Posts for DaNaRkI

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went with github. Also I am going to change the topic title, and edit the original post.
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I have seen it mentioned as a working site for hosting avatars, so I might turn to that. I would prefer it over imgur. I am still gonna wait a bit and see if anyone can give me info on why image hosting one way (that the forum can pull up in post) does not work the other. Or if I am reading something wrong. I made sure the image is smaller than 100 by 100, tho that seems to be a soft rule, and not a limitation of the platform. and also smaller than 9kB.
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brunovalads wrote:
I have searched and seen that as the goto place for people hosting avatars here. I don't currently use it and would rather not. As far as I can tell, the image is being hosted correctly, otherwise I would expect the forum to not have shown my examples. Which it does, I have checked from three different browsers on two computers, plus mobile via my phone. And, No I don't have the 3 sites logged in/installed on the other computer nor my phone. I could not find a "list of approved sites" or of prohibited sites either. Just a little bit of seeing one image hosting service fail after another and everyone move to the next thing just for it to go down. I am looking for a better understanding of the avatar acceptance aspects, to figure out if I can use something I already have setup. I can not find anything explaining "the remote avatar is not valid" does not tell me how or why. Also, if other users, using one of the mentioned sites are able to get an avatar to display it means I am doing something wrong. And can fix.
Post subject: Forum img vs avatar img (was Help getting my avatar...)
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Edited: just went with github. Tho I would still like to know why the forum can show my chosen image but the profile gets rejected. Also, removing the stupidly long ugly urls. - - - - - - - - - - - I am unable to get my avatar to show. I tried three different sources OneDrive, Dropbox, and Google Photo The one attempt that has not been met with a "The URL of the remote avatar is not valid" message is one from Dropbox, but it still does not show. Examples I have tried: OneDrive .png 100x100 1.66KB url removed for being too long and ugly Dropbox .gif (non-animated) 98x98 1.22KB Google Photo .png 100x100 1.78KB url removed for being too long and ugly What I really don't get is the Dropbox link is accepted, yet nothing loads. Where as the OneDrive version shows here but I am told is invalid. - - - - after some trial and error using the "preview" option I was able to get this Dropbox image to load but am still told it is invalid, this is an alternate access to the same file. url removed for being too long and ugly Same with Google Photo Any ideas? Maybe the addresses are too long?
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Ok, but before I do. In the fceux TASEditor manual, it mentions Multitrack recording. It shows in the UI, the ability to pick a player, and only changes the desired inputs. Does TAStudio have this feature? Or a way to "lock" inputs so they don't get rewritten? My usage case is to do a quick record of a player's movement across a stage then, go back and tighten up the route, then repeat with the next player.
Post subject: Feature request?
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Is there a place (besides here) to see/request possible upcoming features?