Posts for sonicpacker

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I'd like to point out, one specific reason I found it rather un-entertaining is due to extreme shining abuse. I think a different character (Captain Falcon maybe?) would be more interesting to watch.
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I think runs that aren't based on speed need to be VERY, VERY entertaining, and this just wasn't for me. Voting no for now.
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Brian, the difference between you and them, is that they actually work with us to help the common goal that we all have - to push the game to its limits. Instead of implying that we should learn from them, maybe you should take a reality check and realize that it's you that has some learning to do.
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Kyman wrote:
braindx wrote:
Forgive me if this is incorrect, but wouldn't it be better to gain more speed in the narrow shaft where the elevator is? For instance, once you start jumping up the pillars you keep gaining speed from jumping back and forth, but since it is wider than the shaft it takes a bit longer to gain the speed to make it all the way to the top. If you gained speed faster by jumping back in forth in the narrow shaft before jumping to the pillars you can probably ascend the pillars much faster. Basically, slow down to gain more speed where the walls are more narrow so that the ascent goes much faster. Or is this not even feasible because mario ascends out of the shaft too quickly anyway?
The route actually has nothing to do with ascending as fast as possible. The route just requires getting around 82~ or so speed at a height of 2605 or so. The way we do it is the fastest way.
I think that what he's saying is we should stay in the shaft and wall kick more because it would give us more speed before we leave. Sadly, that is wrong. The amount of speed Mario gets has to do with how many frames he is in the air. The wall kicks simply maintain it. They do not increase it.
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partyboy1a wrote:
Has someone tried to glitch into the "switch palace" level outside of the castle before collecting any stars or Bowser keys? The game might assume that you previously lowered the water level then... or you might start to swim on exiting, and when touching the ground, the "I got a star" animation might start (if you collected the star), allowing you to stand in water for a short time. I don't know if that is even possible... In any case, this would save time for the 120 stars run, as you would never have to leave the castle.
I tried something like that in March 2010. I added a pipe outside the castle with Toad's Tool 64 and made it lead to the Vanish Cap stage, then got the red coin star. Mario jumped out of the "hole" and was standing under water for the star animation, but right after it ended, he teleported to the top of the water in his swimming animation on the first movement frame. Edit: I just realized it looks like Mario has an arm cannon in that pic...
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And now for the question on everyone's mind; is the SM64 0 Star getting its star back? ;P
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For the improvement table in the submission text, can someone change the BitS "Frames saved overall" section from 10 to 11? Just a small typo. Edit: Thank you Grunt =)
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Thanks to Aktan for being able to keep a secret and getting the HD encode done for us quickly so this run wouldn't have to sit on the workbench for weeks like our old one.
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Warp wrote:
Did you know that earthquakes often happen in close succession?
Warp wrote:
Having 3 major earthquakes around Japan within one day is not surprising at all. On the contrary, it's expected: If there's one big earthquake, it's expected for there to be many others soon after. The continental plates seldom settle up in one go.
That is true. However, the aftershocks tend to be noticeably smaller and it is unusual for 3 6.0+ quakes to all happen in the same day. Not only that, but the order went: 6.2, 6.5, 6.3 (note, those 3 Japan earthquakes may or may not have been affected by alignments). Fast forward a couple days to the alignment from the prediction and look at the 7.0+'s around Vanuatu. 3 in just AN HOUR IN A HALF. 7.0, 7.1, 7.4 in that order.
Warp wrote:
There are thousands of significant earthquakes around the world every year. Hence predicting an earthquake on a specific day has a pretty high chance of being correct. Make enough predictions and some of them are bound to "predict" big earthquakes. Especially effective if you afterwards choose from the many predictions only those which happened to "predict" earthquakes which get in the news.
Making a random prediction and making a prediction based on evidence is not the same thing. Obviously if you get 365 people and assign them all a specific date for a big quake to happen, one of them is bound to be correct. That isn't what happened here.
Warp wrote:
Since earthquakes happen almost every day, it's expected for them to happen also in days where there are planetary alignments. Correlation does not imply causation (in other words, just because planetary alignments happen at the same time as earthquakes doesn't necessarily mean one causes the other).
Earthquakes do happen every day. Not almost every day. Significant earthquakes (6.0+) do not happen every day. However, they SEEM to happen MORE OFTEN when there are alignments of planetary bodies.
Warp wrote:
Think about it in the opposite direction: If planetary alignments cause earthquakes, then what causes earthquakes when there are no alignments? Couldn't a more reasonable explanation be that it's the same reason that causes all earthquakes, rather than some of them being caused by planetary alignments and the rest by something else?
I'm not saying planetary alignments cause earthquakes. I'm saying there is A LOT of evidence that alignments may cause increased seismic activity. During a hot summer where I live, the Sun can ignite wild fires by itself. Is that the only way for a wild fire to start? I think not.
Warp wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
to predict it 9 months in advance
I'm curious to know why you think the timeframe is of any significance. What does it matter if the earthquake was "predicted" the previous week or 20 years ago? What difference does that make? It's not like earthquakes become more and more certain (and hence easier to predict) the closer they are to happening. This is not weather forecasting.
Maybe to you it's not like weather forecasting since you obviously don't even acknowledge legitimate evidence as being possibly true. It's clearly more impressive to say a specific thing will happen long before it actually ends up happening.
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Warp wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
...hmm...interesting... I'd like to point out the date that video was uploaded, and that currently, it is August 21st in the west Pacific.
Did you know that over 1400 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or higher are recorded each year?
Yes, in fact I did. Did you know that there were 3 6.0+ earthquakes in 1 day just a couple days ago around Japan? Did you know that 7.0+ don't happen extremely often, and to predict it 9 months in advance based on actual evidence and not guesswork is fairly impressive? Note: I edited my post from before this one to include that there has been 3 7.0+ earthquakes in just an hour and a half.
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...hmm...interesting... I'd like to point out the date that video was uploaded, and that currently, it is August 21st in the west Pacific. Edit: Make that 3 7.0+ in an hour and a half.
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Out of every TAS I've seen, this is my absolute favorite. Thank you for all of the work you put into this, Tompa. It definitely paid off. You've got a definite "yes" vote from me.
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Kyman wrote:
Derakon wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
p4wn3r wrote:
Conclusion: out of 6 experiments, 5 favor the hypothesis, then it must be true.
Yeah because it's clearly only 6 experiments.
I can generate as many rows of illegible text as I like. It's not gonna justify my position any.
I can read it just fine...
Or, Derakon can just click the paper that I linked where I took that picture from.
Post subject: Re: "Comet" Elenin and Solar Alignments
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DarkKobold wrote:
Warp wrote:
Let me guess: NASA and the entire community of astronomers are in a huge conspiracy to keep this secret, right? Oooh, a conspiracy!
You are missing so much, Warp. NASA is conspiring with the Illuminati to prevent telescopes from even observing the Elenin comet. However, a group of Free Masons has broken through the barrier, by posting to the private site known as 'youtube' to distill knowledge to free thinkers. You see, when Elenin passes closest to Earth, it will put fluoride in our drinking water and destroy all research on miracle cures for cancer. This will allow the Illuminati to take full control of the government, thereby forcing everyone to worship a new god. Its genius.
Yeah DK, encourage more of that false info!! Good plan! o/\o
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p4wn3r wrote:
Conclusion: out of 6 experiments, 5 favor the hypothesis, then it must be true.
Yeah because it's clearly only 6 experiments.
Post subject: Re: "Comet" Elenin and Solar Alignments
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Warp wrote:
sonicpacker wrote:
Essentially, the hype behind "comet" Elenin is that every time it is in alignment with the Earth and the Sun, major seismic activity occurs. I say "comet" in quotes because many people are not sure it is just a comet. Others believe that it is a comet and that there is a larger, as of yet unseen, object following it.
Let me guess: NASA and the entire community of astronomers are in a huge conspiracy to keep this secret, right? Oooh, a conspiracy! Of course this isn't anything new. It was first proposed in 1995. The source of this information? No less than extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain.
First of all, the main point of what I was conveying had nothing to do with a conspiracy theory. I was showing the relationship between seismic activity and solar alignments. These specific alignments included Elenin. Secondly, at least 90% of people that know of Elenin theories don't think it has anything to do with outlandish ideas about Nibiru. Elenin is passing by the Earth at a distance of approximately 0.232 AU; it is not colliding with it. How about you actually read what I write and take the time to listen to the videos I link before making ignorant statements. I don't appreciate your blatant sarcasm when I'm simply trying to start a scientific discussion.
Post subject: "Comet" Elenin and Planetary Alignments
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Essentially, the hype behind "comet" Elenin is that every time it is in alignment with the Earth and the Sun, major seismic activity occurs. I say "comet" in quotes because many people are not sure it is just a comet. Others believe that it is a comet and that there is a larger, as of yet unseen, object following it. I apologize for it being so quiet, but here is one of the first videos I saw on the subject: After seeing this, I decided to research it a lot more. In my opinion, it is not a brown dwarf star, but I don't believe it's "just a comet" either. I'd also like to note that this is a mirrored video. As in, it was not originally uploaded by that person. The person that uploaded it to that account is not somebody who has more videos I would watch. He appears to be kind of insane...and is trying to lead a bunch of people to caves in the Ozarks... The one video I linked is basically the only one of his that actually presents evidence. Here are another 2 videos that were made on the subject: They were posted 1 day apart from each other by a user known as 9Nania. Notice the dates of when they were uploaded; that would be March 8th, and 9th, respectively. AKA, 3 and 2 days *before* the Japan earthquakes + tsunami disaster. Hopefully that catches your attention a little bit more. The most unbiased video I could find that merely presents facts and theories can be found here (it is rather recent at the time of this post): About 1:20 is where I'd start paying attention. Unlike the other person mentioned above, this persons videos are worth watching. It is more about factual information than insane theories. One more link I'd like to share is this: Starting at about 4:45, it shows all of the alignments that will be occuring from around now into 2012. This may also be worth a read. Don't think that my research on this subject is limited to just these links...because it isn't. These videos are just an introduction to the theories of Elenin. Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but I'd simply like to know what the community thinks of this situation (as I stated in my other "conspiracy" thread, I believe many of you are very smart).
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Sonikkustar wrote:
Its a long story, but I accidently savestated there. I was tired. >_> I'd personally just look past it and be careful in the future for savestates.
It's okay, I understand. Sometimes I accidentally make 3 save states in convenient spots, then press load state 16 times in races too.
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Issues with the current iteration of the TAS Input: 1. Control Stick + C Stick *need* a clickable interface. The only sliders on the input should be for the L + R analog. 2. You need to be able to use the regular method of input with the TAS Input. e.g., if I have the "A" button mapped to "V" on my keyboard, when I press "V," the check box for "A" needs to be checked. If I let go of "V," it needs to un-check itself. This goes for the sticks as well (aka, the clickable interface I mentioned needs to match controller/keyboard input on the TAS Input itself.). I'll list more issues if I think of any.