ^^;