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Apologies for double-posting. I'm merely just trying to start up the list of Dum Dum bullets here so I can come back to it later. I also looked at the back posts and found out I've been doing most of the posting here. Holy crap! XD I love this game, I just don't have the patience to whap Mupen into shape to get it to work right on the comp here, so I use Project 64. Anyway, my theory is that using Dum Dum bullets will make enemy killing, especially the bosses, a lot faster. Hollywood Holocaust Found in the office before going into the convenience store in a secret place by opening the shelf. May be a bit too out of the way for a TAS. Battlelord Fly up the shaft you fall down the beginning of the level and there's some sitting on the left. Warp Factor Conveniently right on the way to the yellow keycard, on the platform thingy that takes you to the other side after you go through the blue keycard door and up the elevator. --- More will come as I find them, or as other people find them.
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Joined: 4/24/2006
Posts: 2997
Just wondering is there any quick ways to beat the first level without steroids or an enemy boost since I found a cool glitch in level 2 which saves about 20+ seconds but it only works with steroids, also pulling off this glitch is insanely hard.
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Don't you normally start off with a jetpack, or is it me screwing around with invincibility too much? Very, very nice find, by the way. =D
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Just want to say I've completed the first episode, thanks to Hoe` I managed to get around the problems caused by the first level. They are many new tricks and strategies that have been used as well as better overall planning, my overall improvement for the first episode is just over a minute and a half. Most of the space levels will be very simalar since they've already been theoretically butchered, Lunar Reactor will probally be the largest improvement.
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Dude, that's great! Good job! Mega kudos to you. What are some other notable improvements you can see?
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My earlier attempts at making an AVI were feeble, one which ran perfect but with desycning sound, I then tried to forcefully encode an AVI with sycronising sound but it ended up causing over 25 seconds worth of unnatrual lag. So Okaygo kindly helped me encode an AVI and then I compressed it slightly keeping it lossless. Anyway [URL=;7858492;;/fileinfo.html] here it is [/url]
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Now that's lookin' great so far man. Can't wait to see the next part!
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Finished [URL=;7984081;;/fileinfo.html] episode 2 [/url]. overall improvement was about a minute and eighteen seconds. More effective use of steroids is what helped the most.
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Good job on level 2! Looking forward to the final part of this now.