User File #638183739185797622

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#638183739185797622 - [WIP] SMB "GAGOTO World-1" in 1:58.903 by Mr.TASer

SMB GAGOTO (World-1).bk2
In 01:58.90 (7146 frames), 3627 rerecords
Uploaded 4/29/2023 2:05 PM by MrTASer (see all 46)
This one is more exciting than the Warps GAGOTO. I will be posting more WIPs so stay tuned.
Procedure :
  • Open ROM.
  • Open TAS Studio.
  • Open Cheats Tab.
    • Add the Cheat in the Cheat Code Converter.
  • Open the bk2 in the TAS Studio.
  • Play the movie.
    • If BizHawk asks whether to continue playing movie with cheats, hit Yes
After a lot of problems, this method was the best I could find.