Posts for Fethy

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Dawn wrote: Rom:SMW Tell me your improvements, excluded lag(because at the moment i don't really understand it:-/)
Catching an object before changing direction : most of the time it's gonna be faster to just run into the object at full speed to reset your speed and then use the -1 trick. That'll save you a few frames in Donut Secret House.
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andymac wrote:
I have absolutely no idea if more is possible, so you should probably wait for Mister's answer, but having 4 of your score digits above 4 when Chef Stef only had 1 might also be the cause of that extra lag
I wouldn't think so, because there are no calculations done on the score during this time, this would affect lag at the end of the level when the score is recalculated, but I don't think it affects lag in the level.
Well if I set the score to 0 with a code I got 24 frames less of lag so I'm pretty confident it does although I don't know why it happens.
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andymac wrote: Okay, so the progress for SDW has been pretty slow recently because I hate TASing autoscrollers. I also hate swimming levels. Finally I also hate lag reduction. This level has all three. So anyway, the problem is that I have about 10 more frames of lag than Chef Stef in this autoscroller. Now I'm not completely sure, but there is a fish that I kill at frame 80709, and if I could kill it maybe 1 or 2 frames before, I could get less lag, however, because of my cape spin timer, I can't kill this fish earlier unless I am on the other side of it, but I can't do that because I need the screen to scroll. Ideally I want to have less frames of lag than Chef-Stef. Can anyone help me with this?
A lot of time, not moving will reduce the lag. You can at least save 3 frames like this => 4 frames should be possible with better positionning and moves. I have absolutely no idea if more is possible, so you should probably wait for Mister's answer, but having 4 of your score digits above 4 when Chef Stef only had 1 might also be the cause of that extra lag
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Masterjun wrote:
is nothing better than 0 eg 400 and 4000 what have less lag?
I just made some tests and result with the same amount of lag for 400, 4 000, 40 000 and 400 000. The number of digits doesn't seem to matter. Only their value does.
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Well there's a lot of stuff going on... There is indeed the score : The more digits below 4 the better it is. If there are still some stuff to happen after your complete a level, like generators (for eeries, bullet bill, and so on...), clapping chucks, up and down lava,... avoid duck jumping, or facing left, because the game will have to make Mario stand, face right... while the rest is happening and will cause more lag. Also sometimes, passing the goal bar a few frames later cause enough less lag to make it worth it but I only noticed that once and it was a slippery level with generator so not sure if it has something to do with that. For the pipe thing, Mister explain it pretty well somewhere (probably in this thread), you'll have to search for it, but basically, iirc the lag depends on how far you're stuck into the pipe before entering it. The more pixels you are into the pipe the less lag you have. EDIT : here it is : [Quote=Mister]I forgot to note pipe entrance information in smw any% run's text, and I'd share it here. When you enter a pipe from the left, you can stick yourself into the pipe before entering it. If you can get yourself stuck in the pipe by n pixels, you'll get map transition 2n frames faster than usual. Then by what pixels can you stick yourself into a pipe (or wall, etc)? Saying from the conclusion, you can get 3 pixels with speed 51 or 49, and 2 pixels with speed 37 or 33 (in water level, with item). But you must be landing on the ground 1 frame before you enter the pipe, so you end up losing your speed and the pixels by which you can stick yourself into the pipe before entering it are: * 3 pixels with speed 51 * 2 pixels with speed 49 or 37 * 1 pixel with speed 31-33 (in water level, with item) Here are samples with speed 51: The trick is used in the former but not in the latter. In pipe1, I sacrificed 1 frame to stick mario into the pipe by 3 pixels (instead of 2 pixels), and got 1 frame as a result. This technique should be used in YI4 of any% run, but a corner-boost at the first block made us end up being stuck into the pipe by three pixels so we didn't have to do the trick. I think this is why I dropped this infomation in the text of the current any% run. :p [/quote]
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amaurea wrote:
I had no trouble downloading it from nicovideo using download helper, but if you get on #tasvideos at freenode, I can send it to you.
Oh I didn't know that thing "Download Helper". I've been able to download it. Thanks a lot.
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Hey guys. I would be very interesting in watching this run but unfortunately something is wrong with my computer and I can't watch any streaming video without having a huge lag. So my question is, is there any possibilities to download the video somewhere or even better (but I doubt it) to find the smv ?
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Masterjun wrote:
Did you know, that if you sit on an invisible yoshi, pick up something and go to the invisible yoshi, that you then get off from yoshi? video
Yeah, it's been used in the hack called "Super Trick World". Since the invisi-yoshi continue to run after that, you can change its coordonate before jumping on it. It's quite useful if that changes its Y position and allows you to do the "jump off invisi-Yoshi" trick to enter places impossible otherwise.
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Masterjun wrote:
What is actually the fastest method to climb up a vine?
UP+B for one frame, blank for one frame, UP+B for one frame, blank for one frame and so on...
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Mister wrote:
jimsfriend wrote:
Could that L+R trick in Run Shell Run be used in boos tower to skip boos tower? Yoshi + spring gets through the ceiling in the first room. Fly to the right to get near the last room. 1) cram the spring into the top left edge of the super thick wall. L+R it over until it falls. Step on the spring as it falls. This will only work if the jiggling movement it does is enough to make it go high enough that mario can step on it. 2) cram the spring into the top left edge of the super thick wall. mario precedes it and also crammed himself into the wall, so the spring is on his left. L+R the spring over so it pushes mario until he falls. 3) you guys are crazy, i'm sure you will figure out something (and probably already have made the .smv).
What crazy ideas :p I tried those two and another one (using yoshi + spring at the second room from below) but I could pull off none of them... 1) I can't step on the springboard, 2) mario can't precede the crammed springboard, 3) the springboard vanishes before I step on it. If yoshi's id # were #3, "yoshi eats nothing" glitch could be applied to pass through the ceiling. After I finished these tests, I noticed that this level can be skipped by lakitu's could. It's much faster and easier but maybe kinda disappointing.
Are you guys talking about SDW ? I haven't played this game for ages but I think Lakitu's cloud is only available after the Big Boo's tower no ?
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andymac wrote:
Thanks for that address. I found that if I go past some fireballs, I can change that address and then affect the renzor fight
You're welcome. So if it's a RNG issue, this is how it works. It starts at 0 when you enter the level, then when it changes it always follows the same sequence of number. Then there is 3 differents type of ennemies. - The one that don't interfer with the RNG. - The one that makes the RNG moves to its next value when they enter the screen. - The one that makes the RNG moves to its next value when they enter the screen, and everytime a specific frame is reached while they're still on screen. So I haven't check how is the level you're talking about but you can probably manipulate the RNG by trying to get some ennemy's on or off screen depending what number do you want for it.
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andymac wrote:
yeah, I found that they will always fire at the same frame after the start of the fight, so if I delay the entrance to the fight, I get the exact same fight scenario.
Ah, so it's not like the Bowsers' statues and chucks since I'm pretty sure it's always on the same frame and not relevant to the frame you enter the room. Maybe it'll have something to do with the RNG. Check if you got variation on it at 0x7E148B (Thanks to Mister for giving me this adress).
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andymac wrote:
Does anyone know anything about randomness in SMW? I was TASing Super Demo world, and I got some really bad luck with the renzor, which would add a second minimum to the time, and nothing I seem to do affects the fireballs at all.
Um, what do you mean by bad luck with the Reznor ? They fire at the wrong time ? I've actually never TASed a Reznor fight, but I'll assume that's working like the fireballs from the bowser's statue and footballs throw by chucks. If that's the case, then the fireballs are shot at some specific frames (always the same) set by the game. There's only a few ways to avoid a shot (being in the process of losing a power up, having the screen scrolling,... when the frame is reached) but they'll all make you lose a bunch of time. A faster way to manipulate it, would be to delay your entrance in the Reznor fight by a few frames. Meaning they will still fire at the same specific frame, but the coordonates of the Reznor will be slightly different when they'll do. If that's not working like that then you'll have to deal with the RNG and it's a little bit more complicated, so I'll go into details later if needed.
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darkdyllon wrote:
Patashu wrote:
darkdyllon wrote:
scrimpeh wrote:
...just press both keys at once?
im using a ps2 controller and the d-pad so when i press left i cant press right withoud releasing left isnt there any other way?
Write an AutoHotKeys script that simulates sending d-pad left and d-pad right.
and then another problem came across i dont got any experience with scripting or anything else al i can do is actualy gaming:( if some one can help me with this i would be very gratefull
If you got a snes9x version with "Input Macro Editor", go into it. Write : (><) into the first line and check it, and also check the "Toggle" button. That way the game will automatically press right and left at the same time for you until you unchek that line in the "Macro Input Editor". If you don't have the "Input Macro Editor", simply go to Joypad Configuration and assign left to your keyboard and right to your joypad, so you can press them together. Reassign left to your joypad when L+R is not needed anymore.