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Sounds like a corrupt ROM file. You're probably missing the last 32K of CHR-ROM, so your file is 224k instead of 256k. If you have the 232k version, then pad the ROM file to 256k and update the header.
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Was this game done by the guy who made Dudes With Attitudes/Trolls on Treasure Island?
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I don't think lag frames are the boogeyman here, just "Screen Off" frames. When the screen is off, there's no vblank interrupt or vsync, and the screen can turn back on at ANY time, and it will immediately begin the next frame. This is significant because other systems like the NES keep the video counters running with the screen off, and you still get periodic vblank interrupts. Then you turn the screen back on during vblank time, so the next frame displays properly. But not on the gameboy. The screen can be turned on at any time, so what would otherwise be the middle of the frame suddenly becomes the start of the frame. The only accurate way to time GB videos is to count total cycles executed, or measure Screen-Off frames in fractional units.
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Does version 1.1 of the game fix the death-pipe glitch? I've heard there are other ways to get through the floor without the pipe glitch. Would anyone care about a TAS of version 1.1 of the game?
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dballin wrote:
If you want to be technical it's actually 'ChuChu Rocket!' but yeah that's the name.
Does anyone actually call the boxing game "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!"? Back to the topic, completing the easy levels is not impressive, no longer how quickly done it is.
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I just watched episode 3, and it felt like I was watching Arthur. But with better animation and more girls.
Post subject: Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread
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DarkMoon wrote:
From the creator somebody who worked on the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Lauren Faust, get ready to lay your eyes upon the most fantastic cartoon you will ever witness!
I just checked Wikipedia, and Lauren Faust is Craig McCracken's wife.
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My cookie just broke again.
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Someone should TAS the GBA verison of Panel De Pon. No, I'm not talking about Puzzle League.
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Click to enlarge. Start menu is cropped off.
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Sometimes you end a sentence with an abbreviation, and two spaces will clearly disambiguate a sentence end from an abbreviation.
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Summer of 1997. I was at a computer camp, someone was playing Super Mario Bros. 3 on a computer, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. It was Nesticle for Windows 95, probably version 0.32. Things like Sprite priority and Scrolling hadn't been completely figured out at that point. Mushrooms appeared on top of Question blocks. The status bar was screwed up in the water levels where the water waves up and down.
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Where are you referring to your text going down to 1 space? When you use an HTML-based editor, like CKEditor, or whatever Firefox or IE has built in, you can insert multiple spaces, and it will generate the   (non-breaking space) characters.
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Are you sure? Galaga doesn't have a Z in the pattern table.
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The code is A082:DF I'm disassembling the effects of the code: On bank 0E: There's a CALL instruction for address A0A1. The code instead changes it to address A0DF. 0E:A081:20 A1 A0 JSR $A0A1 Normally the code in that area looks like this:
0E:A0DD:8D FB 07  STA $07FB
0E:A0E0:CE FD 07  DEC $07FD
0E:A0E3:D0 51     BNE $A136
0E:A0E5:A4 73     LDY $0073
0E:A0E7:E6 73     INC $0073
0E:A0E9:B9 C5 A1  LDA $A1C5,Y @ $A1C5
0E:A0EC:F0 04     BEQ $A0F2
0E:A0EE:10 1F     BPL $A10F
0E:A0F0:D0 10     BNE $A102
0E:A0F2:A9 08     LDA #$08
0E:A0F4:8D 15 40  STA $4015
But we jumped into the middle of an instruction, so instead the code looks like this:
SBC $D007,X
EOR ($A4),Y
RRA ($E6),Y*
RRA ($B9),Y*
*Illegal instructions, SLO shifts memory left, RRA rotates memory right So here, we lost some original game logic where it loads values from memory, increments some values, and peforms checks on those values, and instead we have crap executed. Now, it has performed bit shifting/rotation on memory at $CE, ($E6 + Y), and ($B9 + Y). The indirect addresses happened to be in Zeropage at the time, so they weren't mapper writes, but it's still corrupting some other variable. And register A now contains something it's not supposed to contain at that point. Then on bank 03: Original code:
03:A082:C9 5B     CMP #$5B
03:A084:D0 57     BNE $A0DD
03:A086:AC 0A 07  LDY $070A
03:A089:C0 04     CPY #$04
03:A08B:F0 0C     BEQ $A099
03:A08D:C0 08     CPY #$08
03:A08F:F0 08     BEQ $A099
New code:
DCP $505B*
SLO $C0*
DOP $F0*
TOP $08C0*
BEQ $A099  (aligned back to original code again)
*Illegal instructions. DOP and TOP do nothing, DCP decreases memory, SRE shifts memory right, SLO shifts memory left. So this game genie code is a bunch of crap that just corrupts some memory every frame, and prevents original code from running. Nothing worth TASing.
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Life is deterministic, you react exactly to stimuli and the current state of your brain. But there's no way to predict what's going to happen, so as long as you pretend that you have free will, you basically do.
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Doesn't XKeeper have a history of "leaving" boards and making new boards? I know he split off Acmlmboard into "Justus league".
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FODA wrote:
Are you related to this then?
I wasn't involved in the creation of Hyakugojyuuichi Forever, but several elements from my flashes did get thrown in there. Such as Nicholas, James Bond's hand and gun, "Cute Blood", "U R Fired", Wesley Willis Hamburglar, Team Rocket James from the banned Pokemon episode, etc.
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My avatar? It's from back when I did my flash movies (Animutations). I was working on a flash called Suzukisan, and I reached a point where I wanted to throw in an image of Utena. So, I fired up Google Image Search, and found this: (Wow, the site dates back to 2001 and is still up!) I saw the Powerpuff version of Utena, and was like "holy crap, this is awesome". I abandoned any plans to include the original Utena in my flash. I cropped out the background and changed the mouth to a new animated one. The avatar version has been re-edited a few times, the original had major JPEG artifacts everywhere. If you still haven't watched my flashes (which have made it all over the internet), do so if you want to see what Internet Memes were like back in 2002.
Post subject: Cookie problems
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It seems that I'm losing my forum login cookie very quickly on this site. Are you giving out the correct expiration date?
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I'm all for fixing FCEUX to make it match real hardware better, old TASs be damned.
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Make sure you didn't suddenly end up with cheats enabled by mistake.
Post subject: Requesting Sticky topic for "Gruefood Delight" link
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Can you put a sticky topic in the "Gruefood" forum that links to the Gruefood Delight page?
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Just wanted to mention there's a minor bug in the noise channel after switching between NTSC and PAL mode. Start a game in PAL mode, or change to PAL mode and reset. Switch to NTSC mode. Noise becomes higher pitched than it would otherwise be. Most noticeable for looped noise mode. Example: Quick Man's stage in Mega Man 2. Resetting again fixes the problem. Also, there's a spam entry on the SF bug tracker that hasn't been deleted.
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No more "Champions are honored for their exploits here" message I see...
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