This page lists all known tricks for Battle Chess.
For submissions of Battle Chess on this site, see GameResources/NES/BattleChess/Submissions.

Take back glitches

Switch-move glitch.

The game stores a maximum of three moves per side in memory for take-back purposes. When take back is selected, the game goes back two moves (one from each side) so it doesn't have to switch the current player. However, if there is only one move remaining in memory, the game takes back that one move, and gives the turn to the other player!
This has consequences, such as:
If the switch-move glitch is performed after a king has been checked, the position becomes unplayable and no moves can be made; if a CPU is to move, the game is frozen.
If the switch-move glitch is performed and the act of switching moves creates a stalemate, the game does not recognize the stalemate. Instead, the position becomes unplayable and no moves can be made; if a CPU is to move, the game is frozen.

Pawn promotion glitch

If a pawn moves without capturing to promote, and the move is taken back, the pawn is now glitched. It can only move and capture towards the left (towards the a-file for both players) and cannot move from the leftmost file. If a checkmate is delivered with this pawn, the pawn does not take the king and the game is completely frozen.
If a pawn captures to promote, and the move is taken back, the pawn becomes a queen instead.

En passant glitch

If an en passant is performed and enough moves are performed to scroll the move before the en passant out of memory, and all moves are taken back, the en passant cannot be performed anymore. If the en passant was the only legal move at the time, then the position is not recognized as a checkmate. Instead, the position becomes unplayable and no moves can be made; if a CPU is to move, the game is frozen.

Other glitches

Expand/Collapse collapse-content-_3d7a9b2c34764b269cbd1501c297ecc8

GameResources/NES/BattleChess last edited by FractalFusion on 10/19/2022 8:15 AM
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