Posts for xebra

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I don't mean this as an insult, lipucd, but I have a little trouble reading your posts. Could you make an effort to type more formally?
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I just got through the first MP3 ... pretty good, only one major disappointment in that you didn't crack a joke about flying under Mido's crotch at the start.
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Oh-carina of Time~ Kkkkkkorea!
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Hmm, definitely didn't warrant the cops licking.
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Ugh, Mena Suvari reminds me of melanoma.
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Old people deserve to die with dignity.
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You mean, the best idea since the decision to invade Iraq, right? You left-wing liberal anti-American scum! If you respond to this, then you want our young men and women in Iraq to die.
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Dunno, kinda yawn. There are a few places where there are interesting antics, but for the most part I felt I was watching a normal speedrun. I'm not sure if I should vote. I probably never would have even watched the movie if you hadn't made it.
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I've read a few thousand books in my day, and most of them aren't much worth remembering. Here are three of my absolute favorites. Since everyone has different tastes, I've selected three books that are vastly different from each other stylistically, thematically, and spiritually. You may very well like at least one of them: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Leguin The Autobiography of Mark Twain by Mark Twain (ed. Charles Neider) The Sound of the Mountain by Yasunari Kawabata
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I just watched this run again for no reason and it kicked a bunch of ass the second time around, too.
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I like different kind of runs, but I don't feel that a Mario only run would bring anything new to the table.
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What?! Make it work! We miss you!
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How come you're never on IRC any more, BoMF?
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Lakitu carries POWs?
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So, umm, when's version 2 coming out? ^^
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By the way, the sequel to Golgo 13 was called The Mafat Conspiracy. Thanks Halamantariel!
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This is really apropos of nothing, but it is possible to store more than a single bit in but a single particle. I remember some research a few years back where a Japanese (?) scientist showed how it should be possible, in theory, to store an arbitrary amount of information in a single electron. I don't remember the mechanism behind it, but it obviously had something to do with odd quantum mechanical effects and wave functions and other mostly impenetrable concepts. If I recall correctly, the scientist and his team actually successfully stored and retrieved on the order of 8 bits in an electron as a proof of concept. I'm pretty sure I read this in Science News, but it would take me forever to find the article, so sorry about not having any better information.
Post subject: Re: WIP: first track complete
Experienced Forum User
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Baxter wrote:
Unfortunately, the second lap time didn't register :S
Lol! That was cool.
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  • Launching from three main bases of operations in Stockholm, Tallinn, and Murmansk, 12 batallions will be airdropped into strategic positions throughout Finland.
  • Three batallions will secure the northern borders with Sweden and Norway, after which they will drive down the length of the country to quell insurgent uprisings in the sparsely populated northern and central regions.
  • Five batallions will drive straight towards the primary strategic target – Kerava – where they will secure NESVideos headquarters and hope to apprehend international criminal and TAS mastermind Bisqwit, dead or alive.
  • Four batallions which specialize in fjord-fighting will brave the harsh coastal terrain to focus on the secondary strategic target – Turku – where they hope to capture international ladykiller Brushy.
  • After decapitating the dictatorial TAS regime, remaining forces will be launched against Helsinki, where Finland's puppet government resides.
Experienced Forum User
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I'm sure it's in a FAQ somewhere, but you're sick, I'll 'umor you.
  • Download the appropriate version of Mupen.
  • Download the appropriate version of the OoT ROM.
  • Download GuanoBowl's latest movie file.
  • Run Mupen.
  • Make sure your plugin and raw data settings are identical to GuanoBowl's.
  • Load the ROM.
  • Load the movie file in read-only mode.
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Mmm ... cookies.
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Sonic 3 competition mode has a timer with 1/100th second resolution, and at first glance it appears there are "impossible" times in that game, as well. But strangely, if you are clever, you can force the timer to display any time you want, for individual laps or the whole race, provided it is greater than the fastest possible completion time.
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Right, the center of gravity of the tires is actually falling, despite the fact they are rolling uphill. It's a pretty standard bit of physics trickery. There are other counterintuitive examples of similar effects, such as pulling on a string wrapped around an axle and wheels, and being able to affect whether it rolls towards or away from you depending on the angle you pull at. Most people are surprised you can cause the string to wrap further around the axle despite the fact that you are pulling the string out.
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Henninger got you, Hawking!