Posts for sonicpacker

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Well, we realized that even with memory cards inserted, you aren't forced to choose them. So we'll be restarting because it saves over 7 seconds to do that.
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nfq wrote:
This is quite a small improvement of the previous TAS; it's only 1.55 seconds faster, so I'm wondering how do you keep track of the time so that you don't lose time compared to the previous TAS? Do you have another mupen64 in the background, running the previous TAS, and constantly comparing how you're doing?
Yes, we compare with the previous TAS. It isn't constant though. Most people just make text files and write down frame numbers. We also know most of the WRs for individual stuff because unlike most of the people on this site, we stick to this game specifically and master it instead of doing many different games.
nfq wrote:
I'm also surprised by the patience you have in all the parts of the run where there are no known improvements to be made, so they have to be done almost exactly the same. Do you maybe use a bot or hex edit for those parts?
If I had been the sole author of the improvements, I personally would have hex edited the old input and just submitted it with the same authors (because I was one). However, the Japanese players wanted to make an all new run to distinguish it from the old one. So they took care of redoing stuff (mostly). It doesn't take as long as you'd think, especially once you have a file to compare to with MHS.
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[17:35] <turska> do affordable laptops that don't suck even exist? [17:35] <rog> turska: no [17:35] <natt> yes [17:35] <natt> check your local dumpster [17:35] <natt> replace "local" with "rich side of town" [17:35] <sonicpacker> XD [17:35] <turska> Good to know I don't need to start buying Here's another one from back on February 16th, 2011, that I forgot to post after saving it: [20:03] <arukAdo> im sure in mcdonalds french fries you can find sugar [20:04] <Ilari> Sugar is suspected to be the prime cause of NAFLD (of course, subject to other factors that affect how well liver can withstand/repair damage). [20:05] <Ilari> Aren't french fries classically just potato, fat and salt? [20:05] <Sonikkustar> Why are we discussing fdrench fries? [20:05] <arukAdo> Ilari, i was half joking actually [20:06] <arukAdo> but everybody use ketchup or mayonnaise [20:06] <arukAdo> that contain sugar [20:07] <Ilari> Mayonaise shouldn't contain sugar (at least not added sugar). Of course there are lots of "mayonaises" sold. Those can contain anything. [20:07] <arukAdo> Sonikkustar, its all Flygon fault with his milk and cereals [20:07] <Sonikkustar> Flygon: You dairy enduced bastard [20:07] <Flygon> enduced? [20:08] <Ilari> BTW: Cereals aren't good for breakfast. Too much carbohydrate, too little fat and too little protein. [20:08] <arukAdo> Ilari, its fake on in mcdonals, pretty sure it have sugar in there [20:10] <arukAdo> if you remove sugar from any of their products it will taste realy bad i think [20:10] <Flygon> Ilari: I'm sorry I'm poor :p [20:10] <Sonikkustar> O_O [20:12] <Ilari> Of course, mayonaises bought from grocery stores likely aren't too healthy. But it has little to do with sugar. [20:12] <Ilari> arukAdo: I have. [20:12] <Ilari> BTW: Those calorie counts in that documentary just don't add up. [20:13] <Kirkq> ^Can't tell if troll up there, rofl [20:13] <arukAdo> would you believe me if i tell you i had the exact opossite experience lol [20:14] <Dacicus> arukAdo: You ate only McDonald's and lost weight? [20:14] <arukAdo> right [20:14] <Dacicus> How many times per day? [20:14] <arukAdo> once every 2 days [20:14] <Sonikkustar> This prooves that McDonalds is actually healthy [20:15] <arukAdo> those kind of plan are not healthy at all [20:16] <Ilari> A lot depends on what exactly you eat there. Stuff there ranges from "almost neutral" to "really horrible". [20:17] <arukAdo> realy horrible stuffs i think [20:17] <Dacicus> arukAdo: You only ate once every 2 days? I think that had more to do with it than where you ate... [20:17] <arukAdo> i doubt big mac is neutral [20:17] <arukAdo> obviously yes Dacicus, but i did ate only mcdonalds [20:18] <arukAdo> lasted maybe 2 months tho in my case [20:19] <arukAdo> i was fat younger, lost most of the weight that way [20:21] <arukAdo> but Dacicus, this is basicly the point, it all depend the frequency, that guy did took 11kg because he was eatin there for breakfast, lunch and super [20:27] <Ilari> It depends on more than just the frequency. It also depends on what one eats there (even if one exclusively eats McDonalds products).
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As I said on IRC, I think it would be best to put a little sub-section at the bottom of the respective console pages for hacks instead of putting them straight in with the other games. You could also make a "quick link" at the top (kind of like on wikipedia pages) that says "Hacks" and takes you directly to that section of the page.
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+1 natt. Will test this weekend on a friend's computer that is *much* more powerful than my 2.8GHz quad core.
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For an update, I'm still sort of messing with Dry Lagoon. Thanks to ptorflaxendrosis and itsPersonnal for pointing out that you can manipulate emerald positions after a death with camera changes. Previously, I had thought the only way to manipulate was through which frame you died. For some reason, this only applies to deaths and not when you enter a level (meaning changing the camera in a previous level does nothing). It still stands that the only way to manipulate in that way is what frame you press start to skip the cutscene. Anyway, I did a "1 death" test-run (2 deaths is no doubt slower for real-time) and was only 20 frames behind the 13:85 run. This made me realize that I need to go through the emerald positions once more to see if there are any better candidates for a 1 death run than the starting set I'm working with right now (same as 13"85). In a 1 death run, you either need to be very lucky and have the starting positions of emeralds 2 and 3 be in good places (both low in area 1), and then die to get the fastest emerald 1, or you need to be semi lucky and spawn a good original emerald 3 position, then die and manipulate pieces 1 and 2 to both be in good spots in area 1. One more thing I'll point out is that a death takes 3"75 from the initial hit until you regain control of Rouge. The reason I've been saying "I" and not "we" is because Mapler hasn't gotten onto his computer in a week and a half. I have no idea why, but hopefully he'll be back soon. Testing emerald positions takes a long time with just one person.
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rog wrote:
The issue appears to be video dumping. As far as i can tell, it dumps only once per VI, even though there can be frames where no VI occurs. I've been successful in getting a/v to to sync by recording the vi/frame counter and adding extra frames to the encode whereever VIs fall behind relative to the frame counter.
I made the SA2:B encode match Dolphin's frame counter, frame-for-frame (visually) and the audio wasn't even close to matching up with any of my audio dumps. Even when I matched up specific parts (like Iron Gate alone), it would slowly DS over time regardless of lag. However, lag caused even larger desyncs.
natt wrote:
So perhaps the practical best thing to do is to dump video with my Awesome New Dump Mode (coming soon!) and then see if you still have a/v sync problems.
Can't wait! :)
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That's weird. When I was encoding my SA2:B WIP, I tried multiple audio dumps and they were never the same.
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natt wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
natt wrote:
I made a "quick" sync looks good.
So you fixed the issues that I was explaining to you on IRC a few weeks ago? Did you also fix the fact that Dolphin doesn't dump visual lag frames?
Don't recall what issues we were talking about (sorry!). As far as visual lag frames go, that's the point of this whole a/v sync stuffaroo that I'm doing. And yes, I believe my solution to that is pretty good.
The issues I'm referring to are the audio dumps that weren't dumping correctly (sound effect timing-wise), weren't dumping accurately (time length-wise), and not being consistently the same even when dumped the same way.
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natt wrote:
I made a "quick" sync looks good.
So you fixed the issues that I was explaining to you on IRC a few weeks ago? Did you also fix the fact that Dolphin doesn't dump visual lag frames?
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wait, wasn’t that your only part of input? why are you still an author then? and was that 1 frame Snark was trying to improve in the butt-slide entering BitFS, and he failed to save it?
If that were true, why would I have been the one that submitted the .m64 in the first place since my old spiral stairs weren't even on it until I had to hex improvements? In other words, no, that wasn't my only input. Regardless of that, we don't do things by input. Otherwise Kyman wouldn't even be an author. We do things by credit. It has always been like that for the 0 Star teams. Even in the first one I was involved with, Johannes had literally no input whatsoever on the .m64, but he was a big part of it in the beginning before I even knew about it. As for the second part, yes, that's correct. Both Snark and I couldn't get that 1 frame to come off. But I think you meant B2 and not BitFS.
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I forgot to mention that in the newest .m64, I was able to hex the old spiral stairs, which were done for this run specifically, instead of having to use the input from the last run. I don't know what was making it desync in the previous .m64 (5'02"72), but I suppose that's irrelevant now. Anyway, I finished the encode and I'll upload it to YouTube in the morning. Once again, big thanks to Aktan and Nahoc for their help with teaching me how to encode for submissions.
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moozooh wrote:
Haha, what was it originally, 6 frames of improvement that turned into 47?
Yeah, pretty much. That sort of invalidates some people's opinions about it being an "unnoticeable improvement" and their choice to vote "meh" or "no." But oh well, guess that can't be changed. ;P
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jlun2 wrote:
You guys improved the run by 15 frames? Wow!
It turned out to be 14 actually. It was 15 up to the grab, but 1 was lost on the butt slide because of Mario's position.
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YoungJ1997lol wrote:
i'd love to, but i'm terrible at SM64 tasing.
Well you won't get better unless you do it more. ;) I can personally attest to the fact that I gained all my basic SM64 TASing knowledge back in 2009 from competing in SilentSlayers' TAS competition. Man, I feel like a dinosaur now! XD
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Here's the supposedly final .m64 (time of 5'02"25) that hopefully someone can update: I'll make the YouTube encode tomorrow after school. I edited the submission text to include Kyman as an author as well as his improvements in the improvement table and our comments on the run. I also went ahead and added glitchy wall kicking, along with a brief explanation of what it is, as one of the tricks that we used.