Posts for IronSlayer

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This is one of the best NES speedruns I've ever seen. Easy yes vote.
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Maj wrote:
When SSF2 was released in the arcades, it absolutely devastated the SF community. It was much slower than HF, the new characters were useless, nearly all of the old characters played the exact same way, and it brought no gameplay changes to the table.
Wasn't Dee-Jay mid-tier or even high mid-tier in SSF2? Obviously, T-Hawk, Fei-Long, and Cammy are arguably the three worst characters in the entire game. Saturn- To someone who has casually played the Street Fighter series, both of your speedruns look amazing. However, there's a giant community for SF and fighters in general (SRK), with thousands of people who have played the franchise for 15+ years, and know the priorities and frame rates for every character, as well the standard combos, charge partitioning, kara-canceling, etc, etc. Within that, there are people who spend time making combo videos, and investigating every single possibility for pulling them off. Basically, after watching a number of these, and comparing your speedrun to that standard, your Ken video isn't great. Perhaps it's simply the choice of game and console. Perhaps it's the idea of playing against a CPU, which limits your options. But without question, it can be significantly improved, as Maj (who knows infinitely more about this than I) has already mentioned.
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Saturn wrote:
The guy obviously has no clue what he's talking about. To refresh your mind, this is the original SNES version of SSF2, not any of the modified copies that were released later, which allowed for more combo possibilities. I used all possible combos in this version and still tried to be entertaining as much as possible. Zangief is probably the better fighter for this, as he has more variety to offer in both, throws and general combos. I think Maj noticed it well.
Not only are you deeply ignorant, but you pad it with a healthy dose of arrogance. Yeah, I'm well aware what you were playing, condescending bullshit aside. Like any of the tens of thousands of people that read and post on SRK, I've played all the versions of Street Fighter 2 (including Rainbow!), and I've had Super Street Fighter 2 on my SNES since I was eight years old. Based purely on your silly posts in this topic, I'm not even sure you know more about the game than I do. I certainly agree that the Zangief playthrough was much better, but that's only because I saw absolutely nothing interesting or amazing in the Ken video whatsoever. Jump-in kick, c. mk, + hadouken? WOW, that's an original combo. And like Maj noted, the Dragon Punch is an absolute monster, with insane priority, higher number of invincibility frames, range, and the ability to be linked to numerous combos. It would be impressive if done in real life, but with a programmable pad? Please. Save your grandstanding for someone who doesn't know a thing about the SF2 franchise. You're not fooling anyone here.
Saturn wrote:
Other than that I want to say that I have watched your Guile video, Maj. Too bad most of the combos (I think there were some infinite ones as well) are not possible on the original SNES version as mentioned before. Still, I enjoyed this movie alot. If you plan on doing some more of such demos with other characters someday, I would definitely look forward to see them as well.
Well, perhaps that tells you that a Ken playthrough on the SSF2 on the SNES simply isn't exciting for anyone with interest and knowledge of SF2. I don't know, just a thought.
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I post on and read SRK regularly, so it's awesome to have the great Maj, creator of one of the most amazing combo videos ever, posting here. I agree that the two Super Street Fighter 2 videos on this site are very unimpressive for anyone who knows much about Street Fighter, or watches combo videos/top player matches. This is largely because of the format itself. I think a combo exhibition for this site would be an excellent idea.
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Personally, I found this run amazing. Done by a human, the fastest anyone can do a 100% run is something like 135 minutes, so just under 47 minutes is astounding, especially considering that this is the longest Castlevania in existence, outside of possibly Portrait of Ruin. Voted yes.
arkiandruski wrote:
Man, I would so like to see a run that doesn't use the DSS glitch. That takes out an immediate warp to Dracula, and means the TASer can manipulate card drops, which I know from playing take forever. Also boss fights will be more interesting because it won't be just using skeleton all the time.
Eh, I don't know. The DSS glitch is very well-known and very easy to execute even without an emulator. It's almost a fundamental part of the game for experienced Circle of the Moon players.
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I love seeing such old-school classics getting obliterated at faster and faster speeds. Obvious yes vote.
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I'm hard to control like the jeeps in Halo
Call me if your skill level ever levels up to this shit
So I tell her she looks sluttier than Christie from Tekken
It's important that you're sportin' killer instincts like Orchid
*Large portions of the "Dear Kitana" song*
Any references I missed there? Focus The music is not my style, but quite good for an amateur production. The lyrics seem contrived in parts; more of what you believe a tough rapper would say in a situation than your genuine, honest reaction.
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I would just like to mention that this is one of my ten favorite runs on the entire site. I would definitely give it a star.
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I think it was really awesome of Bisqwit to publish this run even though he didn't like a certain aspect of it.
FODA wrote:
I've read that the girl is Persephone, the bald man in purple robe is Hades, the heroes that are ressurected by Zeus are "probably" Theseus and Perseus, and they have to kill many Cerberus on the way inside hell to rescue Persephone (Zeus daughter).
You certain?
Wikipedia wrote:
Altered Beast is a platform/fighting game that puts the player in control of a centurion who had died in battle. The centurion has been raised from the dead to rescue Zeus' daughter, Athena.
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This is unbelievable; a significant improvement (13.6+ seconds) of an already heavily analyzed and very popular game which obsoletes the spectacular and extremely optimized previous submission. Obvious yes vote. Obvious star.
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Chef Stef wrote:
To me this game looks boring and/or bad. I tried to express that I've never played (or even heard of) the game before,
FractalFusion wrote:
I don't know how this game is revolutionary. This game looks like a laughingstock. Perhaps it's because I never saw this game before three days ago.
notBowen wrote:
Altered Beast is remembered by many, for sure, but as an overhyped piece of trash.
Tombad wrote:
I still the game sucks horribly and I've never actually understood why it became such a cult classic.
Wow, just wow. I don't know if these opinions are more related to "Altered Beast" not aging particularly well, or a number of people not enjoying it even upon release in 1988, but I'm very surprised. Speaking with the people who were gamers back in 1988, or actually owned and played a Genesis, "Altered Beast" is uttered in the same breath as "Pacman", "Super Mario Brothers", or any number of other revolutionary classics. Keep in mind; there wasn't an entire library of beat em' ups and fighters in 1988. In fact, I would even argue that "Altered Beast" was one of the games that helped create the supply for this. Obviously, by present day standards, "Altered Beast" too short, linear, and one-dimensional, but much like "Pong" back in the 70's or Atari 2600 in the early 80's, the game was something awesome and unique at the time it was released. Anyways, enough of this slightly off-topic divergence; for some reason, I thought speedrunners were these game maniacs who have heard of every single title under the sun in Japan and the US.
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Most people are fine with the couple seconds of the run that is under discussion. A few people, including a homophobe who's afraid people will be turned gay by the clip (Phil), are against it. What's the problem then? Some people are also against utilizing any glitches in speedruns, but the overwhelming majority are in support of it, and hence it's a part of the site. I feel it's important to reiterate what exactly is going on here; FODA didn't splice National Geographic clips of wild bears mating with the speedrun, but used the same input available to anyone playing the game to create a scene only an adult would even understand the meaning behind. Obviously, Bisqwit owns the site, and can do whatever he wants, but as an avid viewer and fan of these videos, I would be disappointed if the run wasn't published.
Chef Stef wrote:
This seems like either a really boring or really bad game
You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME....this is like someone saying that "Space Invaders", "Galaga", and "Pacman" are "really boring, really bad games". "Altered Beast" is one of the most influential, famous, revolutionary games ever made, and as well-considered by 20-somethings as "Super Mario Brothers".
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And here I thought Vectorman was one of the most famous games of the entire 90's...
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God forbid that a speedrun contain a four second clip of two animated bears moving in a manner loosely resembling a natural sex act prominently featured in National Geographic school videos. After all, in the extremely unlikely but possibly nonzero chance that a 6 year old who knows nothing of sex and has never owned a dog, but browses Internet speedruns and knows how to use bittorrent, happens to see and somehow understand what it means....HE COULD END UP "INFECTED" BY THE GAYNESS!!!! What kind of despicable monsters are you people?!?! Those back and forth, grainy, random pixels will be the ruin and destruction of that poor kid's life!! Screw the fact that no one can prove that anyone younger than 14 visits these forums, or the assumption that they would be so offended that they would either be turned gay, or never visit the site again. We must THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
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As someone who has played and enjoyed this game, I was amazed at how quickly you got through those caverns, making it look almost Marioesque, a very difficult task with that stage. Easy yes vote.
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At the end of the day, this site's purpose is entertainment, and this video showed off a completely different dimension of the game than the previous published runs. I voted yes.
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Once again, speaking of possible HoD runs, a non-warped Maxim run would be awesome; a ninja armed with a sword and shuriken who spins in mid-air in a Castlevania game?! Yes please.
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Personally, I think that the submitted run showed off enough neat tactics to make a full-length, non-glitched Juste run look fairly repetitive by contrast, especially considering the lack of weapons and magic abilities found in HoD compared to AoS, making the above comparison suspect at best. (And I think HoD is an awesome game) With that being said, I'd love to see a non-glitched Maxim run, as that would look a lot different from the present one, while still being very entertaining with Max's unique move set. Oh yeah, and if I could vote, it would obviously be a yes.
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If I could vote, it would be a definite yes. In terms of visuals and in-game physics, this is a suprisingly entertaining run.
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Aqfaq wrote:
Sounds interesting, IronSlayer. Good luck with it! So are you going for 100% items/treasures/kills? Or 100% kills only?
If I were to do it, it would be 100% contract villains killed and all artifacts found, completely clearing up the puzzle.
In any case, you may want to draw the optimal route on the map, then decide what items you want in what locations, right? Then just manipulate as many of those items there as possible. RAM watch will be useful, but a bot would be the true blessing here.
Yeah, essentially. It might also incorporate the locations of towns and castles to visit, so one can use Town or Castle gate to reach them after amassing an army on the fourth continent. There also has to be some consideration for the army one needs to buy from the main castle, since beating the main villain usually takes two tries. One would probably have to manipulate the names of the weeks also; no dragon, demon, or vampire weeks until one buys them out, and then, only such week(s) if one has enough money to buy the monsters.
IronSlayer wrote:
What do you need the maps for?
Yeah, adelikat is right; maps of the next continents. At any rate, it will be an interesting game for me to try, but I don't have any significant expectations about the result, since I've never done a TAS before, have an awful lot to read and learn about it, and the amount of luck manipulation and route optimization in this game seems almost exponential when considered together.
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Nitrodon wrote:
The only way to manipulate luck in this game is to change the number of times the RNG is used. Whenever Gaia opens her mouth, the RNG is used once. The result is a perfectly manipulated Sand Fanger battle. (Also, he didn't save when he talked to Gaia.) the only way to make sure the Sand Fanger uses the spawning attack twice in a row is to manipulate the RNG by speaking with Gaia? There isn't any other way to do it?
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moozooh wrote:
Wow, if that's true, that'd be one hell of a TAS. Go for it!
A lot of it would simply be the same type of luck manipulation the author of the ten second TAS used, except applied dozens of times to the contents of chests, spells in town, and at least one monster group. The most difficult part would unquestionably be optimizing the battles themselves, and related to that, deciding how to partition chests between leadership and gold (and how many to take) for maximum efficiency in combat. Similarly, one needs to decide if any spells aside from Castle or Town Gate are worth getting, and if so, which ones, how many, and at what interval in the promotions granted to one by the King. I'm also not sure how entertaining it would be for anyone who hasn't played the game, which, judging by the posts in the topic, is nearly everyone. On an unrelated note, it's neat to see how international this community is; your location happens to be my birthplace and hometown.
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I hate to resurrect the dead, but "King's Bounty" for the PC was the first videogame I seriously played, and to this day, one of my favorite titles of all time.
moozooh wrote:
I believe that with heavy luck manipulation it can be done in under 1.5 hours.
It's far shorter than that. I beat it in about 45 minutes straight up. With severe luck manipulation (get a wandering monster to join you with flying, get maps very early on in the levels), it can likely be completed in ten minutes or less. It also requires relatively little planning, other than a route for picking up the chests in the most efficient manner, for the purpose of buying up an army of dragons. Hell, once finals are over, and if I'm inclined enough to read through the posts on TAS'ing, I might even give it a try myself.
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Another question; why did you save during the Great Wall?
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