Posts for Bisqwit

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New WIP.,bisqwit-pending-v2.3.6.fcm Metalman stage almost completed. In the making of this stage, I tried to duplicate Finalfighter's "item1slight" technique, but instead, I discovered a better version of that technique. It only requires two items per rise (instead of three), and the items can be placed at greater distance, and it is also easier to place them. I used this technique in every zipping in this stage, except the first, and I estimate it is 1.5 seconds faster than Finalfighter's Metalman stage. Best of all, it's not over yet: I believe I can still push it further. Worst of all: I believe we could use this technique twice in Woodman stage, saving 20-40 frames. It would most likely mean that Crashman, Quickman and Metalman have to be redone due to desyncing that usually occurs after copypasting. Crashman is the most troublesome, due to the technique where only BisqBot is good at. Quickman is also an optimization candidate, with a prize of about 16 frames.
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Boco wrote:
This is a minor English grammar thing.
Thanks. Though I wonder if it really was so much a misunderstanding as a post that was not read.
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JXQ wrote:
I thought you could only delete your posts if no one had replied afterwards (unless you are a moderator).
Is it so? If so, I didn't know it.
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Enrai wrote:
ok, im angry enough for some things that happenend with This game, and i didn't double post, i edit the post with the link to the fcm movie, and erase it. ok?
Ps: You can delete your posts yourself. Click the Delete button (indicated by "X"), instead of the Edit button (indicated by "Edit").
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KDR_11k wrote:
Couldn't this be tested easily by ending a fight at different heights and counting the frames until a certain event?
Yes, that's exactly what I did.
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cheeseman wrote:
Oh! Yes, but it says I made 2 edits also, I never edited.
You edited that submission. Once for submitting, and once again for later editing at some point of time.
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cheeseman wrote:
No, I had my name changed, but with the same account.
So do you have the old name listed also in that table?
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cheeseman wrote:
I haven't submitted an accepted movie, but I have submitted a movie nonetheless.
I guess you didn't submit it with that account then. Have you created multiple accounts?
Post subject: Re: The users page is outdated...
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cheeseman wrote:
The page where it lists the judges and editors, well at the bottom where it lists all the users, it still list myself and several others as lurkers, when I have had over 100 posts. -- are you referring to this page? This page does not consider forum statistics at all. It is only based on your activity on the actual site. If you have logged on at the main site but never submitted a movie or edited a page, you will be counted as a lurker.
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hanzou wrote:
Remember, the glitch in the Heatman battle is more than just for show.
Interesting. Yes, through testing I can confirm that it really is as CoolBumpty suggested.
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flagitious wrote:
Ok, what is the reason for the E version instead of the U version? Is it to remain consistant with the previous runs?
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CoolBumpty wrote:
highest level so that there's less distance to cover when teleporting and it would therefore take less time.
Hmm, good point. The teleport-out sfx appears in three places in the game code. At 0B:A0D7 -- it issues a teleport-out sfx, then teleports object $00 at 8 pixels per frame upward until Y coordinate is negative, then adjusts object bits, possibly for the purpose of invisibilifying. (Loop termination rule is unknown.) Note: Object $00 is usually Rockman. At 0D:A224 --- it issues a teleport-out sfx, then teleports object $10 at 8 pixels per frame upward until Y coordinate >= $F0. (Loop is terminated on this rule) Note: Object $10 is not usually Rockman. Thus, this might be his stunt double Mockman who appears on the title screen. At 0D:80E5 -- it issues a teleport-out sfx, but doesn't seem to do anything resembling teleporting an object vertically. There is horizontal movement. It is probably the stage selection screen. So it's possible that ending the battle at a high position would be a good idea, but uncertain.
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flagitious wrote:
Should the subscreen code B S S B B S S B B S S S B S B B B S S S B S B S S B S S B B S B S be allowed?
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hanzou wrote:
Only problem I noticed is that on the Quickman battle you didn't end on the highest platform (one of kolechovski's timesavers). Was there no way to do that without losing more than 2 frames in the fight?
Caught uneducated. I don't know what this item is about.
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Phil wrote:
And time for you to add your Linuxisms so people can enjoy them. :P
You've got it. Apply this patch to Nitsuja's 0.98.15 FCEU source code, and it will turn into Bisqwit's 0.98.15. After applying, run ./configure (do a chmod +x if needed) and make and it should compile just fine. Notes: - It includes BisqBot, and BisqBot requires libboost for a set of random number generators. So do install libboost before compiling. - Before applying the patch, run dos2unix for the source code and configuration scripts to ensure the patch applies cleanly and configure runs without problem. This version includes also AVI making (no two separate versions anymore), and I should update my documentation on that matter. Changes: - Compiles on Linux - Bisqwit's custom input defaults - Bisqwit's compose mode for making 2p movies easier to create - BisqBot (with settings last configured for Rockman 2 scrolling substitution) - Warp's font for smaller HUD texts (fits more text on screen) - DOS cruft removed from drivers/pc/ -- I'm not maintaining it anyway - Bisqwit's tile tracker -- the engine used to make GIF animations. (A #define from source code needs to be changed to activate). - Commandline option: -play <moviename> (loads in read-only mode) - Commandline option: -readwrite 1 (makes -play use read-write by default) - Commandline option: -state <statenumber> (loads a savestate after loading movie) - Commandline option: -bisqbot 1 (autoactivates BisqBot after starting) - Commandline option: -videolog <command> (enables AVI logging) - Recognized environment variable: MAXFRAMES - Bisqwit's emulation speed throttler. (Use n/m keys to adjust) - Bisqwit's dual game daemon support (Needs a separate program to work, and to be enabled from drivers/pc/sdl.c.) - Enables sound during frame advance (Bisqwit prefers this) - Disables debugger (not implemented for Linux anyway, makes emulation faster) - Input display in movie playback (writes it to stderr) (different from Nitsuja's, Windows users will probably prefer Nitsuja's) - Rockman 1&2 RAM analysis with frame display (displays X&Y position&speed and magnet beam positions) - Magnet beam solidifier (a visual enhancement filter for Rockman 1, has to be manually disabled for all other games) - Displays a "state 2 selected" message instead of "select state" when user selects a savestate slot - Minor changes to make it compile nicely on 64-bit Linux as well - Now actually says it's 0.98.15; Nitsuja's source code had still "0.98.13" somewhere How to compile/apply (instructions for Debian GNU/Linux):    sudo aptitude install p7zip tofrodos libboost-dev gcc g++    7za x fceu-0.98.15-src.7z    patch -p0 < fceu-9815-nitsuja-patch-bisqwit-linux.txt    cd fceu-0.98.15-src    find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 dos2unix    chmod +x configure    ./configure    make    cp -p src/fceu . How to watch a movie (example):    ./fceu -xscale 3 -yscale 3 -play castleva.fcm castleva.nes How to make AVI (example):    VIDEO_RESULT="`pwd`/test0.avi"    VIDEO="-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=ffv1:format=422p:vstrict=-2"    AUDIO="-oac mp3lame -lameopts mode=3:preset=40:aq=0"    VIDEO="mencoder -o '$VIDEO_RESULT' -mc 0 NESVSETTINGS $VIDEO $AUDIO"    ./fceu -videolog "$VIDEO" -xscale 1 -yscale 1 -play rma.fcm rockman.nes    riffdump -nmovi -mfps=60.09982293844223 -mscale=1000000 "$VIDEO_RESULT" Keyboard input configuration: - shift-1 = create movie (uses the console to ask for a filename and properties) - shift-2 = play movie (uses the console to ask for a filename, loads in read-write mode) - shift-3 = stop movie - enter = pause/unpause - A,D,H,P = B,A,select,start for player 1 - Q,E,U,O = B,A,select,start for player 2 - I,J,K,L = arrows for player 2 - S,F = save,load (load = re-rerecord) - alt-numbers = select savestate slot 1-10 (either alt will work) - N,M = adjust speed - comma,apostrophe = frame advance - esc = terminate - K = toggle BisqBot - shift-5 = toggle compose mode - F2 = cheat editor (uses the console) - Backspace = toggle frame display [Edit: Fixed URL]
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Post subject: New release: version 1.5.0
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I released a new Nesmock version. New feature: Allows removing / adding / copying controllers.
$ nesmock --help
nesmock v1.5.0 - Copyright (C) 1992,2006 Bisqwit (

Usage: nesmock [<options>] <inputfile> <outputfile>

Transforms NES movie files to different formats.
 --help, -h     This help
 --offset, -o   Insert delay at <frame>,<length>
                Example usage: -o 14501:1
                Delay length may also be negative, in which case
                existing frames are deleted instead of copied.
                Frame numbers are relative to the original movie.
                Short syntax -o 10 uses frame number 0 by default.
 --set, -s      Set <var>=<value>
                Note: All movie formats don't support all values
                      or may have length/type limitations.
                Available vars:
                  PAL         0 or 1
                  RecordCount 0..n
                  EmuName     string
                  MovieName   string
                  ROMName     string
                  MD5         string (can be a 32-char hex or a filename)
                  FCEUver     0..n (example: 9812 (=0.98.12))
                Example usage: -spal=0 -srom="Mario Bros.nes" -smd5=mario.nes
 --state, -t    Copy savestate from <file>
                Example: nesmock a.fmv a.fcm -t'orig.fcm'
                Will also make fcm files reset-based (default: poweron-based)
 --ctrl, -c     Defines how to handle a controller. Examples:
                  -c2       = delete player 2 input
                  -c2+      = add second player (zero input)
                  -c21      = add second player (copy P1 input)
                  -c21 -c12 = swap players' 1 and 2 inputs
 --version, -V  Displays version information

Supported formats:
  FMV  (Famtasia 5.1)        - Read & Write
  FCM  (FCEU 0.98.12)        - Read & Write
  NMV  (Nintendulator 0.950) - Read & Write
  VMV  (VirtuaNES)           - Read

  nesmock -o2 smb1a.fcm smb1a.fmv
Example use:
$ nesmock rm2.fcm -trm2-orig.fcm -sfceuver=9812 -smd5=rockman2.nes -sromname='Rockman 2 - Dr Wily no Nazo (J).nes' -c2 tmp.fcm
Converts "rm2.fcm" into "tmp.fcm", copying on-reset-savestate from "rm2-orig.fcm", deletes player 2 input, and sets new FCEU version, ROM name, ROM checksum and FCEU version into the resulting file. Download it from:
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Truncated wrote:
Is groundspeed > airspeed in this game, as it is in Mega Man 1?
Yes, the speeds are precisely the same as in Rockman 1. Accelerations have however changed. The differences and exact values are listed here: Edit: If you noticed some flaw somewhere, please do mention it. > at 34928 and some other places in Clashman stage, you hold on to the ladders a while after using > item 3. Can you cancel out of it by jump+regrab? Or do you have to wait for the item to raise anyway? Releasing the ladder does not cancel the "look at my hand" pose delay in this game.
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JXQ wrote:
in Crashman around frame 33715, you seemed to stay on the Item-1 for a bit long. Do you travel faster riding it up than using the ladder for a bit?
Item1 elevates 0.25 pixels per frame, Rockman climbs 0.75 pixels per frame. So no, it is not faster to ride the item. However, while Rockman is in his "look at my hand, I just threw something" pose, he can't climb. (He can grab a ladder, but not climb it down or up.) So it's faster to stand on the item, which does move upwards after all.
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Shinryuu wrote:
ah.. JXQ i played mm3 with Player 2 input "just playing around"... and i forgot to take PL2 options off.. that's the reason :)
I'll nesmock the P2 input off the next time I copypaste...
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Phil wrote:
Bisqwit: Are you sure those mappers are also applied for the linux version?
I copied everything from Nitsuja's source code (the one linked at, that also includes the mappers and boards.
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Graveworm wrote:
It probably wont help, I have no idea of how it works. I wont waste your time with that, I'll just say that when I try to do this, I can't get anywhere, Mega Man just stays where he is.
You're wasting my time if you don't give me a clue as to how to improve my instructions. When I don't know what exactly you are doing wrong, I can only guess and the things I say might not be helpful at all. [Edit: The point is, I want to see what you're doing.]
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Graveworm wrote:
In a place like in hanzou's movie and on the left side of the part with the dogs in Wood man's stage, (where you start the long zip), I can do this ladder technique, but it's different in the place I mentioned, where Shinryuu uses it, I can't get it to work there, I don't know what's different, I just know that it doesn't work.
Can you show me an FCM of your attempt and I'll tell you what's going wrong if anything.
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Edit: I am ashamed to exist. Sorry for whomever I caused problems by claiming this run desyncs on me. I had some cheat code activated from some old debugging session, and I didn't realize it was there. This movie plays and completes now properly -- even in the FCEU version I've been using for ages without any of Nitsuja's patches. In other words, I did not need to upgrade for this movie. I just needed to disable the cheats.
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hanzou wrote:
Yeah, this is still missing from the Rockman tricks page.
Good point. Will fix some day.