Posts for Clark

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Joined: 8/4/2005
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I know it's been awhile since anyone posted about this but... Was the early tunic glitch in DX figured out? One thing I thought of that no one seemed to mention was the possibility of Bow-Wow's eating of enemies doing something wierd with the points. Unless of course, Bow-Wow did not eat anything when the glitch was executed. Even if it isn't used in a TAS, it would be interesting to know how it works.
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Post subject: TAS moves that helped you in normal play?
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Joined: 8/4/2005
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Sometimes a TAS does something that doesn't require frame or pixel perfection to pull off, or just does something that you might not have thought of otherwise. I find it extremely satisfying when something I see in a TAS can be useful to me in normal play. Here's some examples: 1. The Use all DSS glitch in CoTM. Brilliant! Right after watching the movie, I tried it out for myself, I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did it work, but it was pretty easy to do it regularly. 2. Using #2 as a platform in MM2 (NES). Of all the things I saw in that movie, that was the one that I remember as making me go "d'oh, why didn't I think of that?" Like 1. it isn't all that hard to do it at normal speed, but it is tougher than the DSS glitch, and it's easy to use up more of #2 than you wanted to. But one of the biggest I can think of right now is 3. Pressing down to inflate new Balloons in Balloon Kid. Not exactly a "trick" or "glitch," more like a "make this game actually beatable." When I first played this game, I thought the let go of the balloon button was basically a suicide move, since I thought you had to get new ones from some kind of power-up that was never there. That changed when I watched MattyXB's nearly Balloonless run. I found the run entertaining and it helped me be able to play the game! Thanks man.
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I have some more obscure games to add to the list: 1.Avenging Spirit 2.Battle Unit Zeoth 3.Knight's Quest By a strange quirk, that list is simultaneously arranged in alphabetical order, likelihood of being TASed and my preference for them to be TASed. Anyway, some info: Avenging Spirit: A short but difficult action platformer where the protagonist is a ghost who has the ability and need to possess any enemy it comes across. Each enemy has different attack and movement capabilities as well as hitpoints, so a TASer has plenty of choices. You have two life meters, the life of the possesed enemy, as well as your "spiritual power." If your host runs out of health or if you press select, you ditch them and become a free floating apparition again. While in this state, you can pass through walls and enemies can do nothing to you, in fact they don't even notice you. However, you constantly lose "spiritual power," lose it all and its game over (infinite continues though). Some enemies do have the ability to damage your "spiritual power" directly when you have a host, so be mindful of that. I don't know if death can be used to save time, but if you die, you come back in whatever host you had last, this can be useful for keeping a host in a level where it doesn't show up. Interesting/useful hosts: Blonde Karate Girl - One of the three host you are offered in the beginning tutorial. Take her! She is fast and has a good jump and a bit of range for her attack. The best choice for the first areas. Buzzcut guy with pistol - He has one of the highest jumps, and full screen range, otherwise not so great. Robot - Not so quick, and not a great jump vertically, but this guy "floats" (a slower descent useful for getting across longer gaps) . Plus his missiles are long range and powerful. Yogi - His movement sucks, and his attack is no range(punch) and weak, but, he can "fly" (through his meditationary powers, you can jump while in the air, infinite times). Also, I believe his horizontal movement is faster while flying (perhaps a TASer might be able to get some nice speed similar to the underwater parts of the Wonderboy 5 TAS). Shuriken Ninja - Fast, nice jump, long range attack and Ninja. Invisible Man - You can't attack but enemies can't attack you, his hitpoints constantly run out, basically a nice way to avoid damage, but you have to plan for your next host. If you somehow got up to a boss with this guy, you'd be totally screwed. Laser Girl - Not an enemy, but instead the person you are trying to save. Getting her means you are on your way to the "good" ending (Bad ending means not saving her). She moves and looks like Karate Girl, but her Laser is long range and (I think,) the most powerful weapon in the game. Getting her involves a bit of extra legwork, but not much I think. I recommend a TASer grab her. Yikes, that was longer than I thought. I'll post the info about the other games later I guess.
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Another voice from new land. I've been lurking here for a bit, and even registered awhile back to talk about a movie that is not even submitted, much less a star candidate (Caitsith's Radar Mission Lucky Shot only run). When I first came here I did not even look at the list of the "best." But that was because I was directed here by word of mouth. The first thing I watched was the Super Metroid run, the any% with the bomb jump acrobatics and the murder beam glitch. I was watching it a bit behind the person who pointed it out to me, so we were talking about it. I remember being awed by the aforementioned "bomb jump acrobatics" and when the murder beam glitch came, it was quite a surprise. But the reason I even watched this at all was because I was familiar with the game, and also a bit familiar with these runs. Having seen the "crazy god technique" of SMB1 and the "legendary" SMB3 run by Morimoto. Not from this site here though. But after that, I decided to go back and see what movies you had. I checked the NES and SNES sections. But did not download anything right away. And then I downloaded some more runs, but I had to be able to get them from because at first I did not watch using emulators for fear of vexing compatibility problems, I also avoided the torrents. Man it was so long ago, and they are on a different computer so I don't remember all the ones I watched back then. But I do remember Dragon Warrior being one of the first. Like Unless I am one of those kids who got Dragon Warrior for free from Nintendo Power. Also like Unless, I could never beat it (without cheating). So it was exhilarating to see that game crushed so quickly. I also recall watching and enjoying: the Altered Beast run, both Kid chameleon runs (though I enjoyed the longer a lot more), a couple of Megaman series runs but I don't remember which ones, I think 2 and 3, and perhaps surprisingly, the Super Mario RPG run. Perhaps that last one indicates I am not a typical New'un, but that is what I went for. I guess your goal with these starred movies is to set the hooks into new folks so they will come back and see what else there is to offer. I have to say that you guys have hooked me. I grabbed the compatible emulators, and everything. I even lurk around the forums quite a bit to see if any interesting or obscure runs are being done. Like for instance, the Radar Mission run and the Balloon Kid (almost) balloonless run. But the main thing that will hook people is familiarity, all the games I mentioned, I am familiar with. Ranging from very familiar, to even just a little. I even watched both UK runs because I played that game a bit once (I preferred the longer one). But then, I don't even recall noticing the stars. Ahh, I am sorry if I am rambling too much, I tend to avoid posting as much as I can and then wind up making one huge post every so often.
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Post subject: I was not expecting to see a run of this!
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Joined: 8/4/2005
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This was an obscure game that ate hours of my childhood, I'm glad that someone else thought enough of it to do a run. I was absolutely floored when you beat level 1 in two turns! The other levels are good as well, but seeing the entire fleet destroyed in one hit on level 1... man. I was confused about something though, on level 3, you miss to get a black star and then destroy the two hit tank on the next turn, is this actually faster than just hitting it twice normally? Or was it only because the goal was to destroy all with only black stars? Also, I downloaded the movie making versions of some of the emulators from mentioned in the FAQ, because I thought that I enjoyed watching these movies so much, I maybe should try my hand at making some in order to "give back." This was the game I decided to make my first movie as a sort of test, both of my ability to make these movies, and of how the movie making works. I did not know about your run at the time, and only found out about it after I finished and checked to see if there was one (silly me). I have been agonizing over where to post about it for three days, so I figured I'd just post it here. My run is different from yours caitsith2, because it does not use luck manipulation (I don't know how to do it) and also aims for 100% accuracy. So no missing, which also means no stars. I go to turn 44 which is the minimum number of turns possible without using stars, I am also many frames slower than yours because of all the turn animations, but according to the game I am only 2 time units slower than you at 0:10. The bucktoothed ensign is much slower though. I don't know if I should have started a new topic for this run or not, nor do I know how to upload it. I am not sure where beginner questions are supposed to go, I hope who ever sees this can bear with me. If I am doing this correctly let me know and I can post more about the run.
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