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Amazing. Completion of this run will result in a Moon, Star and the creation of the Sun symbol which, of course will also be awarded to this run.
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Not trying to ruin the party or anything, but I would've much rather preferred to see longer combos rather than ONLY single large combos, even if you get more blocks that way. Still a good, fast run though.
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Hmm, when I click on your links, I'm not asked to download anything. Instead, I'm taken to a wordpad page with a list of the input of the movie. Is there any other way you can upload it? Sorry -- these weird things always seem to happen to me.
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That link seems to be of the last movie file, not your latest. The timer says 6 mins+, but I'm only getting up until the first Reptile match, just like in your first movie.
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I agree that it's better. Can't wait to see the rest.
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Having played this game when I was younger, and then replaying it a few years ago, I realize just how boring this game actually is. As far as a TAS goes, I know there's only so much to work with, but I believe that there's more you can do with this video. Firstly, have you ever seen this video? It's a combo video of the first MK by the DarkTemplarz, who are well-known for their combo videos. I know this video show-cases the Arcade version of the game, but I believe some of these combos -- which by the way weren't really intended for this game -- can indeed be replicated in the Genesis version. Though I'm not sure how many. Here's another video: This is a Genesis speedrun showing off combos and a few quirks with Raiden. A good example of an entertaining combo can be seen starting at 1:37. Now maybe it's just a character choice, but if such entertainment (ie. combo variety) isn't possible with Liu Kang, then perhaps another character? And as far as versions go, the Genesis version is easily the best. Graphics aren't too much different, and although SNES has better technical sound quality, the music is clearer and catchy, whereas in my opinion, the SNES version just sounds like a jumbled mess. I'll hold off voting for now, but I would strongly suggest at least checking out those videos and getting your opinion.
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For some reason, I desync during the vs. Kabal fight.
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Wow, that was extremely well-played, and I'm very impressed. I look forward to the SNES version!
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FODA wrote:
a TAS of um jammer lammy sounds more reasonable, you can do more stuff with the guitar.
This. Oh god, this.
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
Not to ask another annoying question, but where exactly is the download link on this page? I can't seem to find it. You'd think it'd be the blue letters that say, "Download fester.fcm", but that doesn't seem to be the case. Can someone help me out here?
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Not sure if it's just me, but that link you posted to your rough draft doesn't seem to be working. Could you update the link or post a new one? I'd really like to see how it is.
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Watched it and I must say, I'm sad to see Gort go. :( But a good improvement. Yes. Now please work on the 2nd one, even though you hate it and probably hate me now since this is about the second or third time trying to get you to work on it!
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember this topic from quite some time back and watching the WIP, and remembering how poorly emulated this game was on SNES9x. Wouldn't it just be better to do the Genesis version? I know it's slightly inferior graphics and sound-wise, but if it means better emulation, I'd take that version any day because it'd be much easier to enjoy.
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Phil wrote:
P.S. It would be nice that you write how much faster is this movie compared to precedent one in your submission text.
Agreed. Not only does it make it easier for us to spot the differences so that we can judge it, but when it gets accepted, those referencing the saved times can note how you did so. Anyways, I've kept up with all the Double Dragon 3 runs because I'm one of the few fans who thinks it's the best in the series (and not the second one!) I must say, it was a good run. It seemed more fluid, and I liked that you used Billy a little bit more than you did in your last run. Definite yes from me.
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KDR_11k wrote:
That was nice except for the bosses, it's boring as hell to watch the player ignore the boss and shoot random targets.
I'm afraid I must agree with this. While I see you're going for the 100% kills concept, it can be boring watching you kill every other target except for the boss lingering right in front of your face. I mean, 100% kills otherwise is extremely entertaining, but during boss fights -- not so much. At this rate, how will the final boss fight go? Either way, I was entertained, but just thought I'd echo this concern.
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As an owner of WarioWare Twisted, I enjoyed most of the games played. But I highly suggest trying what GeminiSaint said, because without the cutscenes, the movie would be much more entertaining and shorter as well. Until then, I'll hold off any votes.
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Thanks for that. But I still can't get it to work. I don't know how to patch GBA games. Sorry to be the annoying one of the group, but could you tell me HOW to patch it?
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I can't get 19.2 to recognize the movie file as such. It won't pick it up. Maybe I'm using the wrong emulator. Could you like to it or something?
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I agree that the concept of a human-bird combo being very interesting. Still I thought it was a decent movie. BTW, some of the sound effects reminded me of The Guardian Legend. When you get hit and when you hit a boss, those sound effects are also heard in TGL. What a great game that was. *hint hint*
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Well, seeing as now it's mid-May, I just thought I'd check to see if you might be working on this run again. Most schools are out by now, or at least close to it. And I don't know what happened with you and the other people at the forum you were talking about, but don't worry about them. The only thing important in life is Streets of Rage. :) But seriously, I hope things are better for you now. Here's hoping for a new update soon!
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Nah, Angerfist, the moving around kinda hurts my eyes too. :( But it's no big deal. And other than that this run is looking pretty impressive. Even though you've pretty much stuck with just the laser, the movie was still pretty entertaining. Keep it up!
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FODA wrote:
I was wondering if this could be used to beat a boss and then die during the "stage completed" message and maybe lose the last life there for a game over.
While that's an interesting idea, I doubt it could be used since losing lives in this run would be a huge time waster. And even if the run starts off at 1 life, the points will rack up and lives will be gained. So even to lose the last life at the very last moment, you'd have to lose any extra lives you've gained. Not very entertaining to watch. But I have noticed this bug before. Well, it's probably not a bug, but more like a programming oversight. It's very odd, indeed. And very annoying. Especially in Mania mode. As for your first point, thanks for posting that because that reminded me of something I wanted to post before. It's not a huge deal or anything, but for entertainment purposes, it's possible during certain sections of levels to go off-screen. For example, at the very first stage, after you beat Electra, there's a small moment of time right before you lose control over your character where you can jump, slide, special, etc. off the screen. It's amusing especially to go left off screen, only to have your character automatically walk back right. This is most amusing on the elevator section in round 4, because you stay off screen for a while. There are also parts where the scene ends by just fading away, not with having your character walk off screen. An example of this is seen at the end of section 1 of round 1. During these parts, creative 'freeze frames' would be interesting. Like having both characters about to hit each other when the screen fades away. Other things would be interesting as well. For example, when I play this, at the end of the first section of round 2, I try to make it look like Max is jumping into the back of the truck. Like I said, not a big deal, but a lot of little things like that are what makes run interesting to watch. And finally, as for the holding down B part during the very end, it could be interesting, just as long as something different is done every time. Of course, this seems obvious, but I thought it best to mention it since it's the only move (I believe) that can be executed when you lose control of your character. Phew! I find it amusing that I can write so much on such little things, but not supply practical help. :/
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I can tell this is going to be a very entertaining movie. That glitch was certainly amusing. When you put Z up against the wall, I was wondering 'WTF?' Then the glitch caught me totally by surprise. If this keeps up, it'll easily be one of my favorite movies on the site. Keep up the good work.
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You know I saw this the other day and it bothered me. Dark Fulgore already submitted a run of this to Speedruns although we did all the discussions here. Why did you submit it there but not here?
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Not exactly sure why, but for some reason, the link to the latest movie isn't working for me. It figures because I really want to see this movie!
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