Posts for supermegavkoy

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Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/30/2005
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What about the debugview.dll link?
Experienced Forum User
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The debugview.dll-link doesn't work anymore.
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"Record from snapshot" is broken. Maybe I've got an old version or something. It crashes when I try to open file. It can only open .m64 files, then CRSH, and then there is a 0 kb .m64 file and a .st file that I can't open. But now I know how to contineu recording the movie (more or less), so it's no big problem for me. It's just that if it crashes (because I try to do something that doesn't work like opening the movie with snapshot) the .m64 breaks and is worthless.
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Ok, finally I understand. It worked the way TNSe said, but I bet both ways are good. :D
Experienced Forum User
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But how do you continue recording and playing after you have stopped it? I don't know much of this.
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It says that "record from snapshot" is broken, then we can't make any TASs, right?
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I don't understand how to continue playing and recording the movie when you've stopped it.
Experienced Forum User
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Ok, it doesn't crash when I start recording anymore (I did as you told me), but when I want to "Start Movie Playback" or "Convert to AVI" it crashes. (And how to I make a snapshot?)
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Maybe there is a faster way (less than 16 star) to beat the game that will be revealed when there some one starts making a TAS.
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It works playing, but sometimes there is a pause in the middle of the game for 0,5 sec. which is annoying. Didn't understand the save state-tingy really, but i'll give it another try later. I can't wait to see a Mario 64-TAS!!! It crashes when I start recording, controller set to "Raw Data", it says. What should I do? EDIT: Ok, I chanegd the Rae Data-thing, but it still crashes.
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Super Smash Bros
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Wave Race Conker: Bad Fur Day All other games you have said.
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Dunno really, sure this maybe is the best run, but if we (you) (I) still want the star to be a stauts symbol we should give the run one star, or else the next run should get three star and four and then it's scheise to just to have one star and people start fighting about whether his or her run should have eight stars or not. There are so few runs that have a star today so I don't see why we should make any changes. The latest SMB3 run for example is as good as this run, in my opinion.
Experienced Forum User
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Cool. Very nice run. Voted "YES". How do you decide which game will have one star/two stars or no star at all? Is there a voting system?
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lol, in your face! :D
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I think that Super Mario World is way better than Super Demo World :D , and I'd rather see that people tried to improve SMW, I tried it myself :D : (You don't need to download it, don't think it would give you that much (SMW (U).)
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When I played Super Mario 64 and tried to get all the 120 stars I got crazy because I couldn't find the last star. I didn't know if I had taken all coins in all levels or not. After a few days I tried to get all the red coins in the second Bowser level again (as I thought) and there it was, the last star. And then I could visit Yoshi! YEAH! :D
Experienced Forum User
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Is there something wrong with the link or should I understand japanese?
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WTF is this shit! OMFG, please kill me right away. Who the duck decides things at Nintendo? Sony? A drunk lunatic? OMG!!!
Experienced Forum User
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When I take save as AVI it saves as mkv. Why?
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I'm deeply sorry, please forgive me!
Experienced Forum User
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Does the AVI-file really work?
Experienced Forum User
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Could this method be used to improve SMW, the real 11-exit run?
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