Posts for ventuz

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somebody do Link's Awakening 5 min thing (or even faster) ;)
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Made 1 from SGB megaman 5. (well, made 2 because I don't know which did you want in .gif or in .ico) .ico ->
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kinda odd seeing 1.0 put mario on the top with 3 up, and 1.1 put mario on the bottom to get fireflower. on the autoscroll level, maybe if you avoid invicible star and no-miss-shot to make it looks more impressive?
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how do you guys manage to open this game under FCEU? this is only game I'm having problem loading up ROM.
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I remember when Vectorman was like another greatest Sega game after Sonic, I'll watch what do you have so far.
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Haven't played this game before, im not sure how to load this game in FCEU, I get error "iNES mapper #161 not supported" or something. Im gonna look in different emu.
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ARRGH progress in MARS stage is not so pretty even in heavy frame advance, it's weapon switching-fest. Please just ignore timed shot in mini-boss fight in MARS, I'll make it more better timing shot in final movie. (22 or 23 frames invurability on that guy)
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we need a sticky that point to "Question and Answer VBA"
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I might watch, I hope you guys do it thru Frame Advance before you guys go nuts ;)
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I feel that "You Sent It" site isn't reliable, download never started (even when I clicked the "download" button)...
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I have been using Frame Advancement heavily (like ...99.3%) on an actually time-attack of Mega Man 5. Have some taste of this superplay run. I'll continue on testrun, but the final run won't be up until I submit it.
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about Pause / Frame Advancement... sometime when I turn on Pause, switch thru window (alt + tab thing..), then return to VBA, it drop Pause and resume the game. Could you fix that it remains paused?
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Aw alright guys, if you guys don't like too much charging, useless shots, etc.. I'm thinking of not submit this one, I'm just putting this as "test run" and make it as my own little guide. I'll try make another more "super-play"ish but it'll be longer to make (judging distance from enemy to start up charging).
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Judging from the Neptune fight, you don't need very long at all to charge up.
I didn't find it any faster with first charged up shot only.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
And if you're worried about firing useless shots, you could start holding B at a time when you can't fire, such as during slides or screen transitions.
I know. First shot was kind of demostrating that I cannot kill shelled cannon until i get closer, 2nd shot just for entertainming.
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no, dont share the rom. i was wondering what's the setting you used. I tried all kind of setting, i think i have wrong rom and have to look up for different one. *edit, grammer / thanks, will uncheck WIP.*
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I think i tried that, didnt work. Let me check again. *edit* - Nope, tried at least 10 times.
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was gonna watch it, but ... desync at 2nd level.
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nitsuja wrote:
One time you get hit isn't followed by walking through anything while you're invincible, did getting hit do something like push you onto the next screen earlier than normal?
Wasn't sure what exactly did you mean, did you mean 2nd helicopter? I had 2 choice, 1. shoot and getting hit... 2. wait for helicopter to finish shooting 3 bullets, jump and shoot.
nitsuja wrote:
I know the ladders and mist part can't be done any better, unless there's some way to move up faster. Getting hit knocks you down 1 or even 2 screens before you regain control, and the invincibility period is too short to use a hit from anything else to go through them.
True, couldn't find alternate way to get pass that Ladder of Boredom
Vatchern wrote:
Maybe you can move up the ladders faster. If you have seen the latest SMB2, they shoot up the ladders like nothing. Maybe you can try using Up+Down or something to see if you can do the same.
I tried L+R and U+D on everything, nothing. oh, Mercury defeated -- link's at first post. Sorry, couldn't get Mercury fight anymore entertainming.
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Defeated Neptune, same link or use link in 1st post.
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Lunar Beam is best way to kill it.. isn't it?
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My progress, halfway thru Neptune's stage... I'm pretty satisfied with it. - rom name = Mega Man 5 (U) [S] [!] If you noticed that I get hit, try to guess why I did it.. (if you still can't guess why, I'll explain later or someone else explain)
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nice, im having little problem with re-recording, sometime when i push re-recording from state 1, then it went zoom ahead 5~15 frames.
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Vatchern wrote:
Nice Megaman land 5. Even though, from what i can remember, I always use to start off with Mercury. you sure its faster starting off with Neptune?
Either way Mercury and Neptune has weakness to MegaArm.. and on to detail \/ Yeah, that's what I always do, but theres something I could use Salt Water attack that could help me get thru Mercury level fast, such as falling toxic barrel (you probly go "wtf?", but its impossible to get mega arm go off to hit it + jumping over hole the same time), saw guy dies to one shot, etc.. Starting off in Neptune is good idea for me because there's nothing slowing me down with just Mega Arm.
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I think this is FASTEST possible time, someone that voted "meh" please explain. *edit yea i meant "meh", not "no"*