Posts for Hina98

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comicalflop wrote:
-An absolute proven fastest time for 1 star, or a 0 star submission, so that the low% category for SM64 can be left alone and other categories focused on
Over and over it seems that absolute proven fastest times always seem to be outdone in time.
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Along the same vein as everyone else, pretty much. The run looks ten times cleaner. Keep up the good work.
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AKA wrote:
Fabian wrote:
blah blah blah a) read the submission text b) watch the actual run
1) I'll wait for the AVI, I don't know SDW well enough to be able to properly visualise the improvements mentioned "better this" "more optimized that" is hard to visualise unless the actual submission has been viewed beforehand. 2) Again I'll wait for the AVI, which is why I haven't voted.
I, too, am waiting for an AVI before casting my vote. Could someone with the ability to encode a run please do so? Or perhaps Bisqwit could post the avi he said he had already made.
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Just watched it, and while I can understand while some people might call this boring, it's a lot more entertaining than some others. The levels are very short, for one. Before I knew it I was watching level 15. While the slot machine sequences are sort of boring, I think that, due to the limited differences in time between a warp and warpless run there shouldn't be any distinction made between the two. That's usually reserved for stuff like the aLttP glitched run. That being said, it would probably be a better idea to include warps, imo. yes vote for now
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Does the trick have anything to do with the honking? It looks like you get a little bit of an extra boost. It seemed like you took the angle a little wide on the second or third lap when coming up to the pair of missile and boost balloons. Was this faster?
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Would someone mind encoding a run? I have tried and failed to patch roms so that they will work with playback =/
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stanski wrote:
Hina98 wrote:
shame SDA doesn't upload the stuff at any higher than 'normal' quality =/.
Uh, yes it does? don't get them through torrents. About him needing to retry a lot, the whole point of a speedrun is to fail a lot of times before getting it right, especially if the run is segmented. Like the example that has been oft cited, one guy over on the quake side of SDA spent 4 hours a day for 3 months optimizing one level. Over 80,000 attempts estimated (probably low). That is dedication that I don't think many people will ever have.
File details: 621 MB / 1.77 GB size (low / normal quality)
I'm aware that some files can be in very high qualities (I have the hl1 and hl2 runs in extreme). I was saying that it's a shame that didn't do the same for OoT.
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YautjaElder's run is extremely entertaining, imo. Despite the fact that it clocks in at over six hours long, seeing someone play through the entire game rather than speeding through it and just barely glimpsing the best parts is awesome shame SDA doesn't upload the stuff at any higher than 'normal' quality =/.
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I really enjoyed your first run, so it is exciting to see you continue with this. watching the run... edit: was the benihana close to the end of the first level faster than just turning around? Was this part of the speed vs. entertainment tradeoffs you were talking about?
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xenos wrote:
Does this look any better than the previous run even though it is a meagre 3.8 seconds better? That's not to say I will redo the run I was merely bored one day.
It looked much cleaner than your first version did. Was the 3.8 seconds primarily from gathering the golden balloons outside of the courses or was it from the first track? Also, I'm glad to see you using items. It adds some degree of entertainment to the run to see all those items used.
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I'll preface this post by saying that I haven't seen Genisto's run, and I don't know much of anything about the controversy surrounding it. It's a solid improvement to a run. The use of peach makes the gameplay noticeably different form a normal run. yes
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I am excited to see the final part of this excellent run. BELATED EDIT: Others say it better than I, so I'll make this short: Astonishing. I agree with AKA that this is should be considered to be a star run, for the same reasons he gives.
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Twelvepack wrote:
DrJones wrote:
Aims for speed when doesn't conflict with the first one (which is superfluous, as speed adds entertainment)
I wish this were true, even just this one time.
Watching three balls bounce around in seemingly random but actually highly coordinated order is extremely entertaining, imo. Use of the lazer upgrade would detract greatly from the entertainment of the run, especially if it were to be used repeatedly.
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DaShiznawz wrote:
I didn't say anything self pity like in that post. I honestly don't know how close it is to Comicalflop's (his run desychs for me) I guess I could check the frames. EDIT: oh I didn't see what you quoted.
I would really like to see you continue with your run, Dashiznawz. I enjoyed your original TAS, and I think that with time and experience you could be very good at TASing.
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These are really awesome.
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An excellent run. I think the restrictions made were reasonable and make the TAS more entertaining.
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Is the level of optimization being put into the Ceres Escape also being put into the rest of the run(s)? I have read the notes from other runs in the past, so I know that there already is a very high level of optimization in these runs, however the past several pages have been dominated with efforts and arguments on how to improve this very small segment by a number of frames that's in the single digits.
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Which is more important, generally, real time, or in-game time?
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Pweisger wrote:
To hell with that. Just BLJ through to the very end. Once inside the castle, BLJ past the locked door, past the star door, up the stairs and to the final bowser. Than just BLJ all the way to where you fight him. BAM! Game completed in like two minutes. Then will people stop believing it can be done faster. Oh, wait, no they won't. That never happens.
I believe that only part of the castle is loaded at a time.
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This is a clear improvement over the first version of the run, which appeared unoptimized at times. Much faster, new glitches, much more entertaining. yes
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Titus Kwok wrote:
his special move could be RAM watch
I lol'ed irl at this
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Halamantariel wrote:
Attention all Bioshock fans!
looks a lot like the injector for plasmids.
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Whether or not the run is published, there's going to be an improvement published within a few months. So should the run be published now, and obsoleted later, or not published at all? I am also reconsidering what I said about the run before. Perhaps it would be a good idea to publish it.
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I have a 7900 GS, AMD athlon 64x2, and 2 gigs of memory, and it runs pretty much perfectly at max graphic settings. While I have heard of the problems with installation, it's pretty easy to avoid them. The problems occur when you try to install the game on more than two (soon to be five with a patch) different systems, or if you format without uninstalling the game. It is a little short, but it really depends on what kind of play style you develop. If you choose to charge in and annihlate everyone with the shotgun and grenade launcher, then it is going to go by pretty fast. But if you take things slowly, taking in the atmosphere and listening to the recordings scattered about, it can take twice that long. The replay value is pretty high, too.
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I'd sort of been semi-following this game for a couple months after having read about its awesome E3 exhibition, but after the X06 demo and the big daddy trailers, I was hooked. I preordered the limited edition (which comes with the soundtrack, a making of dvd, and a big daddy figurine), and picked it up the day it came out. For those of you who don't know and are interested, the basic (ha) backstory of Bioshock is thus (no spoilers): Following the Great Depression, an industrialist named Andrew Ryan decided to create a capitalist utopia, a place where like-minded people could go to escape what he saw as the increasingly socialist american governmant policy. He built an underwater city, which he called Rapture. The place was home to thousands of people: musicians, actors, scientists, doctors, models, philosophers, politicians, and other industrialists called Rapture home. In explaining his choice to build the city on the ocean floor, he said "It was not impossible to build Rapture at the bottom of the ocean. It was impossible not to build Rapture at the bottom of the ocean." In the late fifties, however, there was a scientific breakthrough. A type of sea slug was discovered that exuded almost pure stem cells. A man named Fontaine invested in it early, and developed a monopoly on the substance, which came to be known as Adam. Using these stem cells, it became possible to alter the human body in amazing ways, curing diseases, healing the crippled, and, as was soon discovered, create weapons. On new years eve of 1959, escalating tensions in Rapture flooded over, and the city, once an imagined 'capitalist utopia', became a nightmare: a city at the bottom of the sea, leaking and falling quickly into disrepair. Very quickly, the transportation system into and out of Rapture, a series of bathyspheres, was shut down, stranding every inhabitant inside a claustrophobic prison. Basically. anyway, if anybody is still curious about the game there's a lot more to be said about it, and that information is easily found on wikipedia or the official bioshock website. I was wondering if anyone else had played the game here. It's been receiving near perfect scores in magazines, and I am here to attest that it's extremely fun, and one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had playing a game since Half-Life 2