Post subject: I do not understand the encoding guide
Banned User
Joined: 12/14/2009
Posts: 386
Location: Santiago, Chile
I need much help in understanding the Encoder Guide. I have a video.avi, weighing approximately 1.5 GB and I want to go through the process of coding to make it higher quality and less weight. Several times, this guide tells me to write a command for encoding video or audio. But I do not understand is where I write these commands. With a video I prefer to learn to code if possible. Can you help me?
Joined: 11/22/2004
Posts: 1468
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
For beginners, it's best to stick to only this part of the guide, assuming you don't need a logo or subtitles. It can be quite simple. If you're using Windows you can download the x264 encoder (x264.exe). Then go to Start > Run... and type in "cmd" (without quotes) and press enter. Then type something like this, in your x264.exe directory (assuming your movie is also there). Of course, it may be easier to just use VirtualDub... since that has a GUI and allows you to encode the audio as well in the same pass. Even easier is just uploading the whole thing to Youtube, which is really what you should be doing unless you want to learn all about encoding. edit: by the way, you can't make something higher quality by encoding. You can only make it (approximately) the same quality at lower filesize. :)
Banned User
Joined: 12/14/2009
Posts: 386
Location: Santiago, Chile
Thanks Dada. Thought it was in cmd but was not sure. Now see the results. Also thanks for recommending using VirtualDub.
Joined: 11/22/2004
Posts: 1468
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Virtualdub is easy, if you get ffdshow you should be able to encode in x264 from there as well.
Joined: 4/7/2005
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Speaking of that, x264vfw might be useful for beginners.
Joined: 11/22/2004
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It should be noted that videos can't be published on our site unless they follow the encoding guide (so VirtualDub can't be used) but for your own purposes it should be good enough.
Banned User
Joined: 12/14/2009
Posts: 386
Location: Santiago, Chile
Hmm. I use the x264 codec, then I use the ffdshow codec to record as AVI in the emulator. Someone tell me how to configure the encoding with VirtualDub, video codec x264, how to configure it?, What audio codec to use? I want get data when I want do it with other videos.