Here is a small list of acronyms (or other difficult-to-pronounce names) and the way I pronounce them. Are these pronunciations unusual? Do you say them differently or have any other ones to add?
TAS - tass
FAQ - fack
acmlm - ack-milm
JXQ - jixie-queue (J/K)
Kyrsimys - christmas (J/K)
SXL - secksell (J/K)
RT-55J - rit-five-jay (J/K)
FCEU - fuhkeeyoo
Snes9x - snez-necks
VBA - veebuh
NES - ness
SNES - sness
GBA - jeebuh
GBC - gib-see
SMB - smub
SMB3 - simba-three
SMW - smoo
SMRPG - smurpee-jee
MK64 - miksty-four
NSMB - nih-sumb
OoT - oot
aLttP - al-tee-puh
TMNT - tim-nut
KOTR - co-truh
FF7 - fifa-seven
These are when pronouncing to myself. The only ones I would say out loud like that to another person are TAS, FAQ, acmlm, Snes9x, NES, and SNES.
For all except two I just say the letters. The two are SMW and FF7 for which I say/think Super Mario World and Final Fantasy 7 (instantly converted in my mind or something like that).
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While reading this thread, I have decided to call "FF7" Double-F-seven from now on.
I have always imagined "NES" to be pronounced "nes", though by now I realize the 'correct' interpretation seems to be "essennie-ess". Likewise, "SNES", instead of being pronounced "snes", seems to be supposed to be interpreted as "essennie-ess". I always pronounced "TMNT as "tmnt". Yes, not even one syllable. I guess that's wrong. But really, who cares. See fourth paragraph for possible clarification of this weirdness of mine.
Oh, and until now, I always thought "acmlm" was actually "acalm" or maybe "acalmam" or something along those lines.
Often, if I haven't heard some word pronounced in sound, I make up my own internal "interpretation" of the sound, that may or may not be pronouncable in the real-world. Of course I often don't even let go of that internal interpretation even if I hear the word pronounced.
Also, I often edit posts. I sometimes think I should maybe spend more time composing the post in the first place. Oh well.
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I either think the actual pronunciations of the letters, or think of what they stand for (J (jay) X (ex) Q (cue) and A Link to the Past as examples). The only one I know that is weird is I always read acmlm as Acclaim. Don't really know why I associate the two, other than they both have video games in common.
all of those i pronounce like the names of the letters, except ff7, which i pronounce /ˈfainəlˈfæntəsiˈsɛvɛn/, and acmlm, which i dont pronounce at all, but if i did (and it would be to myself), it would be something close to /ˈækləm/. the ones you gave i find completely foreign.
I spell most acronyms in my own language, which cannot be re-transcribed, since the phonems just don't exist in english (take just "a", "e", "r" for examples). This is also true for my nickname, and I wonder how you guys spell it (ess hicks ell like me ?).
I never sleep, 'cause sleep is the cousin of death - NAS
I don't get why you are trying to speak words that are clearly no intended to be words.
JXQ is simply Jay-Ex-Q
FTP is Ef-Tee-Pee
I don't mean to rain on the parade, I just don't get it. There probably is no correct way to pronounce MK64.
TAS, NES, SNES, and possibly OoT are the only acronyms on that list which I slur into monosyllables. Shortening an acronym that has no vowels into a polysyllable word seems very strange to me... except for FiFa-seven. That sounds very Japanese.
The hard C in FCEU is striking. It never even occured to me to pronounce it that way. I'd have it as "Effs-yoo".
I'd flip the m and u in SMB- sumb. It's a bit awkward having the lips together, then pursed, then together, as it is with the m and b separated by a u.
GBA I'd change to Gibbah, for consistency with GBC. Either that, or change GBC to Jeebsee... Like Laughing_Gas posted while I was writing this.
So... how's everyone else spending their Saturday evening? ;)
Isn't Fifa a sports game? Or a sport-o sports guy? Or the guy from Super Metroid who uses ninja info cards?
Anyway, my annoying roommate called it "toss videos" and I think that's silly.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
"jixie-queue" <-- haha, poor JXQ :-P
I spell it "Jay-Ex-queue" as well.
On the Acronyms like SNES, FCEU, whatever, I just spell the letters as they are.
Oh and only one exception: I sometimes spell "moozooh" like "crazy high quality". ;-)
Hahaha, this wins. :D
I myself pronounce it as "fsee-you", and SMW as "ass-em-whe".
On the other hand, I don't even know how to pronounce "nitsuja", even though it isn't an acronym.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
No, I wasn't serious about any of the user names besides acmlm. Actually, if I had to pronounce your nickname it would sound like "jikwiks" because I thought your nickname was "JQX" for at least a week after first seeing it.
These are the ones posted so far that are similar or identical to ones I posted, perhaps providing evidence that I'm not entirely crazy:
LagDotCom wrote:
Oddly, I pronounce SMB as 'simba'.
GBA becomes 'jeeba'.
P.JBoy wrote:
FCEU - fucky you
RT-55J wrote:
FAQ - fack
acmlm - ack-mulm
OoT - oot
VirtualAlex wrote:
I don't get why you are trying to speak words that are clearly no intended to be words.
I'm not "trying to speak" them, I'm saying that this is how I naturally "visualize" them when reading or saying them to myself. The purpose of making them words is (mainly) to reduce the number of syllables. I was joking about JXQ (which didn't reduce the number of syllables) and wouldn't try pronouncing FTP as anything else than F T P.
For me, JXQ would be yii-acks-coo
According to the Finnish spelling.
NES is nes, SNES is snes. TAS is tas.
FCEU is aff-seh-eh-oo
well, approximately anyway. English spelling is so stupid :P
Kyrsimys is cirr-see-miss
except that "i" denotes a vowel that doesn't exist in English (something in between of the vowels in put and pit), and that "see" should be pronounced twice as fast as the other syllables, and that "r" should be an alveolar trill like in Scottish English, not the approximant like in American English.
(This is the only right way to pronounce it :P)
I just spell out the letters (NES -> N E S) unless I feel like the spelled acronym isn't "mainstream" enough to be known, in which case I just say what it is (like OoT -> Ocarina of Time).