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I tend to like music more when I can't understand the lyrics. Hence why I collect music from many and varied cultures. Also has the added benefit of not having to put up with the RIAA, but I digress. Rosenrot is also probably my favorite Rammstein song, incidently. It was the first song of theirs I heard, thanks to a friend of mine unintentionally leaving it in a zipped archive that was sent to me. I was hooked pretty quickly. :o
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Turok is one of the N64 ROMs (along with Mario Kart 64) that somehow always makes Vista crash after a couple minutes. I'll give it another go when I have access to my desktop later on, but what little I was able to see before my laptop went down looked promising.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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hero of the day wrote:
lua script of spiffingness
What an excellent idea! I think I'll tweak that a bit to bring the speed down for personal usage.
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What upthorn said. Ecco is the magical chosen savior of Earth capable of defeating the Borg. Flipper is one Ecco's friends that got sucked out of the water and had to have his tail rescued. Also, Samus would win. X can never harm a human being, whereas Samus will take anyone out if there's a price on their head.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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hero of the day wrote:
The synchronization of the final song with the final mother brain battle is absolutely scary, almost like it was meant to be.
Quoted for truth. The elevator and door sequences are a little jarring, but I completely understand why they were omitted. If it were me, I would have just sped them up rather than killing off a fundamental law of film direction for the sake of keeping things moving. That's my only complaint, though. The music jives really well with the action, and the use of Metallica - Hero of the Day made me laugh. :p
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Ah, I seem to have skipped over the 'realtime' part. Apologies.
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The door transition time and item fanfare time is only relevant in a realtime-oriented run, which this is not. In your run, however, it's entirely relevant.
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Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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This game is the catalyst to more drama than any other in this community. :/
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mmbossman wrote:
delicious blasphemy
The acronym 'lmfao' comes to mind.
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As a side note, thank you kindly for including WIP 1 timing support for playback alongside all the improvements. This is definitely my tool of choice. Edit: I should clarify - my main draws to 1.51 that 1.43+ lacked were the video modes that allowed plain image upscaling without forcing my laptop's onboard video into bilinear filtering. Simple 2x/Simple 3x on 1.43 lets me have my cake and eat it, too. </finickybitch>
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
If it's only 7% why hasn't the low% run been replaced with that? Someone said they thought 0:15 was possible with this, isn't that pretty fast, does that beat game time record? Would the real time be much different than an hour like the current low% run is?
As I and others have stated before, it's because the method for the required sequence break is painfully slow and boring to watch. It may be a short run, but if a significant portion of the movie is spent in one room crawling ever so slowly through the environment, people tend to lose interest in watching it rather quickly.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I vote this one, since it's not even a request for assistance so much as, "you should do this, because I can't be bothered to do it myself". Then again, this thread doesn't shoot the fundamental rules of spelling, grammar, and sentence structure in the kneecap while dancing with glee. Hmmm... this is a tougher call than I thought.
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Is it really worth merging? >.>
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v01 wrote:
sorry for my tooooo bad english
You spell better than most people who were born here, though. :) (Well, at least if YouTube and GameFAQs are of any indication)
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Perfection is the opiate of the masses. Oh wait.
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It's not impossible so much as a game of darts while blindfolded. You'll hit the mark eventually, because you know where to aim, but you won't know you hit it until after the fact.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Wall jumping in realtime IS a matter of luck. The timing and collision point must both be precisely met, and isn't reliably accomplished by skill alone. If you practice at it for a fair amount of time you should be able to get a few jumps in as a fluke, but that's about it.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
Post subject: Re: SMB1 woo! walljump sos T_T
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Bisqwit wrote:
(No offense meant. Why do people think that if you offer frank and honest suggestions, you're automatically malicious?)
People are conditioned to think that if you don't present critical issues with a pleasant and flowering demeanor you're attacking them personally. I blame Sesame Street, because Big Bird doesn't take enough flak.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
:words: 2-directions at the same time
I encourage you to read through this thread in its entirety. No such stone has been left unturned. Untold man-hours have been spent finding any way whatsoever short of fellating the development team to find just ONE MORE FRAME from the freaking Ceres segment, we've gotten stuck in walls and used it for sequence breaking already (it's slower than watching dry rot set in) and pressing two directions at once has no benefit at all in this game.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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You crazy kids and your jive talk. This is what you're looking for.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I liked Cpadolf's play style a little more, but wow, those were some awesome improvements toward the end. I'm especially a fan of the route you chose, but I'll spare the long-winded explanation. Definite yes vote.
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When I first stumbled onto the site in 2004, my only experience was simple scripting and Gameshark hackery. I'm currently a CS major, but I wasn't influenced so much by TASing as a creative desire and expanding my knowledge in a field I was comfortable in.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Cpadolf wrote:
Also I think it does bring some entertainment from the level of glitching, the breaking in to tourian and skipping motherbrain by abusing a save station practically screams "stop raping me".
Can't argue with that, but not everyone feels the same way. :/
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Kriole wrote:
Cpadolf wrote:
superpi wrote:
but it isn't beneficial from a timesaving standpoint
Actually X-ray climbing makes a 00:15 not sound very far fetched.
I think he ment it as an everyday timesaving trick. Not as a gamebreaker.
Right. As a gamebreaker, the general consensus is that it makes the run more boring than watching paint dry, but it does allow for impressively low completion times.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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