Posts for FractalFusion

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For 2, I would just use induction and the recursion property: ● C0=1, Cn+1=Sum(i=0 to n)CiCn-i We can write (for k>0): ● C2k=2*Sum(i=0 to k-1)CiC2k-1-i ● C2k-1=Ck-12+2*Sum(i=0 to k-2)CiC2k-2-i So C2k is always even and C2k-1 has the same parity as Ck-1. The statement is true for n=0 since C0=1 and 20-1=0. Suppose the statement holds for all n<m where m>0. If m is even, then Cm is even by above, and m cannot be written as 2j-1. Otherwise, m is odd. Let k be such that m=2k-1. Then the following statements are equivalent: ● Cm=C2k-1 is odd ● Ck-1 is odd. ● k-1=2j-1 ● m=2k-1=2(k-1)+1=2(2j-1)+1=2j+1-1 so Cm is odd if and only if m is of the form 2i-1. Therefore the statement holds for n=m. This completes the induction.
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A couple problems involving Catalan numbers. Let Cn denote the nth Catalan number. 1) Find all k≥0 for which Ck divides Ck+1. 2) Prove that Ck is odd if and only if k=2j-1 for some integer j≥0.
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Thread locked. We don't need a page of parody, off-topic stuff, and accusations of alt accounts.
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This submission uses a mode which should not, in my opinion, be held as a standard for game completion. It says in the Vault page:
Must be clearly definable as having completed the game.
The submission also uses nearly the lowest possible standard for technical merit.
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Hm, I remember this submission. Don't let the numbers fool you; there is no luck-manipulation involved, and there is hardly any effort involved. In particular the requirements added recently for Vault:
The gameplay still needs to standout from non-assisted play.
For the purposes of this tier, board games and similar types that are a human vs CPU match in which the player beats the CPU as fast as possible is not defined as a serious game. Fighting games such as Street Fighter are however, eligible.
The first requirement above is not satisfied. The second requirement does not specifically state this case, but I think game shows should be together along with board games and sports games as non-serious games. So I don't think that this run belongs in Vault.
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Imperfect run of the forward route (18m22s, 1:37 remaining) Add important x-position of 68 (when to ladderboost when going left to right)
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Interesting game. I find it to be no worse than Donkey Kong, a current star-tier movie.
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By the way, I have trouble dumping AVI while syncing this movie. However, I have no problems at all with dumping AVI for the 1.4-second movie. I'm using Windows 7. jlun2, you can submit the 1.4-second version if you like.
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This is from the manual (decrypted Shift-JIS) in the official download package (homepage):
・操作説明 左右 … 移動 上かZキー … ジャンプ スペース押し続け … 2倍速 Oキー … 自滅 ESC … 終了 F1 … タイトルへ タイトル時に、1~4キーを押すと、任意のステージで遊べます。 0キー … 不思議○ダンジョン(バグが起きる可能性があります)
Translated, it is:
Button explanation left/right - move up/z - jump space - 2x speed O - suicide button escape - quit F1 - back to title at the title screen, pressing 1, 2, 3 or 4 starts at the respective stage [but you need to press enter after pressing the number] 0 - Mystery Dungeon (likely to cause glitches) [no one has any clue what this does XD]
So yes, both 2x speed (space) and "random mode" (0) are in the manual. But I think one should use some common sense here. If the password system is described in the manual for a game, does it automatically make it OK to use passwords to skip 95% of the game and get the lowest time? Technically, the relevant rules are "Cheats, debugging codes, and arcade continues are not allowed" and "No skipping to the end with a password". But these "features" (2x speed and "random mode") arguably fall under the category of cheats and debugging codes. The rules also say "... if the button sequence is mentioned in the manual as a normal means of playing, such as level restart shortcuts in the Legend of Zelda or Metroid, it is usually allowed." That is also arguable. That being said, I think that a game has very low standards when its manual lumps in game-breaking keys in the same section as gameplay keys that are expected to be used in normal play.
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I'm comparing this submission with the normal run version and the x2 speed run version. I see that this run uses "random mode", almost like a cheat code. Similarly, the x2 speed run version uses the space bar to double the game speed, like a cheat code as well. In my opinion, the normal run version should be the only version considered for Vault. That being said, any submission using random mode could be considered for Moon tier, regardless of how this submission is judged. Maybe it is better if jlun2 made a new submission for the 1.4-second movie?
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I remember this submission. It's nice, but unfortunately it does not satisfy the requirements of Vault. It's not a game, and it doesn't reach the end as fast as possible.
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The re-rejection message currently reads:
Nach wrote:
As I said above this one is unwatchable. Not even worth the vault.
I would like to know what "unwatchable" means. Right now, I interpret "unwatchable" as "no entertainment value" so it seems it was re-rejected for the exact same reason for which it had to be un-rejected in the first place (since the Vault specifically says that entertainment is pretty much of no significance as a requirement).
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Warp wrote:
Could you explain how a set of distinct individual symbols (that can be used to represent numerical values) can be uncountable?
Declare each real number to be its own symbol, distinct from the symbol of any other real number. Clearly, the symbols as a set are distinct individual symbols, representing numerical values (through a bijection with the reals) and uncountable (since they are in bijection with the reals). If "Declare each real number to be its own symbol" is still confusing, think about giving each real number r a symbol A_r. For example, the real number 1 has symbol A_1, the real number π has symbol A_π, and so on (π is pi, by the way; it shows up in a rigid and unfamiliar form on my screen).
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Just a note. This submission is actually slower than the following submission, which was also unrejected for consideration of Vault tier: For obvious reasons, the original (first) rejection message did not mention that it is sub-optimal.
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This thread is clearly beyond constructive discussion. I'm locking the thread.
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Angel Island 1 and Egg Rocket have lost their constitution. Sonic runs make pretty good TASes, with all the fast spindashing and bouncy stuff.
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I've made an "imperfect" run of Pitfall. The goal is to end the game by collecting all 32 treasures, allowing for deaths and point loss (<_<). Input file is 18m18s long, and 1:46 remaining on the clock. I intentionally aim for a nice-looking score at the end, though not the perfect 114000 score; if you think about it for a moment, you should know which score I aimed for. :) Some observations (please see for a Pitfall map): - Taking the tunnel from screen 38 to 26 in the map above and going right for the last treasure is faster than staying above ground. It is about 8 seconds faster. I assume this accounts for the difference between 1:34 (Randil's run) and the 1:42 mentioned in marzojr's post. Dying twice accounts for the 4-second difference between 1:42 and 1:46, since the clock is stopped during death. - Even though, after getting the first treasure at screen 7, it takes fewer rooms to go left and take the tunnels at 1 and 251 instead of the tunnel at 12, for some reason it is slower. I've checked this. I have not tested the forward route from 1 to 239 or the backward route from 1/255 to 7 (though I believe this is slower) so who knows what will happen. - Unfortunately, swinging vines, crocodiles, and shapeshifting holes seem to be all on a global timer (the game clock, I guess). This makes it very hard for small improvements to matter. - I intentionally die twice. However, because the global timer is now shifted from Randil's run (with respect to input time), it introduces a huge variance in apparent time difference (anywhere from near-equal to almost 10 seconds faster) throughout the run. Near the end at screen 38, input times are nearly equal. - Rolling logs do not run on a global timer (only a local one, when you enter the screen) so it is possible to change their position relative to, say, the swinging vine, if necessary. - When bypassing a ladder, it is slightly faster to ladderboost by pressing down to mount the ladder, then dismounting at the top, instead of jumping over it. Mounting the ladder shifts x-position a bit. - Vineboosting may be used in some cases. I have not totally figured it out. Sometimes the shift in x-position is to the left, and sometimes it is to the right. - Address 0x61 is x-position. Important x-positions are 82 (when to ladderboost when going right to left), 108 (standing on right edge of hole without falling in), 44 (standing on left edge of hole without falling in), 62 (standing on left edge of left crocodile's head without falling in when its mouth is open), 51 (when to release vine to clear hole going right to left), and 99 (when to release vine to clear hole going left to right; may depend on even/odd frames).
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YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Or FCEUX. I don't see anything wrong with using FCEUX.
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JWinslow23 wrote:
Hi, all! What if I do a run of this game B-less (if I can find a way)?
JWinslow23 wrote:
JWinslow23 wrote:
Hi, all! What if I do a run of this game B-less (if I can find a way)?
That's what I said. Has this game been done B-less? No. Can it? I think so (even if it takes a long time)!
How about, do it and show us the movie? Nothing will happen if you keep asking "Can I do this?" and never do anything.
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Translation of asutoro's post (my understanding of technical details here is suspect though): ---- I only tried to see if the Nunchuk has any effect on Mario Galaxy. There is no problem. For New Super Mario Bros. Wii, there is no problem of desync so it can be TASed, but there are a lot of errors. I understand that it is necessary for something like TASinput to use the Wiimote. With only the keyboard, it is not possible to fix a specific value along the X,Y,Z axis for games which require such special motion. In Wii party, there are minigames that cannot show special motion.
asutoro wrote:
rog wrote:
マリオギャラクシーはヌンチャクが対応しているか試しただけです。動作は問題無いようです。 NewスーパーマリオブラザーズWiiはdesyncが発生しないので唯一製作可能ですが、エラー発生が多いです。 あと、WiiリモコンにもTASinputとなる物が必要ということが分かりました。 キーボードだけではどうしても、特殊な動作を必要とするゲームでX,Y,Z軸を特定の数値に固定する方法がありません。 Wii partyでは、特殊な動作を再現できないミニゲームもありました。
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JWinslow23: you mean this? Those programs are really old, as in older than Lua scripting in emulators. I hardly remember how they work. (They may still be useful, but not in their current state.) In any case, you need to know exactly how the programs work or else they are not useful at all. I can try to create some Lua scripts for Monopoly, if necessary. But you need to convince us that you know what you are doing. Monopoly TASing is not something that one can just "work on it tirelessly" and get an impressive result.
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rog informed me of the first post: ---- I haven't worked on the stability of Wii TASing.
rog wrote:
---- Translation of asutoro's next post: ---- So then. On version 3.0-382 only, it is possible to replay movies using the Wiimote, but it is very strange. Games that use the Wiimote only seem to have no problem, but games requiring Nunchuk (attachment) or other controller cannot be done. It will desync randomly.
asutoro wrote:
そうでしたか・・・3.0-382のバージョンだけ、Wiiリモコンを使ったムービーファイルの再生が可能なのが、とても不思議でした。 Wiiリモコンのみを使うゲームでは問題無さそうですが、ヌンチャクなどの別コントローラーが必要となるゲームでは出来ないようです。ランダムでdesyncが発生するようです。
---- rog informed me of the next post: ---- Which games have you tried? Only Mario Galaxy 2 and Super Mario Bros. Wii?
rog wrote:
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Translation of asutoro's post: ---- On "Dolphin[desync-fixes]3.0-382-dirty_x86", Mario Galaxy 2 has many desyncs. As well, there are many savestate/loadstate errors. Since it happens 1/10 of the time, making a TAS for Wii games is very much difficult. I hope that, with savestates being improved on "Dolphin_dtm-config_x86", I can (eventually) make TASes on Wii.
asutoro wrote:
Dolphin[desync-fixes]3.0-382-dirty_x86の マリオギャラクシー2でdesyncが多発しました。 またステートセーブやステートロードによるエラー発生が多いです。1/10の確率でエラーが発生し、WiiでのゲームによるTASはほとんどが困難です。 私はステートが改善されているDolphin_dtm-config_x86の方で、WiiもTASが作れることを望みます。 (Sorry,i cannot speak English.)
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I had a look at this run. The branch as stated ("computer repeated jail sentences") is vague. The run does not have any specific goals that are impressive, just "TAS and see what happens and at least I can get the CPU to hit the go-to-jail square every so often". That seems way too easy to do, especially since there are a million ways that it can play out. Why not get the CPU to go to jail with three doubles? I know it requires advanced luck-manipulation but I am putting forth that possibility. Why not deny the CPU any properties so it can't mortgage its way out? Why not bankrupt the CPU on the jail fine? Or, if not that, why not on a card causing loss of money? The run just bankrupts the CPU on house rent, nothing which other runs don't do. A playaround TAS of something like Monopoly needs innovative goals, with results that occur from diligent planning. Just doing "TAS and see what happens" isn't enough. JWinslow23, you have been submitting too many subpar TASes and no form of constructive discussion has taken place. Do not submit any more movies for the next week or else we will have to take away your submission privileges. You have the opportunity to discuss any game in the relevant game discussion thread so there is no need to make any submission for the next little while.
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adelikat wrote:
... let's continue with some truths: ... ● Is awesome ● TAS of the year ● Is worth a minute of your time
In my opinion, those are lies. Sorry. I don't see why this should be published. Next to nothing happens in this TAS (granted, there are TASes which are even closer to nothing, but that's not saying much). The wait at the end to call home is brutal. I believe there are better games to TAS on the Atari 2600 than this. Also, the amount of self-deprecation in the submission text is ridiculous. It's like trying to convince others that a TAS is good by saying it is terrible in the hopes that one sees it as parody and concludes the opposite.