Kind of a shout out to feos because of a conversation on Discord. In a way because of that. I turned an 8 frame improvement into a 183 frame one. Just because I didn't realize the timer stopped with the last input.
So after messing around with the last input thing. I noticed I relied on Down B too much to start the combo. So I tried using standing A as a starter whenever possible. Which meant more damage faster. So I applied it to the rest of the run. Also whenver possible I used standing A into the super. Instead of Down B.
General Improvements:
183 frames or about 3 seconds.
Better over all damage optimization.
Epyon round 2 optimized for last input.
Note: I didn't record the credits and stuff this time. Just from power on to the start of the credits.
feos: Trimmed blank input at the end and cleared the branch (we don't put "fastest completion" in branch labels, we use a movie flag for that).