Tool-assisted movies (1)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 5/1/2013
The Hulk is a Marvel superhero who was created after his secret identity, Dr. Bruce Banner, was accidentally exposed to harmful gamma radiation. Now, the Hulk uses his incredible mutant strength and uncontrollable rage to rid the world of evil. The character has starred in numerous comics, movies, and games, as well as a few TV shows.
In this game, the Hulk smashes his way through five levels, fighting against his arch-enemy The Leader and his minions. Levels range from city skyscrapers to an alien spaceship. The game also has a pretty funky soundtrack.
Using a Hulked-Out pill, Dooty smashes and crashes his way through the levels, making short work of thugs and minibosses and improving his previous run by 00:06.29 seconds.

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