Post subject: FCEU vs VirtuaNES
Joined: 9/22/2007
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What specifically gives FCEU the edge to virtuaNES for TASing? It isn't stated very clearly in the info pages why. Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
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I think it's related to FCEU coming first, being very popular, and early versions of virtuanes being infeasible for the site for various design reasons. Also, it's a windows only app any many of our users don't use Windows. FCEU will run on a Mac, Linux, BSD, and others really. And while I'm at it, I'm moving this thread from General to FCEU, and going to rename from "General NES emu question" to "FCEU vs VirtuaNES".
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Thanks for moving the thread.:) Also, I was thinking that for virtuaNES to be considered "obsolete" as said in the Emulator Homepages page, there should be some missing TASing feature. If there isn't a missing feature, it's no more obsolete than Famtasia.
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AVI recording is also currently in the air, and we have something (FCEU) that covers pretty much all our needs. Other than famtasia, all other emulators have non-windows versions. As a Linux user, that's a real bonus. So... umm.. is there a pressing reason to START using it?
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On my computer(Windows), when I try to press any button on FCEU, it highlights the link to the file menu and the other menus every time(the ones on top of the screen), which makes normal gaming, let alone TASing, impossible for me.
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Are you using Ctrl and Alt as buttons ? If so, you should change to something like z and x.
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It's been a while since I've used the Windows version of FCEU, but I believe that F3 hides the menu. I think it shows the shortcut key in the menu. That way you can use ALT as a button. (I also use ALT and CTRL.)
Joined: 10/15/2007
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I feel like the only person alive that uses the numpad for action buttons. :/ Well, when I'm not using the nifty Saturn-style Vampire Chronicles controller, anyway.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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I did my first tas with VirtuaNES.But I think VirtuaNES is not professional although it's convenient. First,VirtuaNES has much versions.It can only be replayed with the same versions. Second,I don't think we can make a tas from power-on if using VirtuaNES. Third,VirtuaNES has much mistake.I often find the movie is not same as what I did just now. Fourth,VirtuaNES haven't "Movie Frame Display Toggle". Fifth,we can't use"left+right" or "up+down" with VirtuaNES. Sixth,the movie can't be form to AVI if the versions of VirtuaNES is under 0.90. So I don't plan to do tas with VirtuaNES. PS to JRL_:Thank you for your help.I have finished my second non-assisted-speedrun-Ninja Gaiden.Play length is 13:19,it is a little faster than SDA.I think I should train again before submiting it^_^
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I'm glad to help. ;) Also, thanks for helping me make my decision of which emulator to TAS with, guys!