User File #27198392647936026

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#27198392647936026 - Rainshower (Modern) v2.2

Rainshower (Modern).lua
Uploaded 11/29/2015 8:52 PM by jlun2 (see all 165)
Automatically plays the Rainshower game in Modern mode from Game & Watch gallery 4. It works with all 3 difficulties.
Fixed some bugs regarding nested "if" logic for getting moons.
Adjusted to take account to 17 objects at once.
Adjusted to take account to 34 objects. What the hell Bowser.
memory.usememorydomain("Combined WRAM")
--For the positions to check at the first pair of ropes based on current balloon speed. Speeds 0-5 is technically never reached, but placeholder

function move(spot) --move to this spot and press A
	while memory.readbyte(0x03DDF4) ~= 8 do	--Mario can't move if not this value
	if memory.readbyte(0x03DDEC) == spot then	--Mario's at the spot
		joypad.set({A = 1})
	else	--pressing multiple directions at once will make the game use only the valid one and ignore the other
		if spot == 0 then
			joypad.set({Left = 1,Up = 1})
			return move(spot)
		elseif spot == 1 then
			joypad.set({Right = 1,Up = 1})
			return move(spot)
		elseif spot == 2 then
			joypad.set({Left = 1,Down = 1})
			return move(spot)
		elseif spot == 3 then
			joypad.set({Right = 1,Down = 1})
			return move(spot)

while true do
	local speed1 = {
	local speed2 = {[0]=103,[1]=103,[2]=103,[3]=103,[4]=103,
	local ropes = {[0]=0x03DDF8,[1]=0x03DDF9,[2]=0x03DDFA,[3]=0x03DDFB}	--Ropes pulled boolean from Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right
	for i = 0x03C7E4, 0x03D7E0, 0x7c do	--First Balloon's X pos; offset of others is 7C. Enough for 34 balloons.
	memory.read_u16_le(i+0x1A) is balloon speed. It ranges from 80 -> 320, with an increase of 16 every 20 points. It can never be outside this range for a balloon or moon, so use this to check if balloon is dead
	memory.readbyte(0x03E456) is balloon speed multiplier. It's multiplied by 16 to give the above; useful for making a check for when to detect balloon. Starts at 5 for easy, 7 for hard and 20 for very hard.
	speed1[memory.readbyte(0x03E456)] is used to determine when to detect a balloon to prevent the occurance of 2 balloons from both left and right falling around the same time. Varies based on speed of the balloon
	memory.readbyte(i+0x11) is sprite color. I can't find the IDs for the objects, so this is the best approach for now
		Green - 0x3B,0x3C 
		Red - 0x2B,0x2C 
		Black - 0x33,0x34 
		Blue - 0x1E, 0x1F 
		Moon - 0x19 
	bit.check(memory.readbyte(i+0x54),2) is a flag for passing the first rope
	bit.check(memory.readbyte(i+0x54),3) is a flag for passing the second rope
	memory.readbyte(i) is the "X" position of the balloon/moon. When falling it can only be at these locations:
		green balloon - 87, 155
		red balloon - 71, 176
		black balloon - 50, 202
		blue balloon - 29, 220
	memory.readbyte(i+2) is the "Y" position of the balloon/moon.
	move(spot) is a function for moving to said spot and pressing A. Made to reduce copy-pasting of code.
		if (memory.read_u16_le(i+0x1A) > 70 and memory.read_u16_le(i+0x1A) < 330) and  bit.check(memory.readbyte(i+0x54),2) == false then	--Has not passed the first rope; speed must be between 70 and 330
			if memory.readbyte(i) < 120 and memory.readbyte(i+2) >= speed1[memory.readbyte(0x03E456)]  then	--Check if heading left and almost near first rope
				if (memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x3B or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x3C or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x33 or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x34) and memory.readbyte(ropes[0]) == 1 then	--Green balloon and black balloon share same vicims
				elseif (memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x2B or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x2C or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x1E or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x1F) and memory.readbyte(ropes[0]) == 0 then	--Red balloon and blue balloon
				elseif memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x19 and ((memory.readbyte(ropes[0]) == 1 and (memory.readbyte(i) == 29 or memory.readbyte(i) == 71)) or (memory.readbyte(ropes[0]) == 0 and (memory.readbyte(i) == 87 or memory.readbyte(i) == 50))) then --The moon in these 2 spots and you're not underneath either
			elseif memory.readbyte(i) > 120 and memory.readbyte(i+2) >= speed1[memory.readbyte(0x03E456)]  then	--Check if heading right and almost near the first rope
				if (memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x2B or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x2C) and memory.readbyte(ropes[1]) == 1 then	--Red balloon
				elseif (memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x33 or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x34) and memory.readbyte(ropes[1]) == 0 then --Black balloon
				elseif memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x19 and ((memory.readbyte(ropes[1]) == 0 and memory.readbyte(i) == 176) or (memory.readbyte(ropes[1]) == 1 and memory.readbyte(i) == 202)) then
		elseif (memory.read_u16_le(i+0x1A) > 70 and memory.read_u16_le(i+0x1A) < 330) and  memory.readbyte(i+2) > 76 then	--Still need to check speed in case balloon dies
			if memory.readbyte(i) < 120 and memory.readbyte(i+2) >= speed2[memory.readbyte(0x03E456)] and bit.check(memory.readbyte(i+0x54),3) == false then	--Check if heading left and almost near second rope
				if (memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x2B or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x2C) and memory.readbyte(ropes[2]) == 1 then	--Red balloon
				elseif (memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x33 or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x34) and memory.readbyte(ropes[2]) == 0 then --Black balloon
				elseif memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x19 and ((memory.readbyte(ropes[2]) == 1 and memory.readbyte(i) == 50) or (memory.readbyte(ropes[2]) == 0 and memory.readbyte(i) == 71)) then	--Moon
			elseif memory.readbyte(i) > 120 and memory.readbyte(i+2) >= speed2[memory.readbyte(0x03E456)] and bit.check(memory.readbyte(i+0x54),3) == false then	--Check if heading right and almost near the second rope
				if (memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x2B or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x2C or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x1E or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x1F) and memory.readbyte(ropes[3]) == 0 then	--Red balloon and blue balloon
				elseif (memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x3B or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x3C or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x33 or memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x34) and memory.readbyte(ropes[3]) == 1 then	--Green and black balloon
				elseif memory.readbyte(i+0x11) == 0x19 and (((memory.readbyte(i) == 176 or memory.readbyte(i) == 220) and memory.readbyte(ropes[3]) == 1) or ((memory.readbyte(i) == 155 or memory.readbyte(i) == 202) and memory.readbyte(ropes[3]) == 0)) then --The moon in these 2 spots and you're not underneath either