In March 2004
- The nesvideos page (html only) was loaded 46921 times, creating 1 GB of traffic.
- Common words used in search were "bisqwit", "nes games", "nes speed runs", "nes videos", "speed runs" and so on. "bisqwit" was searched 502 times.
- Hourly, most activity happens at midnight EET and least activity happens at 10am EET.
- Globally on my webserver, there was 533247 hits, 4.3 GB of traffic, with average of 716 hits per hour. This doesn't include the load caused by the forum, the
kanjidict or the user pages. The nesvideos page and the resources linked by it (torrent files, css, subpages) dominate the counter.
- On the image server, there was 9 GB of traffic, which is a sum of 64031 hits. This includes also the traffic caused by this forum.
[Edit: April statistics completed]
In April 2004:
- The nesvideos page (html only) was loaded 99262 times, creating 2.8 GB of traffic.
- Common words used in search were the same as in the previous month.
- Activity peak happens still at midnight, and lowest activity is at midday.
- Globally on my webserver, there was 735316 hits, 7.9 GB of traffic, with average 1021 hits per hour. This doesn't include the load caused by the forum, the
kanjidict or the user pages. The nesvideos page and the resources linked by it (torrent files, css, subpages) dominate the counter.
- On the image server, there was 29 GB of traffic, which is a sum of 5436186 hits (gasp!). This includes also the traffic caused by this forum.
The BitTorrent tracker remembers 3.2 terabytes (3307 gigabytes) of traffic for all the files that are currently shared. This does not include past versions of movies, and it includes all the successfully completed avi file loads (peer-to-peer). There is no time range.
That's a *lot*.
I'd gladly say "thank you", but nobody pays me for traffic. I'm just lucky that it isn't the opposite.