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I actually think this is a really good idea if it was done right. You would first have to have two movies that people could watch at the same time (like the Megaman X and X2 run done at the same time). Then, you would have to make the rule that not only do the button presses have to be palindromic, but there have to be the same number of frames between them. Take SMB for example. You have one video showing Mario going through 1-1. At the same time the second video shows Mario going through 8-1 backwards (so the start of this movie would be the last input, when you defeat Bowser). As the first video progresses forwards, the second video progresses backwards, until they eventually meet somewhere in the middle. The cool thing would be when you see Mario jump in 1-1, he would be jumping at the exact same time(but backwards) in 8-1. So everytime you hear a jump noise, its happening in both movies. It would also be funny if you had to press down to go into a pipe in the forward moving video and so you see mario duck in the backward moving video for no reason, and other stuff like that.
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skamastaG, I watched JXQ's video on snes9x and used the frame step function to try and answer your question. When the timer turned to 275, I counted the number of times I pressed the frame step button until JXQ entered the pipe. To know when exactly the pipe was entered, I listened for the first loud "beep" noise (the pipe sound in slow motion) that would signal the pipe being entered. I counted 39 frames from when the timer turned to 275 to when the pipe was entered. There are 41 frames in 1 "mario", so this means the pipe was entered just 2 frames away from a 274. This also means that a 275 would be almost impossible to get on console, so I wouldnt really work on it.
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Okay I just got it to work. Thanks for the help.
Post subject: How do you get a controller to work??
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I just bought the Super Smart Joy SNES to USB Adapter to play Super Mario World on snes9x with my SNES controller. My computer says the device is working properly so that is not the problem. I just cant figure out how to make it work with snes9x, and yes I have the latest version and the ROM and it works fine with keyboard controls, just not with the Super Smart Joy. I read on the Super Smart Joy website that it works on snes9x, so how do you get it to work?
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Sweet jimsfriend another page break. ;) Fun fact about my posting: I have used parentheses in 13/13 of my posts (including this one). ;) On topic: does your speed earlier in the level determine the stars you get for cutting the gate tape or is it just your speed in the stretch just before the gate? Becasue I have gotten 14 stars in YI3 without doing the hopping glitch and jimsfriend said he briefly did the hopping glitch to make 14 stars possible. If your speed just before the gate is all that affects it, maybe there are certain things you can do to get to the gate a bit sooner, such as jumping earlier or later or making mario hit the gate in different places (somethimes hit the tape with the top of marios head, sometimes hit it with the bottom of his feet, etc.) I dont know how to optimize this, but I'm pretty sure you can get to the gate a bit sooner depending on when and where you jump for the tape. Someone might want to see if my theory is true, as it might save a frame or two for each level.
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Sorry this is kind of random but I have been watching some SMW videos and I have 2 questions: 1) Is the vertical speed of a spin jump flight different from the vertical speed of a regular flight? In VIPer7's 96 run, he starts out both DGH (TSA exit) and Funky with a spin jump flight instead of a regular flight and I cant figure out why. Wouldnt it be faster to start these levels with a regular flight so you can get the benefits of fast flying a bit sooner (for Funky you can cape the pirhana plant)? I can understand if VIPer7 didnt think of caping the pirhana plant for Funky, but DGH has always annoyed me. 2) In JXQ's 11 run, for the first room in Iggy's Castle, when you hop with Mario he still has the "running" animation of his arms out and his legs back that would signify that forward is being pressed (the same as just running on the ground). It does not have the animation usually seen when doing the hop glitch of Mario's fist in the air and arms down at his sides. Does this mean JXQ is not doing the hop glitch here? Is there a reason for this? It happens again after the p-switch jump, so grabbing the p-switch cant be the reason... Fabian, any luck on freezing the fast p-balloon oscilation at 52?
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Hey let me first just congratulate you on an awesome run. I really enjoyed watching it, even more so than the Mew version. I realize this is a little late, but I came across some things that I think could be improved in this run. These are some pretty small details, but TAS is about striving for perfection. The idea to name your pokemon "-" to save time was a great idea. I am wondering why you didnt use this tactic in naming your character and your rival. For your character, I understand that you want to leave your signature, but speed should be a first priority. Your name comes up quite often in this game, and I think a significant amount of time would be made up if you named yourself "-" or even "P." For your rival, I know it costs more time to go to "other" and type something in, but this is easily made up in the many battles with your rival. Your rival's name appears many times in the game (every time he switches pokemon during a battle), and by saving 3 letters from having to be typed out you could save a lot of time. Another thing about saving text scrolling time: at the beginning of the game, you use Dragon Rage with Gyarados on almost every opponent for a long while. If you use select, you can put Dragon Rage at the top of your move list, which prevents you from having to scroll down to Dragon Rage every time you want to use it. I'm sure there are other situations where using select on the move list could be helpful. Sorry for being really picky, but these things kind of bothered me throughout the run. I realize these differences are small, but it's at least something to think about for future runners. Other than that, I thought the run was awesome, one of my favorite on the site. Great work!
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Hello, I'm working on the 11-exit console run of SMW for SNES. I recently bought the GBA version of the game, and have been playing through it. There are a lot more differences between the SNES and GBA versions than originally meet the eye. Besides the big differences in the actual game play (luigi, peach coins, caped mario becomes big, etc), many of the levels have a different layout. Platforms are in different places and are different lengths, enemies behave differently and are in different places, etc. Ex: Yoshi can eat a Rex and then spit him back out, at which point he tumbles through the level, killing anything in its path. These differences are not that noticeable by a casual SMW player, but for people used to the SNES version, the differences are significant. If you plan to get all 5 dragon coins in every level (which I think you should do), there is no question that this would be completely different from the SNES run. Levels would be much trickier and would require going out of your way to get to coins while still keeping the time lost to a minimum. Routes through levels would look very different, and much more interesting I think. I definately think you should complete this run, and I am interested to see it.
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Fabian, you made the right decision about redoing Tubular. I think your controller is unique skamastaG, because it will not work on mine or jimsfriends. Maybe all those times of thowing the controller down in frustration popped something loose inside ;). Is it possible to "freeze" the fast p-ballooning oscilation at 52 in a way similar to the hopping glitch and fast flying? I know freezing the oscilation requires not pressing right, but maybe this could be avoided if you used up+down instead of left+right. If this is possible, it might make riding the lakitu cloud for FoI4 faster (hopefully you havent done this level yet Fabian). The only reson it wouldnt be faster (if the oscilation could be frozen at 52, that is) is if it takes too much time to get into the lakitu cloud (I know he starts out beind you) or if the cloud disappeared before the end of the level. Freezing the oscilation at 52 would be really cool and I think warrants more testing, even if not used on FoI4. If possible, it would make Tubular even faster than "regular" fast p-ballooning.
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I was working on my run of Funky small for the SDA SMW Individual Level Runs when I came across a cool glitch. If you jump up onto the song blocks where a Sumo Bro stands about midway through the level (after you kill the Sumo Bro), on top of the leftmost song block and the one right next to it are 2 invisibe blocks Mario can stand on. If you jump onto the row of song blocks from the right, and then run to the left, you can be pushed into the invisible blocks. You must hold right or these invisible blocks will push you out. When you are inside the invisible blocks, Mario will bounce up and down rapidly on the song blocks (without getting air) and he will rapidly collect coins. These coins are unlimited, and keep coming until the level time runs out. The coins only come from the leftmost block and the block right next to that, but you can only collect them from the leftmost because the other one will push you out. I had just recently downloaded snes9x, mainly so I could watch JXQ's amazing demo videos of VD3, Groovy, and CM small (thank you JXQ). I decided to make a video of this glitch since I had the emulator. It is one of my first times playing on an emulator, and I'm not used to the keyboard, so excuse the sloppy playing. Here is the video. Oh, and another glitch I found on Funky: it is sometimes possible to throw/push a shell through the skinny green pipe that has a Dragon Coin to the right of it and has the two rows of song blocks and ? blocks right next to it. I am wondering if it is somehow possible to push Mario through this pipe, since you can get a shell through it. Every time I push a shell through, I am standing on the left side of the pipe, I haven't tested the right side.
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Fabian, please still help with this project by making .smv videos. Right now I'm doing (when I'm not working on my 11 run) Special World small, so any videos of these levels would be a great help.
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Hey everyone, you should check out the crazy new SMW project going down here at SDA. It involves making a single segment of every level in the game to showcase each level done at its best without the constraints of a long, segmented run. We are doing every level small as well as caped, so if anyone has any strategies or routes for some of the tougher levels to do small, please share! Demo videos are also welcome (.smv is fine).
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Thanks for all the help guys. I'm going to post the times for each level if anyone wants to tell me a way to improve these times that would be possible on console. I am doing this run with another person, skamastaG on SDA. We are switching off levels, but I know all of his times. The format is: person doing the level - level - best time - usual time (if nothing is there, best is the usual). him/me - YI2 - 360 him - YI3 - 259 him - YI4 - 275 him - C1 - 241 me - DP1 - 361 (336 with pipe method, but still 1.6 sec slower in real time) him - DS1 - 257 - 256 me - DSH - 339 - 338 (the 339 was in an ideal first boo circle, but 338 is what I get with the circle given to you in the context of a run) him - SW1 - 290 me - SW2 - 260 me - SW3 - 192 me - SW4 - 272 - 271/270 due to flight speed variation him/me - Front Door - 357 me - Bowser Fight - 2:03 (without cape) Now I have several questions about each level: For YI2, which do you think would look cooler: doing the spinjump 2-up trick at the beginning and then grabbing a shell before the chargin chuck to do shell drop kills OR kicking the shell throught the koopa line, then watching it move as it gets a 5-up by killing the 2 koopas and 2 shells, and an optional ending of bouncing on the shell for a 6-up? For YI4, is it possible to do the shell jump over the water on console? If so, how? For C1, what are some suggestions for beating Iggy in 4 "marios" (timeunits) without getting the fireflower? For DSH, is it possible to manipulate the positions of the boo circles? The first circle is always in the same position for me during a run, and the second circle seems to depend on when I enter the first door. Can this be changed? For SW1, is a time better than 290 possible on console? For SW2, how does JXQ get a 261, and could I do it? For SW4, what is the best way for me to get another cape? (I cant do it the current way the TAS does it). For the Bowser fight, I'm having trouble doing it with a cape. I can fly above him to get the first mechakoopa knocked down to him, but I can never grab the second. I always lose time falling down to it and then throwing back up when Bowser's in a good position. Thanks again. ;)
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Yeah Fabian you're right I timed it out and the pipe method is 1.6 seconds slower for me (see SDA topic). Two questions I have for you (or anyone else): 1) What is the best way to attempt to replicate the "fast flying" on console? 2) What is the best way to attempt to replicate the "hopping glitch" on console (if it's possible to replicate at all, not really sure)? Thanks
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To flagitious/VIPer7, JXQ, Fabian, etc: In my 11-exit console run (see SDA forum) I am able to get 365 timeunits (which I will now call "marios") remaining on Donut Plains 1. My method is as follows: Starting out without cape, I get the cape from the first flying koopa by jumping on him at a p-run, turning around in midair, grabbing the cape, and when I land I am still in p-run, so my run is never lost and I can take off to flight right away. (I dont use the method in the current TAS run becasue I need to spinjump fly). I spinjump fly until I get to the fist upside down pipe, which has a gap under it becasue I dont have the yellow switch palace. I get into the pipe at 382 "marios." I spinjump fly into this pipe, and when I enter the bonus room I exit to the left right away. This makes me come out of a pipe much further in the level, and I still have flight upon exiting the pipe at 382. I do a flight dive into the ground, then jump up and do another flight dive over the gap, landing on the flying koopa's back with a kamikaze dive. If I'm lucky, the kamikaze dive will kill the koopa (with his cape still coming out) and the nearby volcano lotus. I grab this second cape for Bowser, hop up to the platform with the yoshi box, get up my run while caping the incoming flying koopa, and fly up to the key. I go over the green pipe instead of under it. Using this method, I can get a 365. I'm sure that if this method was done tool-assisted, it could be improved to a 366-367. I'm not sure if you can regualr fly up into a pipe, but if you could you could do the TAS method for getting the first cape and save a lot of time. Also, you could skip getting the feather and get it later at SW4, saving time. You guys might also be able to come up with a way to keep flying upon exiting the pipe and go all the way up to the key. And of course, it'd be faster to go under the green pipe instead of over it. With a time of 367 (I think it could be done, maybe even 368?), that gives you 4 (5?) "marios" on the old time of 363, which should make up for the real time lost by going in the pipe. Am I wrong or did you just not know about this method? Does going in the pipe take up too much time for this method to be beneficial? Anyway, just thought I'd let you all know. It'd be cool to see in an improvement to the 11 or 96 run, if it's beneficial that is. EDIT: Just got a 366 with this method, even with a very sloppy key grab, so I'm guessing tool-assisted its possible to get a 338, maybe even 339.
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Thanks for the advice jimsfriend. For the 5-up on YI2, I'm not entirely sure what your talking about, could you explain it better? As far as flying through the stairs, I've been able to do it a few times, though far from consistent. I dont think I will do it in a run, however, because even if I got it consistently its against the rules for Twin Galaxies, which I plan to submit my run to as well as SDA. For the second cape for the bowser fight, I've never practriced bowser this way but it is a definate option. It would definately look neat (and obviously save time) if I did it, but getting a second cape is the hard part. I doubt I could do the one in SW4 the way flagitious/viper 7 and JXQ do it, but I might be able to stop and get it and then pick up fly speen again, not sure if his would be worth it. I could also do this in DP1, let me know if you find a good way. A much less appealing option is doing SW 3 again and carrying the pswitch to the goal for a cape which would cost a ton of time but be easy. For DP1, I can easily get the cape at the beginning the TAS way. The problem with this is, I cant see the top of the screen becasue I start out so low so I couldnt do the method where you fly under the pipe to get the key. Plus, even if the screen did scroll up, I can rarely do this. My usual technique of flying over the pipe is too high up for starting out this low. The way I get the cape is by jumping on the koopa in p-run, turning around in midair without losing p-run, grabbing the cape, and then when I land on the ground with the cape, I am still in p-run so I can take off right away. I have gotten a 262 using this method once, usually a 261.
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I am currently working on an improvement of the 11-exit console run found at SDA (10:56 by SDA rules, 11:10 by Twin Galaxies rules). I just made my first official run and I got 11:19 by TG rules with LOTS of mistakes. I'm guessing I can get around a 10:51 with practice. I can beat the current run as far as the in-game timer on every level but Yoshis Island 2 and Yoshis Island 4. I need help with a few things however and I feel this is the best site to get them answered on: 1) In yoshis island 2, how do you grab either the red or green shell that the koopas jump into before you reach the "staircase" with the first chargin chuck at the top? Both JXQ and flagitious/VIPer7 do it in their 11 run and I'd like to be able to do it consistently (I can do it on and off) so I can get the 2-up and the beginning and still do shell kills. 2) What would be the best way to attempt to produce the "fast flying" effect on console? 3) How can I execute the smashola glitch more efficiently? My best time on Star World 1 is 288 timeunits left but its not consistent at all. 4) Would it be possible to jump off the shell in yoshis island 4 to avoid the water or the p-switch on castle 1 to avoid the lava (on console)? If so, how could I do it? 5) How do you do the shell drop and regrab in the water in donut secret 1 at the end? Thanks for the help.
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