Banned User, Former player
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Bisqwit wrote:
source code below
Some people have way too much time in their hands... ;)
Editor, Active player (296)
Joined: 3/8/2004
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Location: Arzareth
Warp wrote:
Some people have way too much time in their hands... ;)
For some reason I feel particularly productive with useless programs lately. I expect it to subside any moment now.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
I've been playing with Project Euler lately, which seems to serve a similar purpose.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
Skilled player (1639)
Joined: 11/15/2004
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I wish I had been that good at GW-BASIC/Q-BASIC as a kid. I wrote RPGs (really bad plots, if any at all).... I always used the ascii character set, for my graphics. #5 was people, since the spade sorta looks like a person in old ascii codes....
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
Active player (278)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
What, not the smiley? I also used BASIC as a kid, but although I liked games, I didn't really know how to make one, so I just made a lot of weird little graphics demos.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Editor, Active player (296)
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Location: Arzareth
This, too, is for QuickBASIC. Probably the most compact Tetris clone I've ever written, in terms of amount of code, in any language.
SCREEN 0,1,0,0 : WIDTH 40,25: COLOR 2,0: CLS
DIM SHARED area(23), blockdata(3,7)

' Read block data (each block is a 4x4 bitmask, 16 bits)
FOR bn=0 TO 3: FOR br=1 TO 7: READ blockdata(bn,br): NEXT br,bn
DATA &H2222,&H0270,&H1320,&H4620,&H0E20,&H02E0,&H0660 :REM rotation 0
DATA &H0F00,&H4640,&H6300,&H3600,&H2260,&H2230,&H0660 :REM rotation 1
DATA &H2222,&H7200,&H1320,&H4620,&H4700,&H0740,&H0660 :REM rotation 2
DATA &H0F00,&H1310,&H6300,&H3600,&H3220,&H6220,&H0660 :REM rotation 3
'             x      xx      xx    xxx      x    xx
'     xxxxx  xxx      xx    xx       x    xxx    xx

' Generate field borders (each area row is a bitmask)
FOR ty=0 TO 23: area(ty) = &H7FFF: NEXT  '.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX at top& bottom
FOR ty=1 TO 19: area(ty) = &H6007: NEXT  '.XX..........XXX at edges
CALL RenderField(0,23) 'render the entire field

' FNbitvalue& = 1 << bitno
' FNbittest = value & FNbitvalue&
' FNblockbit = gives the [by][bx] of block bn(1-7) in rotation br(0-3)
' FNblockrow = gives the [by][0-3] of block, shifted right by bx (bx=area horizontal pos)
DEF FNbitvalue&(bitno) = 2& ^ bitno 'Declared as LONG (&) so that it works in QBASIC too
DEF FNbittest(value, bitno) = SGN(value AND FNbitvalue&(bitno))
DEF FNblockbit(br,bn,bx,by) = FNbittest(blockdata(br,bn), by * 4 + bx) ' decode block matrix
DEF FNblockrow(br,bn,bx,by) = ((blockdata(br,bn) \ FNbitvalue&(by * 4)) AND 15) * FNbitvalue&(bx)

'Generate next block
nr = 0: nn = 1 + INT(RND * 7) 'generate new next block
COLOR 12,0: LOCATE 1, 15 + 4: PRINT "Next block:"
FallingSpeed! = 0.4   '0.4s per round
  CALL RenderBlock(nr,nn, nx+15,ny+1, 0) 'unrender old next block
  pr = nr: pn = nn : px = 4 : py = 0     'next block becomes incoming block
  nr =  0: nn = 1 + INT(RND * 7)         'generate new next block
  CALL RenderBlock(nr,nn, nx+15,ny+1, 1) 'render next block
  CALL RenderBlock(pr,pn, px,py, 1)      'render incoming block
  IF TestCollision(pr,pn, px,py) THEN EXIT DO 'game over if the block collided upon birth

  ti! = TIMER ' Beginning of this round
  FallingDown = 0
    qx=px: qy=py: qr=pr ' Configure the position where block will be moved
    y$ = INKEY$
    IF y$ <> "" THEN FallingDown = 0
    IF y$ = CHR$(27) THEN GOTO GameOver
    IF y$ = CHR$(0) + "H" THEN qr = (qr+1)MOD 4: GOTO TestMove 'test rotate
    IF y$ = CHR$(0) + "K" THEN qx = qx-1:        GOTO TestMove 'test move left
    IF y$ = CHR$(0) + "M" THEN qx = qx+1:        GOTO TestMove 'test move right
    IF y$ = CHR$(0) + "P" THEN EXIT DO 'skip round (move down)
    IF y$ = " " THEN FallingDown = 1
  LOOP UNTIL FallingDown OR (TIMER >= ti! + FallingSpeed!)

  qy = qy+1
  IF TestCollision(qr,pn, qx,qy) THEN 'Can the block move down?
    CALL AffixBlock(pr,pn, px,py)     'Nope. Affix it here.
    CALL RenderField(py, py+3)        'Render the block.
    NumLinesRemoved = VerifyFullLines 'When you add scoring, handle this
    'Continue to the next loop
    ti! = TIMER ' Begin new round
    GOTO BlockMoved
    IF TestCollision(qr,pn, qx,qy) THEN GOTO HandleInput ' ignore if couldn't move
    CALL RenderBlock(pr,pn, px,py, 0) 'unrender from old position
    pr=qr: px=qx: py=qy               'change block location and orientation
    CALL RenderBlock(pr,pn, px,py, 1) 'render into new position
    GOTO HandleInput


FUNCTION TestCollision(rotation,blocknum, bx,by)
  FOR y = 0 TO 3
    IF y+by > 0 AND (area(y+by) AND FNblockrow(rotation,blocknum, bx,y)) THEN EXIT FOR
  TestCollision = y < 4 ' Was collision if the loop was interrupted.

SUB AffixBlock(rotation,blocknum, bx,by)
  FOR y = 0 TO 3
    area(y+by) = area(y+by) OR FNblockrow(rotation,blocknum, bx,y)

SUB RenderField(miny, maxy)
  FOR y = miny TO maxy
    LOCATE y + 1,1
    FOR x = 1 TO 14
      IF area(y) AND FNbitvalue&(x) THEN COLOR 7,7 ELSE COLOR 4,0
      PRINT ".";
  NEXT x, y

SUB RenderBlock(rotation,blocknum, px,py, showorhide)
  IF showorhide=0 THEN COLOR 4,0 ELSE COLOR 11,3
  FOR y = 0 TO 3: FOR x = 0 TO 3
    IF y + py > 0 AND FNblockbit(rotation,blocknum,x,y) THEN
      LOCATE py+y+1, px+x: PRINT ".";
    END IF
  NEXT x, y

FUNCTION VerifyFullLines()
  numlinesremoved = 0
  FOR y = 19 TO 1 STEP -1
    WHILE area(y) = &H7FFF 'full line?
      FOR py = y TO 2 STEP -1: area(py) = area(py-1): NEXT 'move down
      area(1) = &H6007 'the top row becomes blank (.XX..........XXX)
      CALL RenderField(1,y) 're-render the changed part of the field
      numlinesremoved = numlinesremoved + 1
  VerifyFullLines = numlinesremoved
Post subject: I am HappyLee
Experienced player (750)
Joined: 5/6/2005
Posts: 3132
I found this in an old folder while getting source code for the TAS utilities I wrote a while ago (I gave them to Raiscan so they should be on his emulator site at some point). It's Connect 4. It was fun programming the AI, but I've since learned that this game is "solved" and player 1 can always win if playing perfectly, and the AI here is not that good. Sorry for the long code. Edit: Some of the code didn't paste the first time. Edit: Trying again, now with HTML disabled. I sure don't miss this forum markup crap!
DECLARE SUB assigndifficulty ()
DECLARE SUB updatecursor ()
DECLARE SUB updateboardinfo ()
DECLARE FUNCTION getplayermove! ()
DECLARE FUNCTION getcomputermove! ()
DECLARE SUB introscreen ()
DECLARE SUB setcolors ()
DECLARE SUB showcolors ()
DECLARE SUB drawboard ()
' Winter 2005
' Connect Four Program
'(6,1)      (6,7)
'(1,1)      (1,7)

' Declare variables

TYPE gamedata
        colour AS INTEGER       'Represents the color of the checker
                                'in a particular spot.
                                '0 - no checker
                                '1 - red
                                '2 - black
        red AS INTEGER          'Used to keep track of spots that are
                                'potential winning spaces for red.
                                '0 - no potential
                                '1 - red 3-in-a-row
                                '2 - red 2-in-a-row

        black AS INTEGER        'Used to keep track of spots that are
                                'potential winning spaces for black.
                                '0 - no potential
                                '1 - black 3-in-a-row
                                '2 - black 2-in-a-row

TYPE boarddata
        height AS INTEGER       'Keeps track of each column's height.
                                'If x checkers have been placed in a column,
                                'height = x.

        red2win AS INTEGER      'Boolean value if a column has a two-way-win
                                'in a particular column for red.

        black2win AS INTEGER    'Boolean value if a column has a two-way-win
                                'in a particular column for black.

        movevalue AS SINGLE     'Used in computer AI, representing the value
                                'of making the move in a particular column.


DIM SHARED board(1 TO 6, 1 TO 7) AS gamedata   'gamedata TYPE, one for each space

DIM SHARED boardinfo(1 TO 7) AS boarddata      'boardata TYPE, one for each column

DIM SHARED computermove(1 TO 7) AS INTEGER     'computer's priority of moves

DIM SHARED temp(1 TO 6, 1 TO 7) AS gamedata    'another gamedata TYPE, used for
                                               'testing moves in AI

DIM SHARED tempinfo(1 TO 7) AS boarddata       'another boarddata TYPE, used for
                                               'testing moves in AI

DIM SHARED playertypes AS INTEGER              '0 - replay, 1 - 1 player, 2 - 2 player
        playertypes = 1                        '1 player mode is default

DIM SHARED whosturn AS INTEGER                 '1 - black's turn, 2 - red's turn

DIM SHARED whoisfirstmethod AS INTEGER         'Configurable option.
                                        '0 - black always first
                                        '1 - black, then winner always first                                                        
                                        '2 - black, then loser always first
                                        '3 - red always first
                                        '4 - red, then winner always first                                                    
                                        '5 - red, then loser always first
        whoisfirstmethod = 6            '6 - random always first (DEFAULT)
                                        '7 - random, then winner always first                                                  
                                        '8 - random, then loser always first

DIM SHARED difficulty AS INTEGER               '1----2----3----4----5
        difficulty = 3                  'easy <-default-> hard

DIM SHARED diffvalue(1 TO 7) AS SINGLE  'table of difficulty values

DIM SHARED stillplaying AS INTEGER      '0 - not playing, 1 - still playing
        stillplaying = 1

DIM SHARED cursorcolumn AS INTEGER      'Keeps track of the moving cursor
        cursorcolumn = 4

DIM SHARED soundon AS INTEGER           '0 - no sound, 1 - sound
        soundon = 1




        CALL introscreen

        'Here is the main title screen, selecting from:
        '1-player game, 2-player game, options menu, and exit
        CALL setcolors
        'numberofmoves is used as an indicator for being the first game or not
        numberofmoves = 0
        stillplaying = 1

        CALL assigndifficulty

        DO WHILE stillplaying = 1


                CALL drawboard

                'Clear board data
                FOR i = 1 TO 6
                        FOR j = 1 TO 7
                                board(i, j).colour = 0
                                board(i, j).red = 0
                                board(i, j).black = 0
                                boardinfo(j).height = 0
                                boardinfo(j).red2win = 0
                                boardinfo(j).black2win = 0
                                boardinfo(j).movevalue = 0
                        NEXT j
                NEXT i

                'Based on options, assign who's turn is first for the first game
                'If this is the first game:
                IF numberofmoves = 0 THEN
                        SELECT CASE whoisfirstmethod
                                CASE 0, 1, 2
                                        whosturn = 1
                                CASE 3, 4, 5
                                        whosturn = 2
                                CASE 6, 7, 8
                                        whosturn = INT(RND + .5) + 1
                        END SELECT
                'if this is not the first game
                        SELECT CASE whoisfirstmethod
                                CASE 0
                                        whosturn = 1
                                CASE 3
                                        whosturn = 2
                                CASE 6
                                        whosturn = INT(RND + .5) + 1
                                CASE 1, 4, 7
                                        IF whosturn = 2 THEN whosturn = 1 ELSE whosturn = 2
                        END SELECT
                END IF

                numberofmoves = 0

                        SELECT CASE playertypes
                                CASE 1
                                        IF whosturn = 2 THEN
                                                nextmove = getplayermove
                                                IF soundon = 1 THEN PLAY "mfo4l32dd"
                                        END IF
                                        IF whosturn = 1 THEN
                                                nextmove = getcomputermove
                                                IF soundon = 1 THEN PLAY "mfo4p2l32ff" ELSE PLAY "mfp2p32"
                                        END IF
                                CASE 2
                                        nextmove = getplayermove
                                        IF whosturn = 2 THEN
                                                IF soundon = 1 THEN PLAY "mfo4l32ddp8" ELSE PLAY "mfp8p32"
                                        END IF
                                        IF whosturn = 1 THEN
                                                IF soundon = 1 THEN PLAY "mfo4l32ffp8" ELSE PLAY "mfp8p32"
                                        END IF
                        END SELECT

                        'Clear keyboard buffer

                                a$ = INKEY$
                        LOOP UNTIL a$ = ""
                        'Fill the correct colored checker in
                        'Add highlighted border to show it was the last move made
                        IF numberofmoves > 0 THEN CIRCLE (48 + INT(37.4 * (movelist(numberofmoves) - 1)), 144.5 - INT(24.2 * (boardinfo(movelist(numberofmoves)).height - 1))), 13, 0
                        PAINT (48 + INT(37.4 * (nextmove - 1)), 145.2 - INT(24.2 * boardinfo(nextmove).height)), (whosturn - 1) * 16 + 16, 0
                        CIRCLE (48 + INT(37.4 * (nextmove - 1)), 144.5 - INT(24.2 * boardinfo(nextmove).height)), 13, 80
                        'Update simple board data
                        'Increase the height of the column played

                        board(boardinfo(nextmove).height + 1, nextmove).colour = whosturn
                        boardinfo(nextmove).height = boardinfo(nextmove).height + 1

                        'Update more advanced board information for 1-player game
                        IF playertypes = 1 THEN CALL updateboardinfo
                        'Enable these next lines to show 2-in-a-rows, 3-in-a-rows,
                        'and two-way-wins

        '                FOR i = 1 TO 7
        '                        FOR j = 1 TO 6
        '                                IF board(j, i).red <> 0 THEN LINE (43 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 140.2 - INT(24.2 * (j - 1)))-(48 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 150.2 - INT(24.2 * (j - 1))), 32, BF
        '                                IF board(j, i).red = 1 THEN LINE (43 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 140.2 - INT(24.2 * (j - 1)))-(48 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 150.2 - INT(24.2 * (j - 1))), 250, B
        '                                IF board(j, i).black <> 0 THEN LINE (48 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 140.2 - INT(24.2 * (j - 1)))-(53 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 150.2 - INT(24.2 * (j - 1))), 48, BF
        '                                IF board(j, i).black = 1 THEN LINE (48 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 140.2 - INT(24.2 * (j - 1)))-(53 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 150.2 - INT(24.2 * (j - 1))), 250, B
        '                        NEXT j
        '                        IF boardinfo(i).red2win > 0 THEN PAINT (48 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 140.2 - INT(24.2 * (boardinfo(i).red2win - 1))), 64, 0
        '                        IF boardinfo(i).black2win > 0 THEN PAINT (48 + INT(37.4 * (i - 1)), 140.2 - INT(24.2 * (boardinfo(i).black2win - 1))), 64, 0
        '                NEXT i

                        'Increase the number of total moves by 1

                        numberofmoves = numberofmoves + 1
                        'Add the current move to the move list

                        movelist(numberofmoves) = nextmove
                        'Switch who's turn it is for the next move

                        IF whosturn = 2 THEN whosturn = 1 ELSE whosturn = 2

                        'Clear the dialog box
                        LOCATE 23, 1
                        PRINT SPACE$(38)
                        'Check the board for a win, and break the loop if found
                        IF checkwin = 1 THEN EXIT DO
                LOOP UNTIL numberofmoves = 42
                LOCATE 23, 1
                IF checkwin = 0 THEN
                        PRINT "it's a tie"
                        IF playertypes = 1 THEN
                                PRINT "You ";
                                IF whosturn = 2 THEN
                                        PRINT "lose"
                                        IF soundon = 1 THEN PLAY "mfo3l16eedp16l8c"
                                        PRINT "win!"
                                        IF soundon = 1 THEN PLAY "mfo4l16ffgp16l8o5c"
                                END IF
                                IF whosturn = 1 THEN PRINT "Red";  ELSE PRINT "Black";
                                PRINT " wins!"
                                IF soundon = 1 THEN PLAY "mfo4l16ffgp16l8o5c"
                        END IF
                END IF

        'Routine asking to play again.  If yes, determine who is
        'first based on who is current and first procedure from options
        LOCATE 23, 20: PRINT "Play again? (Y/N)"
                DO UNTIL a$ = "Y" OR a$ = "N"
                        a$ = UCASE$(INKEY$)
                IF a$ = "N" THEN stillplaying = 0

        'If not playing again, return to the title screen

SUB assigndifficulty

IF difficulty = 1 THEN
        diffvalue(1) = .5
        diffvalue(2) = .7
        diffvalue(3) = .8
        diffvalue(4) = .88
        diffvalue(5) = .95
        diffvalue(6) = .98
        diffvalue(7) = 1
IF difficulty = 2 THEN
        diffvalue(1) = .65
        diffvalue(2) = .85
        diffvalue(3) = .95
        diffvalue(4) = .98
        diffvalue(5) = 1
        diffvalue(6) = 1
        diffvalue(7) = 1
IF difficulty = 3 THEN
        diffvalue(1) = .8
        diffvalue(2) = .95
        diffvalue(3) = .985
        diffvalue(4) = 1
        diffvalue(5) = 1
        diffvalue(6) = 1
        diffvalue(7) = 1
IF difficulty = 4 THEN
        diffvalue(1) = .95
        diffvalue(2) = .99
        diffvalue(3) = 1
        diffvalue(4) = 1
        diffvalue(5) = 1
        diffvalue(6) = 1
        diffvalue(7) = 1
IF difficulty = 5 THEN
        diffvalue(1) = 1
        diffvalue(2) = 1
        diffvalue(3) = 1
        diffvalue(4) = 1
        diffvalue(5) = 1
        diffvalue(6) = 1
        diffvalue(7) = 1


'This program checks board for a win (four checkers
'in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally)
'and returns integer value of 1 if a win is found.
FUNCTION checkwin
        FOR i = 1 TO 6
                FOR j = 1 TO 7

                        'check win to the right
                        IF board(i, j).colour <> 0 THEN
                                IF j <= 4 THEN
                                        IF i <= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j + 1).colour = board(i + 2, j + 2).colour AND board(i + 2, j + 2).colour = board(i + 3, j + 3).colour THEN checkwin = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j + 1).colour = board(i - 2, j + 2).colour AND board(i - 2, j + 2).colour = board(i - 3, j + 3).colour THEN checkwin = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j + 1).colour AND board(i, j + 1).colour = board(i, j + 2).colour AND board(i, j + 2).colour = board(i, j + 3).colour THEN checkwin = 1
                                END IF
                                IF j >= 4 THEN
                                        IF i <= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j - 1).colour = board(i + 2, j - 2).colour AND board(i + 2, j - 2).colour = board(i + 3, j - 3).colour THEN checkwin = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j - 1).colour = board(i - 2, j - 2).colour AND board(i - 2, j - 2).colour = board(i - 3, j - 3).colour THEN checkwin = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j - 1).colour AND board(i, j - 1).colour = board(i, j - 2).colour AND board(i, j - 2).colour = board(i, j - 3).colour THEN checkwin = 1
                                END IF
                                IF i >= 4 THEN
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j).colour AND board(i - 1, j).colour = board(i - 2, j).colour AND board(i - 2, j).colour = board(i - 3, j).colour THEN checkwin = 1
                                END IF
                                IF i <= 3 THEN
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j).colour AND board(i + 1, j).colour = board(i + 2, j).colour AND board(i + 2, j).colour = board(i + 3, j).colour THEN checkwin = 1
                                END IF
                        END IF
                NEXT j
        NEXT i

'Subroutine called at the beginning of each game to draw the new board
SUB drawboard


'draw layered sky

FOR j = 170 TO 11 STEP -15
        LINE (0, 0)-(320, j), 65 - (j \ 10), BF

'draw individual checker spaces

LINE (30, 10)-(290, 160), 0, B

FOR i = 0 TO 6
        FOR j = 0 TO 5
                CIRCLE (48 + INT(37.4 * i), 24 + INT(24.18 * j)), 13, 0
        NEXT j

PAINT (31, 11), 14, 0


'Artificial Intelligence function used for the computer
'to determine which column to move, based on the status
'of board & boardinfo.  Returns column to move in.
FUNCTION getcomputermove
        LOCATE 23, 1
        COLOR 25
        PRINT "Computer is thinking..."

        'reset the base values for each column's movement value
        'add in slight degree of randomness for equal values

        FOR i = 1 TO 7
                boardinfo(i).movevalue = ((3 - ABS(4 - i) + (6 - boardinfo(i).height)) / 10) + (RND / 20)
        NEXT i

        FOR i = 1 TO 7
                IF boardinfo(i).height < 6 THEN
                        'First check for a computer-win
                        IF board(boardinfo(i).height + 1, i).black = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 300: LOCATE 2, 1
                        'Then check for a human-win to block
                        IF board(boardinfo(i).height + 1, i).red = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 150: LOCATE 3, 1
                        'Then check for a human-win creation to avoid
                        IF boardinfo(i).height < 5 THEN
                                IF board(boardinfo(i).height + 2, i).red = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue - 150
                        END IF

                        'Now check for an existing 2-way win to build toward
                        IF boardinfo(i).black2win > 0 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 50 + boardinfo(i).black2win
                        'Now check for an existing 2-way loss to avoid
                        IF boardinfo(i).red2win > 0 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue - 50 - boardinfo(i).black2win

                        'Copy board info into a dummy array

                        FOR j = 1 TO 7
                                FOR k = 1 TO 6
                                        temp(k, j) = board(k, j)
                                NEXT k
                                tempinfo(j) = boardinfo(j)
                        NEXT j
                        'Now place a red checker in column i of this data structure
                        board(boardinfo(i).height + 1, i).colour = 2
                        boardinfo(i).height = boardinfo(i).height + 1
                        CALL updateboardinfo

                        FOR j = 1 TO 7

                                'If a new 2-way-win exists for red in any column, block this move
                                IF boardinfo(j).red2win <> tempinfo(j).red2win AND boardinfo(j).red2win <> 0 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 12

                                'If a new 3-in-a-row win exists for red, block this move
                                IF boardinfo(j).height < 6 AND boardinfo(j).height > 0 THEN
                                        IF temp(boardinfo(j).height + 1, j).red <> 1 AND board(boardinfo(j).height + 1, j).red = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 10: LOCATE 8, 1
                                END IF
                                'If a new 3-in-a-row non-win exists for red, block this move
                                FOR k = 1 TO 6
                                        IF temp(k, j).red <> 1 AND board(k, j).red = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 3: : LOCATE 9, 1
                                NEXT k
                        NEXT j

                        'change the placed red checker to black
                        board(boardinfo(i).height, i).colour = 1
                        CALL updateboardinfo

                        FOR j = 1 TO 7
                                'If a new 2-way-win exists for black in any column, make this move
                                IF boardinfo(j).black2win <> tempinfo(j).black2win AND boardinfo(j).black2win <> 0 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 12

                                'If a new 3-in-a-row win exists for black, make this move
                                IF boardinfo(j).height < 6 AND boardinfo(j).height > 0 THEN
                                        IF temp(boardinfo(j).height + 1, j).black <> 1 AND board(boardinfo(j).height + 1, j).black = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 15
                                END IF
                                FOR k = 1 TO 6
                                        'If a new 3-in-a-row non-win exists for black, make this move
                                        IF temp(k, j).black <> 1 AND board(k, j).black = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 4
                                        'If a new 2-in-a-row non-win exists for black, make this move
                                        IF temp(k, j).black <> 2 AND board(k, j).black = 2 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue + 1
                                NEXT k
                        NEXT j

                        'if there is space above the placed black checker
                        IF boardinfo(i).height < 6 THEN
                                'place a red checker above it
                                board(boardinfo(i).height + 1, i).colour = 2
                                boardinfo(i).height = boardinfo(i).height + 1
                                CALL updateboardinfo

                                FOR j = 1 TO 7
                                        'If moving here creates a new 2-way-win for red in any column, avoid this move
                                        IF boardinfo(j).red2win <> tempinfo(j).red2win AND boardinfo(j).red2win <> 0 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue - 12

                                        'If moving here creates a new 3-in-a-row win for red, avoid this move
                                        IF boardinfo(j).height < 6 AND boardinfo(j).height > 0 THEN
                                                IF board(boardinfo(j).height + 1, j).red <> temp(boardinfo(j).height + 1, j).red AND board(boardinfo(j).height + 1, j).red = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue - 10
                                        END IF
                                        'If moving here creates a new 3-in-a-row non-win for red, avoid this move
                                        FOR k = 1 TO 6
                                                IF temp(k, j).red <> 1 AND board(k, j).red = 1 THEN boardinfo(i).movevalue = boardinfo(i).movevalue - 3
                                        NEXT k
                                NEXT j
                                'remove the top red checker
                                board(boardinfo(i).height, i).colour = 0
                                boardinfo(i).height = boardinfo(i).height - 1
                                CALL updateboardinfo
                        END IF

                        'remove the top black checker, returning the board
                        'to its original state
                        board(boardinfo(i).height, i).colour = 0
                        boardinfo(i).height = boardinfo(i).height - 1
                        CALL updateboardinfo
                        boardinfo(i).movevalue = -1000
                END IF
        NEXT i

        currentmaximum = -500
        currentmove = 4
        LOCATE 1, 1
        FOR i = 1 TO 7
                computermove(i) = i
                'Uncomment this line to see computer AI values
'                PRINT boardinfo(i).movevalue; " ";
        NEXT i

        'Bubble Sort computer's moves - computermove(1) > ... > computermove(7)
        FOR i = 6 TO 1 STEP -1
                FOR j = 6 TO i STEP -1
                        IF boardinfo(computermove(j)).movevalue < boardinfo(computermove(j + 1)).movevalue THEN
                                temp = computermove(j)
                                computermove(j) = computermove(j + 1)
                                computermove(j + 1) = temp
                        END IF
                NEXT j
        NEXT i
        'Computermove(7) is the best move.  Depending on the difficulty,
        'each move has a predetermined probability of being selected
        temp = RND
        selectedmove = 0

        'Cycle through the chart values and assign the appropriate move
        FOR i = 7 TO 1 STEP -1
                IF temp < diffvalue(i) THEN currentmove = computermove(i)
                'In case an illegal move is selected, change it
                IF boardinfo(currentmove).movevalue = -1000 THEN currentmove = computermove(i - 1)
        NEXT i

        getcomputermove = currentmove


'This function will get input from the keyboard determining
'which column the human player chooses to move in.
FUNCTION getplayermove
        DO                      'Clear the keyboard buffer
                a$ = INKEY$
        LOOP UNTIL a$ = ""

        LOCATE 23, 1
        COLOR 47
        IF playertypes = 2 THEN
                IF whosturn = 2 THEN
                        PRINT "Red's turn: ";
                ELSEIF whosturn = 1 THEN
                        COLOR 25
                        PRINT "Black's turn: ";
                END IF
        END IF
        PRINT "Make your move  "
        moveconfirmed = 0       'Player is asked for a move until
                                'moveconfirmed = 1.  This is to
                                'stop players from choosing columns
                                'that are already full.
                CALL updatecursor
                        a$ = INKEY$
                        IF a$ = "" THEN a$ = "0"
                        IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "K" AND cursorcolumn > 1 THEN
                                cursorcolumn = cursorcolumn - 1
                                CALL updatecursor
                        END IF
                        IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "M" AND cursorcolumn < 7 THEN
                                cursorcolumn = cursorcolumn + 1
                                CALL updatecursor
                        END IF
                        'Escape key to end at any time
                        IF a$ = CHR$(27) THEN SYSTEM

                LOOP UNTIL ASC(a$) > 48 AND ASC(a$) < 56 OR ASC(a$) = 13
                IF ASC(a$) <> 13 THEN loopmove = ASC(a$) - 48 ELSE loopmove = cursorcolumn

                IF boardinfo(loopmove).height < 6 THEN

                        moveconfirmed = 1
                        PLAY "mfo3l8c"

                END IF
        LOOP UNTIL moveconfirmed = 1

        getplayermove = loopmove


SUB introscreen
'Basic menu system, to adjust options and so forth

LOCATE 6, 25: PRINT "Connect 4 by JXQ"

LOCATE 10, 20: PRINT "Begin 1-player game"
LOCATE 12, 20: PRINT "Begin 2-player game"
LOCATE 14, 20: PRINT "Difficulty: "
LOCATE 16, 20: PRINT "Who goes first: "
LOCATE 18, 20: PRINT "Sound: "
LOCATE 20, 20: PRINT "Quit"

LOCATE 14, 50: PRINT "Up and down arrows to"
LOCATE 15, 50: PRINT "select options"
LOCATE 17, 50: PRINT "Left and right arrows"
LOCATE 18, 50: PRINT "to adjust options"
LOCATE 20, 50: PRINT "Enter to begin a game"
LOCATE 21, 50: PRINT "ESC to quit program"

breakloop = 0
menucursor = 1

DO UNTIL breakloop = 1
        COLOR 15
        LOCATE 14, 32
        SELECT CASE difficulty
                CASE 1
                        PRINT "Very Easy     "
                CASE 2
                        PRINT "Easy          "
                CASE 3
                        PRINT "Average       "
                CASE 4
                        PRINT "Difficult     "
                CASE 5
                        PRINT "Very Difficult"
        END SELECT
        LOCATE 16, 36
        SELECT CASE whoisfirstmethod
                CASE 0
                        PRINT "Black always       "
                CASE 1
                        PRINT "Black, then winner "
                CASE 2
                        PRINT "Black, then loser  "
                CASE 3
                        PRINT "Red always         "
                CASE 4
                        PRINT "Red, then winner   "
                CASE 5
                        PRINT "Red, then loser    "
                CASE 6
                        PRINT "Random always      "
                CASE 7
                        PRINT "Random, then winner"
                CASE 8
                        PRINT "Random, then loser "
        END SELECT
        LOCATE 18, 27
        IF soundon = 0 THEN PRINT "Off" ELSE PRINT "On "

        LOCATE 10, 17: PRINT "  "
        LOCATE 12, 17: PRINT "  "
        LOCATE 14, 17: PRINT "  "
        LOCATE 16, 17: PRINT "  "
        LOCATE 18, 17: PRINT "  "
        LOCATE 20, 17: PRINT "  "
        LOCATE (menucursor * 2) + 8, 17
        COLOR 14
        PRINT "->"

                a$ = INKEY$
                IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "H" AND menucursor > 1 THEN
                        menucursor = menucursor - 1
                END IF
                IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "P" AND menucursor < 6 THEN
                        menucursor = menucursor + 1
                END IF
                IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "M" THEN
                        IF menucursor = 3 AND difficulty < 5 THEN difficulty = difficulty + 1
                        IF menucursor = 4 AND whoisfirstmethod < 8 THEN whoisfirstmethod = whoisfirstmethod + 1
                        IF menucursor = 5 AND soundon = 0 THEN soundon = 1: PLAY "mfl16o2c"
                END IF
                IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "K" THEN
                        IF menucursor = 3 AND difficulty > 1 THEN difficulty = difficulty - 1
                        IF menucursor = 4 AND whoisfirstmethod > 0 THEN whoisfirstmethod = whoisfirstmethod - 1
                        IF menucursor = 5 AND soundon = 1 THEN soundon = 0
                END IF
                IF a$ = CHR$(13) THEN
                        IF menucursor = 1 THEN playertypes = 1: EXIT SUB
                        IF menucursor = 2 THEN playertypes = 2: EXIT SUB
                        IF menucursor = 6 THEN SYSTEM
                END IF
                IF a$ = CHR$(27) THEN SYSTEM

        LOOP UNTIL a$ = CHR$(0) + "H" OR a$ = CHR$(0) + "K" OR a$ = CHR$(0) + "M" OR a$ = CHR$(0) + "P" OR a$ = CHR$(13)



'Subroutine used to test color schemes.
SUB setcolors


'sky colors (48-63)

FOR i = 16 TO 31
        PALETTE (i + 32), (65536 * i * 2)

' red checker colors (32-47)

FOR i = 16 TO 31
        PALETTE i + 16, (i * 2)

' black checker colors already colors 16 - 31


SUB showcolors

FOR i = 1 TO 16
FOR j = 1 TO 16
LINE (0 + (20 * (i - 1)), 0 + (12.5 * (j - 1)))-(0 + (20 * i), 0 + (12.5 * j)), 16 * (i - 1) + j - 1, BF

'right, upright, up, upleft do NOT WORK
'This subroutine will update parts of the board and boardinfo
'array / structure.
'board(i, j).red and board(i, j).black are updated for each spot
'to keep track of potential winning spaces for red and black.
'boardinfo(n).red2way and boardinfo(n).black2way represent
'the height of the lower space of any 2-way wins that are
'in place for red or black.
'Since this information is used primarily for computer AI,
'this subroutine is ran only in one-player mode.
'(row, col)                              
SUB updateboardinfo
        FOR i = 1 TO 6
                FOR j = 1 TO 7

                        board(i, j).red = 0
                        board(i, j).black = 0
                NEXT j
        NEXT i
        FOR j = 1 TO 7
                boardinfo(j).red2win = 0
                boardinfo(j).black2win = 0
        NEXT j

        FOR i = 1 TO 6
                FOR j = 1 TO 7
                        'check 2-in-a-row for red
                        IF board(i, j).colour = 2 THEN
                                IF j <= 5 THEN
                                        IF i <= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i + 2, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j + 2).red = 2
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i - 2, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 2, j + 2).red = 2
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j + 1).colour AND board(i, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j + 2).red = 2
                                END IF
                                IF j >= 3 THEN
                                        IF i <= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i + 2, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j - 2).red = 2
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i - 2, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 2, j - 2).red = 2
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j - 1).colour AND board(i, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j - 2).red = 2
                                END IF
                                IF i <= 4 THEN
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j).colour AND board(i + 2, j).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j).red = 2
                                END IF
                        END IF
                        'Check 2-in-a-row for black
                        IF board(i, j).colour = 1 THEN
                                IF j <= 5 THEN
                                        IF i <= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i + 2, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j + 2).black = 2
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i - 2, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 2, j + 2).black = 2
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j + 1).colour AND board(i, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j + 2).black = 2
                                END IF
                                IF j >= 3 THEN
                                        IF i <= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i + 2, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j - 2).black = 2
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i - 2, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 2, j - 2).black = 2
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j - 1).colour AND board(i, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j - 2).black = 2
                                END IF
                                IF i <= 4 THEN
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j).colour AND board(i + 2, j).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j).black = 2
                                END IF
                        END IF
                NEXT j
        NEXT i
        FOR i = 1 TO 6
                FOR j = 1 TO 7

                        'check 3-in-a-row for red
                        IF board(i, j).colour = 2 THEN
                                IF j <= 4 THEN
                                        IF i <= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j + 1).colour = board(i + 2, j + 2).colour AND board(i + 3, j + 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 3, j + 3).red = 1
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j + 1).colour = board(i + 3, j + 3).colour AND board(i + 2, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j + 2).red = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j + 1).colour = board(i - 2, j + 2).colour AND board(i - 3, j + 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 3, j + 3).red = 1
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j + 1).colour = board(i - 3, j + 3).colour AND board(i - 2, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 2, j + 2).red = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j + 1).colour AND board(i, j + 1).colour = board(i, j + 2).colour AND board(i, j + 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j + 3).red = 1
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j + 1).colour AND board(i, j + 1).colour = board(i, j + 3).colour AND board(i, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j + 2).red = 1
                                END IF
                                IF j >= 4 THEN
                                        IF i <= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j - 1).colour = board(i + 2, j - 2).colour AND board(i + 3, j - 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 3, j - 3).red = 1
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j - 1).colour = board(i + 3, j - 3).colour AND board(i + 2, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j - 2).red = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j - 1).colour = board(i - 2, j - 2).colour AND board(i - 3, j - 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 3, j - 3).red = 1
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j - 1).colour = board(i - 3, j - 3).colour AND board(i - 2, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 2, j - 2).red = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j - 1).colour AND board(i, j - 1).colour = board(i, j - 2).colour AND board(i, j - 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j - 3).red = 1
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j - 1).colour AND board(i, j - 1).colour = board(i, j - 3).colour AND board(i, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j - 2).red = 1
                                END IF
                                IF i <= 3 THEN
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j).colour AND board(i + 1, j).colour = board(i + 2, j).colour AND board(i + 3, j).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 3, j).red = 1
                                END IF
                        END IF
                        'Check 3-in-a-row for black
                        IF board(i, j).colour = 1 THEN
                                IF j <= 4 THEN
                                        IF i <= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j + 1).colour = board(i + 2, j + 2).colour AND board(i + 3, j + 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 3, j + 3).black = 1
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j + 1).colour = board(i + 3, j + 3).colour AND board(i + 2, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j + 2).black = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j + 1).colour = board(i - 2, j + 2).colour AND board(i - 3, j + 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 3, j + 3).black = 1
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j + 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j + 1).colour = board(i - 3, j + 3).colour AND board(i - 2, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 2, j + 2).black = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j + 1).colour AND board(i, j + 1).colour = board(i, j + 2).colour AND board(i, j + 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j + 3).black = 1
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j + 1).colour AND board(i, j + 1).colour = board(i, j + 3).colour AND board(i, j + 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j + 2).black = 1
                                END IF
                                IF j >= 4 THEN
                                        IF i <= 3 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j - 1).colour = board(i + 2, j - 2).colour AND board(i + 3, j - 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 3, j - 3).black = 1
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i + 1, j - 1).colour = board(i + 3, j - 3).colour AND board(i + 2, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 2, j - 2).black = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF i >= 4 THEN
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j - 1).colour = board(i - 2, j - 2).colour AND board(i - 3, j - 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 3, j - 3).black = 1
                                                IF board(i, j).colour = board(i - 1, j - 1).colour AND board(i - 1, j - 1).colour = board(i - 3, j - 3).colour AND board(i - 2, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i - 2, j - 2).black = 1
                                        END IF
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j - 1).colour AND board(i, j - 1).colour = board(i, j - 2).colour AND board(i, j - 3).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j - 3).black = 1
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i, j - 1).colour AND board(i, j - 1).colour = board(i, j - 3).colour AND board(i, j - 2).colour = 0 THEN board(i, j - 2).black = 1
                                END IF
                                IF i <= 3 THEN
                                        IF board(i, j).colour = board(i + 1, j).colour AND board(i + 1, j).colour = board(i + 2, j).colour AND board(i + 3, j).colour = 0 THEN board(i + 3, j).black = 1
                                END IF
                        END IF
                NEXT j
        NEXT i

        FOR j = 1 TO 7
                FOR i = 5 TO 1 STEP -1
                        'check two-way-wins for red and black

                        IF board(i, j).red = 1 AND board(i + 1, j).red = 1 THEN boardinfo(j).red2win = i
                        IF board(i, j).black = 1 AND board(i + 1, j).black = 1 THEN boardinfo(j).black2win = i
                NEXT i
        NEXT j


'This subroutine updates the position of the cursor used with
'the player to select a column to play.
SUB updatecursor
        LINE (0, 0)-(320, 10), 63, BF
        LINE (7 + INT(37.4 * cursorcolumn), 5)-(14 + INT(37.4 * cursorcolumn), 5), 100
        LINE (7 + INT(37.4 * cursorcolumn), 5)-(11 + INT(37.4 * cursorcolumn), 8), 100
        LINE (11 + INT(37.4 * cursorcolumn), 8)-(14 + INT(37.4 * cursorcolumn), 5), 100
        PAINT (11 + INT(37.4 * cursorcolumn), 6), 100, 100


<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Banned User, Former player
Joined: 12/23/2004
Posts: 1850
JXQ! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN There was some really old Connect 4 clone I had for QB years ago that actually played a pretty damn mean game... I'll have to give yours a shot some time. :|
Banned User, Former player
Joined: 3/10/2004
Posts: 7698
Location: Finland
Rather than posting such long source codes directly, would it be too much of trouble putting the source code somewhere else and posting a link? There are plenty of free services online for this exact purpose (even ones which don't nag you with ads nor require javascripts/referrers/cookies).
Banned User, Former player
Joined: 12/23/2004
Posts: 1850
Bisqwit wrote:
A: put brush in can. pull brush. look at wall. B: locate section you want to paint. place brush on section. drag brush on wall. goto B. goto A.
Missing: Checks against paint level, wall painting completion. Infinite loops are a big no no. :( Edit: Ignore the warping of time/space below this post. It wasn't my fault. Really. I swear.
Post subject: Artistic programming
Editor, Active player (296)
Joined: 3/8/2004
Posts: 7469
Location: Arzareth
Warp wrote:
Rather than posting such long source codes directly, would it be too much of trouble putting the source code somewhere else and posting a link?
The reason I post the code here is because I think that the code is cool and interesting to read for a reason or other*. If the only interesting thing is the end result and the how it runs, I'd rather just link to it somewhere and probably not even post here. At least I try to keep the source code short enough to work nicely as a part of a posting. Though my last two [in the C thread] somewhat offend this goal, hopefully offsetting that offense with awesome… ------- *) Your mileage may vary. I'm a supporter of an artistic programming advocates organization in Finland and I advocate code that is interesting to read, and in general, recommend programmers to read more than they write. That is one of the reasons why I hate code that looks like labor: pick up a brush. locate paint can. open can lid. A: put brush in can. pull brush. look at wall. B: locate section you want to paint. place brush on section. drag brush on wall. if X then goto B. if Y then goto A. Lots of statements, lots of full stops, lots of repetition, very little tangible progress achieved. The general guideline of artistic programs is that the more you get to express what you want accomplished and the less you need to express what to do, the better the artistic value of the source code text. Focus on the is verb rather than on the do verb. Functional programming lends itself for this point of view easily. Layout of the code can improve readability a lot, though it should not happen at the expense of being able to follow what the program does. (For example, the layout of this program strongly suggests that it plays Othello, but it's anything but readable.)