Game List

IdName SystemsActions
4121 Action 52: Operation Full-Moon NES
3675 Action 52: Ooze NES
3772 Action 52: Ooze Genesis
3737 Action 52: Non Human NES
3890 Action 52: Meong NES
3787 Action 52: Mash Man NES
4132 Action 52: Manchester Beat NES
4045 Action 52: Magic Bean Genesis
3786 Action 52: Lollipops NES
4151 Action 52: Lazer League NES
4019 Action 52: Knockout Genesis
4069 Action 52: Jigsaw NES
3740 Action 52: G-Force Fighters NES
3756 Action 52: Fuzz Power NES
4030 Action 52: Fire Breathers NES
4056 Action 52: Echo Genesis
3661 Action 52: Dam Busters NES
4107 Action 52: Critical Bypass NES
3882 Action 52: Bubblegum Rosie NES
4119 Action 52: Boss NES
4063 Action 52: Bombs Away Genesis
4140 Action 52: Atmos Quake NES
4020 Action 52: Armor Battle Genesis
4068 Action 52: Alfredo and the Fettucinni's NES
3526 A Q Lián Huán Pào Genesis