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Voted yes. I can't downvote movies for this game. I mean, the only way they could be bad is if people didn't try. Every movie done for this game is awesome.
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Voted yes, because I liked it. I'd like a non-pacifist run better, though. I saw past videos of that and enjoyed it. Still, the simplicity of this game really catches my interest.
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40 seconds!? Wow, great improvement. And it was really noticeable too. Keep up the good work. You did that small part of Pig Bart effectively too. Good job!
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Voted yes. I always did like Double Dragon, number 3 being my favorite. Could you maybe do a 2 player of that? I know it'd be weird since each character has a different strength (Jimmy would still be beating someone up when Chin's enemy is already dead.) Still, I'd really like to see one of that. It'd be more entertaining than Chin running around 4-hit comboing everyone.
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I'd love to see some Comm 64 games TAS'd. I used to play this thing all the time when I was 5 years old. A few games that I know for a fact would be entertaining to be TAS'd. Super Pipeline II From it's title, you might think it's a skateboarding game, but far from it. There is a faucet full of water at the top left part of the screen as it pours water into a pipe which runs throughout the whole stage (and actually is the stage, seeing as how you walk and climb on the pipe) and drains into barrels at the bottom of the stage. As a plumber with a gun, it's your responsibility to prevent jackhammers and drills (as well as other enemies like lobsters) from making holes in the pipe. You also get mini-helpers (that you have to catch first) who can repair holes in the pipe. This game is extremely hard and I've never gotten past level 16. I don't even know if there is an ending for this game. As time goes on, the action goes super fast, so I think that would really help with the entertainment value. And although the songs can get repetitive, they're also pretty catchy. Trolls and Tribulations I think that if we ever get a decently working re-recording emulator, TASVideos would eat this game up. There are two sections to this game. The first consists of killing trolls that fall and/or hatch into the 1-room area of the game with your bow and arrow. After they are dead, you continue to a platforming section where you have to avoid enemies and use correct jumps, and collect treasure if you like. The music here is Commodore 64 versions of classical music, which wouldn't make it a pain to listen to.
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Joe wrote:
I think there is enough variety and relative shortness in this game to make it entertaining enough for publication granted you do a good enough job (which I don't think will be much of a problem) I honestly think you should alternate between the platforming and non-platforming levels, but that's just me. Can't wait to see the end of Dino Bart
I agree with both of these comments. As I said before, the game is composed of a variety of games, which will keep it from becoming bored. I don't think that'll be a problem at all. Secondly, I also agree that you should alternate between platforming and mini-games. So instead of doing Dino-Bart now, you should do the Biking or Tubing stage. Then Dino-Bart/Pig Bart, then the other mini-game, etc. Other than that, has there been any progress?
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Macman wrote:
Daniel, Lord Bahamut wrote:
Flyers are weak to electric. Do you have an electric type that can take the gym?
Dragon is resistant to Electric though, so he'll just end up with normal damage. If you get an Ice type then you will get 4x damage due to double weakness.
Off the top of my head, I don't think he gets any Ice moves until after this Gym. I think. :/
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Wow, this is looking really good so far. I never been that far before, and looking at all this, how in the freakin' world did the makers actually expect people to make it that far, much less beat it!? It is impossible...literally! Matter of fact, this whole game is impossible. Now please continue making a mockery of this game as great as you have been please! :)
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Heh, I was just about to post a thread for this game not too long ago. This game was EXTREMELY hard on the SNES, and even on emulators with save states, it was still incredibly hard. The great thing about this game is that there were different kinds of games to play, so it should make for a pretty entertaining movie. I look very much forward to this run. I haven't played it in years, so I probably won't be able to help much. But if I see any mistakes or anything, I'll be sure to let you know.
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Hmm, off the top of my head, I don't think you get an ice attack for quite a while. Of course, I could be wrong. Also, I seem to have a problem loading the roms in general. I downloaded Sapphire and I only get a white screen. I get the same result with Ruby. I thought something might be wrong with the emulator, so I tried all other Roms. They all worked fine. So might anyone know what the problem is? This way, I can help the best I can.
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At current, I wouldn't be able to encode anything to AVI. I'm home for Christmas, and here, we have no choice but to use dial-up. In this condition, it would take ages to send anything to Shock. Even if I were back on T3, I'm quite afraid that I don't even know how to encode anything into AVI. :/
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I'm having an unusually hard time trying to find this ROM. Everytime I think I've found it, it turns up to be a hacked version. :/ Anyways, I think I can help quite a bit, so when I've finally found it, I'll watch the video and give my opinion. :)
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If I'm not mistaken, I think Alakazam is stronger than Gardervoir. It's faster, and I think it can have a higher special also. Unless you could make Gardevoir effecient enough, Alakazam is the best choice. Come to think about it, he's always been top tier. Must be the 'stache. :)
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It probably is based on Shock's comments he sent me. Anyways, how's the progress?
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Dark Fulgore wrote:
When I start the real run I put on Hardest dificulty.... I think are the same manipulation...
Oh ok. I thought it would be different for each difficulty. If I had known, I wouldn't have asked. That's good to know, though. And that video is very impressive. I love how there's more variability between characters; sometimes up to 3 people contributing to a single combo. Also, did you notice in the video how he waited sometimes before continuing the combo? For example, Smoke using spear, then waiting a few seconds before comboing. I mean, I've always seen it, but I never REALLY thought about it. THAT'S what Shock meant by waiting a certain amount of frames until you continue comboing so you can use combos again. I'm still disappointed that you can't morph while fireball juggling. :/
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Impressive infinite you did there! Oh, and not to rain on the parade or anything, but um....didn't you forget to put it on Hardest mode?
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Wow, I'm really impressed. I epsecially loved the second round. If this keeps up, this is going to be a great run. Just be sure to make your morphs wide and varied, and don't morph into the same fighter too often! Other than that, great work!
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Not me, unfortunately. I'm currently undergoing finals and will be until the end of next week. Even if I did have free time, I most certainly don't have the patience to even attempt stuff like this. And yes, I thought those vids were in real time. People can do amazing things when you know a game in and out, and I figured this was also the case.
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Cool. Do you think you could make them go in different directions, though? I mean like in the first stage, have the second player go under the bridge while the first stays on top. It'd be much more entertaining that way. That is, of course, unless it slows things down. But I don't think it should.
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I would also love to see 100% of this game, WITHOUT JOKER DOOM! Talk about an interest killer.
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This deserves a star AND a moon!
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shallow wrote:
However, I'm unsure of the amount of frames you have to wait, but I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
Sure don't. :(
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Ok, I'll try to put it as plainly as possible. Basically, for each time you use 2 specials in a combo, you have to wait a certain amount of frames before you can use another special. This is apparently because the game resets that the specials were used in the combo, but still registers it AS a combo. However, I'm unsure of the amount of frames you have to wait, but I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Secondly, if I'm reading this right, in the human Smoke combo example, resetting the combo (to be able to use specials again) requires that you've only done a four hit combo (I'm not quite sure I understand about glitch cancelling with 5 hits, maybe someone else does?). This includes specials. So in this specific example, if the enemy jumps, you telepunch, spear, LK/HK, LP, that's four hits. Apparently, if you wait a few frames after doing a four hit combo MAX, you'll be able to use a special again. However, another thing I'm not sure of is if this counts for ALL characters and ALL specials. Again, it should be easy to test. I hope this clears it up a little bit. :/
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This is the reply sent to me by Shock: The amount of special moves performed in a combo has nothing to do with a limitation of specials in general, but the specific limitations of the moves. For instance, with Human Smoke, if someone jumps away, you do a teleport to knock them out of the air, then a harpoon, pause for a second to elapse the time limit on both moves, and HK, LP, and do another harpoon. There is a 4 hit limit total for both the harpoon and the teleport punch and this stays within that limit. You can however glitch cancel a 5th hit which has to be either a LP, HP, JP, or JK (all cancelable moves in MK) by hitting the activation button upon the frame the attack connects. This would increase the limit for these moves to 5. In order for you to make a video truly impressive, you'll need players who know them inside and out, otherwise it's going to look stale or borrowed. Remember, we've done about a dozen UMK3/MKT videos. Let me know when you have something I can check out. So let me see if I can get this straight: if you wait a certain amount of frames, you'll be able to do specials again, but you can only do four hits in a combo including the specials (and a fifth possible by glitching) before using a special again? Hmm...we'll have to find out how many frames it takes to be able to do use specials again. Another thing that concerns me is that he said there is a 4 hit limit for telepunch and spear. But does that mean strictly those two or does that account for every special? I'm sure it'll be easy to discover once you try the speedrun. All you have to do is morph into someone else and test it, no big deal. Also, I wonder if these rules account for the SNES UMK3 as well. If so, you may be able to modify it somehow. I'm guessing yes since you can do (and DID) Stryker's infinite in your other run. In between gunnings, you jump kicked AND high punched. Now, whether or not they cancelled the amount of hits and/or counted in increasing the amount of time between gunnings is unknown to me, but I think it's a possibility. Anyways, once we get a little WIP going on, he said he'd take a look at it. So maybe after some testing, try your best and do a few fights, show it to Shock and they can contribute any further input to the video.
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I agree that a speedrun should be done for THPS3. 2 was my absolute favorite, but 3 has manuals (introduced in 2) and reverts so you can chain combos after coming down from a jump. It'd be so cool to see someone do a 2 minute run accomplishing almost every, if not every goal in one stage.
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