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Wow, this one is a lot faster paced than the last one. It looks like it's going to be a good movie, though! But why does it make you angry? Is it harder to manipulate than you thought?
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I see what you mean about the screen scrolling, but let me explain (difficult though it may be.) You may not always want both characters to be as far right as possible. Why? Because at certain points (and there are a lot of them, especially in Mania mode), enemies will come from BOTH sides. As such, it'd be useful to have a character all the way to the right and a character as far left as possible to make the screen still scroll, but still be close enough to enemies who spawn from the left. I can't think of any particular time off the top of my head, but it may indeed be useful to have both characters on the right side, but in Mania, there are TONS of enemies with 2 players coming from all sides. As for the glitch, I didn't know some of those details, but I still think it shouldn't be used often. Maybe once when whomever does this movie can get TONS of enemies in it, like in level 7 during the elevator. I hate that part by the way. Either way, if the player can make it interesting, I'd be open to seeing it used more often than that. Not to put anyone on the spot, but I think that xipo would be a good candidate for a movie like this. Ever since he's joined this site, he's been making movies like crazy and they're all pretty entertaining. He's really dedicated and dedication is what a movie like this would need. Of course, that's just a suggestion. :)
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Wow, that sounds even better!
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So ever since I downloaded this game to my Wii, I've been playing it nearly non-stop and have learned the system decently. Now that I know how the game works, it has easily become my most wanted movie. So I read through this topic and there were a few things I wanted to mention. First of all, EVERYONE can keep up with the screen scrolling. Max's walking speed is the same speed that the screen scrolls, and since everyone else walks faster than Max, they can all keep up. What's important is their position to the screen. Although everyone can keep up with the scrolling, if you have two players, if one of them is too far to the left, the screen won't scroll until they advance. Even still, I think Skate is still the best choice for Max's partner for the reasons mentioned in this topic: he's quick, he's showy and he could be used to throw Max. :) Also, I think that this movie should have the "Has Entertainment/Speed tradeoffs" title because this movie would definitely be better that way. If you just go for fastest speed, you'll have them using the same moves over and over. Lame. As for that video with the combo glitch, if it's to be used, I don't think it should be used very often, if at all. I don't know how it works or how to execute it, but since it kills enemies so fast, viewers may find themselves asking why it wasn't used more often. And using it to kill bosses wouldn't be very fun to watch. Same thing if it were used too often. It seemed like there was something else I was going to mention, but I can't remember it at this time. Either way, I hope these comments help.
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Great to know you've come back to finish the run, even if it'll take a while. I think I might know an interesting way to finish the run. It doesn't go with the 'rhythm of the song', but I don't think that's really important anyway. But anyway... When me and my friend play this on the Wii, we stay on opposite sides of the screen (usually me on the right and him on the left.) What you COULD do is have one person do a Jumping Down attack (not sure of the official name, so for now I'll just abbreviate it JDA), two punches, grab, two knees then toss the Yamato back to the other person. Then, before the Yamato gets up, the other person executes a JDA early so that when the Yamato does get up, he automatically gets hit, and the other person does the same exact thing the first person did. Kind of repetitive, but it at least shows teamwork, and I think it'd be a bit more entertaining to watch than the ways the other Yamatos were handled.
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Pretty entertaining. The elevator part was really smart. Yes vote easily. What's more is that the game is very similar to Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle 2. And I'm sure that's no accident. So Xipo, would you be willing to work on that game? It's in bad need of an update and would be very entertaining!
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Truth be told, I couldn't tell if the movie was fully optimized because watching Kirby be a wheel 95% of the time is boring, so I was watching at 300% speed. I just can't see this game being entertaining without sacrificing too much time. I hate to say it, but I also must vote no.
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I hate to be yet another person who just bumps the topic, but I believe one of the reasons runs like this die is because people simply stop posting in the topic. Perhaps bumping it (again) will help get it back on the road of completion. So what's the latest update? This is one of my favorite games ever, so I'd love to see it completed. EDIT: I've decided that instead of just a bump, I should also give advice from what I saw in the run as well. I realize that the WIP is probably just a test run, but there are a couple things I noticed you could've done. Firstly, in the options menu, you can speed up text as well as battle speed. Battle speed refers to movement on the stage, not actual battles. You can also turn off animations from the same menu, which may same time since you should be in this menu anyway to turn up the text and battle speed anyway. And like I mentioned in another post, you can buy items in increments of tens. Also, is it possible to manipulate hidden items or item drops from battles? Judging from your unassisted WIP, it would appear so, but I wanted to make sure. Actually, forget hidden items because it would probably be much faster to manipulate drops from battles than going to certain points on the map to pick up an item. Either way, an Undead Staff and Undead Ring should be acquired so that when you get Saradin in your group, you can turn him into a Lich. Though when I think about it now, with proper manipulation, you may not even need a Lich. He may be just fine as a Sorcerer. Will the run be going for the best ending or just any ending? Just curious. Oh, and do you think it would be faster to replace Debonair with someone else like Rauny later on? That Wyrm/Wyvern is obviously a permanent member of the group, but he should be fine on being the tank (that is, taking all the physical hits.) Besides, Rauny already comes as a Muse and a powerful one at that who can hit everyone. I think that's about it. If I think of something else, I'll post it.
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Zurreco wrote:
Aside from the rad 99 yard touchdown throw, I found most of this to be pretty boring. It had its moments, but it didn't have many. Sorry broheim. Meh.
I must agree. Though to be fair, I've never played the game. Still, in my opinion, it was a 'Meh' at best. Sorry. :/
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I would like to watch and rate this movie. I really would. Unfortunately, there must be something wrong with the link provided for the Dega emulator. There are no .exe files (or anything similar) that I can see to even start the emulator. Just a lot of folders filled with .txt files. I'm sorry if it's a bit off topic, but the reason I want to figure this problem out is because I really wanted to watch this movie. Thanks for the help.
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Like I said with the last run, if I were wearing a monocle, you can bet that it would've fell out while watching that movie. It was that good. Now watch Rikku improve upon it again, as is the usual formula.
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I don't think a run of this game would be met with a warm welcome. As mentioned, there's already the Kirby's Avalanche run. While I would still like to see a run of MBM, I sincerely doubt that different music and different enemies would be enough to warrant a different run in the eyes of everyone else here. However, if the run had different goals, then maybe it'd be more likely to get accepted. For example, I noticed in KB, there was never an actual 'avalanche.' I think a MBM run should go for massive combos. And I don't mean just 2 or 3 combos with lots of beans, I mean 7 or more combos. So it would be going more for entertainment than speed. Still, I look forward to this nearly finished run. I still play it every now and then, and I still laugh at the game everytime I hear "Yippee!" 5+ times in a row, just like I did way back in 4th grade.
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Well I cleaned everything from Mupen off my computer and reinstalled it and it worked this time. Not exactly sure why, but regardless, thanks for the responses!
Post subject: Problems with several versions of Mupen.
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So I downloaded the newest version of Mupen in Nitsuja's topic, but whenever I load a ROM, it crashes. No matter which ROM I load! I've never had this problem before, but I also had an older version of Mupen, so I figured I'll download it. I go to the Mupen site and there doesn't appear to be an older version for Windows (at least, not that I can see or understand.) So I go roaming several emulating sites. One version I download comes with absolutely no plug-ins. Ugh. So I download another version which loads ROMs perfectly. Great! But for some reason, it only plays back movies recorded as .rec files. I've never even heard of that kind of file for n64 movies! So can someone lead me in a direction of a working version of Mupen? Or can someone maybe explain why the version in Nitsuja's topic is crashing? Sorry for making a topic on this, but this board seems to go pretty slow, and not exactly applicable to one topic. Thanks a lot!
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I'd love to see a run with Sonic starting with the 14 emeralds. Heck, I'd be just fine seeing him collect them all, just like I liked the Knuckles run (though I skipped all the 3D parts.) Even if it isn't officially accepted by the site, I'd still watch it a lot!
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I second the notion of a 100% run. Until then, I won't vote.
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I've also been closely watching the WIPs, and I have to vote yes. I just couldn't believe it would be this long! Anyway, this may be a bit soon to ask, but what about the second one? From what I can tell, it looks like it's faster-paced and even longer than this one. But obviously the most important question is if it's as easily manipulated as this one.
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kirbymuncher wrote:
Meh, I got bored and made this. It's basically a movie (Although not that great, it's my first try TASing SSB) showing all the characters and levels in battles with three level nine computers. I'm not sure whether it aims for time, entertainment, both, or neither, so you might want tp decide that while you watch.
I don't see anyone else mentioning this even though it's been up for a while, but it's been de-synching on your second battle (the one where you're Yoshi) at the very start. I wonder if I'm the only one with this problem...
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I remember playing this game so long ago. Looking back at it now, the graphics look pretty good and it looks like a well-made game. I'm pretty sure that it would make a pretty good TAS, though I can't help but wonder how those who haven't played it before will feel.
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My monocle fell out when my eyes widened in amazement. And to think this started at over 16 minutes, now it's just over 6!
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I have to say yes. Different weapons were used and I didn't think the walking speed was bad at all. The pause-switching didn't bother me either. It wasn't awful, so how can you say no?
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Hm, when I think about it now, I suppose it's because I haven't watched any other Gens videos that saved data automatically like Shining Force; that's why the problem seemed so weird to me. Anyways, it's time to make these posts of mine useful... So I noticed in these movies that you hold down several movies almost constantly during battles, and others at different times, including the Mode button. Is this part of the manipulation?
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I think it should be noted that the Japanese version is called Hoshi no Kirby: Kagami no Daimeikyū. Just in case anyone had a hard time finding it. Will watch the movie later.
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I mentioned in my first post that I made sure all previous data was deleted. Though to be honest, I found it weird that with this game I had to manually delete the save file while most others usually over-write it manually. But yea, the movie was desyncing even after I deleted the save files. EDIT: And now, just to make me look like a fool, it begins working for me. It figures, but hey, as long as it works, right?
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Yes, I watched the earlier WIPs with the same ROM and same GENs version. I suppose I'll have to try the one you suggested. Either way, this is good info for others who may have synching troubles in the future. EDIT: Er, actually, I can't seem to find the version of Gens you listed. Would you mind linking please?
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