Post subject: Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire
Player (45)
Joined: 3/19/2020
Posts: 3
I'm very new to this, but I'm working on a TAS of Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire, and I want to reverse-engineer how the physics engine decides how far the ball should move from frame to frame to help with planning. I've found the memory addresses for x position (pixel and subpixel), y position (pixel and subpixel), x velocity, and y velocity. No other variables have an effect that I can see, the same velocities produce the same change in x and y position regardless of what else is going on. Here's what I know so far: Each frame, the X position changes by 4*x_velocity. Each frame, the Y position changes by 4*y_velocity, plus an offset. The offset is +9 for velocities <99>=200. Both of those values have a cap; the position will never change by more than 1340 subpixels X or more than 1344 subpixels Y (both reached at velocity of 335). Here's where we hit the point where I don't understand the rules. The caps described above only apply when you have only one velocity, and 0 of the other. When you have both, the cap decreases. What I'm trying to figure out is how the cap is determined, and how the relative x and y changes are determined. The data I've collected is linked below (I was just trying to get it recorded, sorry about the lack of formatting), any help or advice is appreciated!
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Joined: 2/5/2012
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Location: Brasil
i want help in planning 100% for this game and for the original as well, i'll post some stuff here later info from discord community. Basic route would probably be; Ruby field; all hatches because it's faster Pokémon Exclusive Sandshrew ✘ Zubat ✘ Oddish ✘ Horsea ✘ Pichu ✘ Natu ✘ Corsola ✘ Phanpy ✘ Wurmple ✘ Seedot ✔ Ralts ✘ Shroomish ✔ Whismur ✘ Skitty ✔ Aron ✘ Plusle ✔ Minun ✔ Spoink ✘ Spinda ✘ Trapinch ✘ Shuppet ✘ Chimecho ✘ Wynaut ✔ Snorunt ✘ Spheal ✘ Bagon ✘ +evos and enough catches to tick off all the ruby field exclusive catches and hit 100 in the Dex to get latios, plus 4 bonus stages scattered throughout to catch groudon Sapphire field; 7 exclusive hatches:Chinchou, Igglybuff, Lotad, Surskit, Azurill,Gulpin, Oddish is not exclusive to one board but vileplume/belossom are plus all the catches left + latias + 10 bonuses for rayquaza Presuming that kyogre is the faster bonus so we'd want to do ray on saph cause of that stupid long walking animation in the groudon bonus Would need to time whether hard spamming hatches or switching between hatches and catches is faster, on both fields. Hatches are faster on ruby so really just want to do the 7 required hatches on saph only
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.