Posts for -Tempest

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Orz? /offtopic /edited to use my own host :P
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Terimakasih wrote:
To Rick Thanks Rick; By the way, may I ask you what does 'bucks' mean? I tried to seach 'bucks' and 'buck', but I couldn't find this word,sorry. (But I think that 'bucks' means maybe a word of praise.)
I can answer that for you. There are three definitions of 'buck' that I'm aware of off the top of my head, but the one he is using here is slang. One definition is a term for a moose. The other definition is a term for a fast, jerky motion. But here he's using it to mean slang for 'dollars'. So he's saying you deserve 'a million dollars' for this run. Hope that helps.
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If "RS" means Red Scarlet, then it should be Mrs. Red S., shouldn't it?
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Seems to me the other videos only hit the steam once (in the larger room). This one hits it in the room before (I think), which may provide that tiny edge.
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Terimakasih wrote:
-Tempest wrote:
Was that a 46.61 escape? o.O
Sorry, what does this-number mean?(46.61) I try to find this-number,but I couldn't find this one;
The time left on the clock when you escaped from Ceres Station was 46.61. I was expressing my surprise (and admiration) that it had been done that quickly. I hadn't seen it done with such speed before :)
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Good stuff! I knew about that shortcut, but only because I'd seen it done by a friend of mine a long long time ago hehe.
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Was that a 46.61 escape? o.O
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Terimakasih wrote:
-Tempest wrote:
TNSe has it about right. A lot of the time it'll be used the same way as ;) or ^_~ or anything of that nature.I usually use it to indicate that what I'm saying is meant to be funny, or a joke, or as TNSe said, sarcastic.
Oh, Thank you, and I tell this to Japanese-People,too. I think that '^_~' means 'a wink-face', doesn't it?;
Exactly. :P
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TNSe has it about right. A lot of the time it'll be used the same way as ;) or ^_~ or anything of that nature. I usually use it to indicate that what I'm saying is meant to be funny, or a joke, or as TNSe said, sarcastic.
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And as far for the rules etc... You didnt know about them, and personally since Im a biiig Metroid fan, I enjoyed every second of the 2 min intro.
I think that's the part that is causing trouble. It reads as though Angerfist were upset that the introduction was not included, but the rest of the post is all positive.
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lol Phil. Your way is right, and everyone else's is wrong, eh? :0
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-ziplock- wrote:
What if a glitch was discovered like, for example, land on Bowser's head and you're teleported to the axe? The movie would be stopped there, correct? Everyone would go for that.
Sure, submit the run like that. If it was badass enough, I'm sure people would take it. However stopping in mid jump instead of when you touch the axe when all other movies stop when you touch the axe is kind of cheap, in my humble opinion.
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I think once a precedent has been set for a given game, all subsequent movies should end at the same time. For example, Super Mario Bros. The previous Super Mario Bros. videos ended when the axe was touched, correct? Then all future Super Mario Bros. should end when the axe is touched.
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If you need someone to translate to English, try and find someone who's fluent. *hint hint*
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Wow, finally got a good rom and watched your progress so far on this. Amazing. Can't wait for the finished product :D
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Well, the "one item" run has already made it to VHS for the tapes I bring to a friend's place (poor guy has no computer). If this one is even more impressive, it'll definitely have a spot :)
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lol you people are so harsh a lot of the time.
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*mourns his dead hard drive* I used to have upwards of 700 hours of game music... and it's (almost) all gone.
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Locke wrote:
Personally, I like the first one much better :)
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Make it an AVI so I can watch it ;)
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Deja Vu would be cool to see, I must agree. I've always loved these types of games.
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I've downloaded this thing like six times and it's always corrupt. Here's hoping it works today ;)
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Well, the UT league I help run lost our storage space for match demos... ... so 1 GB really helps :P
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Nitpick. Red Scarlet's a she ;)
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I don't see what the major issue with a song is :) I'd say use it, like people do in anime music videos, and if it's ever an issue, at that point simply remove the video.