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Wiki Results:

Page Content
546S Kyrsimys reminded me of). The game is a basic YB platformer where Mickey searches for his dog Pluto
4239S Kyrsimys, LagDotCom, lapogne36, laranja, laughing_gas, LAVOS5, leandroff5, lezard, LFNMai, Lieza McDohl, Lil_Gecko, LIMO
4819S Kyrsimys for earlier work. *Sleeper.shi for earlier work. ---- [user:ars4326]: Claimed for judging! [user:ars4326
7112S Kyrsimys and Sleepz for their works. Special thanks to mtvf1 for the improvement suggestions again

Post Results:

Post Content
Ufouria Kyrsimys"]are you sure you're going to manage the jumps on the enemies over
Mega Man 6 Kyrsimys beat up Blizzard Man, with the sliding under him and so. I hope you'll watch
Mega Man 6 Kyrsimys route in this stage is 187 frames faster than the so called shortcut route
Patriotic Tyranny Kyrsimys said, but let me clarify something for non-Americans: [quote="Kyrsimys"]Oh yeah, you criticized
Are you content with the current submission poll question? Kyrsimys"]I don't think it should obsolete hero's movie and thus I voted
2001: A Space Odyssey Kyrsimys"][quote="xebra"]The movie ended before we sang [i]Daisy Bell[/i], Kyrsimys.[/quote
Add a comment section on published movies? Kyrsimys"]I don't really understand your approve/disapprove option though, could you elaborate?[/quote] NesVideoAgent
My take on the "speed vs entertainment" debate Kyrsimys"]Hi Fabian, Have fun with the movie. It's horrible. Kyrsimys[/quote] K, I already
Ask Fabian Kyrsimys"]There are over six times as many people in California than there are in Finland
TEM's Random Mini-Papers! Kyrsimys"][quote="theenglishman"]Some of the most-viewed videos on YouTube consist of bails, falls