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Didnt cut it for me too, looked too sloppy... too many issues to actually single out, but just didnt look like a video that could belong to the site. In my opinion, I dont really like TAS sidescrollers (so far only Morimoto's Gradius was entertaining enough to keep me to the whole movie) Unless a new dimension can be added to the way a standard sidescroller is being played, I am not quite sure I would actually give a YES...
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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Hmmm, it seems to work now, after repeatedly redefining the keys to something random. Not quite sure what I did... probably only certain keysets work and some doesn't? Just curious, how does Gens work a movie replay? Does it emulate keyboard presses (ie emulate a keyboard emulating a gamepad), or does it emulate the keystrokes directly bypassing the keyboard part. Cos I did realise that my keyboard does not detect some buttons when presses simultaneously, eg when the down arrow button is held down, the left doesnt work. Could this have been the cause of the problem?
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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Yea, i did... but somehow it still doesn't work. The other controllers' input just dont get detected. When I activate show input, all the inputs were of only 1 colour, I am guessing that means the other pads weren't being detected.
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
Post subject: Replay problem with more than 3 players (a win9x problem?)
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Something's weird with my Gens 9f-9j, it can't seem to play back any keystrokes on players 1B, 1C, 1D. I first found out about it when trying to playback Ouzo's 3 Player Lost Vikings run, but it always desynced after the first swap of players, even when teamplayer has been enabled in the pad settings. Something weird that I noticed was that the keypresses all seemed to only come from 1 player, ie those keypresses by pads 1B and 1C were totally ignored my the emulator, which was weird. I tried playing the game and i am very sure that the teamplayer pads are all working normally. I subsequently tried to record some random keypresses on all 3 pads, and once again only those from the main player 1 pad was detected. I have got no idea what's wrong... its unlikely to be my settings since Ouzo did lend me his config file which was working with all the replays and stuff and it still failed to run properly on my side. Right now, the only reason i can think of is that I am running a win98 system... perhaps its some compatibility problem? Though it would be weird cos all other functions are working perfectly. Hope this bug/incompatibility issue thingy would be solved soon... I am pretty sure there are other people who are also troubled by it. But anyhow, i've got to give kudos to the Gens coders.. its turning out to be one of my favourite TAS emulators :)
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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Thanks for your config file Ouzo, but it didnt help. Its probably the emulation being buggy on my hardware or OS... afterall I'm running a win98 lol.
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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I can't seem to get it working right :( it desyncs right at the start after the blue viking jumps for the ladder... I am using Gens 9f, and these are the settings for my pads Player 1 Teamplayer; player 2 Pad all the controllers are 3-button one Are there any additional settings? The 2 player version worked fine, but this can't seem to work properly... all the vikings practically stand still and do not respond to anything. EDIT: Bah, it doesn't work still, even on 9j. Oddly, 9J does not auto configure the pads as you said, ninsuja... basically 9j emulates, and therefore desyncs just as 9f-9h. Think its just the problem of my comp, don't quite know why though. Guess I'll have to pass on this movie :( RE-EDIT: I realised that 9j does reconfigure the pads, but wrongly. It sets both players to PAD, not TEAMPLAYER, resulting in the blue viking suiciding from the start. But even if I tried setting the config to TEAMPLAYER on player 1 as soon as the movie starts, it desyncs
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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Looks quite alright to me then, just hate the lag when the game tries to load a new room... as well as that music o.O Would have voted yes if I could
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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Yay, first reply! Hmmm, just one question... do items spawn randomly when the level begins, or are they always in the same places? The levels look randomly generated, so it may be possible to manipulate each level to be such that it is more optimal to speed though. But judging from the number of rooms, it may mean quite a lot of iterations etc if a bot is created... not sure if its possible.
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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lol, and i thought monopoly done quick was the shortest video on the site
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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Omg! That was a beauty... I was just wondering about several things about luck manipulation in this game. Can't quite understand a lot of the technicalities in your submission text, but I was wondering what exactly affects the randomness of the game? I was experimenting random bashing after your input ended to see if it would change the way things turned out but it didnt... Is it because the things the game factors into randomness is independent on button presses, but more of time taken to make each move? One more thing, was the naming sequence meant as a joke or intended for manipulation? Whatever it is, I found it quite hilarious LOL Well done FractalFusion, you've just brought luck manipulation and brute force TAS-ing to a new level ;)
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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CD-i Link anyday... his deadly voice will kill any other Links, period.
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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Hmm... i don't quite know if I like it. It's been such a long time since I last watched a GB/GBC run. My main gripe is that bosses were tooooo damn boring. Especially that Vulture, damn it, i was running the game on 900% and it still took half a minute! Was so hoping that you would just web into the air and start punching him up there. It started to get very repetitive, maybe if you are going to do a revision, consider something entertaining while waiting. Route planning-wise, I can't quite comment on whether it could have been further optimised. Back to the vulture stage, i was just wondering if you could bash through the laser beams and pick up more health powerups along the way. Not sure if that would optimise it further cos searching for health may then again be more time consuming. It's a good thing Twisted Eye pointed out that enemies act like walls. I was wondering where damage taking would come into play cos in stage 1, there were 2 obvious locations where you had to beat the crap out of the road hoggers instead of running through them. On the whole, I am not quite sure if it works for me... I think some revisions to boss battles may be needed
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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