In April 2005
- The pages of the Nesvideos site were loaded about 650000 times, creating about 6.2 GB of traffic.
(I need a better way to calculate these numbers. It's difficult to sum up those numbers from the logs...)
- Globally on my webserver, there were 1870800 hits, 13.9 GB of traffic, with average of 2598 hits per hour.
1068k hits in the name of MSIE 6, 603k in the name of
Mozilla, and the most common version of Opera had 35k.
Domain statistics:
1 .net 29%
2 .jp 27%
3 .com 14%
4 (unresolved) 6%
5 .edu 4%
6 .fi 3%
7 .se 3%
8 .ca 2%
9 .nl 1%
10 .de 1%
For the first 20 days, .jp was the #1, but near the end of the month it dropped to the 2nd place. Again, we can thank (formerly for this publicity.
The most active user was with 10435 hits (276 MB), followed by (again) with 9087 hits (225 MB),
and followed by with 8541 hits (43 MB).
Because the leading user appears to have been a robot, BagOfMagicFood wins again.