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For a guy with no muscles, that skeleton can really move. I'll vote 'yes' too.
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If you can submit a movie that breaks a game more than a current published or submitted movie, please do. If robots, disassemblies, debuggers and RAM viewers are fair game, inside information like source code access is just another tool.
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Woo-hoo indeed.
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It'd be an interesting exercise to write a program to solve an arbitrary level. One could even go so far as to write a robot that poked/read values into/from RAM and solved the resulting level(s) in an infinite loop. Either way it wouldn't be good for anything more than a screensaver since a published AVI would be either in the petabyte range or unacceptably impure.
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Post subject: Request for Clarification: Concept Demos
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The "concept demo/other" category is in use but hasn't been defined, which has been causing a good deal of unproductive debate. The most recent iteration has been over Phil's SMB1 submission , which is currently at 7 pages. To avoid future debates and make sure everyone has a compatible understanding, it'd be helpful if Bisqwit would define his idea of what this category is for and what does and doesn't fall under it.
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Can you backtrack some to make the hyenas show up?
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xebra wrote:
Someone ask me how many times I watched this run today ...
How many times did you watch this run today?
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Some things don't change. You wouldn't want to read a book that old on OOP but it looks like it'd be a great resource if you wanted to get into x86 assembly. You'd want to stop once it got into the more DOS-specific areas, but by that time you'd certainly know enough to get you some basic hacking skills. If you want to learn about ROM hacking, you'd do better with a source specific to your system of choice's CPU.
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Any progress?
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Monkey see, monkey do.
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Pretty much what adelikat said. The game is a 'meh' but you kept it interesting enough with the flipping, glitching through the ceiling and excessive use of death as a shortcut.
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I think I wasn't clear in my intent. Hopefully the edit fixed that. I only changed the last sentence, for those playing along at home.
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It's hard to get bored in 60 seconds. Yes for you!
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Fair enough. I'll certainly want an explanation when someone votes meh for a movie I submit. I'll give this a good thorough critique later tonight when I get back from work. Hopefully my first impressions weren't too far off. Edit: I watched it several times and tried out some things that I thought would be faster, but they weren't. I guess the frequent speed changes make this movie look choppy and take away from the entertainment value, as close to optimal as they may have been. When I watched it the first time and voted, I considered this a borderline 'meh', but after looking at it more carefully I'd give it a 'yes' if I could change my vote.
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bkDJ wrote:
For hydrocity 1, are we absolutely sure going down into the water at the start and messing with the conveyers is faster than taking the upper route?
Unless there's a glitch that allows Knuckes to glide or move to the right faster than normal while falling, taking the upper route involves climbing up the wall.
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Please don't post a link to Google Videos without a GMV. If I wanted to give you feedback about this game, I probably wouldn't bother unless I could pause the movie and play a short sequence myself to see if I could improve it. Watching a streamed, blurry, non-interactive movie is fine for a disinterested viewer, but not for someone giving a careful critique. Edit: Reconsider taking damage. It shows more skill to use health as a resource and is much more entertaining.
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I know this is already accepted, but wouldn't it be possible to improve the first lava level by throwing the first block onto the lava, grabbing the second and jumping off the first to get more distance? I didn't look very carefully at the game, so I didn't see anything else.
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tmont wrote:
IdeaMagnate: The drops are fairly optimal. I spent many rerecords manipulating all the enemies to drop 5, as they hardly ever do so, except in rare cases. Manipulating a 10 out of certain enemies is impossible (or at least, extraordinarily improbable), as I had enough trouble manipulating 5s out of the enemies. Some enemies are more prone to drop a 5 or a 10, like the demolition guys in Downtown who always drop 5. Enemies in the Demon Stronghold are a lot more likely to drop a 5 or a 10. To do any better than I did would probably require a robot, which I am too stupid to figure out how to use. One thing that is improvable on this run is that when you need to get a drop, it's faster to get it from a demon than to watch the guy pray as he dies. I didn't realize that until I was pretty much done getting all the Spirit Points I needed, so I didn't really utilize this discovery. It wouldn't save that much the time, but it would be less time standing there waiting for the little doves to appear.
Fair enough. It looks like there's a little room for improvement with a bot, but it's small enough that it doesn't kill the movie for me. I'd like to see a bot-assisted run, but until then I'll give this a "yes".
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I like this, but I wonder if item drops could be manipulated better. The only place a 10-point drop appeared was fairly late in the game after you needed it. I did see more 5-point drops than I remember when I used to play, so maybe that was the best you could do without an unacceptable delay. Other than that, this was very entertaining for someone who spent many hours playing in his younger years. Demon manipulation to increase movement speed was very good (especially in that one gun room) and getting through the Demon Stronghold with half a heart was a nice touch.
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Such pages might prove mildly annoying to spammers, but I can't picture them making a dent. If the spammers are smart enough to find enough valid emails such that a profitable number of idiots respond, this certainly won't stop them. I absolutely have no love for spam, but it is necessary to recognize that a successful spammer must have a significant degree of technical competence, given the number of countermeasures that exist.
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Dustin, you can give the file any name you want once it's uploaded to Microstorage. Microstorage gives you the file based on the number in the URL, not the name. will still give you the same file, although it won't be as clear what it is. Upth: I'll have to look more closely at this. From the values I found in memory, it appeared that the speed increased by 4 (probably 4px/frame) every 1770-1793 frames, with the interval being fixed for each bonus stage. edit: Here are the values I found, although they may not be valuable (har) without a memory viewer. e423 special state x-major e422 special state x-minor e425 special state y-major e424 special state y-minor e433 special state z-status e429 special state speed
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After looking at dozen threads in the SNES and NES games forum, I agree with Nitsuja. Most of what BoMF posted was on-topic and helpful. I'm getting the impression that most people's views of his posts (including mine) are skewed.
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I've tested this, and it seems like the increase in speed in the bonus stages happenes at a fixed interval after you start moving. I tried running in circles and watching my speed in memory, and it always increased at the same time as the WIP, with a few frames of error (<6) probably from lag and/or being in the middle of a turn when the speed would have increased. It's not exactly an optimization, although it's possible that turning earlier or later could result in a minor speed increase, if it you ensure that you're not turning at the wrong time.
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The Fabian wrote:
Overall I don't really get what a concept demo is at this site.
I think it means that the movie has one major interesting feature. For example, the only reason the Monopoly movie is fun to watch is because of the extremely unlikely manipulation involved. A normal movie features more general creativity such as route planning, item usage optimization and creative discovery and exploitation of glitches. Whatever the answer is should probably go in the FAQ somewhere.
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I've been working under the assumption that the controllers go 1, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2, 2b, 2c, 2d. The way I intuit things is pretty closely tied to the code I've looked at and written, so my intuition is wierd. I can see how your order makes more sense from the perspective of a user. I updated the wiki.
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