Posts for sonicpacker

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Well, if I could +1 any recent post on TASVideos, this would be it: ^ Thanks for posting all of your finds, Cronikeys!
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Personman wrote:
Re freeruns, I think the issue is that they are still of the "Mario runs around for a while" variety. We've all seen it a million times and it's just not as easy as it used to be to impress. A modern freerun needs to tell a story. Elaborate choreography along with music, achieving humorous and visually obvious goals, giving mario our other elements of the world a new personality - these are concepts that can hold the discerning m64 connoisseur's interest.
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[10:22] <Ilari> sonicpacker: 1) I looked at the YT format list. All ones I could find seem to be HD, so presumably there is no technical reason to replace. 2) The submission numbers are <3673S anyway, so this new YT policy does not affect if those will be replaced or not. [10:22] <sonicpacker> ilari: then i honestly dont care about the rule. i simply didnt want my current video links replaced. if i can be promised that, then i have no issues
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ignore this post, the problem i had is fixed. thank you ilari and nach.
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SammerZ wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
Eru should’ve specified in the description that he didn’t find the glitch
Eru doesn't speak much English and he might not have known that the glitch already existed. Nowhere did he even claim it to be new. Maybe he was just trying to make an entertaining video, God forbid. When someone uploads a freerun, they generally don't mention in the description that "X Person" found "Y Glitch" that I used at "Z Time of Video." That could take hours. What a stupid thing to whine about. Seriously, the original video has less than 300 views and had even less before Eru's video was posted. How can you guys (SammerZ included) blame anyone on here for not knowing about it? I honestly don't even know how this is being debated.
The thing is, in Freeruns (Good ones) there are generally many different tricks, and you wouldn't really notice if anything new was found, whereas, Eru's video is specifically about the one trick shown in the video, and even the title shows that the entire video was about this new trick, so he wouldn't need to put anything about where in the video the new trick is, since it's obvious, and made even more obvious when the title says "Mario got superslide" which basically is saying that there is a new sliding glitch, and since Eru didn't credit anyone in the description, everyone will think that he found it, when he didn't. I mean sure, Eru may have found it himself, but thats unlikely.
Excuse me, but are you having vagina problems? You seem to be dealing with a distinct lack of periods.
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Eru should’ve specified in the description that he didn’t find the glitch
Eru doesn't speak much English and he might not have known that the glitch already existed. Nowhere did he even claim it to be new. Maybe he was just trying to make an entertaining video, God forbid. When someone uploads a freerun, they generally don't mention in the description that "X Person" found "Y Glitch" that I used at "Z Time of Video." That could take hours. What a stupid thing to whine about. Seriously, the original video has less than 300 views and had even less before Eru's video was posted. How can you guys (SammerZ included) blame anyone on here for not knowing about it? I honestly don't even know how this is being debated.
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SammerZ wrote:
t3h Icy wrote:
Eru shows off a new glitch: Superslide! At least I think it's new.
God, I hate when people assume that the first time they have seen something, they think it's new, it bugs the hell out of me. It was found by ChristianF23, who has found alot of cool things and has barely gotten any recognition.
Why would they know any better? The people here aren't a part of the SM64 community. And even if some are, it doesn't mean that they were around back then when this trick was discovered (it has been almost a year). You should think about what you write before you post it. I mean, this person even took the time to say that it might not be new. What else do you expect from them? Sorry for "backseat modding," I guess, but I wanted to point out this one thing to Sam.
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CoolKirby wrote:
Sorry to keep you waiting. I got to the part where I place the Sun and Moon Stones and enter Hooktail Castle (about halfway through the chapter, I think), but I got sidetracked by other things. I'll resume working on it soon.
I'm curious, how far ahead of this are you (if at all)?
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was it known that you could take it from that side?
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SoulCal wrote:
I am trying to use MHS to look at the memory in Dolphin. I can easily find certain addresses, but each time Dolphin is started the address for a specific thing changes.
How are you even doing that? Whenever I try to search for anything in Dolphin with MHS it just crashes...
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Brandon wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
progress i suppose
Awesome, but what happens at the end exactly?
Once you go off of a ramp, you lose complete control of Sonic in the air until he hits the ground. For some reason, with the amount of momentum we had, Sonic seemed to get locked into the wall and never touch the ground leading to us never regaining control of him. Since the wall is a curved "corner," it just does that infinitely as Sonic has nowhere to go.
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jlun2 wrote:
pikminimon wrote:
If you read my post, I said "Bowser Exempt". So... uh.. yeah. Throwing Bowser with B is fine. Similar to the suggestion of the "minimal A" run, use it in the bowser section because you have to. So, Bowser exempt, is a B and Z-less run possible? Like I was saying before, what would be the first star you get?[/i]
That's not a well defined goal. That's like having a "no A button until the last stage run" as a goal. =P
I think you're confusing "well-defined" and "good." It's pretty clearly defined IMO, but it would also be pretty boring for a full game thing. Some single stars might be cool, but overall, there's no chance a movie like "no 'B' button SM64" would be accepted here.
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