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I forget to send the lasted .pxm I made a update of my suikoden route until the grergminster visit quest.. this game is a bit longuer than I expected :D (I think that I'm now at the half of the game...) As I said my english is bad.. and I typed this fasst, so don't be mad or next one, I'll simply whrite it in french and ask google translate. Here there are: (legend: Green Sentence are most time commentary or extra information Blue Sentence are Most time questions or suggestions that I would like to know) Red Sentence mistake that I made ---------------------- -Title Screen > New game -Hero Name(Ryou) : A I could press start, insthead of select End with D-pad The name "A" is quite confusing, I could choose "AA", "N" or "B" without lost time, because I have to choose a diferent name when I'm going to greenhill -Jowy come in... choose sleep [...] -Menu > Remove boots from the hero and jowy and set the dialog text "fast" ==> Used to don't have to talk to barbara -Leave the hut and go to north [...] -Fight with highlanders > Get a Medecine Medecine is probably useless [...] -*Doing some Polh jobs* -Gengen and tuta join the party -Going for Ryube.. doing the floor quest and come back With some hard luck is possible to get a technique in this aera, can be interessting Ryube Item shop rare: ??? Ryube Armor shop rare: ??? I think they can sell some flaming arrow there, this item is alway usefull -*Some Polh jobs* -Jowy join the party[...] -[...]Second escape with jowy, success -Going to Ryube -Bolgan & cie join the party When Eillie trow her knife in our face, that deal maxHP/2... so it think it's possible to dies here -Going to Sparrow Pass -Get the card FireWall rune in a chest ==> Should be used to beat the double head sneak far later -Manage his equipement.. -Fight with mist shade(800hp) ==> Keep at least one flamming arrow rune card on hero At mist boss fight, I should wait that he transform hiself in female version.. looks like that he drop 14,000 potch in loot, if we beat him like this -Going for Kyaro town ==> Kyaro Armor shop:winged boots, ??? ==> Kyaro Armor shop: ??? ==>Do not recruit mukumuku, for now... it's better to manipulate luck and get him between greenhill and muse border when going to recruit meg.. or something -Nanami join the party -Get the genkaku vase Could be useless, but this is easy money -Fight with highlanders > Get hozy rune (to sold) [...] -[...] flick & Victor come save us -Jowy ask to going to save nanami... deny.. 3time ==> Then we dont have to heard what she have to said everytime ==> We should meet her at muse city before going for "sindar quest" -Going for SparrowPass -*Some randoms battle* > Get an Celadon urn from bonbons (reqired to get Lebrante far later) -*Some randoms battle* > Get 6 double beat rune ==> this is definitly to many... 3 is enough or so.. -*Some randoms battle* > Get at least 3 "peeing boys" from Bandit C, they could be selled for ~16,000 potch in a shop or selled in south windows for ~32,000potch... and in rockaxe(still close for a long time) for ~43,000potch ==> I heard that it's possible to sold some crystal ball near 30,000 potch at kobold village!! I never success to do something like this, but I would love to test test this. ==> With these items we should be able to clear the gordon quest before he ask us. -Going to MercenryCamp[...](flicktor leave and we can recruit some people) -Going to Ryube -Pay some food to Rikimaru ==> NO, that was a bad idea... it's probably better to get him while waiting for kinisson... I heard that is also possible to recruit him at coronet, when ryube is lost -Talk to Millie for Bonaparte quest(Millie join the party) and go in forest -Save the bird nest ==> The suikosource bestiary bestiary talk about that the boar can drop some "cream cotletX4", this item is supposed to make 1 person almost invicible while 3 turn!! I've try to get this item at this moment... and for some reason the boar don't drop only some pointed hat...... Thought one time I got some cream cotlet, but this was after that ryube was burn -Fight with bonaparte(600 hp) ==> look like he is weak again fire, flaming arrow? -To spare time while waiting for kinisson and shiro I got 3 killer rune and I flee some random battle for the "stalion training"(flee 50 battle) ==> Why killer rune? It's actually almost impossible to get 3 people(or more) with critical hit in a single round, even while manipulate luck. This rune should help a lot. -Recruit Kinison and Shiro -Leave the forest -Going to Toto village -See the apraiser to evaluate our stuff -[...]Get the quest for the pilika gift -Going to Muse City ==> Muse item shop: ?? ==> Muse Armor Shop: ?? ==> Muse Rune Shop: ?xfury rune, ?xwater rune -Some monster can drop a gale rune(x1.5 speed), can be usefull... can be useless... some people have an idea about this? -Sells some peeings boys, genkaku vase(and the jowy astreide ring)... and buys the wooden amulet Should I buy some fury rune? how many? Actually it's possible to manipulate luck and give beserk with the riou third rune... but this is kinda hard(try to match our critical hit + a beserk effect, while manipulate luck) -Come back to Toto Village -[...] Ruins village... meeting with pilipka and Apple -Going to MercenryCamp[...] -Get the quest to get the fire spear from Tsai ==>(+2K potch) -Going to Ryube and enter into the forest ==> Try to got some cotlet from boar, one more time...? I test just few battle.. -Come back to MercenryCamp [...] see Luca blight for the second time -Flick Dual.. -Army Name > A -Talk to the blacksmith and raise hero weapon to level 3 (Jowy weapon should not be necessairy) -[...]Some Tactical wars... aims for fastest end -[...]The highlander are in the forteress and pilika still in ==>Fight with Highlander (trying to get medecineX6 or mega medecineX2... hmm maybe useless. -Escape with pilika... try to manipulate luck to have this team: Shiro, rikimaru, jowy, hero and millie (zamza isn't aivable) Is it the best team? I'm still unsure -Going to Toto village ==>Recruit Hanna -Get the true rune ==> We will wait to get the blink mirror to get templeton and Tomo(Tsai son) in same time Hmmm, I think that was a bad idea. Tomo is aivable only after have meeted lepant and trying to get castle level3 before could be kinda hard without a easy/fast recruit like templeton -Going to Muse city -Talk to the gard... [...] (we have to pass) ==>Unbelievable meeting with nanami :-) -Going to Hilda Inn... get the sindar quest Inn Item shop: ??,?xsacrifical jizo Inn Rune shop: ?? ==> doing some magement with the runemaster... (actually, I'm about something like: ### Rikimaru: Double beat rune ### Shiro : Double beat rune ### Nanami : Double beat rune ==>Millie have to be level 12, at least to get a new rune slot -Going into Sindar Ruins ==> I've made a mistake while selling some item in muse city... I din't keep the sacrifial jizo(from bolgan) to recruit adlai.. I was lucky that the item shop sold some there ==> There is an angry blow rune card in a chest... should be usefull ==>hmm sorry totaly useless -Fight with double head sneak(2500hp) ==>Pershap that I could optimise the last round, with some flaming arrow.. -Get the tresaure[...] give the healling herb to Hilda[...] got an muse city permit -Going to Muse city[...] under arrest by the gard [...] Flick and viktor should help us to get out of this jail -Get out/get in of the bar... talk to Anita(first time) -Meet Elza and Clive... -Meeting with Annabelle -Talk to jess.. become a spy for the state -Recruit tuta -Leave Muse city and going to highland border... -[...]Say yes to the highlander (looking like an innocent kid to save time) -[...]Meet Jillia -[...] Fight with Highlander > Silence rune (does the silence work against boss? ... ) ==> Riou and jowy growing to level 22 and nanami level 30.... I was surprise about this -Run!! Escape... leave jowy. -Going to Muse City -Talk to Anita(second time)[.. some talk] -talk to anita(third time) and recruit her -[...]Talk with Annabelle [...] Jowy should come back[...] Some talking about the war... and lot of thing.. -Tactic war > Gilbert must be keeping alive ==> In fact, he can die there... he simply have to don't be wounded/die in dialog text -Heard the last Annabelle words... runs! flee! -Going to save pilika in the pub... -Flee to Coronet -Talk to the highlander near the boat... -Meet Bolgan, rina and Eilie -Meet Tai ho and yam koo.. win a simple travel to kuskus ==> It's actually impossiblem that tai ho lost at start (score 3 with 1diex3, etc...) -Going to Kuskus Kurkus Armor shop: ?? Kurkus Item Shop: ?? ==> Talk to the old women near the birdge to know about bad guys attacking the women(must to be done to recruit oulan) ==> Talk to the blacksmith.. raise weapon of nanami + emebed fire lizard on her -Going to South Windows[...] meet Viktor and Flick South Windows Item shop: ?? South Windows Armor shop: ?? South Windows Rune shop: ?? South Windows trader shop: ?? ==> Sells the peeings boys in the tradding post. ==> Get the frienships rune in bonzai This item can be sold ~11Kpotch, I think -Talk to the mayor... we have to investigate about how are thing in north windows... Freed join the group -Unequip the wooden shield on freed to recruit adlai later ==>I din't know about the wooden shield from freed.. insthead I buy one in the armor shop -Get the final team at the Inn.. (Eilie join and flick leave) -Buy some rune at the rune shop(lighting rune, wind rune) ==> I've totally forgot to buy thw wind rune(this is the last required item to recruit adlai) ###Attach fire sealing on nanami ###Attach fire rune on Eilie(the abobimation have weakness again fire) Finally, I think that it would be better to attach a lighting rune on her ###Attach double beat on Viktor ###Attach double beat on freed -Going to North Windows[...] Meet Neclord... flee! -Direction South Windows[...]Talk about Neclord -Going to wind cave... -[...]Kahn join the group(he have some interresthing item on him like firewall card X3) ==> Get the Blue gate rune -[...]Fight with star dragon sword (2500hp) -Going to North Windows ==> Get the darkness rune -Fight with the neclord summons (4000hp) -[...]Here there are... we got our castle :) -Meet Apple... a new hope still possible, an excellent strategist named shu live in Raddat... let's try to recruit him -Going to Kuskus Kurkus Armor shop: ?? Kurkus Item Shop: ?? ==> acutual party > Hero, nanami and Apple -recruit Oulan -Going to Raddat -[...]Meet Shu[...] -Persuade Shu to join us...[......] -Go to the meeting room and talk to viktor[...] Shu will come in and talk about his strategy to defeat the incoming highlanders -[...]Tactical wars with Sailon jee > Win the war -[...]Become the new and official leader of liberation army -Recruit tuta and his father + all people from mercenary camp and other(barbara, gilbert...etc) -[...]Leckneat will appear... recruit Luc -[...]Meeting with fitcher. He talk about how is the situation in two river... but we need a boat /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/#### --- New version (lot of thing have'nt been testing) --- #### \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ -New team: Hero, jowy, freed -Going to Raddat Kurkus Item Shop: ?? -Recruit Amada -Lost one time with the Richmond challenge ==> I'll have to talk to the guys in the pub... I'll doing this while recruiting stalion -Recruit the freed wife(Yoshino) -Going to south Windows ==>we cant recruit Clive for now, we have to escort amada at our castle first -Recruit Alex and his wife.. -Recruit Zamza -Recruit Adlai ==> When we recruit him... we are *teleported* at our castle to see the new elevelator -Going to meeting room... get the two river quest ==> New party??: Here is the list of people that I can use(for some unknow raeson we can't use flick and viktor): #=Rikimaru #=Nanami #=Eilie #=Rina #=Bolgan #=Tuta #=Hanna #=Millie #=Shiro #=Zamza #=Gengen #=Kinnison #=Freed Y #=Anita #=Oulan #=Tsai #=Luc #=Yoshino ==> It's possible to don't have the hero only on our team ==>I'm still unsure if the pest rats have no weakness, but I like a team like: Hero, nanami, luc, ..?, ..?, ..? (I wont choose millie now, because she have to be level 35 to get her last rune slot and unlock the the blue gate) ==> Here is some strategy for the pest rats battle -Have Riou only + exertion rune.. kill the pest rats in one shot and get some level -Hero, nanami, luc + 2 other guys that will use some item to give the boost status, etc.. -Get in the boat.. going to lakewest(the kindness rune in the basket should be usefull to sell it at high price, when chaco stole our money... ) ==> of course, this run won't use any glitch.. so no kindness rune glitch to get 999ATK Lakewest item shop: ?? -Go to Two River(Chaco will steal our potch) Two River[human distric] Item shop: ?? Two River[human distric] Rune shop: ?? Two River[winger distric] Item shop: ?? Two River[kobold distric] Item shop: ?? Two River[kobold distric] Armor shop: silver hat, ?? ==> Sell all the useless stuff(kindness rune, friendship rune,...) ==> Go to the runemaster shop and attach the bluegate rune on luc.. - Chase Chaco... try to get back money and his reference. - Go into the kobold section and buys some food like tacos (toasty status) and red pepper ice(become in boost status.. this should help a lot to finish some battle quickly) - Come back at the human district... meet Ridley and Makai[...] heard the situation - [...] Time to sleep at Inn, but... let's recruit Hans first(for free) - [...] Wake up, go talk to Makai... and go to the kobold district - Chase Chaco one more time... [...] explore the sewer ==> Look like that we can found a ressurection rune in there... should be interresthing for riou -Fight with the pest rat (5000HP) - Get out of the sewer... meet Ridley [...] Come back to human district [...] - Fight the highlanders > Mega MedecineX3 - [...] Defeat the highlanders - Recruit Chaco(end of 2river quest) - going to lakewest, recruit Taki and Tetsus -first meet with hix and tengaar - Come back to Castle[...] go to meeting room [...] we heard about Greenhill is almost defeated by highland... - New liberation squad: Hero, nanami, Flick, millie (now she can get level 35 on this easy mission, i think), maybe gengen to recruit gabocha, after the greenhill mission(tought im unsure if he is avaible in the student like list) and stallion/luc (I'm really unsure if stallion is avaible... luc is a good one to kill all the highlander that we will meet) ==> When we take this mission... for some reason this is now impossible to recruit anybody -Going to Lakewest -Going to two river -Going to greenhill -meet fitcher[...] enter in greenhill city as "student" ==>New name: "AA"? ==>Nanami name: "A" ==>Flick name: "Blueno" ?(I remeber there were a list of name that we could choose for him..) -Visit the aera.. meet nina, talk to Emilia, meet shin -Recruit Emilia -Many event... blabla[...] -We finally wake up in our room and heard some ghost sound(2th time) -found the "secret tunnel" to go in the greenhill university -meet flick -Explore the forest... -Meet teresa and shin -Come back to greenhill city -meet jowy -"fight some highlander" -come back at the forest(many fight with many highlander again and again) -[...] some event -Run away with teresa and leave greenhill ==> Now I should be able to recruit anyone ==> I'll wait to get stalion to recruit mukumuku, meg and his robot -Going to Two river -Recruit Gabocha -Recruit Jeane at the rune shop -Going to kobold village kobold village Item Shop kobold village Trader Shop -Get the hix and tengaar quest... Hix join the group -Get the exertion rune -Going to lakewest -Recruit Shilo -Take the boat and to kurkus -Recruit yam koo and tai ho -Going to raddat -Talk to the man in the pub to recruit richmond -Recruit stallion -Recruit Richmond -Going to south windows -Visit the item shop to buy first item for hix and tengaar quest -Recruit Clive -Going back to the castle -Recruit Hai Yo in the kitchen -Going to the meet room -[...]Get an invitation to go to matilda -New team: Hero, nanami(I think that she have to be in our team, no matter what), stallion, luc, ..?, ..?) ==>In this mission, I should be able to recruit futch and humphrey -Take the boat and go to lakewest -Going to two river -Recruit mukumuku on the greenhill/muse border path -Going to greenhill/muse border -Recruit Gadjet and meg -Going to forest village forest village armor shop: ?? forest village trader shop: ?? -Recruit Tony and wakaba -Get the first hammer at this moment? im unsure if this is avaible -Going to greenhill/matilda border -Enter in the forest and recruit Viki ==> she ask us, if we want to come with her at the castle, let's choose "no" -Meet the knight from matilda (Camus/Miklotov) -Going to Rockaxe Rockaxe Iem shop: ?? Rockaxe Armor shop: ?? Rockaxe Rune shop: ?? -Meet gorudo -[...]Some event + tactical war -Get the milkotov quest to explore the muse city aera -Going to Highway Village Highway Village Item shop: Highway Village Trader shop: -Get the futch quest(humphrey and futch join the group) -Going to Mt. Rakutei doing the quest -Fight with harpy -Going back to Highway Village -Recruit humphrey and futch -Going to matilda/muse city border -Let's Milkotov join the convoy -Explore the "muse city aera" -Going back matilda/muse city border -Going back to Rockaxe and enter in Rockaxe castle -[some event] -Recruit Miklotov and camus -Meet shu at greenhill/muse border ==> We're *teleported* to the castle after have meeting him -Going to meet room of the castle -Talk to viki, and ask here to teleport ourself at our castle entrance -Meet sheena -Get the Gregminster visit quest -New team: Hero, Luc, viki, millie, flick, meg? ==>here in this mission we must to train our "best characther/mage" to get enought level to beat lucas blight... the actual strategie would be to use some thor shot directly in his face ==> I was searching for a last characther for this team and according the affinitie page and a table of ranking characther meg seem to be ranking B for magic and A for lingthing affinitie, that was enought, I thought -Talk to viki to teleport ourself at our castle entrance again -Leave the castle/enter the castle ==> It's only after getting the gregminster quest than the castle can level up to 3.. So, we have to exit/re-enter. ==>It's also possible that I'll need to recruit some other characther.. I may have to finish the hix and tengaar quest at this moment(or before)... and if I am going to finish this quest, I'll have to recruit Sid too(this chaco brother in the sewer.. chaco must to be in our team), and after have finish the whole quest I can easily recruit Yuzu (she appear only after this quest) [.......] Damn there is many thing to fix and test to have a decent route... if you have some suggestion about the mission team, etc... go ahead
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I have an idea planned for the L'Renouille invasion mission (before the final boss). Miklotov and Camus can easily reach level 95 here if they're within 35. When assembling the party, it has to be Riou with no more than 50 HP remaining at the least, having the Blue Gate rune equipped, and having at least 1 MP on LV 4 (X/X/X/1); then it has to be just him and (Miklotov or Camus) in the party -- nobody else, just the two. Upon entering L'Renouille, look around for six Highland soldiers in battle. Riou uses Empty World spell (LV 4 Blue Gate spell) to kill himself and the Highland soldiers, while (Miklotov or Camus) remains alive. Miklotov/Camus should sky-rocket to above LV 90 at the least.
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I think there must to be only one character at end to be rocketed at ~90.. also.. this may make my round lack of entertainment, but I obviously try to avoid this way, with my new "no uncouncious status"
BadPotato wrote:
-Best Ending -Do not abuse error in the game -Use luck Manipulation -No unconscious status/Do use dead as shorcuts, etc.. -Aim for fastest with the other purpose of the runs
As I said, the new "no uncouncious" purpose should prevent the kindness rune glitch too and making the game a bit more challenging. Tought, I think it's would always be possible to rocket someone near ~80 with hero only and an another character in the team and without uncouncious status... and this isn't like abusing some kind of glitch, right? Damn, should I start over from the beginning and use full glitch + matilda border or keep this *legit* run up? I'll take sometime to think about this.
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I tested what happened when HP reaches 0 and all enemies are defeated (even with Riou alone and no one else on his side of the party). No one gets experience, but the game does continue and everybody wakes up with one HP. I already tried it.
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Hi, sorry for the time without answer... I think that my windows partition have completly blow up, while I tryed an experiment version of PSDebug for find out the RNG. But now, the problem should be fixed and I din't find anything... (I even read the documentation that talk about how to make his own PSX emulator... I've try to search for the randomness reletate subject, but...) So, as said earlier I probably reject my previous run and try something new: ==> This is a dual movie that run both suikoden I and 2(NTSC) synchrnized with 1 controller (a little bit inspered from the megaman runs...) In fact, there so many plot time(particuliary in Suikoden2), that I think that would be absolutely TAS'able. Those runs would be Glitchless and aiming for the best ending... so 108*2... 216 stars :D **This should be very long to do..., if your still have some interest, I would love to work on this with you, or... even If I do 80% of the runs, I'll insist to attach your name in the submission file title. Thougt, I can understand that you don't want if my glitchless objective don't interest you. Send me a MP I you want to try out!! Also, the actual pxm, should be restarted to use english PAL version, I heard many good thing about the fact this have better sound/less graphic bug. (with the S1 NTSC, in 5minute I got over 1000 laggy frame!!) One more thing, I'll need to found out how the encode dual movie... some suggestion? does mencoder can do this?
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I can't get it to sync with my Suikoden I or II. I tried using v0.0.6 and v0.0.7 -- on Suikoden II it doesn't walk out of the starting tent properly, though it navigates the menus.
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hm.. it was made with v0.0.9 the only option that could have effect on the runs is to keep checked the sound synchronisation option and uncheck the cpu interpreter in the setting edith: Now I've just tested with .007 and still worked fine...... edith2: ok I think that I manage to reproduce the desynch. In S2 he stoped about 1cm to get out from the hut. This is definitly a problem with cpu interpreter that I uncheck. Tell me if you keep getting this desynch with cpu uncheck... if it is, no problem, I should start over the runs with PAL version instead to prevent laggy frame
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Um. Oh. I didn't even know a v0.0.9 was out. Also I'll check my settings. How are you doing this 'dual movie' for both, anyway? Does PCSX support background input?
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for now I play on SII, but I keep a savestate from SI... so I just play thougt the game and when I have to check if all is ok in S1, I use the "read-only" mode without have to reload the img file everytime. So, the only time where I have to swap the suikoden img file should be when an another aera is loading and I have to take a new savestate. Maybe there are more conveniant method for doing this... I think there some background feature about some specific key like the arrow according the controller, but this isn't full-supported edith: Here how it is: ==>
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Okay, yeah, it syncs fine with those settings.
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new .pxm for both suikoden on PAL ==> (S1 nstc have to many problem with pcsx-rr....)
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For S1, I still din't found any trick to avoid random battle encounter... Actually the monster battle seem to be already predertimined by the number of step on 17A0DC, when the monster aera is loaded. Thought, manipulate luck before such aera should be possible, but I don't think that's enought to never meet any monster. I'm actually playing some test game in low-level.. and this look very hard. For now I managed to kill the the stone golem from luc, Queen ant, and Varkas/Sydonia with Tir and his friend near level 2 with any "other" battle and without in fall in uncouncious status. Thought, the "zombie dragon"(3700HP) from the future base is very hard.. I din't even success to kill with 2-3 training. If it is possible the battle would be very long. Maybe using some power-leveling with fortune rune from start would be a nice and legit solution: ==> There's also an another thing that I like to know: does let's Pahn been killing by McDolh father can block the best ending? or he have to be safe..? edith: for those who wasn't avaible to see the previous videos: ==> and about the S1&S2 dualrun.. there two problem: -suikodenII is much longuer than the first one -suikodenI can't be done without uncouncious(our party have to dies, when they meet neclord for the first time) if we allow glitch in the run, suikoden1 could be pass very easily by using the bribe glitch on any boss... So this mean that S1 could end near 20-30minute berfore the second one :/
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BadPotato wrote:
if we allow glitch in the run, suikoden1 could be pass very easily by using the bribe glitch on any boss... So this mean that S1 could end near 20-30minute berfore the second one :/
normally, glitches are fun to see in TASes, but the bribe glitch is boring. it would take all the challenge and entertainment from the TAS.
Maybe using some power-leveling with fortune rune from start would be a nice and legit solution: ==>
20 minutes is a little too long. it's better to just do a couple of random encounters and you level up enough to beat the dragon easily.
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20 minutes is a little too long. it's better to just do a couple of random encounters and you level up enough to beat the dragon easily.
Well there was actually a lot of wasted time. I'd say realistically that can be done all in the span of 5 to 7 minutes. First and foremost he got far too much Potch. He really only needed a few thousand to buy what he actually got. Also, depending on what encounter he uses to actually gain his levels he might not even need new armor and he could, in theory, gain more than 20 levels. I think the Bandits on the eastern mountain (I can't recall it's name) are worth more exp. than the enemies he used, though I could be wrong... and, if anything, the enemies on the western mountain certainly have to be worth more. Either way, I look forward to seeing a TAS of either of the Suikodens.
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it seem that we even could had Tir level47 by fighting 6 slasher rabbit in tigerwolf mountai. Thought tool-assisted or not, beat these monster with at level 1 would be probably be very long. (spend around 10 minute would be the minimum, I think) Beside, abusing "too much" power-leveling, could make the run with a big lack of entertainement. 1 more embarrasing problem with the first suikoden would be that we can't play thought the game without the "no uncouncious status objective".. We have to let's our characther dying when we meet neclord for the first time at warrior village (the other impossible battle stop after 3turn, but not this one..) This probably just mean, that I would have to change my objective by "never win a battle with uncouncious status in party". In a dualrun that would mean that I'll just skip the lucas blight fight(2/3)... So this sound good. Also, there another glitch in suikoden 2 ==> by having at least 4 characther with at least 1 of the 4th rune power unlock... we can abuse how the battle sequence, to get some extra "rune-unite" in 1 turn. This glitch is pretty new and I din't even test it... so maybe there some way to do more stuff with this.
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Location: Canada - Québec
hm.. ok look like that this is to earlier for a dualrun of both suikoden. Most time pcsx-rr sucks.... and it would probably be better to completly TAS some route before trying this such project. So anyway... for now I'll just try to finish my old suikodenII run, while I keep adjust the "best route" everytime, when getting desynch: new wip: ==> (the game is now sooo long to playback that I put a save state on slot 008 from the previous wip) actual team to defeat the pest rats (5200hp) hero nanami zamza rina yoshino luc I aim to finish him quickly with some lighting rune..... I was also thinking to debugging suikoden1... the game should be less complexe than the second one to understand how work the RNG. I'll give a shot. edith : ==> look like that collect the 5 squirrel should help to get an even better ending sequence, alright I' add this for the run, while I'm aiming for the 'best ending'. :)
Joined: 1/26/2009
Posts: 558
Location: Canada - Québec
Progress... and tubed part16, part17, part18. Also, I here is some ram watch:

!2567A X-Coordinate
!2567C Y-Coordinate
!2566E step counter
!6A4F8 potch


x6A4EA Slot1-Special
x6A4EB Slot2-Special
x6A4EC Slot3-Special
x6A4ED Slot4-Special
x6A4EE Slot5-Special


x6A4AE P1-S1-ItemDigit
x6A4AF P1-S1-QuantityMod
x6A4B0 P1-S2-ItemDigit
x6A4B1 P1-S2-QuantityMod
x6A4B2 P1-S3-ItemDigit
x6A4B3 P1-S3-QuantityMod
x6A4B4 P1-S4-ItemDigit
x6A4B5 P1-S4-QuantityMod
x6A4B6 P1-S5-ItemDigit
x6A4B7 P1-S5-QuantityMod
x6A4B8 P1-S6-ItemDigit
x6A4B9 P1-S6-QuantityMod


x6A97D P1-S1-ItemDigit
x6A97E P1-S1-QuantityMod
x6A97F P1-S2-ItemDigit
x6A980 P1-S2-QuantityMod


!12E198 HP-Riou
!12E2B8 HP-Flick

Aera A (Tenzan_Pass_1 - Mercenry_Forteress_Aera_1 - Sparrow_Pass_1)
!145BB6 Slot1-HP
!145C32 Slot2-HP
!145CAE Slot3-HP
!145D2A Slot4-HP
!145DA6 Slot5-HP
!145E22 Slot6-HP
!145E9E Slot7-HP
!145F1A Slot8-HP
!145F96 Slot9-HP
!146012 Slot10-HP
!14608E Slot11-HP
!14610A Slot12-HP
x17C44 EnemyItemDrop
x17C45 QuantityModDrop

Aera B (Kyaro_Highlander - Sparrow_Pass2(return) - Mercenry_Forteress_Aera_2 - Ryube_Forest)
!195BB6 Slot1-HP
!195C32 Slot2-HP
!195CAE Slot3-HP
!195D2A Slot4-HP
!195DA6 Slot5-HP
!195E22 Slot6-HP
!195E9E Slot7-HP
!195F1A Slot8-HP
!195F96 Slot9-HP
!196012 Slot10-HP
!19608E Slot11-HP
!19610A Slot12-HP
x2AD64 EnemyItemDrop
x2AD65 QuantityModDrop

Aera C (Kyaro_Aera - Muse_Aera_1)
145BB6 Slot1-HP
145C32 Slot2-HP
145CAE Slot3-HP
145D2A Slot4-HP
145DA6 Slot5-HP
145E22 Slot6-HP
145E9E Slot7-HP
145F1A Slot8-HP
145F96 Slot9-HP
146012 Slot10-HP
14608E Slot11-HP
14610A Slot12-HP
x2AD64 EnemyItemDrop
x2AD65 QuantityModDrop
Pay attention that these address will move if your party size is smaller than 6. Also, the enemy formation can be really confusing... but here is some example that should help: Sample1 & Sample2. Also, while loading new map/aera... lot of address about the battle sequence are moving to another one. This is very annoying to search for them... I'll probably complete the whole list about this later.... Anyone have an idea how the "storyline" event is stored in memory? If I can do my own path by using memory corruption to break some sequence... I'm sure that this could make the game a bit interresting.
Joined: 3/7/2006
Posts: 720
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Most RPGs should store quest information as a series of flags. You'll need to search for values that change by a bit rather than by +1 or whatever. They will almost certainly stay at the same place in memory.
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For now the easier way would be to use reset while saving and corrupt data enought accurate to be able to do some crazy stuff... But I'm not very interested to explore this farther. So, I keep TASing this and I even start a SVN depot :) (just like some other.. but I like the idea) a next decent wip should come out soon
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==> -Greenhill quest is over -I recruited Mukumuku and Meg+Gadjet -I started the Hix&Tengaar sidequest -Taki and tetsu recruited! -Tai ho and yam koo recruited!! -Stalion, Richmond and Clive recruited!!! already 760K frame... it's about 3h26 time in game/ 3h:31 realtime.
Player (36)
Joined: 9/11/2004
Posts: 2632
I just wanted to say that I am following your progress closely, but I really don't have much to add. :X
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Player (94)
Joined: 5/10/2005
Posts: 1204
i don't know if i said this earlier, but you should have asked Hans to pay you 300,000 potch to join you, because money can be important in this game. that way you wouldn't have to collect other things that give you money and you could have saved some time.
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I thought Hans was hanging around Two River City and that he would appear after Chaco had the player's money stolen.
Joined: 1/26/2009
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Location: Canada - Québec
p0rtal_0f_rain wrote:
I thought Hans was hanging around Two River City and that he would appear after Chaco had the player's money stolen.
yeah there a lot of "pop up" thing like this that make the route quite complicated.. I prefer to check every aera if there something new, when the "event" of the game change.
nfq wrote:
i don't know if i said this earlier, but you should have asked Hans to pay you 300,000 potch to join you, because money can be important in this game. that way you wouldn't have to collect other things that give you money and you could have saved some time.
in fact you said more something like this :p
nfq wrote:
money isn't really important in this game.
Seriously, I prefer to don't ask anything to hans, because I know that it may took like 3-4 hour(in-game) to come back with money and if I manage to be eought fast to make my way to matilda liberation, before his come back... this could block me to get the best ending. Actually, with the lua tool I've write some different kind of bot and now, I was interrested to brute forcing the mysterious RNG for critical hit.. here's a script that write all address and value in a file, every time that jowy deal a critical hit (at tenzan pass/beggining) ==> and the result... ==> I thought with a diff program, I could get some way to find this RNG... but look like that this is a dead end, since there so many value that change. I think I should try to create some kind of database and doing statistic from them, but I have no idea how to proceed.
Player (94)
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Posts: 1204
BadPotato wrote:
Seriously, I prefer to don't ask anything to hans, because I know that it may took like 3-4 hour(in-game) to come back with money and if I manage to be eought fast to make my way to matilda liberation, before his come back... this could block me to get the best ending.
if i remember correctly, he joins already after the greenhill liberation. it isn't dependent on how long you wait, you just have to reach a certain point in the game. by the way, it might be faster and cheaper to use mostly only magic in the TAS, because sharpening weapons takes a lot of time and money.