Post subject: Prime 1 Haters (like me): Did you like Metroid Prime 3?
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I am currently 6 hours into Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and loving every minute of it. I was wondering whether JXQ, after reading and rereading his scathing yet pretty much true anti-Metroid Prime article (there Raiscan, now my opinion is known), would appreciate the changes that Retro has made to the Prime formula for this game. Most (though, to be fair, not all) of JXQ's complaints have been fixed in this edition: First Person Perspective Obviously not changed, though it's a little less awkward to double-jump now because you can look down at your feet while jumping. And if you have the camera at a good angle, you can see exactly where you need to jump. Visor effects and Stupid impractical visors The scan visor is less of a bitch. Scannable stuff glows brighter, making it easier to see rather than randomly hitting Z trying to scan stuff (you can also see Samus' reflection, blinking and her eyes shifting while scanning - take that, Bungie LOD artists). Also, even though the Command Visor is night-vision green, landing points for your ship are bright and visible against the epileptic lavender (though I agree that this colour scheme wasn't exactly the best choice). Every door looks the same Not anymore. The doors in every area are different, and there are often two or three different door designs for one area. Not exactly diverse, but it's a start, Retro, it's a start. Artificial challenge Enemies are harder to kill, but there are less of them and they have clear weaknesses. With the new controls, it's easier to pull off headshots while locked on to a target (though HS's don't often kill an enemy). Field of vision Sadly, not much change here. You can see a bit more, but not much, and the screen isn't curved around Samus' helmet, but it's still annoying. The game is too dark Bryyo and Elysia are bright and sunny, while Norion has a more UV-ish glow but not dark. Too much shit on the screen Said shit is now smaller and thrown on the sides of the screen, leaving the more important parts (i.e. the centre) clear. Shitty shitty shitty shitty controls Entirely new control scheme is incredible. I never want to play dual-analog FPS's ever, ever again. So...what do others (especially JXQ) think of this game? It's no Super Metroid, I agree, but it's easily the best Prime, and that non-port killer app the Wii has been waiting for.
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I found Metroid Prime 3 good, but much the same as the two games before it. It also seems a bit too easy at times. Thats about all I can say on the matter. Edit: Also, I do find it interesting how you specifically target JXQ even though there were others that also agreed with his point of view.
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Raiscan wrote:
I found Metroid Prime 3 good, but much the same as the two games before it. It also seems a bit too easy at times.
Were you playing on Normal or Veteran?
Raiscan wrote:
Edit: Also, I do find it interesting how you specifically target JXQ even though there were others that also agreed with his point of view.
Because JXQ had the best (and funniest) opinion. I mostly agree with him on the subject of the first Prime, and was wondering what he felt of the third. Beyond that, I also wanted to say that I believe that 3 kicks the first's ass in every single way.
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JXQ, When playing Metroid Prime 3, did you ever experience your TV being particularly dark? If so, did you try increasing the brightness on your television set?
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theenglishman wrote:
Were you playing on Normal or Veteran?
Veteran. I'll admit I haven't played much; it was on a friend's console. I do intend to either buy it or convince him to lend it to me once he has completed it.
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As far as Im concerned, JXQ hasnt bought the game so this topic is unfortunately pretty useless.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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AngerFist wrote:
As far as Im concerned, JXQ hasnt bought the game so this topic is unfortunately pretty useless.
Topic changed to fit.
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I don't know any Metroid Prime 1 haters but if they did exist, why would they want to play Metroid Prime 3? Anyway, I find most of those points pretty stupid critisism of Metroid Prime 1. Obviously whoever who made them didn't play beyond the opening sequence of the game, otherwise they would realize how much ass the game kicks and how close to perfection it is. Yes, okay, it is not perfect, but it is still pretty damn good. I like Metroid Prime 3, but it is not as good as 1 because it butchers the classic Metroid Feeling. It basically feels like an FPS with Metroids and some upgrades for your character. The enemies are also just a tad too strong. Especially if you play in Hypermode difficulty, then you might as well never bother to use your pea-shooter because it does no damage whatsoever. You must enter Hyper Mode to be able to do any damage to even the most basic enemy.
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I haven't played Prime 3, nor do I own a Wii. But I will probably try it some day, I'll let you know how it goes. It may be a while though. Blublu, as the author of those criticisms of Prime 1, you may be surprised to hear that I've played through the game almost twice (couldn't beat Ridley the second time through). It's just not for me.
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JXQ wrote:
Blublu, as the author of those criticisms of Prime 1, you may be surprised to hear that I've played through the game almost twice (couldn't beat Ridley the second time through). It's just not for me.
You're right, that is suprising. I myself never finish a game I don't like, and if I do, I certainly don't play them a second time. So either you are very weird, or you don't hate the game after all and just find those things annoying, but not annoying enough to make you not want to play it. And like has already been said, those things are all better in Metroid Prime 3 except "Artificial Challenge" which is even worse (on Hypermode difficulty, because even regular enemies are basically invincible). And of course the feeling of lonelessness and isolation and exploration has been surgically removed. With an axe. Edit: Now that I actually read that article, I agree with all of those points, but I still like the game. :P The "Every door looks the same" argument is no longer relevant to me since I know my way around the entire game, except some parts of Phendrana drifts, and I keep mixing some corridors in Magmoor together. And I occasionally get lost in Phazon Mines. But it's all good. (you're not going to like Elysia, where every single room looks exactly and precisely the same).
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The reason I played it as long as I did was because there were many many people saying that it got better and it was really good once I got the hang of it, and so forth, so I kept going. In 3D games especially, I lose my sense of direction constantly. Maybe I just suck at 3D games :)
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JXQ wrote:
The reason I played it as long as I did was because there were many many people saying that it got better and it was really good once I got the hang of it, and so forth, so I kept going. In 3D games especially, I lose my sense of direction constantly. Maybe I just suck at 3D games :)
It's the GameCube that sucks at first-person controls.
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Post subject: Re: Prime 1 Haters (like me): Did you like Metroid Prime 3?
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theenglishman wrote:
I was wondering whether JXQ, after reading and rereading his scathing yet pretty much true anti-Metroid Prime article (there Raiscan, now my opinion is known), would appreciate the changes that Retro has made to the Prime formula for this game.
Somehow I'd missed this. JXQ, I agree with every word of that article.
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theenglishman wrote:
It's the GameCube that sucks at first-person controls.
there was that Turok game that used dual analog... too bad the rest of the game was a steaming pile of buggy crap.
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Titus Kwok wrote:
theenglishman wrote:
It's the GameCube that sucks at first-person controls.
there was that Turok game that used dual analog... too bad the rest of the game was a steaming pile of buggy crap.
That was an N64 game, wasn't it? It wasn't too bad, in my opinion. What I liked about it was the super-smooth framerate, too bad you couldn't see more than 7 meters in front of you..... still, overall a likable if a little cheesy/stupid game. If you mean Turok 2 (still N64), then that game sucked, period, because the controls lagged a full half second behind the actions of your character. Thus, the game was unplayable and deserves a score of ZERO. Absolute crap.
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Just to add my 2 cents, I recently played MP for the first time. It pretty much annoyed the crap out of me. When I critiqued it on a nintendo fan site (a bad idea to begin with), I pretty much got my head ripped off. You'd think I'd called all their mothers dirty names or something. Anyway, props to JXQ for making me laugh with his MP sucks page. From what I've read of the MP 3 control scheme, it seems to be a great improvement, but still a bit "jittery" even on the ultra-sensitive setting.
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Blublu wrote:
Turok 2
I remember that one of the game demos was fighting a large spider thing who shot some liquid stuff at you, which went right by the screen and caused about a 1 second delay in all video. I bought the memory expansion pak only to find that this delay was still present, just at a higher resolution. That was quite annoying.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)