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LagDotCom wrote:
Warp wrote:
may degrade
Ugh, how can you even hope to try and guess this?
Are you fucking kidding me? You don't think that twitching, shaking, and constantly fiddling around with the color and perspective of an image is annoying for 99% of viewers, as well as causing siezures for a select few? You realize that television providers have laws about this, and music videos or scenes with too much flashing have to be re-done? I guess they're being a bunch of presumptuous fucks according to you too, right? Even in the SDA run I keep on referring to as my favorite, the 120 star Mario 64 run, there were instances where the author kept on flickering with the camera angle, and it annoyed the shit out of me. I don't see how this can be reasonably argued. It's belligerent and irritating for the vast majority of viewers. While I don't agree with everything Warp says, he's absolutely correct about this, and I wish this was something SDA cared more about.
LagDotCom wrote:
Then don't watch THOSE speedruns
Riiiight....because all such SDA videos come with a disclaimer that there's a great deal of flashing images and other visual annoyance in them? Oh, wait... Idiot.
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Dr. Web is excellent. So is Zone Alarm. There are a few others I have installed right now, but they're Russian, and I don't have the font for that, so it appears as a mass of question marks.
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I can go to sleep happy now, knowing what the weird Brazilian with an avatar of a boy eating his snot looks like in real life.
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I really liked both of Bisqwit's runs, but this is even better. Yes vote.
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superjupi wrote:
IronSlayer wrote:
6. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo A game I still play occasionally, and attempt to improve at. The AI here is no joke, however, unlike most Street Fighter titles.
The anniversary edition AI is even more formidable, to a downright laughable degree. My very first match against the computer was against Zangief, who jumped straight into round one with a Banish Fist tick into Spinning Pile Driver.
Zangief is always a rough AI match-up for me since Dictator (Bison) is my go-to character. Of course, he's a piece of cake against Claw, any character with a projectile, etc. Then again, I'm always reminded of these two videos; (Geif insanity starts around 2:22)
superjupi wrote:
Even at that, I used the stupidly overpowered Turbo characters as a crutch to do so.
I haven't played a lot of Anniversary Edition, but I would assume that Championship Edition Bison is the most absurdly overpowered character there, with CE Guile being another powerhouse. If I had to construct tiers, those two along with Old Sagat, ST Sim, and ST Boxer would be the five top characters.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote: Like one of the comments says, "haha they actualy thought they stood a chance against dragonforce XD"
What are you talking about? Rolly is mediocre, which is obvious considering he's a Japanese celebrity who used to be in a glam rock band, and not an upper-echelon guitarist, Totman is decent but nothing special, and while they're both very good, Marty Friedman > Herman Li. Frankly, not even Friedman is among the top 75 guitarists alive today, though.
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
And... hahah... what a moron:
I love this video. Thanks for posting it. Focus Al Bundy makes Fun of Fat Women
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1. Super Double Dragons When I was a kid, none of my friends or I could even get through half the game. Now, my playing level is so high, that I can beat the game while losing only one life. (Out of fifteen total) 2. Donkey Kong Country I can speed run through the game in under an hour, and when I was eight, finished second in my region among hundreds of participants in the Blockbuster Video Game Championships for DKC. 3. Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo I can beat the game on Hard with Chun-Li (worst default selectable character) without even coming close to a loss. Against human players, my speed and planning give me a better than 90% win percentage. There's only two people I've ever played (including Kaillera) who could score better than 50% against me. (And not by much) 4. Killer Instinct I probably spent more time on this than any other fighter, and it really paid off; at my best, I could beat the game on the highest difficulty without using up a continue, and punish my friends with non-stop Ultra combos and combo breakers. 5. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 I think my execution, planning, and strategy in this game is nearly flawless, not a single human I've played could manage better than 25% wins against me in random scenarios, and queen difficulty is too easy on ANY scenario or campaign mission. (And so is King difficulty on a lot of them) Then again, the game isn't that complex. 6. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo A game I still play occasionally, and attempt to improve at. The AI here is no joke, however, unlike most Street Fighter titles. 7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters For some reason, this was the most popular fighter among my friends while growing up. Another game I can beat on the highest difficulty without using up a continue. 8. TMNT 4: Turtles in Time Great beat em'up. I came real close to beating it without using a continue, but couldn't quite manage. Super Shredder is just too much of a badass. 9. King's Bounty When I was a little kid, I played this game to learn English better. On Impossible mode (given 200 days to win), I can defeat every villain and find the scepter in under 30 days with good luck, and a little over 100 days with HORRIBLE luck. 10. Castlevania I can beat the game with a loss of one life. Not great, but it's probably the only truly difficult game on my list. Edit FODA, how good are you at King of Dragons? I love that game, and consider it a great, forgotten, arcade classic. I can beat it in only two continues with the Wizard, but I have no clue whether that's good or not, especially considering how powerful he becomes on later levels.
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Incredible. A significant improvement to not only one of my favorite TAS's on the site, but a run I had considered extremely close to absolute perfection. Yes vote for publication as well as a star.
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Yes vote. I thought the original walk was very entertaining and well-played, and this is even better. Ultimately, TAS's are simply entertainment, and while this might only work for Mario, this is a very fun little movie.
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I rated the last run a 9/10. This might be a 10/10. Redundant yes vote.
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zidanax wrote:
A shot in the dark here: Was it an RPG? If it was, then maybe it was Inindo: Way of the Ninja?
That game looks surprisingly cool, like a more advanced version of the old DOS adventure games I enjoyed in my childhood, but again, it's not what I had in mind. If I had to assign a date to it, it would probably be an SNES game that came out in either 1994 or 1995. It's funny; I had virtually no hope that anyone could answer my first request, while I thought the second one was a softball. Funny how it's been the exact opposite.
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Aqfaq wrote:
IronSlayer wrote: control a group of three or four...
...very miniature pixels...
...running around on the snow, fighting enemies.
Cannon Fodder: ?
I love Cannon Fodder, but no, it's not the game I'm talking about. After all, it's a group of three or four ninjas, fighting with swords and shurikens. Not a bunch of soldiers fighting with guns, bazookas, and grenades. Plus, the graphics aren't quite that small.
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Here's another game I enjoyed but can't remember the name of; It's an SNES title where you control a group of three or four ninjas, who have very miniature pixels, reminding me strongly of the later Little Fighter 2. In one of the levels, they're running around on the snow, fighting enemies.
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FODA wrote:
Yesterday I played it competitively with 3 friends. We kinda went for pit as the best character for us. Maybe because we're noobs and flying is better than hitting in this situation, but pit always won. We're joining a championship which will probably be 4 players free for all on the first round and then 1v1 on the later rounds.
When I first read this post, I didn't think much of it. Then, I realized FODA lives in the most blessed place on Earth, Rio. At the risk of slightly derailing the topic, I have to follow up on this a bit; there are Brawl tournaments in Rio?? Do a lot of people come? Does everyone hang out at the beautiful beaches afterward? Is the gaming "culture" and people who go to tournaments different from the States? Somehow, I can't reconcile that in the land of BJJ, tremendous gang violence, insane drug trafficking, beautiful beaches, rich hotels, and gorgeous women, there also exist Brawl tournaments. I guess Rio is a microcosm of everything on Earth.
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moozooh wrote:
I completely agree with you. I just had to exaggerate and hyperbolize the argument a bit to get someone as dull-witted as superjupi to (hopefully) comprehend it. I mentioned the reasons for what you listed in my first post in the topic. Personally, while it's more boring for me as a viewer, I understand the situation, and feel that it is indeed unrealistic and overly demanding for every SDA speedrunner to adhere to such a system. Doing a quality real time speed run is already taxing enough. Of course, like I said, it's ultimately about the entertainment. Which is why I enjoy this site more.
ShadowWraith wrote:
Also IronSlayer, Boco has a point because Warp also wrote about the skipping/ruining of cutscenes by the runners instead of leaving them in for people to watch. Though I don't know why she went on a tangent about game developers localisation rather than SDAs rules regarding cutscenes, there's no need to flame her about something that there's no need to be flaming her about. :)
Are you confusing me with Twelvepack? I didn't flame her, just mentioned that it seemed off-topic, and then offered a far lengthier focus about the causes for the issues Warp raised. Of course, then a debil like superjupi had to jump into the mix. To superjupi: Boco is far more intelligent and articulate than you. I'm sure that if she wishes to respond, she'll do so. You're not her Public Internet Defender.
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superjupi wrote:
1) Boco did not stray off topic, because every point she made was made in relevance to Warp's opening post. Unless you chose to completely skip over the part where he attacks PC game graphical settings, but that's your own fault. Twelvepack is the one who strayed off topic to attack her unjustifiably.
I suggest you learn to read slowly and carefully, as you seem to get confused very easily, and don't understand what people are arguing. It's okay. I'll try to make it as simple as possible for you, like I'm talking to a five year-old, which, let's face it, I probably am; Warp made an interesting post about the general lack of side-entertainment in SDA runs, and one issue he mentioned was the low graphic power on computers running newer games. Methinks that's an issue related to motion-capture, (as ShadowWraith correctly pointed out) and playing on older computers, not the philosophical difference between Japanese and Western game designers. And don't use the moronic excuse that it has to do with the available amount of entertainment, as game choice is a completely SEPARATE topic, and presumably has nothing to do with Warp's position at all. Hell, I mentioned how the 120 star Mario 64 run, one of my favorites on SDA, had very little side-entertainment in waited segments, and the reason why. Is that also because of those goddamn Western developers? As for the ridiculous argument about disposable income for electronics, that's another red herring, because it's nothing more than an excuse. I can play the same game; "HEY GUYS!!! THIS SPEEDRUNNER CAN ONLY RECORD HIS RUNS BY SHOOTING IT ON A SHITTY, MID 90's CAMERA!!! LET'S NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HIM BECAUSE HE'S POOR, AND ACCEPT THE RUN ANYWAYS!!!!" I don't give a fuck. I want to be entertained. Make an effort to get a computer that can do the graphics of a game justice, because I agree with Warp; some of the SDA runs are so goddamn dark and graphically lifeless, I can't see what the fuck is going on most of the time. Now, stop trolling if you can't even bothered to read and understand what the hell people are saying.
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I'm not really sure what the hell Western developers or lack of disposable income towards electronics has to do with this question at all. Way to stray off-topic, Boco. Focus The lack of entertainment in parts of non-TAS runs makes sense to me. Trying to pull off a relatively error-free, real-time run is extremely demanding and draining. Naturally, players want to "rest" during certain segments, and mentally prepare for the next part. Furthermore, by making certain segments entertaining, they're "risking" their run, increasing the probability that they screw up, and lose time. The 120 star Mario 64 run on SDA is a decent example; the guy tried to do something a little entertaining while getting on a platform for the 62nd star, and in the process, made a silly mistake costing himself over 30 seconds of time. Thus, it's understandable, and one reason why I generally enjoy TAS runs a little more, although I watch both.
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Twelvepack- Hilarious video. I'm going to have to check that show out. Focus Starts at about 0:30 in. The Coolest Damn Trailer of All Time....MACHETE!!! (Not Safe for Work)
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Nothing TAS-related, but
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FODA wrote:
I'm curious as to what you think are "annoying problems". I can't seem to think of any.
It's been a few years since I played it, but the cheapness of some of the later levels and bosses was absurd. They weren't coded with particularly good AI, or weren't grouped together in a tough, interesting manner, they just had ridiculous priority than one's character. I also think a lot of the neat tricks and level design was wasted very early on in the game, and the later stuff was made in a rush, resulting in a more boring, straightforward conclusion. Overall, it was a decent game; I love that it had a Mike Tyson character, a Hulk Hogan character, a Zangief character, a standard American kickboxer character, and all the ridiculous bosses. However, it wasn't particularly innovative or incredible; again, if you want, I could list a few dozen better beat em' ups, one of my favorite game genres.
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FODA wrote:
You're searching for Konami's Vendetta (A.K.A Crime Fighters 2). We need to get together and play it some day. That game kicks ass, definitely one of my favorite beat em ups of all time. You have chains, baseball bats, bricks, buckets and even shotguns! And there are enemy dobbermans, not to mention that the graphics are very good (and you get to kick enemies that are on the ground, which rox). I love the urban/industrial scenery. I think this game has more style and "beat everybody up" feel than most beat em ups out there, especially using four players. PS.: The japanese version is uncensored.
Like I said in the post before yours, it was a decent game, but it had some annoying problems, and I could literally name DOZENS of side-scrolling beat'em ups that were LIGHT YEARS ahead of Vendetta. Seriously dude, if I wanted to play a cool old-school beat'em up with a friend, Vendetta wouldn't be among the first 40 games that came to mind.
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Mechuyael wrote:
@IronSlayer - Could it be Mega Lo Mania? I don't remember if it had a PC version (wiki says it did). It sounds kind of close to what you're talking about.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! That's exactly it. Truncated- The game you're describing is called Vendetta. Decent side-scrolling beat-em' up, but I've played literally dozens of titles from that era that are better.
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This is a huge long shot, but I'm looking for the name of a very old computer game, which I used to play on 5.25" inch floppy disk. It was a game similar to Civilization or Dune; build up an army and base, and defeat your enemies. The graphics were incredibly good for the time, you had one of four different Houses to choose from (each symbolized by a different color), and your weapons ranged from an introductory slingshot to airplane bombers to nuclear warheads.
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