Posts for xebra

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Personally, I think it's much more effective to look at previous people's work than to completely reinvent the wheel.
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Actually, guys, that dude can't be Phil because I am ... I'm Phil Côté, bitches! Enjoy yourselves!
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Ramzi wrote:
Do we have to post problems that have already been solved? I'd love for someone to solve the Collatz conjecture, since it seems so easy.
Hmm, no one has solved the problem I recently posted, so I guess we don't have to post problems that have already been solved at all! Let me know when you have an answer to the third question, smarty pants. (If your immediate instinct was to say for x=1 the worst pairs are consecutive fibonacci numbers, I know what you're thinking, but your instinct is wrong!)
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I'm sure you've all heard the tired old brain teaser about accurately measuring 4 gallons with two irregularly shaped containers measuring 3 gallons and 5 gallons, respectively. So, here's an interesting generalization: You have two irregularly shaped containers, measuring a and b gallons, respectively. Which numbers x can you measure? What is the minimal number of steps required to measure x? For a given x, which pairs a and b are "the worst," that is, they require more steps to measure x than all pairs before them?
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Till the day I die.
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hopper wrote:
KID appears to be declining in popularity at the moment.
I did actually allude to that in my post. Anyways, it was just a bit of hyperbole and you took it seriously the first time. There's no need to come up with some ridiculous semantic justification, just have a good chuckle and let it be.
hopper wrote:
Wikibooks wrote:
At World Class level, there is some concern that Black's concept is very committal, leading Former Champion Garry Kasparov to discontinue his use of the opening shortly before he retired from the game.
That's not really accurate as far as I know. He said in an interview that he stopped playing the King's Indian because he didn't have the time to study it and the Najdorf to his satisfaction, so he started playing less demanding defenses against d4.
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Having both videos neatly bypasses the issue of whether it's better to make the game end more quickly even if it requires more input from the user. Also, the two videos are strategically different and are both interesting.
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I suggested the KID, not the Dutch. (The Dutch is 1.d4 f5.) Anyways, that was obviously tongue in cheek. It's well known that Kasparov and Fischer favor(ed) the KID.
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Kles wrote:
Wow... this is incredibly dumb. Thanks for abusing the concept of a TAS officially ending at the last input. Anyways, voted yes but reluctantly.
It's actually double bonded Gannon=ban ironic. Yes, yes, a million times yes!
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Just remember this, my friend, when you look up in the sky, you can see the stars and still not see the light.
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You can view it in notepad, it's just a plaintext record of the moves and the names of the players and some other facts if you care to stick them in. Any program that has anything at all to do with chess can view PGN files. Blitzin, (the ICC software), any chess frontend like WinBoard or XBoard, any chess engine like Fritz, Junior, Tiger, or Chessmaster ... they can all read PGNs. If you do a Google search for PGN, the third search result has links to a billion different programs that can read PGNs.
Post subject: Interesting Chess Game
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I saw an interesting ~master level chess game recently. I know some of you guys are chess buffs, so enjoy! Varagona, S (2090) - Reeder, A (2180) Queen of Hearts, Montgomery, AL, 2006 1.d4 d5 Already a blunder from black, as 1...Nf6 is the only response. 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Nbd7 5.cxd5 exd5 An exercise for the inexperienced: why can't white follow this with 6.Nxd5? 6.e3 c6 7.Bd3 Bd6 8.Nf3 O-O 9.O-O Re8 10.Re1 Nf8 Probably better was 10...Bf8. 11.e4 dxe4 12.Nxe4 Be7 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 14.Nxf6+ gxf6 15.Rxe8 Qxe8 16.Qd2 Ng6 17.Re1 Be6 18.h4 Qb8 19.h5 Nf4 20.Bb1 Kh8 21.g3 Bd5! Clever. 22.Nh4 Nh3+ 23.Kh2 Ng5 24.Qd3 Qc8 25.Qf5? White is probably irrevocably lost here. 25...Qxf5 26.Bxf5 Ne6 27.a3 Nxd4 28.Re7 c5 29.Rd7 Nxf5 30.Rxd5 Nxh4 31.gxh4 Pay attention, these doubled rook pawns will get some action later ;) 31...b6 32.h6 Kg8 33.Rf5 Not that it matters since white is just forestalling the inevitable, but 33. Rd7 was better. 33...Re8 34.Rxf6 Re6 35.Rxe6 fxe6 36.Kg3 Kf7 37.Kf4 Kf6 38.a4 e5+ 39.Ke4 Ke6 40.h5 a6 41.f4 exf4 42.Kxf4 Kd5 43.Kf5 b5 44.axb5 axb5 45.Kf6 b4 46.Kg7 Ke6!! Woo! 47.Kxh7 Kf7 48.Kh8 b3 49.h7 c4 50.h6 c3 Here white resigned, but here is an interesting continuation: 51.bxc3 b2 52.c4 b1=N 52...b1=Q would be so passé! 53.c5 Nc3 54.c6 Nd5 55.c7 Ne7 56.c8=Q Ng6# 0-1. Here's a pgn if you want:
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Already have started my new run, will post when Im in the Deku Tree.
You sick @#$%.
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This movie rocked my nuts off. I think the old Monopoly vid should remain since it's so different.
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It'sh what dreamsh are made of.
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I've always liked MM3 best because of the music. I know a couple of other people feel this way, too, therefore I must be right!
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I thought you were dead, Arc. When did you get back?
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Gorash wrote:
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schneelocke wrote:
xebra wrote:
Well, I mean, it is conceivable that all physical properties are quantized at fine enough resolutions.
Aren't all physical properties quantised at the Planck scale..?
It's conceivable.
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Well, I mean, it is conceivable that all physical properties are quantized at fine enough resolutions.
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Didn't we do that 8 pages ago, or in another thread, maybe?
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Very nice.
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How'd your eyes get so red?
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So, lol, where did you interview that made you take a brain teaser test?