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Nice work, as per usual. That room where you avoid the second bat is amazing, the best I could do is just force it to miss me and hit a corner with luck. As for your questions, I’ll answer them as best as I can. 1) I’m not completely certain on whether turning off the Information Display saves time or not. I want to say yes, but you’d probably be able to answer this better than me. The idea is this: if you turn it off, then whenever an enemy (or you) casts a spell or performs a special attack that initiates the ‘charge’ animation (which is the game loading maybe), the name of the attack will be missing at the bottom of the screen. I’ve tested this and I swear it seems like the spells/special attacks are more quick (the ‘charge’ animation is faster), but obviously more thorough testing is necessary. Note that this would only be useful if an enemy were to even get it off in the first place, something I’m beginning to doubt in a TAS. More on this later. Turning off the Timing Display does nothing except remove the exclamation point above Ashley Riot’s head when chaining attacks or using a defense ability, so I doubt turning it off saves any time. It’s only useful as a frame of reference normally. 2) Getting the Magnolia Frau is something Moooh from SDA suggested to me awhile back. After playing around with it, I’ve come to agree with this suggestion. The weapon properties aren’t important: it’s the chaining speed associated with the animation itself. In my speedrun, I go with the Fandango because a) I prefer chaining with 1-h swords/maces and b) with Raging Ache it doesn’t matter what you use since your damage output isn’t dependent on weapon str, type, affinity, or anything like that as Acheron86 has already described. After some testing, I’ve confirmed that staffs chain the quickest out of all weapon animations (you should confirm this to be absolutely certain; after staves 1-h swords/daggers/1-h maces are best probably with crossbows being the worst most likely). You’ll waste time equipping it, but in the long run, it’ll be worth equipping this staff since it’s along the way anyway and early (although you wouldn’t equip it until after the Wyvern battle in Abandoned Mines B1 since its tail is weak to edged weapon types i.e. Fandango; the Fire Elemental afterward isn’t so weak to base damage from edged weapons though so Raging Ache will be ‘necessary’ by then probably). Staffs have a range value of 2 as opposed to 3 for 1-h swords, but this shouldn’t pose a problem in a TAS I expect. Alternating between Raging Ache and Heavy Shot should be the norm obviously as it’s fastest and Heavy Shot does chip in dmg. 3) As mentioned already, Faerie Wings increase your movement speed as well as jumping distance. This enables you to skip box puzzles in certain areas. In my run, I mistakenly use a 2nd Faerie Wing on the last box puzzle when it should probably be used at the Temple of Kiltia instead right before Kali. In the Snowfly Forest, you normally encounter 3 Ichthious enemies that drop this item (with a 4th one paired with the last one although you’d have to wait for it to approach you). It’s beneficial to kill these normally since they have a water-based attack that’s unblockable that early in the game in a speedrun as well as the Faerie Wing drops, of course. Maybe the 3rd Faerie Wing could be used in Town Center East so that it’ll be easier to minimize the amount of enemy casting. 4) Acheron86 pretty much explained it thoroughly: the number of chains successfully performed minus 1 equals the Battle Points you receive. If you need 5 BPs for your next ability and you perform a chain of 20 hits, none of the extra BPs carry over to the next chain ability. You’ll need to unlock three chain abilities before Raging Ache becomes available (so it’ll be the 4th Chain Ability you unlock): 20, 34, 18, and finally 23 are the magic numbers. Also, I’ve unlocked a chain ability after killing a bat so 1-1=0 but it still went through? Not EVERY time but it’s happened to me before so there are exceptions I guess. 5) Whether Impact Guard is necessary or not is the big question imo. As a conventional runner, my inclination is to say Yes, but you’ve demonstrated some crazy maneuvers in some of the more annoying parts of the entire game imho. Even if you have to Impact Guard in some instances, there is still the question of whether you can manipulate a miss out of the attack which is both faster and will save your skin. There are rooms where it’s nearly impossible to get by without getting hit, I’ll list some examples but there’s more I bet. Later in the Catacombs, after you defeat the Lizards you’ll need to place a box across a room to reach a ledge; in that room, there will be a Hellhound and Skeleton waiting around and I seriously doubt you’ll be able to get by without getting hit (Hellhound uses special attack flame breath which is unblockable at this stage but you CAN manipulate a physical hit instead). You’ll need to kill them and collect some BPs incidentally maybe, adding to your 2nd battle ability count hopefully. Dullahan can be killed in about 7 chains for sure assuming all or most of your chains connect (critical hit as base damage of course), but extending this chaining as much as necessary so that you learn your 1st chain ability from the Ghost might be more efficient. You’ll need Raging Ache by the Fire Elemental in the Abandoned Mines B1 for sure as your Fandango won’t penetrate his defenses and switching up to Magnolia Frau will be necessary since your sword will be ‘useless’ in terms of base damage dealt. After the City Walls, in Abandoned Mines B1 at the beginning with the Stirges (but taking dmg there may be necessary anyway for Raging Ache power). Ward MIGHT be necessary later but that Defense Ability is already in your inventory after the Minotaur battle so you won’t have to ‘level up’ for it. Also, absorbing magical spells most likely won’t be necessary either. On the flip side, you may have to develop the Paralysis Pulse and Dulling Impact chain abilities. If you’re going to avoid magical attacks later in the game by manipulating physical attacks out of certain enemies (i.e. Quicksilvers in Undercity East), then you’ll need the aforementioned chain abilities. Here’s why: those enemies carry silver weapons, thus their attacks are Light based, making Impact Guard ‘miss’ every time and resulting in death (only Absorb Damage can sustain their attacks but there’s no way it will be unlocked by then). Thus, you may need to use Paralysis Pulse/Dulling impact to both shut them up and paralyze them considering there’s no way you will have unlocked Absorb Magic in time to survive their Drain Heart attacks (they also do a Drain MP attack but you’ll need your MP’s to teleport by that time). There’s a specific Crimson Blade in the area right after the Kesch Bridge with a silver axe that may need the same strategy as well in Town Center East right before the section with the Quicksilvers (he casts either an Earth-based spell called Vulcan Lance or an Air-based spell called Lightning Bolt, each requiring separate Defense Abilities although Lightning Bolt is more likely). Dulling Impact can be recalled as the second chain ability unlocked but Paralysis Pulse will be unlocked as the 2nd chain ability after Raging Ache (thanx to Valendian for these tips). 6) In terms of MPs (someone should double-check), eventually you’ll need 71 to teleport from Rue Lejour to the Sunless Way in order to collect a sigil (‘key’ to unlock a door) from a chest nearby. You’ll then need 75 to teleport from the Sunless Way to the Kesch Bridge. After that you’ll need 75 to teleport from the Kesch Bridge back to the Sunless Way. After the Minotaur you will face: Dullahan, Golem, Dragon, Duane, Wyvern, Fire Elemental, Ogre, Giant Crab, Earth Dragon, Grissom/Dark Crusader, Dark Elemental, Air Dragon, Lich, and finally the Nightstalker before teleportation is necessary. These are ‘real’ bosses that give a stat roulette wheel after beating them. So, you’ll need to manipulate a total of +25 MP from these bosses in order to have the max MP necessary to make the teleportation trips. So assuming you can manipulate MP +2 from Dullahan onwards, you’ll have enough MPs to teleport sufficiently before Nightstalker so one more str manipulation may be in order just for kicks. Note, however, that after the first teleportation to the Sunless Way there will be no way for you to have regened your MPs back to max in time so using a mana item once will be necessary. You may need to use another mana item before going back to the Sunless Way in the end as I’m not sure if you’ll be able to fully naturally replenish your MPs in time for the final teleport. Thankfully, you’ll have some Mana Tonics and Roots in your inventory by then so you won’t need to manipulate a Bulb from an enemy for a third use. OK, hopefully that addresses your questions somewhat. Looking into pure str on weapon drops it may help in some instances (i.e. City Walls after the Grissom battle against the Lizards), Raging Ache may make manipulating drops unnecessary. Picking up items costs time as well as equipping and changing them when they become nearly useless. For one, a boss needs to be weak to whatever weapon type you’re using (blunt, edged, piercing) and also you’ll need to build up enough Phantom Points for the weapon to be effective in the first place (a full PP bar adds more damage to base attacks and is built up after repeated use of a weapon, whether it’s multiple chaining or just pure ‘1 hit attacks’ I’m not sure). It also seems a lot of bosses need to be Degenerated/Tarnished in order for the appropriate weapon type/affinity to have any effectiveness in the first place. Obviously, exploiting a boss’s weakness requires you to equip the appropriate gem or casting the right Enchanter spell (assuming you have the right grimoire item, in some cases requiring you to go out of your way to obtain them) which may expend more time than straight up Raging Ache abuse. I’ll check out their weaknesses and see if it’s worth going the edged/blunt/piercing weapon drop route. If you’re going to read any FAQ on this game then I suggest Beamup’s Battle Mechanics Guide on gamefaqs (Acheron86 linked to this earlier). With that said, I’m fairly certain you’ll be sticking with the Magnolia Frau the whole game as farming for weapons and equipping them will cost more time than it’s worth most likely as each boss has a different weakness most of the time. The main thing right now is to figure out where you’re going to get your BPs and where you’re going to take damage.
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Thanks for the informative posts. I'm still working on Dullahan. Finding RNG seed seems out of the question.
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Yes, after looking at the damage formulae I just don't see any way a weapon pickup is faster than running around at no health and relying on Raging Ache, given the need for buffs/debuffs to make it viable. I still think a crossbow may be worth picking up for a few boss fights where you won't land the first blow with Magnolia Frau's short range--the time lost from its longer animations can't be worse than the delay from enemy attack animations, and this avoids the issue of having to worry about defense abilities to survive special attacks. It's honestly a toss-up in my book, though. I know jumping up and down constantly can delay enemy attacks (they won't ever hit you when you're in the air) and you can possibly avoid them ever getting attacks off, which makes the Frau a better choice. When I get the chance I might try to pick up one or two of the strongest items and see where that puts a first playthrough Ashley in terms of damage output. If there's any boss in particular that you might save a lot of time on, it could be worth it. I'll look into it, but plan on Raging Ache. Riskbreaker Y might be able to verify for me exactly how Braveheart works--I'm curious if this gem might make it possible to get less MISS effects on your attacks. If so, that makes getting a weapon with it worthwhile. What are you trying to do vs Dullahan? Manipulating so that every attack hits?
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Yea in terms of landing the initial attack against bosses, it shouldn't be too much of a problem if it can be done under normal conditions (albeit the Fandango with a longer range). I'm actually curious to see where jumping will be required in boss fights (Rosencrantz is fast) if at all. I'm pretty sure Braveheart gems just increase your odds of landing your base attack. Landing subsequent chains after that is entirely dependent on the inherent chain evade property of an enemy's body part (Check Beamup's CMG for complete stats). Risk, gems, agility, or nothing else affects the odds of landing a chain. I was under the impression that a TAS could circumvent this unfortunate annoyance but apparently it's very difficult to get a long string of chains to connect without a miss.
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Acheron86 wrote:
Yes, after looking at the damage formulae I just don't see any way a weapon pickup is faster than running around at no health and relying on Raging Ache, given the need for buffs/debuffs to make it viable. I still think a crossbow may be worth picking up for a few boss fights where you won't land the first blow with Magnolia Frau's short range--the time lost from its longer animations can't be worse than the delay from enemy attack animations, and this avoids the issue of having to worry about defense abilities to survive special attacks. It's honestly a toss-up in my book, though. I know jumping up and down constantly can delay enemy attacks (they won't ever hit you when you're in the air) and you can possibly avoid them ever getting attacks off, which makes the Frau a better choice. When I get the chance I might try to pick up one or two of the strongest items and see where that puts a first playthrough Ashley in terms of damage output. If there's any boss in particular that you might save a lot of time on, it could be worth it. I'll look into it, but plan on Raging Ache. Riskbreaker Y might be able to verify for me exactly how Braveheart works--I'm curious if this gem might make it possible to get less MISS effects on your attacks. If so, that makes getting a weapon with it worthwhile. What are you trying to do vs Dullahan? Manipulating so that every attack hits?
The only way to manipulate when critical hits occur is before the target sphere is open. Once the target sphere is open the entire attack chain is set in stone. On choosing the body part to attack I might be able to crit on frames 7, 53, and 98. These initial crits can do anywhere from 10-20 damage, which affects the damage of every following hit. So lets say my 20 damage crit happens on frame 98. I then miss 6 out of 15 chains required to down the boss. Missing 6 times isn't very fast, so I try my 16 damage crit on frame 53. I miss 7 times! I can't manipulate any part of a chain once it is started. If I wait 300 frames to attack with a non-crit with no misses is it faster? It might be. This is just using the first frame the target sphere can be opened. If I do erratic movement before I open the target sphere I can change which frames crits occur on. Then the process starts all over. So far 8 misses is the best I can do with attacking the abdomen. Would attacking a different body part doing less damage but missing less be faster? And how does my erratic movement affect the RNG? It is all guess and check at this point. I have spent enough time on it for now. I will come back to it.
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I do not envy you that task. But thanks for the update, and good luck when you return to it. Wish I could do more to help.
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Yes I am working on the boss again. So far I have found a combination of input that is 4 frames faster. The end result is still a crit of 20, 6 misses, 15 chains. I don't think I can improve this fight any more (without addresses.) I'll get the MP+ reel and continue. MP+1 costs 6 frames MP+2 costs 54 frames STR+1 costs 80 frames I can get MP+1 from this boss but I need MP+2 from every boss afterward. Sheathing my weapon while the exit door is opening saves 26 frames but I retain 6 more risk. I will drop maybe 50 risk by the time I get to the next boss. Note: I didn't have any slime enemies in the rooms before 3rd boss. SDA run did.
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Good stuff. Those slimes appear when you have less than 149 HP I believe, so you'll have bats instead. Also, after the 3rd boss when you return to the adjacent room, there will be a skeleton in your way since your current HP will cause it to spawn. You'll lose some time killing it to get it out of the way, but the chains should help your Battle Point count. You might run into an additional skeleton after the lizards 'mid-boss' fight too I think for the same reason. Any slimes you encounter are entirely avoidable though, including the slime right before the Golem boss fight in the next Sanctum section. You just have to wait for it to descend the stairwell a little bit and then climb up so that it's forced to jump up after you. Edit: You probably shouldn't sheathe your weapon since you're going to have to use it soon and you should be able to manipulate an initial hit anyway. It's probably faster to sheathe until after you kill the skeleton in the room with the rusted door, during the door opening animation (right after 3rd boss).
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RiskBreaker Y wrote:
Good stuff. Those slimes appear when you have less than 149 HP I believe, so you'll have bats instead. Also, after the 3rd boss when you return to the adjacent room, there will be a skeleton in your way since your current HP will cause it to spawn. You'll lose some time killing it to get it out of the way, but the chains should help your Battle Point count. You might run into an additional skeleton after the lizards 'mid-boss' fight too I think for the same reason. Any slimes you encounter are entirely avoidable though, including the slime right before the Golem boss fight in the next Sanctum section. You just have to wait for it to descend the stairwell a little bit and then climb up so that it's forced to jump up after you. Edit: You probably shouldn't sheathe your weapon since you're going to have to use it soon and you should be able to manipulate an initial hit anyway. It's probably faster to sheathe until after you kill the skeleton in the room with the rusted door, during the door opening animation (right after 3rd boss).
I don't know anything about how risk calculates hit chance. I can manipulate a crit to start a chain, but once a chain is started the amount of misses is set. Should I focus on risk management?
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Basically the higher your risk, the lower your probability of landing your initial attack. Beamup's Combat Mechanics Guide over at gamefaqs has complete formulas and stuff that breaks everything down. I wouldn't recommend managing risk considering your focus will be on getting the right combination of hits & misses during your chains. I've been able to randomly land clean hits (without crits even) when risk is as high as a 100. Even if it says 0% chance of landing a hit, there's actually still a chance (don't ask me how this works, I dunno). I've gotten lucky and killed stirges in abandoned mines b1 this way among many other instances. So just concentrate on saving frames and sheathe your weapon during door opening animations as much as possible. Also, I noticed you mentioned something about addresses. Over at the gamefaqs board and on youtube, there's a VS modder named Valendian who has been dissecting the game for awhile. If you need specific technical information about the game engine or whatever then I recommend you get in contact with him. I'm sure he'll help you out in any way he can.
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Looks like my idea didn't quite work
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Heh, you definitely have the right idea. The Ghost spawns out of range like most of the time. So getting to it right away can be tricky normally; I usually get out of its range to avoid Solid Shock by inching my way to the right. This way I open the combat sphere on its 2nd teleport. However, it's possible for it to teleport next to you right away. It seems random to me, but maybe there's some way for you to manipulate it to spawn in the right place?
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RiskBreaker Y wrote:
Heh, you definitely have the right idea. The Ghost spawns out of range like most of the time. So getting to it right away can be tricky normally; I usually get out of its range to avoid Solid Shock by inching my way to the right. This way I open the combat sphere on its 2nd teleport. However, it's possible for it to teleport next to you right away. It seems random to me, but maybe there's some way for you to manipulate it to spawn in the right place?
Yeah I'm going to try to get him to spawn closer to the door. Unsheathing late doesn't matter since I have to wait for him to spawn. Going to try to get some testing Saturday. The lowest I can get my risk is about 54.
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I started playing through again recently. I've found that getting the ghost to spawn next to you is easier if you stand still rather than trying to anticipate where it will appear next. The frequency of this occurring also depended on where I was standing in the room (specifically in regards to how close I was to a wall). Of course, all of this might mean nothing in a TAS, especially if you want it to appear right next to you the very first time. Incidentally, I forgot how hard this game was on a first playthrough. It took me about half a dozen times to kill the ghost, since there's no way to get Phantom affinity up before fighting the thing unless you keep trying and failing! Also, Acheron86: I'm probably going to try for KoB this time around! I'm more patient than I was back in my high school days.
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Past ghost. I'm excited to optimize this box puzzle without enemies!
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I'm busy with school so I've been less present lately, but I'll check in when I can. Beamup's listed hit% formula doesn't seem right to me. I don't really know how to challenge it one way or another but it seems like a lot of enemies would naturally have a ridiculously high chance to evade early game. It also doesn't explain why you can land a hit at 100 RISK and/or a 0% chance to attack the enemy, and fairly often at that (in my experience, somewhere around 1 out of 8 attacks that show a 0% hit chance will connect anyway). I'm interested to see how quickly you blow through the game once you get to the forest. We should look at the duration of the Faerie Wings buff and figure out how many you need--I'm willing to bet that it'll be worth farming an adequate supply to last you throughout the game, even if it means more time spent in the forest--there's simply too many puzzles skipped and enemies avoided when you're moving at that speed to justify ignoring them. I think a chest late game has 5, but I can't remember if it's on the way or not.
ElectroSpecter wrote:
Also, Acheron86: I'm probably going to try for KoB this time around! I'm more patient than I was back in my high school days.
I have had about 6 29-chain combos that made me rip my hair out; something about that number is cursed. I also had one that I landed the 30th combo but the dummy died from hit #29. I suppose using MP/HP restoring skills would be wiser but their slow speed tests my sanity. At any rate, godspeed!
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Almost to the end of segment 1 of the SDA run. Rough estimate now is about 4 minutes faster out of 15. No need to kill enemies SDA segment 1 time TAS time BP update: 1st ability learned from 1st lizard. 7 BP gained from 2nd lizard. I think you learned your 2nd ability from Golem (or was it your third?) I'll probably have around 19/34 after him.
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Wow, you're really cruising through this. My best segment 1 time is actually 14:07 (which can be dropped further obviously), but you still blow that away! I got my 3rd chain ability after the golem. And if you managed to avoid that hellhound in the catacombs at the box puzzle then that's pretty impressive. That thing has ohko'd me a couple times during my single segment attempts. I'm trying to figure out what exactly you're doing, clearly you baited one of them to destroy a box but that still leaves the other one. Used the skeleton as a human shield perhaps?
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RiskBreaker Y wrote:
Wow, you're really cruising through this. My best segment 1 time is actually 14:07 (which can be dropped further obviously), but you still blow that away! I got my 3rd chain ability after the golem. And if you managed to avoid that hellhound in the catacombs at the box puzzle then that's pretty impressive. That thing has ohko'd me a couple times during my single segment attempts. I'm trying to figure out what exactly you're doing, clearly you baited one of them to destroy a box but that still leaves the other one. Used the skeleton as a human shield perhaps?
Time for your next SDA submission. Get to work! I'm planning on encoding after the golem is down. Early testing shows it will probably take 17 or 18 chains to kill the golem. I'll need to make up BP near the fire elemental. Looks like the dragon will give me my second but waste quite a bit. The guards in the start of segment 3 will probably give me all I need. They should take at least 20 hits each. The Dragon head takes 56 frames to get a max crit of 10. Took 27 chain to kill. I'm working on getting to the tail without getting hit. Initial crit will be more like 40 damage. But hit chance is 19%. 8BP until 2nd skill. Hoping for no more than 10 hits for the tail. EDIT: Tail is target-able but a miss without the option for a chain means I'm actually hitting the wall. I have about 2800 frames to mess with to beat my 27chain head kill. In order to target his tail I have to wait about 130 frames then he does a 200 frame physical attack. Then running around to the tail. So it takes about 400 frames to get the tail in the target sphere. This puts me much closer to the exit door. In testing I haven't actually landed a critical hit on the tail. Maybe 4/50 hits connected and 24 damage was the high hit. So 2800 frames to kill the head. Damage should take 1700 frames + 400 frames to get to the tail - 100 for closer door position. Seems like this will be faster for sure. Should be at least 800 frames faster. More testing ok bye
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WIP 3 to Dragon Save point time comparison Currently: Working on 3 soldiers fight. My first idea was run up the slope and kill both enemies since the entrance is also the exit. And kill the final enemy while doing this. Then I realized the two henchmen talk for a minute when you kill the boss before them. I can easily run up and kill the boss first then the last two without getting hit. Testing killing the henchmen first to reduce dialog. So I equip the Magnolia Frau after the mines dragon or immediately when I unlock raging ache? I'll probably equip impact guard when I equip raging ache. I'll be in the menu and I'm sure I'll need it to keep my health low.
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I'll check out the WIP later since I'm at work right now. Regarding equipping the Magnolia Frau, you should wait until after the Wyvern fight considering its tail is weak to edged weapons. There's also a mandatory fight with a couple zombies where the Fandango also comes useful. The staff is made of silver so it should be useful against them too but the low PP would result in roughly the same damage output as the Fandango which should have a lot of PP by now. That's why I say wait so there's less menu navigation.
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RiskBreaker Y wrote:
I'll check out the WIP later since I'm at work right now. Regarding equipping the Magnolia Frau, you should wait until after the Wyvern fight considering its tail is weak to edged weapons. There's also a mandatory fight with a couple zombies where the Fandango also comes useful. The staff is made of silver so it should be useful against them too but the low PP would result in roughly the same damage output as the Fandango which should have a lot of PP by now. That's why I say wait so there's less menu navigation.
I have a somewhat good Duane fight. Good enough to move on. I learned my third ability from him. So the wyvern will give me my 4th. It was strange watching your run where your heavy shot did 1 damage and raging ache did 23 or so. My initial crit was somewhere in the 80s on the legs. I went about 200 frames out on the head because it was more damage but with a 0% chance to hit and 100 risk I don't think crits are possible. The bosses are where the most time can be saved by far with some sort of lua script to brute force this tedium. Let me know what you think of the WIP.
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Looking awesome so far! Nice to see that ghost utterly destroyed in a first playthrough. I wish I could offer more than just general encouragement and interest, but it seems the technical aspect is well-covered by you other dudes. Keep up the good work
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Excellent work! Things that were great: 1) I like how you targeted the Ghost as soon as it spawned. Being right next to the door is a bonus. 2) You just hopped over that skeleton like nothing right after the Ghost. I guess you have to be at a higher level to make it, I never even thought of that. 3) Optimal box puzzle solution. 4) Taking damage from the enemies following the lizards mini-boss battle. You have to take damage somewhere and this is a good place for that. 5) Playing hide & seek with the slime and bat right before the Dragon. I could do this with the slime alone but not with the bat too. Funny stuff. 6) Targeting the Dragon's tail. Excellent strategy, that seems tough to do normally but it should be worth incorporating into a speedrun. On the Duane battle: yea I've definitely revamped my strats against him since my submission at SDA. I also target his legs but I have to rely on a ~30% chance of landing an initial blow of roughly 25-30 hp dmg with over 80 RISK usually. Yea each henchman actually says something different, depending on which one is still left alive. One important question though: after Duane, have you tried jumping over the river to the other side? This is practically the only sequence break I can imagine for this game (besides somehow glitching through locked doors). If you could accomplish this, you'd be able to skip ALL of Abandoned Mines B1 and save yourself almost 10 mins. game time. I've never been able to pull this off but I'm hoping this is possible in a TAS?? I doubt it, but you should look into it at least.
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I thought that a TAS of this game would be kind of boring, but I was wrong! Your WIP looks great! I think it's abundantly entertaining, and has style!